GFS :: Volume #15

#1442: Transfer

Chapter 1456 第1456章 Transfer 调任 Gabrielle mood that a round of Ainley sells joyful ate three bowls of brown sugar small dumplings again, finished up home sale center that finally leaves. 一发安利卖出去的加布里埃尔心情愉悦的再次吃了三碗红糖小圆子,完事终于离开的售楼中心。 Walks slowly, Mr. Unda.” Delivers to the entrance Gabrielle in Manager, then said goodbye with a smile. “慢走,伊恩达先生。”于经理把加布里埃尔送到门口,然后笑着道别。 Next time will see.” Gabrielle nods. “下次见。”加布里埃尔点头。 Good.” Nods in Manager, complained at heart crazily: Next time do not see, is easy to frighten the heart disease.” “好的。”于经理点头,心里却疯狂吐槽:“下次还是别见了,容易吓出心脏病。” It is not, Gabrielle's appetite shocked really in Manager, he this meets these things that the time eat this afternoon, he must eat three talent lines. 可不是,加布里埃尔的食量着实是震惊了于经理,就他今天下午这一会功夫吃的那些东西,他得吃三天才行。 Does in Manager felt this Miche­lin 3-Star comments is not cooking, but is the appetite, how this person can eat. 搞得于经理都觉得这米其林三星评的不是厨艺而是胃口,要不这人怎么能这么能吃。 The most important thing is seems very thin, looks at the Gabrielle's standard stature of going far away in Manager, looked down own middle-aged stomach intestinal fat again, could not bear the whisper: This feared that was eats the different dimension.” 最重要的是看起来还很瘦,于经理看着远去的加布里埃尔标准的身材,再低头看了看自己的中年肚腩,忍不住嘀咕:“这怕是吃到异次元去了。” Has such doubts, went to continue to work in Manager. 带着这样的疑惑,于经理进去继续工作去了。 Pitiful he does not know, Gabe Ell to be maintained the good stature by oneself, every day maintains four hours of amount of exercise. 可怜的他不知道,加布埃尔为了让自己保持良好身材,每天保持四个小时的运动量。 Refreshing Gabrielle continued to start his journey of looking for food, what after all this just a moment ago ate was the dessert, but arrives at the meals and snacks now, should has the dinner. 神清气爽的加布里埃尔则继续开始了自己的觅食之旅,毕竟这刚刚吃的是点心,但现在又到饭点了,应该是吃晚餐了。 On this day can be said as is very satisfied, the Yuan Zhou's dessert will be very successful, Gabrielle also found right reason in China. 这一天可以说是过的很满足,袁州的点心会很成功,加布里埃尔也找到了正当驻留华夏的理由。 And temporarily has not needed to work, because the delicious food City Hotel has not started to do business, but the dwelling soon had. 并且暂时还不需要工作,因为美食城酒店还未开始营业,但住处却快要有了。 Because Gabrielle the villa that refuses Wu Yungui to provide, then chose distance Tao Xi Road to be recent, or from a Yuan Zhou small shop recent three-bedroom apartment apartment. 因为加布里埃尔拒绝了吴云贵提供的别墅,转而选择了一栋距离桃溪路最近,或者说距离袁州小店最近的一间三室一厅公寓。 Gives the euphemistic name to work selection convenience. 美其名曰为了工作取材方便。 First fixes close to Tao Xi Road that piece, how long Gabrielle to can live in the room to go directly, does not use hotel Tao Xi Road ran back and forth. 靠近桃溪路的那一片是最先修好的,是以不过多久加布里埃尔就可以直接住自己房间去了,都不用酒店桃溪路的来回跑了。 Gabrielle has changed the hotel, but nearby Tao Xi Road also really has no hotel, the hotel that changes most newly walks from Tao Xi Road takes 20 minutes. 加布里埃尔是早就换了酒店了,但桃溪路附近还真没什么酒店,就连最新换的酒店距离桃溪路走路都需要二十分钟。 However after waiting for the apartment, takes five minutes to arrive in the Yuan Zhou small shop front door by Gabrielle's foot journey Zhi. 不过等住上公寓后,以加布里埃尔的脚程只需要五分钟就能抵达袁州小店大门。 Naturally, Yuan Zhou stays in the Wu Yungui delicious food City Hotel regarding some people because of him and Chu Xiao, when main chef this matter naturally does not know, after the dessert can terminate , after he practices cooking, rare early slept. 当然,袁州对于有人因为他和楚枭而留在吴云贵美食城酒店当主厨这事自然是不知道的,点心会完结后他练习厨艺后,难得早早的睡觉去了。 Yin Ya will not look for Yuan Zhou at this time, because Yin Ya knows that the Yuan Zhou's daily schedule, had the opportunity to rest the meeting rarely much, she was naturally glad. 殷雅都不会在这时候来找袁州,因为殷雅太知道袁州的作息时间了,难得有机会多睡会,她自然是乐意的。 Yuan Zhou that sleeps rarely satisfactory gets out of bed, washes to trade the clothes preparation to go out jogs, but jogs the first time saw an unexpected person in the entrance. 难得美美睡了一觉的袁州一起床,洗漱完换好衣服准备出门跑步,但跑步才第一圈的时候就在门口看到了一个意想不到的人。 This person missed Chu Xiao of dessert meeting. 这人就是错过了点心会的楚枭 Chu Xiao puts on a handwork custom-made blue white slanting stripe the western-style clothes, on foot white leather shoes, hair meticulous disorderly, seems like the feelings of some quite prodigal sons. 楚枭穿着一身手工定制的蓝白斜条纹的西服,脚上一双白色皮鞋,头发一丝不苟中略带凌乱,看起来颇有些浪子的感觉。 Chu Xiao both hands hold standing of chest in the Yuan Zhou small shop entrance, takes is depending on on the small shop signboard following pillar slantingly. 楚枭正双手抱胸的站在袁州小店门口,就拿着斜靠着小店招牌下面的柱子上。 Because of splendid appearance, but also periphery annoys to come to get up early doing grocery shopping aunt once for a while peeping. 因为出色的样貌,还惹来周围早起买菜大妈时不时的偷看。 Comes is so early.” Saying that the Yuan Zhou footsteps keep. “来这么早。”袁州脚步不停的说道。 Morning that the morning on the way coming, arrives.” Chu Xiao nods, clouds poor business conditions light saying. “顺路来的早,就到的早。”楚枭点头,云淡风轻的说道。 Breakfast also one -and-a-half hours start.” The Yuan Zhou reminder said. “早餐还有一个半小时开始。”袁州提醒道。 I know.” Chu Xiao nods. “我知道。”楚枭点头。 Un.” Yuan Zhou is saying, then runs slowly far. “嗯。”袁州说着,然后慢慢跑远。 But Chu Xiao has not moved, but looks at Yuan Zhou to run far, for a long time later low say/way: Does not know that I can also catch up with your progressive speed.” 楚枭则没有动,只是看着袁州跑远,许久之后才低低的道:“不知道我还能够追上你进步的速度。” Chu Xiao on cooking can feel that he goes a step further every time, Yuan Zhou will enter two steps, even sometimes is three steps, this makes Chu Xiao feel surprised at the same time was full of the working zeal, but sometimes also some indefinite mood. 厨艺楚枭能感觉到他每进一步,袁州就会进两步,甚至有时候是三步,这让楚枭感到惊讶的同时又充满了干劲,但有时候也有些不确定的心情。 Such mood will not continue fortunately for over five minutes, this not Chu Xiao already tidies up the mood, took big strides greatly left, will prepare one similarly again. 还好这样的心情不会持续超过五分钟,这不楚枭已经收拾好心情,大阔步离开了,准备一会差不多了再来。 Today what breakfast Yuan Zhou prepares is leaf Erba, a Sichuan province typical snack, and pale two color that prepares, white is the meat stuffing, what azure is the red kidney bean paste sweet taste stuffing. 早餐袁州今天准备的是叶儿粑,一种川省地道小吃,并且准备的青白二色的那种,白色为肉馅,青色的是红豆沙甜味馅。 A person can 0.2, but after finishing eating , the diners unanimously request this 0.4 enough to eat, after all this leaf Erba one is is very really small, only then girl half palm size. 一人可以点两只,不过吃完后食客们一致要求这得点四只才够吃,毕竟这叶儿粑一只是真的很小,只有女孩子半个手掌大小。 According to the Wu Hai words is: Such young he is disinclined to chew, dislikes the waste strength.” 乌海的话来说就是:“这么小一个他都懒得嚼,嫌浪费力气。” But eats Yuan Zhou small shop here, Wu Hai earnest chewing, otherwise could not eat the flavor not to have. 但在袁州小店这里吃,乌海还是认真咀嚼了的,不然根本吃不出味道就没了。 Naturally, Wu Hai also said such small leaf Erba, when his chewing ended also to digest, therefore he finished eating is hungry. 当然,乌海也说了这么小一块的叶儿粑,等他咀嚼完也就消化完了,所以他吃完就饿了。 Actually Chu Xiao very earnest finishing eating, because Chu Xiao comes too misses with Gabrielle early actually perfectly. 倒是楚枭很是认真的一口口的吃完了的,不过因为楚枭来的太早倒是和加布里埃尔完美错过。 Chu Xiao finished eating, Gabrielle placed end, although Chu Xiao conspicuity as always, but waited for Yuan Zhou small shop food the urgent mood to prevent Gabrielle's eyes, has not seen Chu Xiao already to pass by returning to homeland by him again. 楚枭吃完,加布里埃尔则排在末尾,虽然楚枭一如既往的显眼,但等待袁州小店食物的迫切心情阻止了加布里埃尔的眼睛,是以他并没有看见楚枭已经再次路过回国了。 Until noon time, Gabrielle saw Chu Xiao, among two people knows that nods greets even. 直到中午的时候,加布里埃尔就看见了楚枭,两人之间知道点了点头就算打了招呼。 In the shop of lunchtime the person who comes one only to come actually to give people one time the deep impression, this person is not others, is thanks Hao the couple. 午餐时间的店内来了一个只来过一次却给人深刻印象的人,这人不是别人,正是谢蒿夫妻俩。 Must say why thanks Hao gives people the deep impression, that must mention shop of abdomen black Mr. Wei ten big malignant tumors. 要说谢蒿为什么给人深刻印象,那就要说起店内的十大毒瘤之一的腹黑魏先生了。 Do not think that Mr. Wei was only the abdomen black thanks Hao, asks that the frequent guest in shop, Mr. Wei of killing without showing blood, who doesn't know? 不要觉得魏先生只是腹黑了谢蒿一人,问问店里的熟客,杀人不见血的魏先生,谁不知道? Previous time Mr. Wei elects specially when thanks Hao is settled the determination is transferred, does not bring maliciously to ask him to come Yuan Zhou small shop to have an entire fish feast, giving the euphemistic name sees off the feast. 上次魏先生特意选在谢蒿板上钉钉确定调任时,不带恶意的请他来袁州小店吃了一顿全鱼宴,美其名曰是送别宴。 But ate such bottom of the heart good delicacy thanks Hao, in guessing Mr. Wei the intention and tasted the entire fish feast delicacy in the suffering to pass a half year. 但吃了这样一顿心尖好美味的谢蒿,在猜测魏先生用意和回味全鱼宴美味的煎熬中度过了半年之久。 That taste is really beyond description, makes an analogy to look like the feeling that and other boots drop, but this another boots cannot fall, this makes wormwood really be inside the sleep mouth-watering tosses and turns. 那滋味真是难以形容,打个比喻来说就像是等另外一只靴子落下的感觉,但这另外一个靴子迟迟落不下来,这让谢蒿真是睡梦里边流口水边辗转反侧。 Then, this effect , only then the Yuan Zhou's craftsmanship can achieve. 说起来,这种效果,真的只有袁州的手艺能够达到。 Look thanks Hao has wife passing through the gate to say loudly: I am transferred to Chengdu today, coming an entire fish feast to celebrate, the reception gives a welcoming dinner not to have the problem to oneself.” 这不,谢蒿带着自己妻子一进门就大声道:“我今儿个调任回蓉城,来一顿全鱼宴庆祝庆祝,给自己接风洗尘没毛病吧。” Zhou Jia looks to Yuan Zhou, Yuan Zhou nods gently, the reception feast is also one of the banquet. 周佳看向袁州,袁州轻轻点头,接风宴也是宴席的一种。 Was said Zhou Jia of affirmation reply: Ok, entire fish feast special price 38880 /, the account transfer pays in cash.” 得到肯定回答的周佳才道:“可以,全鱼宴特价38880/份,请问转账还是付现。” Account transfer, already revolutions.” thanks Haomang said. “转账,已经转了。”谢蒿忙道。 Good, please wait a bit.” Zhou Jia confirmed that then nods to say. “好的,请稍等。”周佳确认了一下,然后点头道。 thanks Hao looked that a Zhou Jia meal went, is hanging at heart the heart starts to fall in the belly slowly, on the mouth actually cannot bear say: Damn Wei Zhima, when I went to the company to have you to feel better, harmed I tossed about for a long time to eat.” 谢蒿看周佳点餐去了,心里吊着的心慢慢开始落回肚子里,嘴上却忍不住道:“该死的魏芝麻,等我去了公司有你好过的,害的我折腾了这么久才吃到。” This air is the fish fragrance, really good.” thanks Hao cannot bear say. “这空气都是鱼香味的,真好。”谢蒿忍不住道。 You are greedy, but also is transferred specially, the house has not sold luckily.” The nearby thanks Hao wife, could not bear twist thanks Hao arm. “就你馋,还特意调任回来,幸好房子还没卖。”边上谢蒿的妻子,忍不住拧了谢蒿的胳膊一下。 „Don't you want to eat?” thanks Hao turns the head, calm saying. “你不想吃?”谢蒿转头,镇定的说道。 „......” Then thanks Hao the wife makes an effort twisted thanks Hao, said that the truth is to pay the grievous cost. “……”这下谢蒿的妻子更加用力的拧了谢蒿一下,说真话是要付出惨痛代价的。 ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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