GFS :: Volume #14

#1321: Complied to achieve

Chapter 1335 第1335章 Complied to achieve 答应了就要做到 But......” Cheng Ying hesitant looks at Yuan Zhou, the footsteps lifts wants to follow. “可是……”程璎犹豫的看着袁州,脚步抬起还是想跟上。 Obviously Cheng Ying is is not only worried about Yuan Zhou and is worried about Broth, but Broth does not want her to follow obviously. 显然程璎是既担心袁州又担心面汤,但显然面汤还是不愿意她跟着。 „, wāng wāng.” In the Broth sound filled the urging and anxiety. “呜,汪汪。”面汤的声音里充满了催促和焦急。 You stay here to look at the shop, all right.” The Yuan Zhou fruit blocks the way. “你留在这里看店,没事。”袁州果断道。 Teacher's teacher , if there is matter to call me, I will be the lots.” Cheng Ying said to Yuan Zhou and Broth back loudly. “师公要是有事一定要叫我,我还是会很多东西的。”程璎对着袁州面汤的背影大声说道。 Yuan Zhou has not turned head, but nods, then went out of the line of sight of Cheng Ying on the half step. 袁州没有回头,但还是点了点头,接着就快步走出了程璎的视线。 Quick that yes, Yuan Zhou and Broth walk, Broth is running in front, Yuan Zhou follows in behind with stride. 是的,袁州面汤都走的很快,面汤在前面跑着,袁州在后面大步跟上。 Starts also some people to see that Yuan Zhou and he greeted, but looked that his footsteps many people also made way in a hurry silently the road. 开始还有人看到袁州和他打招呼,但看他脚步匆匆许多人也就默默地让开了路。 This was also comes the punch- of Tao Xi Road, the tacit understanding of window-shopping. 这也算是来桃溪路的打卡,逛街的默契了。 That does not disturb Yuan Zhou. 那就是不打扰袁州 However quick, a person of dog went out of lively Tao Xi Road, arrived at the Tao Xi Road crossroad, close to the position of back lane. 不过很快,一人一狗就走出了热闹的桃溪路,来到了桃溪路的路口,靠近后巷的位置。 Because here is piles up the trash the place, usually besides throwing the trash or picks the person who the trash as well as cleans naturally is no one comes, now naturally no one. 因为这里是堆放垃圾的地方,平时除了扔垃圾或者捡垃圾以及打扫的人以外自然是没有人过来的,现在自然还是没人来。 But the rice actually lies there, the first time is Yuan Zhou position that discovers Broth. 但米饭却趴在那里,就是袁州第一次发现面汤的位置。 The body of rice entire earth yellow lies there horizontally, the head buries under own former claw, until hearing the sound of footsteps raised the head. 米饭整个土黄色的身子都横趴在那里,脑袋埋在自己的前爪下方,直到听到脚步声才抬起头。 On that usually seemingly silly angry face has pitiful not to handle, in wet black eyes also reveals the sad feeling. 那平常看起来傻乎乎的狗脸上带着可怜个无措,湿漉漉的黑眼睛里也流露出悲伤的感觉。 But Broth also runs fast, arched the chin of rice with the head, then two dogs are standing abreast in row, then looks at Yuan Zhou. 面汤也快速跑过去,用脑袋拱了拱米饭的下巴,然后两只狗就那么并排站着,然后看着袁州 How this was.” The Yuan Zhou brow wrinkles, makes noise to ask. “这是怎么了。”袁州眉头皱起,出声问道。 wāng wāng.” Broth cried out two, then made way with the rice the body. 汪汪。”面汤叫唤了两声,然后和米饭一起让开了身子。 Then has placed two dog Yuan Zhou to see that the attention two dogs are also lying behind a smaller black mole cricket. 这下把注意力一直放在两狗身上的袁州才看到两狗身后还卧着一条更小些的黑色的土狗。 On four legs that this mole cricket whole body black, spreads out at first sight swarthy. 这土狗乍一看全身黑色,就连摊开的四只腿上都黑不溜秋的。 But examined carefully to discover on that black to contaminate many dust, that strange lay four to spread out the posture that to make Yuan Zhou have not the good premonition completely. 但细细看去就会发现那黑色上面沾染了许多的灰尘,还有那奇怪的卧着四只完全摊开的姿势让袁州有不好的预感。 „Do you make me look at this?” Yuan Zhou went forward two steps, exploratory squatting lower part of the body. “你让我看这个?”袁州上前了两步,试探性的蹲下身。 woof Wu.” Broth cries out, then goes forward with own head arches that to lie the dog. “汪呜。”面汤叫唤一声,然后上前用自己的头拱那卧着的狗。 How however regardless of that black dog Broth makes had not responded. 然而那黑色的狗无论面汤怎么弄就是没有反应。 Arched afterward, Broth even ominous, cry also big, but also gathered round the black dog to transfer everywhere, but sad low voice crying out of rice side on the present. 拱到后来,面汤甚至凶了起来,叫声也大了起来,还围着黑色的狗四处转,而米饭就现在旁边哀伤的小声叫唤。 Stops, Broth.” Yuan Zhou put out a hand to touch Broth for the first time. “停下,面汤。”袁州第一次伸手摸了面汤 Yuan Zhou put out a hand according to the head of Broth, Broth to stop directly instantaneously, was stiff the body to stand on the spot. 袁州伸出手直接按在面汤的头上,面汤瞬间就停下了,僵着身子站在原地。 I come to see.” Yuan Zhou said that puts down the hand, takes bearing directly that black dog. “我来看看。”袁州说完放下手,直接探向那黑色的狗。 although at the Yuan Zhou's aural acuity, has heard this in such near situation is a dog corpse that does not have the breath. 虽然袁州的耳力,在这么近的情况下早就听见了这是一具没有呼吸的狗尸体。 But Yuan Zhou is serious outstretch both hands careful traces the heart and breath of black son of a bitch, but also probed his neck. 袁州还是郑重的伸出双手仔细的摸了摸黑色狗子的心脏和呼吸,还试探了一下他的脖子。 However that black son of a bitch whole body is stiff, the fur/superficial knowledge feels some thorn thorns, temperature even already of tentacle ice-cold. 然而那黑色的狗子浑身僵硬,皮毛摸着有些刺刺的,触手的温度甚至都已经冰冷了。 Obviously when this is died to be many grown dog, seems like compared with the Teddy also small reason of Broth this hybrid because of his whole body bone, does not have 12 meat. 显然这是一只死去多时的成年狗,看起来比面汤这个混血的泰迪还小的原因是因为他浑身骨头,没有一两的肉。 But that attrition the sully four claw also explained this is a stray dog. 而那磨损并且脏污的四只爪子也说明了这是只流浪狗。 Broth, the rice, his already died.” Yuan Zhou receives to reach behind the back, earnest looks at the hope to look at own two dogs, earnest saying. 面汤,米饭,他已经死了。”袁州收回手,认真的看着期盼看着自己的两狗,认真的说道。 wāng wāng woof, wū wū.” 汪汪汪,呜呜呜。” woof Wu......” “汪呜……” Broth and rice wail gets up together, Yuan Zhou does not disturb, calmly is standing. 面汤和米饭一起哀鸣起来,袁州也不打扰,就那么静静地站着。 Until two dogs vented, this opened the mouth: You called me to come are I appropriately place him.” 直到两狗发泄完毕,这才开口:“你们叫我来是我把他妥善安置吗。” Broth, then started to dig in the pavement with own claw, that stance makes an effort very much, but several can see the ground to have the scratch and light bloodstain. 面汤顿了顿,然后开始用自己的爪子在水泥地上刨,那架势很是用力,不过几下就能看到地上出现了划痕和淡淡的血迹。 Obviously the claw of Broth was injured, wants to dig a hole on the ground, buries the black dog corpse? 显然面汤的爪子受伤了,想要在地上刨坑,将黑狗尸体埋起来? Stops.” Yuan Zhou holds down gently the head of Broth, then sighed: Broth I know you to be sad, but small black dog already died, although I do not know him, but he is your friend.” “停下。”袁州轻轻按住面汤的头,然后叹气道:“面汤我知道你难过,但是小黑狗已经死了,虽然我不认识他,但是他是你朋友吧。” wāng wāng.” Broth cried out worn out, then falls face down does not move. 汪汪。”面汤有气无力的叫唤了一声,然后趴下不动弹了。 But the rice depends closely by Broth, probably is comforting him. 而米饭则靠过来紧紧挨着面汤,像是在安慰他。 Broth you have the rice, remaining gives me.” Yuan Zhou said. 面汤你还有米饭,剩下的交给我。”袁州道。 wāng wāng wāng wāng.” Broth was close to the Yuan Zhou's palm own head for the first time on own initiative, and rubbed rubbing gently. 汪汪汪汪。”面汤第一次主动把自己的脑袋挨近了袁州的手掌,并且轻轻的蹭了蹭。 Actually the dog is sensitive to the human(ity) mood, for example did not need Yuan Zhou saying that Broth knows Yuan Zhou will never trace him, cannot touch him. 其实狗对人类的情绪非常敏感,比如不用袁州说,面汤就知道袁州从来不会摸他,也不能摸他。 But now Broth is very obviously sad, approaches Yuan Zhou also to rub his hand for the first time on own initiative. 但现在面汤显然很伤心,第一次主动靠近袁州并且蹭他的手。 But today also the first time is Yuan Zhou touched Broth, and also touched three his heads. 而今天也是袁州第一次摸面汤,并且还摸了三次他的头。 Yuan Zhou gently touches the head of Broth, without speech. 袁州轻轻的摸了摸面汤的脑袋,没说话。 Person of two dogs, a dog corpse, such quiet is treating, some little time Broth stands up, arrives at that small black dog there, arched the arch again. 一人两狗,一狗尸,就这么安静的待着,好一会面汤重新站起,走到那个小黑狗那里,再次拱了拱。 This meaning is to feel relieved to give Yuan Zhou, can take away burying. 这意思是放心交给袁州,可以拿去埋葬了。 Good, Broth you could rest assured that I will take away the cremation and bury.” Yuan Zhou earnest said to Broth. “好的,面汤你放心,我会拿去火化并且安葬的。”袁州认真的冲着面汤说道。 Yuan Zhou goes forward two steps, prepares to pick up that black dog, made noise in this time Cheng Ying suddenly: Teacher's teacher, I come.” 袁州上前两步,准备一把托起那黑色的狗,就在这个时候程璎突然出声:“师公,我来吧。” Yes, Cheng Ying eventually is because did not feel relieved, but with, her came to meet, saw Yuan Zhou comforts Broth that. 是的,程璎终究是因为不放心而跟来了,她来了一会了,也看到了袁州安慰面汤的那一幕。 But Cheng Ying had not come out to disturb them, but is static looks, even some people threw the trash to be received saying that by Cheng Ying in this period she one will help lose. 程璎一直没出来打扰他们,而是静静的看着,甚至期间有人丢垃圾都被程璎接过说她一会帮忙丢。 Until Yuan Zhou must hug that black dog personally, Cheng Ying being able to bear stood. 直到袁州要亲自抱起那只黑色的狗,程璎才忍不住站了出来。 Cheng Ying in Yuan Zhou small shop a half year of already profound awareness Yuan Zhou is cleanliness/mysophobia how, a day changes three clothes, the number of times at least over over five times of taking a bath. 程璎袁州小店半年已经深刻的知道袁州是多么的洁癖,一天换三套衣服,洗澡的次数起码超过五次以上。 Starting Cheng Ying was incomprehensible, to know afterward Yuan Zhou to guarantee on oneself did not have the mixed taste dust anytime and anywhere, for ingredient purely with the health as well as taste of diner. 开始程璎不能理解,后来才知道袁州是为了保证自己身上随时随地都是没有杂味灰尘,为了食材的纯粹和食客的健康以及口感。 Regarding entrance food, the hygienic importance still above the flavor, Cheng Ying follows Yuan Zhou longer, more discovered, outstanding of person, accidentally, has not really accumulated bit by bit. 对于入口的食物,卫生的重要性还在味道之上,程璎跟着袁州越久,才越发现,一个人的优秀,真的没有偶然,都是一点一滴累计。 Never touches Broth that he likes very much by Yuan Zhou, the rice, but actually must hug the dog now, Cheng Ying naturally must stand. 是以袁州从来不摸他很喜欢的面汤,米饭,但现在却要抱狗,程璎自然要站出来。 Does not use.” Yuan Zhou has not turned the head to look at Cheng Ying, without asking her why with, but was the direct rejection. “不用。”袁州并没有转头看程璎,也没有问她为什么跟来,而是直接拒绝了。 But teacher's teacher you......” Cheng Ying anxious goes forward two to prevent, but did not have to speak the words with enough time entire. “可是师公你……”程璎焦急的上前两步想阻止,但却没来得及将话说全。 The black son of a bitch who because Yuan Zhou already hugs directly, then sets out earnestly looks at Cheng Ying saying: This is Broth asks my matter, complied to achieve.” 因为袁州已经直接抱起的黑色的狗子,然后起身认真的看着程璎说道:“这是面汤拜托我的事情,答应了就要做到。” ...... …… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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