GC :: Volume #8

#28: Fights for the future

The order that the armies assemble has issued, Southern Wilderness, the green star underground city and Gehenna mainland and nearby Ark Base, starts to mobilize completely, various types of transport aircraft and conveyers transport warrior in the sky back and forth, alliance's all ample capacities are transferred in this moment. 大军集结的命令已经下发,南荒、绿星地下城、魔渊的大陆、方舟基地附近,全部都开始动员起来,各种运输机以及运输器在天空来来回回输送战士,联盟所有的运力在这一刻都被调动起来。 warrior that each participates in the fight, does with the family member says goodbye finally, this will be to them, remotely finally a campaign extremely, if won, chose a name to keep the history on the note, was always remembered by the later generation, if defeated, the entire civilization will write off mostly, no one can remember all these. 每个参加战斗的战士,都与家人做最后告别,这将是对他们而言,最遥远最终极的一场战役,如果胜了,就注定名留青史,被后人所铭记,如果败了,整个文明多半都会抹杀,再也没有人能记住这一切。 However everyone was clear. 然而每个人心里都清楚。 This fight no small matter, defeating naturally is the result of being annihilated, even if defeats perhaps is still few person to be able enough to live is coming back to greet the honor, the place that after all they attack is the God Race den, is in people cognition range, place that most is unable to ascertain mystically powerful. 这场战斗非同小可,败了自然是全军覆没的结局,即使战胜恐怕也没有太多人能活着回来迎接荣誉,毕竟他们进攻的地方是神族的老巢,是人们认知范围内,最神秘最强大最无法捉摸的地方。 Squall returns in the family/home of green star underground city. 流离风回到在绿星地下城的家里。 A lovable child, first threw. 一个可爱的小孩子,第一时间扑了上来。 Father comes back, the father comes back!” During the speeches, climbs up father's arm immediately. “爸爸回来啦,爸爸回来啦!”说话间,立刻爬上爸爸的手臂。 Squall laughs, lifted the child directly, „did little fellow, recently have the mischievousness at home? Annoys your mother to be angry?” 流离风哈哈一笑,将小孩直接举了起来,“小家伙,最近在家里有没有淘气?有没有惹你妈妈生气?” Little darling, mother is not angry!” “乖乖的,妈妈不生气!” The children closely hug the father to entangle the hand of full bandage not to disperse. 小孩紧紧地抱着爸爸缠满绷带的手不肯撒开。 The Squall vision falls on standing, he extends make a move to stroke the hair before volume gently, then kissed on the forehead gently, in family/home gave you.” 流离风目光落在站在旁边的露莎身上,他伸出手轻轻地拂过露莎额前的头发,然后在额头上轻轻的吻了一下,“家里就交给你了。” Closely sips the lip to look at present this man, preparation?” 露莎紧紧地抿着嘴唇看着眼前这个男人,“准备出发了吗?” Un, must embark, I do not know can oneself......” “嗯,就要出发了,我不知道自己能不能……” Cannot you speak irresponsibly!” Closely preserves Squall, the tears falls like the broken line pearl, I believe Cloudhawk, he will win, you must come back, must come back, I am waiting for you with the child at home.” “不许你乱说!”露莎紧紧保住流离风,泪水就像断线珍珠一样掉下来,“我相信云鹰,他会赢的,你要回来,一定要回来,我跟孩子就在家里等着你。” Squall and extends make a move, a hand is hugging the child, a hand holds in the arms, said in a low voice: Un, I must come back, then our family reunites, do not separate.” 流离风和伸出手,一只手抱着孩子,一只手搂住露莎,低声地说:“嗯,我要回来,然后我们一家人团聚,再也不要分开了。” Has not been speaking, but closely is hugging. 露莎没有在说话,只是紧紧地抱着。 Long time, Squall loosens the hand on own initiative, then puts the ground the child, I must walk.” 良久,流离风主动松开手,然后将孩子放到地上,“我必须走了。” The child as if feels anything sensitively, suddenly cries aloud: Father hugs! The father hugs!” 孩子似乎敏感的感觉到什么,突然就哇哇大哭起来:“爸爸抱!爸爸抱!” Squall hands over in Exorcist Staff from the bosom the child hand, child, the father must leave to handle a very important matter, I will be impossible to protect you in the future, therefore starting today, you must become stronger by yourself, you must learn to protect you, must learn to protect your mother, knows?” 流离风从怀里将一根驱魔棍交到孩子手里,“孩子,爸必须离开去办一件很重要的事情,我未来也不可能一直保护着你,所以从今天开始,你要让自己变强,你要学会保护你,也要学会保护你妈,知道吗?” Afterward no matter also the child has understood, he turned around to walk. 随后也不管小孩听没听懂,他转身就走了出去。 Father does not walk, the father does not walk, the father comes back!” “爸爸不走,爸爸不走,爸爸回来!” Squall arrives at outside the room, the ear is reverberating son's voice. 流离风走到屋外,耳边回荡着儿子的声音。 He closely grips the fist to close the eye, then looks up the vault to underground city, deeply inspires, said one: Sorry, waited for a long time, we walk.” 他紧紧握住拳头闭上眼睛,然后抬起头看向地下城的穹顶,深深地吸了口气,说了一句:“抱歉,久等了,我们走吧。” Frost de Winter wears a simple grey clothes to stand in out of the door, his back is inserting more than ten different weapons, but also build plump the fat people side Frost de Winter, and Hand of Gehenna dozens elite members, their these must enter the war time completely. 冬归雪穿着一身朴素的灰衣站在门外,他的背后插着十几件不同的兵器,而在冬归雪身边还有一个体型肥硕的胖子,以及魔渊之手的几十个精英成员,他们这一次全部都要参战。 Should make an understanding.” “是该做一个了解了。” Hope next generation person, can live in Hepingli.” “希望下一代人,能活在和平里。” These people have not said anything again, enters in the large unit directly, with raising of military transport ship, goes to the distant place gradually. 这些人都没有再说什么,直接走进大部队中,随着运输舰的升起,渐渐地向远方而去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 In place not far from here. 就在距离这里不远的地方。 Similarly is performing the picture that a father and child distinguish. 同样上演着一副父亲与孩子分别的画面。 Father! I must enter the war with you together!” Yin Ling stubborn saying. “爸!我要跟你一起去参战!”银灵儿倔强的说道。 Yin Kai sees own daughter, the helpless racket the shoulder said: I know that you grew up, has the sense of responsibility, but wants to participate in the fight of this rank, but also too a point, you remained early cultivation at home well.” 银铠看着自己的女儿,无奈的拍拍肩膀说:“我知道你长大了,有责任心,但想参加这种级别的战斗,还太早了一点,你留在家里好好修炼。” The Yin Ling whole face is unwilling, she also wants to say anything, has not actually said eventually. 银灵儿满脸不甘,她还想说些什么,却终究没说出口。 Her at heart also clear, own strength is too weak, by the current ability, even if the following father participates to attack the fight of Olympus forcefully, still to fighting less than the least bit function, might instead therefore implicate him. 她的心里也清楚,自己的实力实在太弱,以自己目前的能力,即使强行跟着父亲参加攻打神山的战斗,也对战斗起不到半点作用,反而有可能会因此而拖累他。 Yin Ling is unwilling, because of several with her same age person, participated in this fight, why wants her to stay here. 只是银灵儿不甘心,因为数个跟她同龄的人,都参加了这次战斗,为什么偏偏要她留在这里。 This fight uses completely strength, our family family high rank above battle efficiency, participates in this fight, this will cause the family to present the vacuum. You as direct descendant that keeps only, from now on the status of head of household and head of the clan will hold a concurrent post by you.” Yin Kai looks that own daughter said: Regardless of will have anything in the future, you must lead the family to walk strongly.” “这次战斗倾尽全部力量,我们家族家族高阶以上的战斗力,都参加这场战斗,这会导致家族出现真空。你作为唯一留下来的嫡系,从现在开始家主和族长的身份就由你兼任。”银铠看着自己的女儿说:“无论未来发生什么,你都要带着家族坚强走下去。” The Yin Ling line of sight blurred immediately: I will not disappoint you again.” 银灵儿视线顿时模糊了:“我不会再让你失望了。” Yin Kai nods, at once starts space magic artifact that carries along, leads family's elite member, changes to a space fluctuation to vanish at present. 银铠点了点头,旋即发动随身携带的一件空间法器,带着家族的精锐成员,化作一阵空间波动消失在了眼前。 Another head of underground city, the people who wear the whole body armor, are standing silently are moving the house entrance, but his present house closely is closing probably a iron tower of passenger car mold. 地下城的另外一头,有一个身穿全身铠甲的人,正默默地站在一动住宅门口,而他眼前的房子紧紧闭合着就好像一座车模的铁塔。 This person is called the ancient Chinese compass, he is says goodbye finally, is only the person in room, as if not want to see him again. 这个人叫做司南,他是来最后告别的,只是屋里的人,似乎并不想再看到他。 „Aren't you willing to forgive me to the present?” “你到现在还是不肯原谅我吗?” It doesn't matter, things have gotten to this point, I only want to tell you, I like you exceeding this world all, before present, all that in the future, I will make want to you best, I did not expect that you can enough forgive me, but please take care of yourself.” “无所谓,事已至此,我只想告诉你,我爱你胜过这世间的一切,无论是现在以前还是未来,我所做的一切都只是想给你最好的,我不奢望你能原谅我,但是请你照顾好自己。” Sees again.” “再见了。” The ancient Chinese compasses said that pressed according to the treasured sword of waist. 司南说完按了按腰间的宝剑。 When he has turned around, the vision becomes sharp, that is the faith that firm and resolute that belongs to warrior, as well as is unafraid of death unprecedented, he started to walk the footsteps, left here rapidly. 当他转过身时,目光变得锐利起来,那是一种属于战士的坚毅,以及一往无前视死如归的信念,他迈开了脚步,迅速离开了这里。 Approximately several minutes later, the gate suddenly was opened, a beautiful young married woman walked in a hurry, she wants to pursue, but could not actually have seen the form of opposite party, finally can only stand in the wind is in a daze. 大约过了几分钟,门突然被打开了,一位美丽少妇匆匆走了出来,她想去追赶但是却已经看不到对方的身影,最后只能站在风中发着呆。 Before an this solitary one grave . 一座孤坟前。 Younger brother, you in that side can be good?” Yan Fenghuang sprinkles half pot liquor on the ground, does not need to worry, big sister this goes to revenge to you, these fought time finally, went to me not to think.” “弟弟,你在那边过的可好?”炎凤凰将半壶酒洒在地上,“不用着急,老姐这就去给你报仇,这一次是最后一战了,去了我就没想着回来。” Lanlin and Saint sea Governor, She Lan priest...... 岚麟、圣海城主,舍蓝祭司…… Almost everyone makes the final farewell with the family member lover child or the good friend. 几乎每个人都在与亲人爱人孩子或者挚友做最后的告别。 The entire human race as if such unity, everyone is never flooding the faith of fighting to the death in history, because of facing the present aspect, had nothing escape route. 全人类有史以来仿佛从未如此的团结,每个人都充斥着决一死战的信念,因为面对现在的局面,已经没有任何的退路。 Or victory, either destruction! 要么胜利,要么毁灭! The hope that may win is uncertain, everyone realized oneself possibly do not come back again, but facing unprecedented crisis, regardless of once had how big gratitude and grudges or the hatred, even if each other has the vengefulness for father's murder, must put down at this time, then advances to the battlefield together, will fight for the future. 可胜利的希望如此渺茫,大家都意识到自己可能再也回不来,而面对空前的危机,无论曾经有多么大的恩怨或仇恨,哪怕彼此有着杀父之仇,在这个时候也必须放下,然后共同迈向战场,为未来而战。
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