GC :: Volume #7 王者降临

#126: Static fluent depth

The summits of ten thousand Mota, the Gehenna mainland deeply and extends eight sides dimly, limitless, grand grand, the vault of heaven like the river, galloping is restless, the collision the huge energy vortex, the produced ray front illuminates this world sufficiently. 万魔塔之巅,魔渊大陆深沉而昏暗延伸八方,无边无际,雄伟壮阔,天穹如河,奔腾不息,碰撞出一个又一个巨大的能量漩涡,产生的光芒足以面前照亮这个世界。 Cloudhawk stands in these several kilometers high places, is overlooking at present this such as the picture scene. 云鹰站在这数千米高的地方,俯视着眼前这副如画的景象。 He arrived at Gehenna, he becomes Demon King, he takes the road of fate is destined finally, but looks that surrounds the city of fill foreign land civilization ten thousand Mota constructs, looks mountain range as well as colorful sky that the distant place is extending, mood actually very tranquil. 他来到了魔渊,他成为了魔王,他终于还是走上命中注定的宿命之路,只是看着环绕万魔塔修建的充满异域文明的城市,望着远处延绵的山脉以及色彩斑斓的天空,心情却非常的平静。 The static fluent depth, under the tranquil mood, there is a silent turbulent current. 正所谓静水流深,平静心情之下,有无声的激流。 The Dawn Polaris voice and face look can hardly be removed in the mind, is almost soon forming the heart demon at heart, may lose this most important friend, Cloudhawk has not sobbed, does not have the anger to go crazy, does not have hysteric oath to take revenge. 北辰曦的音容相貌在脑海里挥之不去,几乎快要在心里形成心魔,可失去这个最重要的朋友,云鹰并没有哭泣,也没有愤怒发狂,更没有歇斯底里的宣誓要复仇。 He like this is indifferently quiet, appearance cannot even see slightly the fluctuation of emotion, like an unfeeling to the pinnacle king, this and initially when the Greenland camp, personally the shy youngster who buried beautiful, radically was the people in two world. 他就这样平静淡然,外表甚至看不出丝毫情感的波动,像一个绝情到极致的君王,这与当初在绿洲营地时,亲手埋葬丽的青涩少年,根本是两个世界的人。 Less than a 30 years old of youth. 一个三十岁不到的青年。 Actually probably gradually old person. 却像是垂垂老矣的老人。 Calculates the time, quickly over the past ten years. 算一算时间,快过去十年了。 This less than ten years of the world, will change the lots, the person constantly will always change, but Cloudhawk felt oneself became more and more not. 这不到十年世界,改变了很多东西,人总是会不断变化的,只是云鹰觉得自己变得越来越不像人了。 Wu Ji, Mo Ya and Abaddon, stand in the Cloudhawk back, Cloudhawk have not spoken, they also remain silent, as if no one dares to break this tranquility. 无寂墨鸦苍冥,站在云鹰的背后,云鹰没有说话,他们也保持沉默,似乎谁也不敢打破这种平静。 Also follows as for the dark flames as well as several other Demon Elder when the side, the dark flame elder and Cloudhawk are not familiar, but looks at this back, has touching from the heart. 至于暗焱以及其他几个魔族长老也跟在身边,暗焱长老与云鹰并不熟悉,只是看着这个背影时,却有一种发自内心的触动。 New Demon King as if not like speaking, silent as if can ferment fearful strength, when this strength condenses the pinnacle, releases thoroughly, will change the myriad things rewriting destiny. 魔王似乎并不太喜欢说话,沉默似乎能酝酿一种可怕的力量,当这股力量凝聚到极致,彻底释放出来的时候,会改变万物改写命运。 The dark flame as if can understand why Wu Ji will select such a person. 暗焱似乎能理解无寂为什么会选中这样一个人了。 His potential is astonishing, perhaps he really can bring Demon Race to stage a comeback. 他身上的潜力非常惊人,他或许真的能带来魔族卷土重来。 I need to begin using Gehenna strength immediately, but I could feel that in the Demon Race interior, does not obey my influence.” The Cloudhawk silent enough dozen minutes, this said by the hoarse sound slowly: Wu Ji, you as Great Elder, should know how to share sorrow for me.” “我需要立刻启用魔渊力量,但我感觉得到在魔族的内部,有一股并不服从我的势力。”云鹰沉默足足十几分钟,这才以沙哑的声音缓缓说:“无寂,你作为大长老,应该知道怎么为我分忧。” Asked my king to feel relieved, the subordinate processed.” “请我王放心,属下来处理。” Cloudhawk said lightly: Goes.” 云鹰淡淡地说:“去吧。” When Wu Ji bends the waist slightly, draws back next after the dark flame side, he has not looked at the dark flame, but the dark flame can feel, Wu Ji Spiritual Force has swept on his body, but as if there is feeling that a soul trembles in this flash. 无寂微微弯腰,退下时经过暗焱身边,他并没有看暗焱,但暗焱能感觉到,无寂精神力在他的身上扫过,而在这一瞬间仿佛有种灵魂战栗的感觉。 The dark flame discovered the Wu Ji strength freely backs up very fierce, in front of Demon Race Great Elder that in this deep carves Yin, he is still very difficult to produce with the thought that he resists. 暗焱发现尽管无寂的实力倒退的十分厉害,但是在这个深沉阴刻的魔族大长老面前,他依然很难产生与他对抗的念头。 „Does dark flame elder, how you elect?” “暗焱长老,你怎么选?” At this time the new Demon King sound, reached the dark flame in the mind. 这时新魔王的声音,传进暗焱的脑海中。 Under dark flame kneels on one knee, will fight the halberd to place the ground, said respectfully: Late king had rescued below life, but I best good friend also dies in the God Race hand, no matter how other elders choose, but my king must advance on God Race, is willing to make contribution below!” 暗焱单膝跪下,将战戟放在地上,恭恭敬敬的说:“先王曾经救过在下的命,而我最好的挚友也死在神族手中,不管其他长老怎么选择,但我王要进击神族,在下愿意尽一份力!” Cloudhawk nods: I want you to gather an demon soldier immediately.” 云鹰点头:“我要你立刻聚集一支魔兵。” The dark flame hesitant several seconds, gathering the Demon Race army are the important matters, since must through elder assembly, the millenniums be such custom, are with the attitudes of several other elders, are very in a short time difficult to make this resolution. 暗焱犹豫几秒,聚集魔族军队是大事,必须要通过长老会,千年以来都是这样的规矩,可是以其他几位长老的态度,恐怕短时间内很难做出这种决断。 Subordinate acts accordingly!” “属下照办!” The dark flame just wants to say anything, however in this flash, has an intuition to tell the dark flame, at this moment reject or not find the excuse to wonderfully, therefore leads nine elder quiet springs as well as several other elders immediately leaves. 暗焱刚想开口说些什么,但是在这一瞬间,有种直觉告诉暗焱,此刻还是不要拒绝或找借口为妙,所以立刻带着九长老幽泉以及其他几个长老离开了。 After these Demon Elder walked away. 当这些魔族长老走远了以后。 The quiet spring asks immediately: Dark flame, were you insane? You must oppose with two elders and three elders, he just arrived at Gehenna, its status is not necessarily able to receive all Demon Race to approve.” 幽泉立刻开口问:“暗焱,你疯了吗?你这是要与二长老和三长老作对,他才刚刚来到魔渊,其身份未必会受到所有魔族认可。” The dark flame looked at quiet spring Yiyan saying: I understand two elders and three elders compared with you.” 暗焱看了幽泉一眼说:“我比你更了解二长老和三长老。” You also this?” “那你还这样做?” Two elders with three elders, if not approve the new king, or does not accept to dispatch troops, they not to new king in ten thousand Mota solid opportunities, will therefore definitely take action in a short time. If two elders and three elders complied, we can look for under a stair immediately.” “二长老与三长老,如果不认可新王,或者不接受出兵,他们不会给新王在万魔塔坐实的机会,所以在短时间内肯定会采取行动。如果二长老和三长老应了,我们可以立刻找一个台阶下。” If two elders and three elders did lose? Admitted the new king to return?” “如果二长老和三长老输了?或者接纳了新王归来?” Only energy efficiency Zhongxin king, this is the only choice.” “只能效忠新王,这是唯一的选择。” The quiet spring elders understand that the idea of dark flame elder, the dark flame wants to use delaying tactics, but the most essential point is, regardless of two long third child elders and new kings whether has the conflict, they must stay out, only has so can not stick one's neck out. 幽泉长老明白暗焱长老的想法,暗焱是想用一个缓兵之计,不过最关键的一点是,无论二长老三长老与新王是否起争端,他们都要置身事外,唯有如此才能明哲保身。 The dark flame leads quiet spring and the others to leave rapidly. 暗焱带着幽泉等人迅速离开。 Now the Demon King Cloudhawk side only remains Mo Ya and Mo Ya liangs demon. 现在魔王云鹰的身边只剩墨鸦魔。 Cloudhawk said calmly: We walk everywhere, has a look at these ten thousand Mota.” 云鹰平静地说:“我们到处走走,看看这万魔塔。” Mo Ya starts to speak but hesitates, he has the premonition, in ten thousand Mota is not peaceful, Demon Race is unruly, even if Cloudhawk puts on the Demon King armor to appear here, wish makes them admit entirely, is not an easy matter. 墨鸦欲言又止,他早已有预感,万魔塔内不太平,魔族桀骜不驯,就算云鹰穿着魔王铠甲出现在这里,想要让他们统统接纳,也不是一件容易的事情。 Demon King Cloudhawk and Great Elder Wu Ji appearance as if also thought. 魔王云鹰大长老无寂的样子似乎也想到了。 They are Outsiders, the hadrosaurus have not pressed the local bully eventually, has not established any credibility Demon King, one is the strength reduces greatly fades out the Gehenna millenniums Great Elder, really can fight the elder assembly this group of deceitful and powerful generations. 只是他们终究是外来者,强龙还不压地头蛇呢,一个没有建立任何威信的魔王,一个是实力大减淡出魔渊千年的大长老,真的可以斗得过长老会这帮狡诈又强大之辈么。 Although in the heart is somewhat disturbed, but Mo Ya chooses to shut up. 虽然心中有些忐忑,但墨鸦还是选择闭嘴。 Mo Ya knows that present Cloudhawk is not beforehand Cloudhawk, he is a true King, the idle talk that should not speak, best little say to wonderfully. 墨鸦知道现在的云鹰已经不是以前的云鹰,他是一个真正的王者,不该说的废话,最好还是少说为妙。 Cloudhawk has two demons to take a walk in ten thousand Mota, he wants to have a look at the Demon Race these years life. 云鹰带着两魔在万魔塔里面走动,他想看看魔族这些年的生活。 In ten thousand Mota spaces are big, here is not only living Demon Race, but also is living the residents in massive peripheral cities, they move in ten thousand Mota by the status of aide or servant, but can enough enter here, is each race elite. 万魔塔里面的空间非常大,在这里不仅生活着魔族,还生活着大量周边城镇的居民,他们都是以侍从或者仆人的身份在万魔塔里活动,但是能进入这里的,无不是各个种族的精英。 In ten thousand Mota. 在万魔塔。 Each style is entirely different. 每一层的风格都截然不同。 Each can be regarded as a big city. 每一层都可以看作是一座大城市。 Demon Race is lofty in the position of ten thousand Mota, is the vindicator of order, however the quantity of demon are not eventually many, most production activities, are various clans are all conducted. 魔族在万魔塔的地位崇高,是秩序的维护者,但是魔的数量终究不多,绝大多数生产活动,全都是各族来进行的。 For example Cloudhawk saw the intelligent quantum lifeform here. 比如云鹰在这里又看见了智慧量子生物。 This lifeform collects big piece of a plant that seems like the legumes, they this/should plant put, in the same place loads into the vessel, then displays some strength to decompose the plant entirely, then in another vessel combines, when completes the combination, the leguminous plants turned into a lot of fresh meat. 这种生物收集一大片像是豆类的植物,他们将该植物摆在一起装进容器里,然后施展某种力量将植物统统分解,然后再另一个容器里面组合起来,当完成组合的时候,原本豆类植物变成大量鲜肉。 Cloudhawk sees this is quite as if inspired. 云鹰看见这一幕似乎颇受启发。 Mo Ya is also very surprised, immediately in the past asks: How do you turn into the meat the plant? What divine artifact is this? Shows me!” 墨鸦也很惊讶,立刻过去问道:“你们怎么把植物变成肉?这是什么神器?给我看看!” The quantum person replied: Reported revering, we not can the race, unable to use Spiritual Force quiet, this was only my group unique atom sufficient ability.” 量子人回答说:“禀告尊者,我们并非幽能种族,无法使用精神力,这只是我族特有的原子充足能力。” In the universe the race has. 宇宙里种族有很多。 Not all races can the awakening quiet energy. 并不是所有种族都能觉醒幽能。 Human is typical quiet can the race, therefore under interference and transformation of God Race, the new generation that evolution comes out has to use the Spiritual Force ability, but Spiritual Force is the quiet energies in universe ten thousand clan mouths, this ability can directly change the material the essence, even can create the material fabricated, is unable to explain the essence and principle from any scientific angle. 人类是典型的幽能种族,所以在神族的干涉与改造下,所进化出来的新人类都具有使用精神力的能力,而精神力就是宇宙万族口中的幽能,这种能力能直接改变物质的本质,甚至可以无中生有创造物质,无法以任何科学角度来解释本质与原理。 „The resident of our blue demon star, although without the creation myriad things changes the myriad things the quiet energy, but inborn can involve the material essence, therefore has to break up the atomic and molecular, ability that they reorganize, myriad things by atomic composition, so long as we change its portfolio approach, thing that can produce the need.” “我们蓝魔星的居民,虽然没有创造万物改变万物的幽能,但天生就能介入到物质本质,所以具备拆散原子分子,将它们重组的能力,万物都是由原子组成的,只要我们改变它的组合方式,就能生产出需要的东西。” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 The molecular formulas of these leguminous plants or have the atom, so long as disassembles can be used to combine the meat, the quantum person can control the change of micro particle, let alone is these beans, even trash, even is the bowel movement, they can turn into food . Moreover the taste and real food are exactly the same. 这些豆类植物的分子式或者具备原子,只要拆开就可以用来组合肉,量子人能支配微观粒子的变化,别说是这些豆子,就算是垃圾,甚至是大便,他们都能变成食物,而且口感与真实食物一模一样。 A blue demon native of Singapore does not eat the thing, but they can produce food, sold to the carbon base lifeform, then received exchange for the resources that oneself need. 蓝魔星人本身不吃东西,但是他们可以生产食物,卖给碳基生物,然后换取自己所需要的资源。 This situation is very common in the Gehenna mainland. 这种情况在魔渊大陆很常见。 The different race civilizations, have the different abilities, under they make up for one's deficiency by learning from others'strong points mutually, constructs a benignity together, but the stable ecological environment, this world will have to be above the potential of imagination in the future. 不同种族不同文明,都具备不同的能力,他们互相取长补短之下,才共同构建起一个良性而稳定的生态环境,这个世界在未来会具有超乎想象的潜力。 ............ ………… When Cloudhawk in ten thousand Mota strolls. 云鹰在万魔塔闲逛的时候。 Two elders and three elders have started to act quietly. 二长老和三长老已经开始悄然行动了。 Two elders for the news security and efficiency, have not told elder assembly other elders, was only the respective belt/bring several trusted aides, this foot enough, the Wu Ji strength had reduced after all greatly, but the skill of new king, came from old Demon King mainly. 两位长老为了消息保密以及效率,并没有告诉长老会其他长老,只是各自带了数个心腹,这样就已经足了,毕竟无寂实力大减,而新王的本事,又主要来自老魔王 Two elders before three elders are earliest one batch follow Demon King, they too understand the Demon King method, therefore two elders cope with Cloudhawk, has very big assurance. 二长老与三长老都是最早一批跟随前魔王的,他们太了解魔王的手段,所以二长老对付云鹰,有很大的把握。 When knew that Cloudhawk and Wu Ji have separated, they think that the make a move opportunity came. 当得知云鹰无寂已经分开,他们认为出手的机会来了。 three elder deep pupils bring six elite Demon Race to take the lead, he opens the kaleidoscope eyes, quick locks Wu Ji through the space. 三长老冥瞳带着六个精锐魔族率先出发,他打开自己万花筒般的眼睛,很快就通过空间锁定无寂 Had found Great Elder, according to my plan, starts to take action immediately!” “已找到大长老,按照我的计划,立刻开始行动!”
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