GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2432: Fights Loose Immortal!

You may know consequence that oneself do that?” The vigorous sound conveys again, cannot listen to sad happy. “你可知道自己这么做的后果?”浑厚的声音再次传来,听不出悲喜。 As if the Cheng Yu rampant words have not caused the anger of opposite party, this was disappoints Chen Qiuhan somewhat. Meanwhile, this also disappointed Cheng Yu somewhat. 似乎程宇嚣张的话语并没有引起对方的怒意,这却是让陈秋寒有些失望了。同时,这也让程宇有些失望了。 What consequence I do not know, but I actually know, if today you do not come out, feared that is no one can rescue he!” Cheng Yu smiled suddenly, since this fellow is not willing to come out, he compelled him to come out. “什么后果我不知道,不过我却知道,今天你若是不出来,怕是没有谁能够救的了他!”程宇突然笑了,既然这家伙不肯出来,那他就逼他出来好了。 „Do you...... you want to do?” Saw that Cheng Yu is pointing at itself with the hand again, Chen Qiuhan excited vanishes all of a sudden does not see, dares, but generation it is one fear raids the heart. “你......你想干什么?”看到程宇再一次用手指着自己,陈秋寒刚才的兴奋一下子就消失不见,敢而代之的是一种恐惧袭上心头。 Originally perhaps he must get down to be used to it by Cheng Yu oppressively, before is suddenly , some hope, had the expert to help itself, was brought back to life by oneself, making him see the hope again, he does not want to be been again oppressive by Cheng Yu. 本来他要一直被程宇虐下去或许都已经习惯了,可是突然之前有了希望,有高手在帮助自己,让自己起死回生,让他再次看到了希望,他就不想再被程宇虐了。 Before remembering, was ended the oppressive situation by Cheng Yu, in his heart fights the shiver. 一想起之前被程宇完虐的情形,他心中直打寒战。 Such matter experienced to be good one time, if came again one time, he feared that his these feared time is not so unyielding, without such strength of spirit, without such courage. 那样的事情经历过一次就行了,若是再来一次,他怕他这一次怕是没有这么硬气,没有这样的骨气,也没有这样的勇气了。 My goal only has one, that is the soul on your hand. Hands over, when anything has not happened. Words that does not hand over, even if really has the person of high skill to help you today, feared that could not save you!” The Cheng Yu voice falls, rushes over toward Chen Qiuhan again. “我的目的只有一个,那就是你手上的阴魂。交出来,什么事就当没有发生过。不交的话,就算今天真的有高人帮你,怕是也救不了你!”程宇话音一落,再次朝着陈秋寒冲了过去。 Since this back expert has had a hand, then oneself begin to Chen Qiuhan again, he will not stand by absolutely. 既然这背后的高手已经出过一次手了,那么自己再次向陈秋寒动手,他绝对不会袖手旁观的。 Really, sees Cheng Yu to act, that person acted again. 果然,看到程宇出手,那人再次出手了。 Just, that person still had not come, appeared, only then together phantom! 只不过,那人仍然没有现身,出现的只有一道虚影 clone? Loose Immortal!” Sees this oppressive shadow, in the Cheng Yu heart is startled. 分身散仙!”看到这个虐影,程宇心中一惊。 To use clone to attack, only then the Loose Immortal above expert can achieve. Such situation had shown sufficiently the opposite party truly was the overload Great Ascension Late Stage, moreover is the Loose Immortal method. 想要使用分身来攻击,那只有散仙以上的高手才能够做到。这样的情况已经足以证明对方确实是超载了大乘后期,而且已经是散仙的手段了。 Haha! Then you were finished, how looks at you rampantly also!” Chen Qiuhan saw this has not seen face, but knows after the opposite party is Loose Immortal, first stares, later excited excited. “哈哈!这下你完蛋了,看你还如何嚣张!”陈秋寒看到这个从来没有见过的面孔,但是知道对方是散仙之后,先是一愣,随后激动的兴奋不已。 Loose Immortal! 散仙啊! In his at heart, the Loose Immortal strength was really powerful. Perhaps compares with the Crossing Tribulation Stage expert somewhat was also inferior, but so, coped with Cheng Yu to have more than enough to spare even. 在他的心里,散仙的实力实在是太强大了。或许跟渡劫期的高手相比还有些不如,但是就算是如此,对付一个程宇已经是绰绰有余了。 This Cheng Yu also really courts death, actually offended such great person, he thinks excitedly. 这个程宇还真是找死,竟然得罪了这样的大人物,他想想就兴奋。 Junior Sister, then feared that had troublesome!” Saw this situation, Xin Luo somewhat is also worried. “师妹,这下怕是有麻烦了!”看到这种情况,心洛也有些担心起来了。 Loose Immortal, such existence to them was somewhat remote. In their at heart, exceeds existence that the Great Ascension Late Stage above expert that is unable to resist unable to exceed. 散仙啊,这样的存在对于他们来说还是有些遥远了一些。在他们的心里,超越了大乘后期以上的高手那都是无法对抗无法超越的存在。 Now presents such a character unexpectedly, although the Cheng Yu's strength is powerful, but should also not possible resist with Loose Immortal? 现在竟然出现了一个这样的人物,程宇的实力虽然强大,但是应该还不可能跟散仙对抗吧? Can have such strength young, is truly good. However, just crossed changed/easy fold/break, young is so so rampant, rich/forgive Renchu, and rich/forgive people, lets off them today, I then do not feel embarrassed you!” That phantom stared at Cheng Yu to look, obviously was also surprised about the Cheng Yu's strength. “年纪轻轻能够有这样的实力,确实不俗。不过,刚过易折,如此年轻却如此嚣张,得饶人处且饶人,今天放过他们,我便不为难你!”那虚影盯着程宇看了一番,显然也对程宇的实力感到惊讶。 The cultivation base boundary that after all Cheng Yu shows is only Great Ascension Initial Stage, but can actually block his clone attack, this is really inconceivable. 毕竟程宇所表现出来的修为境界只是大乘初期,可是却能够挡住他的分身攻击,这实在是不可思议。 Even if you are Loose Immortal, feared that cannot prevent us to attend the competition at will? Your Chen Family does whether doesn't gather the custom?” Among six people on the scene, feared that is also only then Cheng Yu does not have the least bit to be afraid. “就算你是散仙,怕是也不能随意阻止我们参加比试吧?你们陈家这么做是否不合规矩?”在场的六个人当中,怕是也只有程宇没有半点害怕。 Loose Immortal how? In his hand will the Crossing Tribulation Stage experts several thousand several thousand, he also even be afraid Loose Immortal? Let alone, this Loose Immortal also used clone, this clone is not necessarily able is his opponent. 散仙又如何?他手上连渡劫期的高手都几千几千的,他还会害怕一个散仙么?更何况,这个散仙还只是使用了一个分身而已,这个分身未必会是他的对手。 About does not gather the custom is Chen Family decides!” Loose Immortal clone said. “合不合规矩是陈家说了算!”散仙分身说道。 Originally will Chen Family also bully? Haha, but my Cheng Yu always does not fear others to threaten, even if you are Loose Immortal. I had said many were times, if today he does not hand over the soul, even if your main body comes no matter personally uses, I mean what he says!” Cheng Yu is saying at the same time, expression slowly becomes must gloomy and cold. “原来陈家也只是会仗势欺人而已?哈哈,不过我程宇从来都不怕别人威胁,哪怕你是散仙。我已经说过很多次了,今天他若是不交出阴魂来,就算是你的本尊亲自来都不管用,我说话算话!”程宇一边说着,表情慢慢的变得阴冷起来。 When his voice drops the last character, he then rushes over to Chen Qiuhan again. 就在他话音落下最后一个字的时候,他便再一次向陈秋寒冲了过去。 Chen Qiuhan these really by Cheng Yu frightening, him does not know courage where time Cheng Yu comes. Now appears before them, but Loose Immortal, this did not joke. 陈秋寒这一次是真的被程宇给吓到了,他不知道程宇到底哪里来的勇气。现在出现在他们面前的可是散仙,这不是闹着玩的。 However Cheng Yu not only does not have the meaning of least bit fear, instead must provoke to Loose Immortal, what is more annoying, he killed unexpectedly to himself. 但是程宇不仅没有半点害怕之意,反而还要向散仙挑衅,更可气的是,他竟然又向自己杀过来了。 Was own this life also really painstakingly, even Loose Immortal comes unable to save me? 自己这命也是真苦,难道连散仙来了都救不了我吗? Old ancestor saves me!” Chen Qiuhan could not control so many at this moment. “老祖救我啊!”陈秋寒这一刻也管不了那么多了。 This phantom he has not seen, but he, since is Loose Immortal, that also can only be the Chen Family's old ancestor level character. 这个虚影他没有见过,不过他既然是散仙,那也只能是陈家的老祖级别的人物了。 Similarly is Great Ascension Initial Stage, Cheng Yu domineering does not fear Loose Immortal. But Chen Qiuhan is actually the timid as a rabbit, can only pray for rescue loudly. 同样是大乘初期,程宇强势的连散仙都不惧。可是陈秋寒却是胆小如鼠,只能大声求救。 However, this Loose Immortal clone is naturally impossible to see somebody in danger and do nothing, after all Chen Qiuhan is the Chen Family's promising youth, he was impossible really to make Cheng Yu give waste. 不过,这散仙分身自然不可能见死不救,毕竟陈秋寒陈家的后起之秀,他不可能真的让程宇给废了。 Moreover, Cheng Yu this person of truly some were too rampant, in front of his such Loose Immortal, he actually does not have the least bit to be polite, but must be in front of his to feel embarrassed the Chen Family later generation, this hits his face. 而且,程宇这人确实有些太嚣张了,在他这样的散仙面前,他竟然没有半点客气,还要当着他的面为难陈家后人,这就是打他的脸了。 Since you are so besotted, that does not take it ill the old man is not impolite!” Loose Immortal clone were also rampantly many facing Cheng Yu's several points of anger, the clone speed was not slower than Cheng Yu, kept off in Chen Qiuhan front all of a sudden, a palm patted toward Cheng Yu that the direct impact came. “既然你如此执迷不悟,那就休怪老夫不客气了!”散仙分身面对程宇的嚣张也多了几分怒意,分身的速度不比程宇慢,一下子就挡在了陈秋寒的前面,一掌朝着直冲而来的程宇拍了过去。 First ate my fist to say again! Dragon and Tiger Break!” Seeing only Cheng Yu is very that long the Mirage fist has not caused, these transforms dragon tiger two great shades time simultaneously, rushes over toward Loose Immortal clone. “先吃我一拳再说吧!龙虎破!”只见程宇很久没有使的幻影拳,这一次同时幻化出一龙一虎两个巨影,朝着散仙分身冲了过去。 Rumbling! 轰轰! Two bangs, powerful strength unexpectedly Loose Immortal repelling. 两声巨响,强大的力量竟然将散仙给击退了。 But stands in Loose Immortal later Chen Qiuhan is pitiful, was attacked by this powerful Spiritual Qi class/flow unexpectedly directly, the blood spews out again. 而站在散仙之后的陈秋寒更是可怜,竟然直接被这股强大的灵气流冲击了出去,鲜血再次喷涌而出。 „! Good fearful strength!” Chen Qiuhan falls on the ground, the blood surges in the throat, but on his face panic-stricken actually cannot cover. “咳咳!好可怕的力量!”陈秋寒落在地上,鲜血在喉咙里面涌动,可是他脸上的惊恐却是怎么也掩盖不住。 If the Cheng Yu's performance were only the strength were extremely before powerful, then a fist, the Cheng Yu's strength really can describe with the terrifying. 如果说之前程宇的表现只是实力太过强大的话,那么刚才的一拳,程宇的实力就真的可以用恐怖来形容了。 Obviously, Chen Qiuhan underestimated the Cheng Yu's strength again. Such strength has surpassed his imagination, knows after Cheng Yu has such strength, he is thorough does not dare to face Cheng Yu. 显然,陈秋寒再一次的低估了程宇的实力。这样的力量已经超过了他的想象,知道程宇拥有这样的力量之后,他是彻底的不敢面对程宇了。 At this moment, his is afraid at heart frightened, if really made Cheng Yu catching, then these feared that time really cannot run away. 这一刻,他的心里恐惧害怕,如果真的让程宇给逮到了,那么这一次怕是真的就逃不过去了。 Looks at that Loose Immortal clone, he was praying, this old ancestor may probably insist. 看着那个散仙分身,他心里在祈祷,这老祖可一定要坚持住啊。 Your strength truly makes me very shocking!” After Loose Immortal clone received Cheng Yu this strikes, shock. “你的实力确实让我很震惊!”散仙分身接过程宇这一击之后,也不由震惊不已。
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