GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2426: Jiang Yunmu method!

After the strength goes far beyond your sword territory, you thought that what advantage your sword territory also does have?” Cheng Yu shrugs to say. “当力量远远超过你的剑域之后,你觉得你的剑域还有什么优势吗?”程宇耸耸肩道。 „Was your meaning your strength surpassed my sword territory by far? Is this possible? You are only Great Ascension Initial Stage, why will have the so powerful strength?” Ji Yang really does not think clearly. “你的意思是你的力量远远的超过了我的剑域?这怎么可能?你只是大乘初期,为什么会有如此强大的力量?”姬阳实在是想不明白。 He with Cheng Yu is Great Ascension Initial Stage, before he thinks own such Great Ascension Initial Stage is world rare. Because, ordinary Great Ascension Initial Stage is not his opponent, even if Great Ascension Middle Stage, if not a very fierce kind of expert, is still not necessarily able is his opponent. 他跟程宇都是大乘初期,以前他以为自己这样的大乘初期就已经是世间少有的了。因为,普通的大乘初期根本就不是他的对手,就算是大乘中期,如果不是非常厉害的一类高手,也都未必会是他的对手。 Now but presents Cheng Yu, he is also only Great Ascension Initial Stage, the strength that but he displays actually exceeded his imagination by far. 可是现在出现了一个程宇,他也只是大乘初期,但是他所表现出来的力量却又远远的超出了他的想象。 Because the Great Ascension Late Stage expert so collapses at the first blow in his front, he really does not think clearly, what degree the Cheng Yu's strength was, can achieve so the position unexpectedly, even his sword territory can disregard. 因为就算是大乘后期的高手在他的面前都如此不堪一击,他实在是想不明白,程宇的实力到底达到了什么样的程度,竟然可以达到这般境地,连他的剑域都可以无视。 „Couldn't you have looked?” Cheng Yu said. “难道你还看不出来吗?”程宇说道。 I understand today finally anything was outside the person has the person, one should always strive for better!” Ji Yang at this moment, that proud radical disappearance in heart without a trace. “我今天终于明白什么是人外有人,天外有天了!”姬阳此时此刻,心中的那份骄傲彻底的消失的无影无踪了。 After this, he does not dare to say oneself were Great Ascension Initial Stage invincible existence. Because in front of Cheng Yu's, he was too weakly is too tiny. 从此之后,他再也不敢说自己是大乘初期无敌的存在了。因为在程宇的面前,他实在是太弱太渺小了。 Such being the case, you hand over the soul to come. Although you possibly are the Ji Yun brothers, but this competition, I am absolutely impossible to make others win!” Cheng Yu indifferently said. “既然如此,那你就交出阴魂来吧。虽然你可能是姬云的兄弟,但是这一场比试,我是绝对不可能让别人赢的!”程宇淡淡的说道 This competition significance was too different, this relates to the Xin Luo lifetime happiness, therefore he is absolutely impossible to make concessions. Otherwise, depends on his relations with the Ji Yun, he not possible to compel in Ji Yang this share. 这一次比试意义太不一样了,这是关系到心洛的终身幸福,所以他是绝对不可能退让的。要不然,就凭他跟姬云的关系,他也不可能把姬阳逼到这个份上。 Because before attaining the Ji Yang soul, he is not possible to know on them many souls. Perhaps these people have him are more. 因为在没有拿到姬阳的阴魂之前,他是不可能知道他们身上都有多少阴魂的。说不定这些人身上就有比他多的。 Therefore, he only then snatched their souls, this can absolutely safe guarantee his soul be most. 所以,他只有把他们的阴魂抢了,这样才能万无一失的保证他的阴魂才是最多的。 Being sincerely convinced that today I lose, takes away!” Ji Yang somewhat is obviously desolate, Cheng Yu's appeared to the attack that he delivered is really big. “今天我输的心服口服,拿去吧!”姬阳显然有些落寞,程宇的出现给他带来的打击实在是太大了。 Perhaps if with Jiang Yunmu, he felt oneself can also put together, even if could not win, Jiang Yunmu could not do to him finally. 如果是跟姜云幕,他或许觉得自己还可以拼一拼,就算是赢不了,姜云幕最终也奈何不了他。 But in front of Cheng Yu's, he really cannot find out what means to resist his. 可是在程宇的面前,他实在是想不出有什么办法能够对抗他的。 With it by Cheng Yu, when the monkey plays, gives him the soul would rather directly. Because he saw firmly from the Cheng Yu's look, if he did not agree, Cheng Yu is will definitely not let off his. 与其被程宇当猴耍,倒不如直接将阴魂给他。因为他从程宇的眼神之中看到了坚定,如果他不同意,程宇是肯定不会这么放过他的。 His Ji Yang is not a fool, perhaps he truly likes Chen Xinran very much. However, he not for a woman gives up herself. 姬阳可不是傻子,或许他确实很喜欢陈欣然。但是,他不会为了一个女人就放弃自己。 Because, in the following day, the Nine Great Aristocratic Families also important matter must conduct, that is nine generations competition. According to the past situation, their Ji Family can attain to enter the qualifications of dead territory absolutely. 因为,在接下来的日子,九大世家还有一件大事要举办,那就是九族大比。根据以往的情况来看,他们姬家是绝对能够拿到进入死域的资格的。 But he in the Ji Family position, that also definitely is qualified for the dead territory. Once entered the dead territory, perhaps he can more spells of good or bad fortune. 而他在姬家的地位,那也是绝对有资格进入死域的。一旦进入了死域,他或许就能够得到更多的际遇。 A Xu day, he can also like Cheng Yu, although the boundary seems like very low, but has compared with a these higher boundary also wants the strong strength. 或许某一天,他也能够像程宇这样,虽然境界看似很低,但是却拥有比那些更高的境界还要强大的实力。 It can be said that he in the Ji Family future is light, even if has not married Chen Xinran, to him, not that important. 可以说,他在姬家的前途是一片光明的,就算是没有娶到陈欣然,对他来说,也不是那么的重要。 In his opinion, nine generations competition, enters the dead territory, compared with this competition important many. 在他看来,无论是九族大比,还是进入死域,都要比这场比试重要的多。 Therefore, he does not want to spell with Cheng Yu hardly, even if Cheng Yu does not kill him, if he injuring to affect himself nine generations competition, that is he biggest loss. 所以,他不想跟程宇硬拼,就算程宇不杀他,万一他把自己给伤到了而影响了九族大比,那才是他最大的损失。 Because of this, he is very tactful, honest handed over the soul! 正因为如此,他很识趣,老老实实的将阴魂交了出来! „More than 200? Is this your complete soul?” Cheng Yu received to hunt for the soul bag, examined an inside soul, only then more than 200, he thought that had a little. “两百多个?这是你全部的阴魂?”程宇接过猎魂袋,查看了一下里面的阴魂,只有两百多个,他觉得有些少了。 Because in their hands has more than 600 souls, Ji Yang were also more than is too many. 因为他们手上可是有六百多个阴魂,比姬阳的也多出太多了。 Hunted for the soul bag continually already to you, I think that I don't need to deceive you at this matter?” Ji Yang said. “连猎魂袋都已经给你了,我想我没有必要在这种事情上骗你了吧?”姬阳说道。 Good, I believe you, you can walk now!” Cheng Yu nods, he believes that Ji Yang should not deceive him. “好吧,我相信你,你现在可以走了!”程宇点点头,他相信姬阳应该是没有骗他。 After all their more than 600 souls, that is completely the map that because Chen Tianxing appears and disappears the soul gave Xin Luo. Without this map, they feared that can also get so far as so many souls. 毕竟他们之所以有六百多个阴魂,那完全是因为陈天行将阴魂出没的地图给了心洛。如果没有这张地图,他们怕也就能够弄到这么多的阴魂。 How do you plan to handle him?” However, Ji Yang has not actually left immediately, but looks at Jiang Yunmu of not far away. “你打算怎么处置他?”不过,姬阳却并没有马上离开,而是看着不远处的姜云幕 Now he has admitted defeat, that naturally does not hope that Jiang Yunmu also takes the soul. At least must see the Jiang Yunmu honest handing over soul, his will be at heart more balanced. 现在他都已经认输了,那自然不希望姜云幕还拿着阴魂。起码也要看到姜云幕老老实实的交出阴魂,他的心里才会平衡一些。 „Very simple, so long as he is willing to hand over the soul, then I naturally cannot feel embarrassed him. However if he must support by hard and stubborn effort, I can only under some ruthless moves!” Cheng Yu started to move toward Jiang Yunmu. “很简单,只要他肯交出阴魂,那么我自然不会为难他。不过如果他还要硬撑的话,那我就只能下些狠招了!”程宇开始走向了姜云幕 He had said that will not kill people, but did not kill people actually does not represent does not offend somebody. 他是说过不会杀人,不过不杀人却不代表不伤人。 Haha, you want my soul, you feared that did not have this opportunity forever!” But, Jiang Yunmu saw that Cheng Yu walks toward him, flustered that not only has no, instead smiled loudly. “哈哈,你想要我的阴魂,你怕是永远都没有这个机会了!”可是,姜云幕看到程宇向他走来,不但没有任何的慌张,反而大声的笑了起来。 In everyone puzzled look, sees only Jiang Yunmu to take yellow rune/symbol paper suddenly. 就在所有人不解的神色当中,只见姜云幕突然拿出一张黄色的符纸。 Transmission symbol?” Everyone stares, that yellow Fugeng was initially Chen Tianxing when they will enter will hunt for the soul field give their transmission symbol. “传送符?”所有人一愣,那张黄符更是当初陈天行将在他们进入猎魂场的时候交给他们的传送符。 In situation that so long as they in compelling to have no other choice but, burns this symbol, they can the direct transmission. 只要他们在逼不得已的情况下,将这张符燃烧起来,他们就可以直接传送出去。 A Cheng Yu brow wrinkle, is preparing to seize the Jiang Yunmu transmission symbol, was already late one step. This Jiang Yunmu seemed to have expected that Cheng Yu can have * his transmission symbol. 程宇眉头一皱,正准备夺下姜云幕的传送符,可是已经晚了一步。这姜云幕似乎早就预料到了程宇会出*他的传送符。 Therefore in that flash, will have transmitted the symbol to burn, next flash, Jiang Yunmu including his two front that fainted past accompanying completely together in Cheng Yu and Ji Yang their people vanished. 所以在那一瞬间,就已经将传送符燃烧了起来,下一瞬间,姜云幕包括他那两个昏死过去的随从全部一起在程宇姬阳他们众人的面前消失了。 Because before Jiang Heng and Jiang Hui, has input in the strength of own soul the transmission symbol, therefore, in certain range, so long as transmits the symbol to start to transmit, will transmit their three people together. 因为姜衡姜晖之前也已经将自己的灵魂之力输入到了传送符之中,所以,在一定的范围内,只要传送符开始传送,就会将他们三人一起传送。 Incessantly is the Jiang Family three people, other teams are so. So long as they to are not too far, a transmission symbol combustion, they can three same places transmit completely. 不止是姜家三个人,其他所有的队伍都是如此。只要他们相距不是太远,传送符一燃烧,他们都能三个一起全部传送。 This fellow is quite sly.” Ji Yang has not thought obviously Jiang Yunmu will make this decision unexpectedly, beneficial occupancy transmission symbol. “这家伙好狡猾。”姬阳显然没有想到姜云幕竟然会做出这个决定,提前使用了传送符。 This means, Jiang Yunmu the competition of conclusion, he will have returned to hunt for outside the soul field on own initiative directly. 这就意味着,姜云幕已经主动结束的比试,他会直接回到猎魂场外面。 Thinks of here, Ji Yang somewhat regretted, if we had known is this, he also went out ahead of time. At least such words he can also put together, if soul he of others isn't many? 想到这里,姬阳又有些后悔了,早知道是这样,他也提前出去好了。起码这样的话他还可以拼一拼,万一其他人的阴魂没有他多呢? Now but all souls give Cheng Yu, the souls on Cheng Yu their hand absolutely are most. 可是现在所有的阴魂都交给了程宇,程宇他们手上的阴魂绝对是最多的。
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