GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2230: The loss is serious!

Hahahaha! Elder Qian is really the good scheme, truly , this king also is really hopes that in this case demon Luo to come prays for rescue from us is good!” Listened to Elder Qian also to want from demon Luo to gain the benefit, immediately at present one bright, the mood was excellent. “哈哈哈哈!钱长老真是好计谋,确实,如果这样的话,本王还真是希望魔罗来向我们求救才好!”听了钱长老还想从魔罗手上获取利益,顿时眼前一亮,心情大好。 If according to the idea of Elder Qian, this is the business how will not owe. 如果按照钱长老的想法,这可是一笔怎么样都不会亏的买卖。 According to the present situation, demon Luo, although is in an inferior position, but will not have made their demon Luo pray for rescue from us, we probably also need to wait for some time. If the howling sea they can attack and occupy demon Luo more domains, even is incapable of taking back these cities again the time, they will naturally bow to us!” Elder Qian thinks to say. “不过依现在的情况来看,魔罗虽然处于劣势,但是却还不会让他们魔罗向我们求救,我们可能还需要等待一段时间。若是啸海他们能够攻占魔罗更多地盘,甚至是无力再收回这些城池的时候,他们自然就会向我们低头了!”钱长老想了想说道。 Such being the case, can we also now in the border disturbance howling sea and dragon Ying?” Day conceals Outer King nods, knows Elder Qian said is not false. “既然如此,那我们现在还要在边境干扰啸海和龙鹰吗?”天藏外王点点头,知道钱长老说的不假。 If not compel to have no other choice, demon Luo will be will not easily pray for rescue from them absolutely. The loss that however now their day conceals and has no, demon Luo insists is longer, they with howling sea consumption are more, this to them, is good deed one. 如果不是逼不得已,魔罗是绝对不会这么轻易就向他们求救的。不过现在他们天藏并没有任何的损失,魔罗坚持的越久,他们跟啸海消耗的就更多,这对他们来说,都是好事一件。 Outer King, this is natural. Although our present plans have been formulated, but can implement, actually must look at the following tactical situation. If the tactical situation without imagines like us develops, our plans naturally would have no means. 外王,这是自然的。虽然我们现在的计划已经制定好了,可是能不能实施,却还要看接下来的战况。如果战况并没有像我们想象的那样发展,我们的计划自然也就没有办法进行了。 But their present chaos caused by war, surrounding outer court invades dragon Ying, the howling sea and demon Luo's domain in the border, our day conceals as simultaneously with outer court that the dragon eagle and howling sea border on, how can also miss this good opportunity? 可是他们现在战乱,周围的外朝都在边境侵占龙鹰、啸海和魔罗的地盘,我们天藏作为同时跟龙鹰和啸海接壤的外朝,又怎么能够错过这个好机会呢? We not only wanted at this time to the border disturbance of their outer court, but must seize their domains as far as possible, this may, although did not occupy the matter that did not occupy white/in vain. 我们不仅要在这个时候向他们两个外朝的边境干扰,而且还要尽量的占领他们的地盘,这可虽不占白不占的事。 If our plans really could not be implemented, then we also gained some benefits at least here, this war did not owe to us. 如果我们的计划真的实施不了,那么起码我们在这里也获取了一些利益,这一场战争对我们就是不亏的。 If our plans can be implemented finally, then first seizes their some domains now, when we begin, to be easier to take the howling sea? 如果我们的计划最后可以实施,那么现在先占领他们一些地盘,那等到我们动手的时候,岂不是更容易拿下啸海么? Therefore, the war of here boundary must have in any event! ” Elder Qian said. 所以,这边境之战是无论如何都少不了的!”钱长老说道。 Rational that said that good, since this, we increase some manpower to the border again, making them seize some domains as far as possible!” Outer King nods, this truly is a great idea. “说的有理,好,既然这样,那我们就再向边境增派一些人手,让他们尽量占领一些地盘!”外王点点头,这确实是一个好主意。 However he is also very clear, even if must increase troops to the border, cannot increase are too many, do not let the dragon eagle and howling sea feels them to the dragon eagle and howling sea extinguishing, but otherwise really had the possibility to dispatch the demon Luo's transfer of troops them to them on. 不过他也很清楚,就算要向边境增兵,也不能增的太多,千万不要让龙鹰和啸海觉得他们是要将龙鹰和啸海给灭了,要不然可就真的有可能将他们派往魔罗的兵力转移到他们身上了。 So long as they in the border are not extremely, slowly swallows their domain, they naturally cannot extremely care now. After all their present demon Luo is 1-2 days can capture a city, how they will care about border such small scale the war. 只要他们在边境不是太过,慢慢的吞下他们地盘,他们如今自然不会太过在意。毕竟他们现在魔罗可是1-2就能够攻下一座城池,他们又岂会在意边境这样小打小闹的战争。 …… …… The wars of three dynasty get stronger and stronger, no matter which outer court, unceasing increases troops to the battlefield, war frigid also exceeded everyone's imagination. 三朝之战愈演愈烈,不管哪个外朝,都在不断的向战场增兵,战争的惨烈也超出了所有人的想象。 By the present situation, dispatched troops to have about 1 million as the dragon eagles, the howling seas and demon Luo three outer court main action side. Three outer court add to be 3 million, naturally, these 3 million soldiers actually do not send out simultaneously, but sends out in turn. 以如今的情况来看,作为主战方的龙鹰、啸海和魔罗三个外朝出兵都已经有近百万了。三个外朝加起来可就是三百万,当然,这三百万战士却并不是同时出动的,而是分批出动的。 Is because after each loss huge forces, will set out second batch and third batch. Therefore currently speaking, above the main battlefield 3 million soldiers, three outer court have not added also on 700,000-800,000 soldiers. 是因为每一次损失大量兵力之后才会出动第二批、第三批。所以就目前来讲,主战场之上并没有三百万战士,三个外朝加起来也就700,000-800,000战士。 This indicated that the war develops now, three outer court almost lost 2 million military, three outer court borders receive attacking of each outer court again in addition, more or less also lost some people. 这说明战事发展到现在,三个外朝差不多损失了两百万兵力,再加上三个外朝边境受到各个外朝的攻打,或多或少也损失了一些人。 Therefore, until now, the losses of these three outer court, each outer court lost 700,000-800,000 soldiers considerably large on average. These 700,000-800,000 soldiers are not the average people, but is real cultivator, even lowest cultivation base also has the Foundation Establishment Stage boundary, lost, must say that is not grieved is false. 所以,到现在为止,这三个外朝的损失可是相当大的,平均每个外朝损失了700,000-800,000战士。要知道,这700,000-800,000战士可不是普通人,而都是货真价实的修士,甚至最低的修为也都有筑基期的境界,就这么损失了,要说不心痛是假的。 Especially regarding these outer court, is not the person can enter outer court. They in the person who in own sphere of influence elects may be the quite talented people, even there are many practicing talents. 尤其对于这些外朝来说,并不是什么人都能够进入外朝。他们在自己的势力范围内选的人可都是比较有天赋的人,甚至有不少的修行天才。 But because the present strength is not high, died in this war, this is very normal matter. 可是就因为如今实力不高,在这场战争之中死去,这都是很正常的事。 Perhaps so many people are they undergo the innumerable year of unceasing accumulations to choose so many right candidates, who can not be grieved? 这么多人或许是他们经过无数年不断的积累才选择到这么多合适的人选,谁会不心痛呢? However, regarding dragon eagle and howling sea, even if lost many disciples to make them grieved, but they actually took so many cities. 不过,对于龙鹰和啸海来说,就算是损失了不少弟子让他们心痛,可是他们却拿下了这么多的城池。 So long as there is a city, that represents the population to have the resources. When war, as soon as finished, they naturally can continue to select the right talent in these cities. 只要有城池,那就代表有人口有资源。等到战事一结束,他们自然可以在这些城池里面继续选拔合适的人才。 But regarding demon Luo, currently speaking, their losses really was quite miserable. Not only lost the talent, lost the domain. 而对于魔罗来说,就目前来说,他们的损失就真的比较惨了。不仅失去了人才,同时也失去了地盘。 Lost the domain to be equal to losing the population and resources, later wanted making up the talents of these losses, does not know that needed many years to be good. 失去了地盘就等于是失去了人口和资源,以后再想要将这些损失的人才给补上来,不知道要多少年才行。 Moreover the domain are less, the talent who can choose are also less. 而且地盘越少,能够选择的人才也就越少。 Therefore, facing such situation, demon Luo no matter also so many. Now the alliance of dragon Yinghe howling sea to their threats was really big, if did not have the cruel methods, they wanted again snatching these cities, that may really have no chance. 所以,面对这样的情况,魔罗也不管那么多了。如今龙鹰和啸海的联盟对他们的威胁实在是太大了,如果再不出狠手,他们想要再将这些城池给抢回来,那可就真的没有希望了。 These cities are they in the basis that under this day bases, although everyone belongs to Royal Court. However Royal Court always carries out is the expert survival, who can live, who is expert. 这些城池就是他们在这天下立足的根本,虽然大家都属于王朝。但是王朝一向推行的就是强者生存,谁能够活下来,谁就是强者 Remaining is a king, only then after the baptism of war, can live is the true talent. 正所谓剩者为王,只有经过战争的洗礼,能够活下来的才是真正的人才。 Also, no matter how among these outer court to fight, they also belong to Royal Court. Regarding entire Royal Court, they have no too big loss. 再说了,不管这些外朝之间如何斗,他们也都属于王朝。对于整个王朝来说,他们并没有什么太大的损失。 Moreover, now each outer court strength is getting stronger and stronger, their even some not too principle obeys Royal Court. Therefore, before letting them, struggles mutually serves the Royal Court benefit, therefore they are open eyes to close one's eyes, they want to fight, that made them fight. 而且,如今各个外朝的实力越来越强,他们甚至有些不太理服从王朝。所以,让他们之前互相斗争更加符合王朝的利益,所以他们更是睁只眼闭只眼,他们想斗,那就让他们斗好了。 …… …… In Qingmu city! 青木城内! Although Cheng Yu has treated in the city, but has been inquiring the situations of wars of present three dynasty. Although he has wanted to shoulder contradiction between dragon Yinggen the howling seas, but also thought that has not arrived at the best time. 程宇虽然一直待在城内,可是却一直在打听着如今三朝之战的情况。虽然他一直想要挑起龙鹰跟啸海之间的矛盾,但是却也觉得没有到最佳时机。 Now heard that the howling sea and dragon eagle increased the Nascent Soul Stage above disciple to demon Luo, in the heart the great happiness, knows that this war more hits now is more intense. 如今听说啸海和龙鹰都向魔罗增派了元婴期以上的弟子,心中大喜,知道这一场战争现在是越打越激烈了。 This to him, is a good news. However, while happy, he also feels the terrifying about the accumulations of these outer court. 这对于他来说,可是一个好消息。不过,在高兴的同时,他也对这些外朝的积累感到恐怖。 Ten ten thousand Nascent Soul Stage above disciples, what concept is this? Now entire Limitless Palace adds to fear that also on so many people, is regarding these outer court, wants to send out so many disciples to be only the easy matter. 十万元婴期以上的弟子,这是什么概念?如今整个无极宫加起来怕也就这么多人,可是对于这些外朝来说,想要派出这么多的弟子只是轻而易举的事。 This is the disparity, moreover he is very clear, this absolutely is not dragon Yinghe the howling sea complete strength. They definitely have more stronger disciples not to send out, therefore Cheng Yu decides to wait again! 这就是差距,而且他很清楚,这绝对不是龙鹰和啸海的全部实力。他们肯定还有更多的更强的弟子没有出动,所以程宇决定再等等!
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