GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2226: Difference!

Forms an alliance with the dragon eagle is Li Elder raised, most starts Tan Elder regarding this is actually very discontented. It is not because is discontented with this plan, actually regarding forming an alliance he also approves very much, but this is Li Elder raises, therefore in he is naturally understanding uncomfortable. 跟龙鹰结盟本是李长老提出来的,最开始的时候谭长老对此其实是很不满的。不是因为对这个计划不满,其实对于结盟他也是很认同的,不过这是李长老的所提出来的,所以他自然会心里不爽。 But the matter developed until now situation, moreover their howling sea outer court also solid gained many benefits, this let his feel better at heart much. 可是事情发展到如今的地步,而且他们啸海外朝也实实在在的获取到了不少利益,这让他的心里好受了不少。 However, because this plan is Li Elder raises after all, therefore this biggest merit without doubt is also Li Elder time. 不过,因为这个计划毕竟是李长老提出来的,所以这一次最大的功劳无疑也是李长老。 Now Li Elder also proposes draws back the war, Tan Elder in the heart likes immediately, this is the space falls the pie simply, gives him the merit in vain. 只是现在李长老却又主动提出退战,谭长老顿时心中欢喜,这简直就是天上掉馅饼,白白把功劳送给他。 Now the situation excellence of howling sea and dragon eagle, if drew back troops at this time, that simply these months the harvest surrenders something submissively again, is this possible? 如今啸海和龙鹰的形势一片大好,若是这个时候退兵,那简直就是将这几个月来的收获再次拱手让人,这怎么可能呢? Moreover, his these words did not say things just to frighten people, although Li Elder words somewhat truth, but the war was difficult to expect, let alone, he does not think after they drew back fought, the war according to such development that Li elder said. 而且,他的这番话也并非是危言耸听,李长老的话虽然有几分道理,可是战事难预料,更何况,他并不认为他们退战之后,战事会按照李长老所说的那样发展。 In the main hall, Outer King and other elders were in abundance silent, although Li Elder words make them feel are very excited, not only can while dropping sharply demon Luo, can make the dragon eagle be attacked, this has the extremely great significance regarding the rise of howling sea. 大殿内,外王和其他长老纷纷沉默了,虽然李长老的话让他们感觉很兴奋,不仅可以在重挫了魔罗的同时,又能够让龙鹰受到打击,这对于啸海的崛起可是有着极其重大的意义的。 After this war, demon Luo must move toward the decline time in their mind. But the howling sea and dragon Ying will also rise at this time. 经过这一次的大战,魔罗在他们的心中必然是要走向衰落的。而啸海和龙鹰也将在这个时候崛起。 But, dragon Ying the strength also are more powerful than the howling sea. This two outer court seized so many domains, even two outer court rose, when the time comes the dragon eagle probably compared with their howling sea powerful several points. 可是,龙鹰的实力本就要比啸海还要强大一些。这一次两个外朝占领了这么多的地盘,就算是两个外朝崛起了,那到时候龙鹰或许还是要比他们啸海强大几分。 If so, then to the howling sea in the eastern rise may not be meddlesome. Although said that their outer court has formed an alliance now, but between in the world between countries does not have forever friend, does not have forever enemy. 如果是这样的话,那对啸海在东部的崛起可并不是什么好事。虽然说他们两个外朝如今已经结成了联盟,可是天底下国与国之间没有永远的朋友,也没有永远的敌人。 Regarding these outer court, is nothing distinguishes with between countries. Once dragon Yinghe the howling sea was an enemy, was because of the benefit, they turned into the ally. 对于这些外朝来说,就跟国与国是没有什么区别的。曾经龙鹰和啸海是敌人,可是因为利益,他们变成了盟友。 Someday, dragon Ying also because the benefit stands with others in same online, but becomes the enemy with their howling sea once again, these are the matters of very likely occurrence. 也许有一天,龙鹰也会因为利益跟别人站在同一条线上,而与他们啸海再次成为敌人,这些都是极有可能的发生的事。 Furthermore, dragon Ying , to be dominant in the east, then definitely will have a war with their howling sea. 再者,龙鹰如果想要在东部独大,那么跟他们啸海就必然会有一战。 If not seize the chance now, when the dragon eagle rises to him, as soon as strikes, then, when they defeat demon Luo, wants to cope with dragon Ying again, that may be basically is the not possible matter. 如果现在不趁机在龙鹰崛起的时候给他一击,那么真的等到他们打败魔罗,再想要去对付龙鹰,那可就是基本上是不可能的事了。 Therefore, Li Elder words, although somewhat risk, but regarding the benefit of howling sea is actually very big. So long as the plan is completed, they will become in the middle of this war biggest income. 所以,李长老的话虽然有几分风险,但是对于啸海的利益却是很大的。只要计划完成,他们就会成为这一场大战当中最大的收益者。 But Tan Elder words actually look like basin cold water, the happiness of people fantasized that gave the junction to extinguish completely, this also has to make them in a big way face up to the feasibility of plan Li Elder proposed. 可是谭长老的一番话却更像一盆冷水,将众人的美好幻想全部给交灭了,这也不得不让他们正视李长老所提出的计划的可行性有多大。 If after they draw back troops, the demon Luo's main force has not turned to dragon Ying, but is the choice continues to attack them, what to do should they? Really must like Tan elder said that directly these three months did the achievement give up completely? 如果他们退兵之后,魔罗的主力并没有转向龙鹰,而是选择继续攻打他们,那他们该怎么办?难道真的要像谭长老所说的那样,直接将这三个多月来的成果全部放弃了? This is he unacceptable, this each city may be their innumerable howling sea disciple hits with the blood, now gives up actually easily. 这是他不能接受的,这每一座城池可都是他们无数啸海弟子用鲜血打出来的,现在放弃倒是容易。 But after giving up , to return again, that may not be an easy matter. 可是放弃之后若再想打回来,那可就不是一件容易的事了。 Li Elder, Tan Elder view is also very reasonable, by the present situation, your plans well is good, but is not safe. Our howling sea disciple paid so many blood to change these domains, if surrendered something submissively, feared that will disappoint the disciples! “李长老,谭长老的说法也很有道理,以现在的情况来看,你这计划好是好,但是并不稳妥。我们啸海弟子付出了这么多的鲜血才换来了这些地盘,若是就这么拱手让人,怕是会让弟子们失望啊! Moreover I have not wanted to have no consideration for face with the dragon eagle now, after weakening dragon Ying the strength said. ” Outer King considers over and over, represses the impulsion of innermost feelings finally, thought that is safer is quite good. 而且我现在还不想跟龙鹰撕破脸,至于削弱龙鹰的实力还是以后再说吧。”外王思虑再三,最终还是按耐住内心的冲动,觉得还是稳妥一些比较好。 Although dragon Ying existence regarding the howling sea is a significant hidden danger, but they truly also need dragon eagle ally now. If betrayed them at this time, then dragon Ying will get angry inevitably, when the time comes let alone rose, their outer court will be under the huge threat. 虽然龙鹰的存在对于啸海来说是一个重大的隐患,可是现在他们确实还需要龙鹰这个盟友。若是这个时候出卖了他们,那么龙鹰势必会翻脸,到时候别说是崛起了,就连他们两个外朝都将面临巨大的威胁。 Outer King, even if we suspended the dragon eagle together, they will not have no consideration for face with us in present this situation. Because they are also very clear, if our alliance does not exist, we will be instead swallowed by demon Luo. Therefore, their dragon eagle even at heart again indignant, should still endure this tone, after the war ended, will haggle over this matter with us. 外王,就算是我们摆了龙鹰一道,他们在现在这种情况下也不会跟我们撕破脸的。因为他们也很清楚,若是我们这个联盟不存在了,那我们都将被魔罗反吞。所以,他们龙鹰就算心里再气愤,也会忍下这口气,等到战事结束之后才会跟我们计较这件事。 But to that time, we may be not necessarily able to be worried about dragon Ying the threat again. ” Li Elder hears the Outer King words, in the heart is somewhat disappointed, but he has not given up, wants to continue to convince Outer King. 可是到了那个时候,我们可就未必会再担心龙鹰的威胁了。”李长老听到外王的话,心中有些失望,但是他并没有放弃,想要继续说服外王 Now the eastern situation will change because of this war, if they did not change advantages between next three outer court at this time, after when that the war ended, changed, that basically was the not possible matter. 如今东部的局势都会因为这一场战争而改变,如果他们不在这个时候改变一下三个外朝之间的优势,那么等到战事结束之后再来改变,那基本上是不可能的事了。 But dragon Ying existence is ordinary like a malignant tumor regarding the howling sea, if did not step on them at this time in the under foot, later was difficult, even their howling sea may also by their dragon Yingcai in the under foot. 而龙鹰的存在对于啸海来说就像一根毒瘤一般,若是这个时候不将他们踩在脚下,以后就更加的困难了,甚至他们啸海还有可能被他们龙鹰踩在脚下。 As the elder of howling sea, the benefit of entire howling sea is closely linked with them. He naturally does not hope that the howling sea becomes dragon Ying the bridal clothes finally, therefore he so insists on to give dragon Ying a blade now, rather than post-war. 作为啸海的长老,整个啸海的利益跟他们是息息相关的。他自然不希望啸海最后成为了龙鹰的嫁衣,所以他才如此坚持一定要现在给予龙鹰一刀,而不是战后。 This......” heard Li Elder saying that Outer King just the firm confidence, vacillated all of a sudden again. “这......”听到李长老说,外王刚刚才坚定的信心,一下子再一次动摇起来了。 Outer King, Li Elder spreads rumors and misleads the people simply, this is gambling with the future of our howling sea radically. We held the knife to dragon Ying at this time, if gave to aggravate them, what to do they did choose with us perish together? 外王,李长老简直就是妖言惑众,这根本就是拿我们啸海的未来在作赌注。我们在这个时候给龙鹰捅刀子,万一把他们给惹火了,他们选择跟我们同归于尽怎么办? Now we attack demon Luo with the dragon eagle together, in the situation an excellence, demon Luo retreat in defeat again and again, why do we want to take risk to offend dragon Ying at this time? 如今我们跟龙鹰一起攻打魔罗,形势上一片大好,魔罗节节败退,我们为何要冒这个险在这个时候得罪龙鹰呢? If we drew back fought, the dragon eagle caused heavy losses, they were even incapable of resisting demon Luo again, how when the time comes will demon Luo let off us? Without dragon Ying, by living demon Luo who how our howling sea did resist? This clearly compels toward the blind alley on our howling sea, therefore asked Outer King to think, how even if we wanted to weaken dragon Ying again, cannot begin in this critical moment, this was digs one's own grave! ” Tan Elder to Li Elder indignant saying. 如果我们退战了,龙鹰遭到重创,他们甚至都无力再抵抗魔罗,到时候魔罗又岂会放过我们?没有了龙鹰,以我们啸海又怎么抵挡的住魔罗?这分明就是把我们啸海往死路上逼,所以请外王三思,哪怕我们再怎么想要削弱龙鹰,也不可在这紧要关头动手,这是自掘坟墓啊!”谭长老对着李长老气愤的说道。 Outer King, I thought that Tan Elder words are not groundless. Now our unceasing attacks a city in the demon Luo's domain, why can show weakness the domain that emits itself to get? 外王,我觉得谭长老的话也不无道理。如今我们不断的在魔罗的地盘上攻城掠地,为何要示弱放出自己打下的地盘呢? Our drawing back troops could weaken dragon Ying the strength, but now dragon Ying is our allies, weakens his strength to be equivalent weakens our strengths. 我们退兵或许可以削弱龙鹰的实力,可是现在龙鹰是我们的盟友,削弱他的实力就相当于削弱我们自己的实力。 Moreover we draw back troops later have too many variables are unforeseen, I thought that we should adopt the safe means that cooperates with the dragon eagle sincerely, remnant said to the dozen demon Luo directly again. ” At this time woof Elder also stood to support Tan Elder. 而且我们退兵之后有太多的变数是无法预料的,我觉得咱们还是应该采取稳妥的办法,诚心跟龙鹰合作,直接将魔罗给打残再说。”这个时候汪长老也站出来支持谭长老。
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