GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#2043: Angry and frightened!

The Shi Ji colored glaze circle wants to render meritorious service once more obviously is some difficulties, «to the person name that Soul Imaginary Body God» Secret Art hits is called allow Jinsheng by Cheng Yu with, had Kong Yun the accident, he naturally has the enormous vigilance. 石姬的琉璃圈想要再次立功显然是有些困难的,被程宇用《离魂幻体神诀》击中的人名叫许劲生,有了孔云的意外,他自然是有着极大的警惕。 Although was struck to fly by Cheng Yu, but is impossible to take Kong Yun the old route again, went well by Shi Ji again. On the contrary, he bypassed Cheng Yu while this opportunity they, has killed toward the remaining these people directly. 虽然被程宇击飞,但是不可能再走孔云的老路,再被石姬得手。相反,他趁此机会绕过了程宇他们,直接朝着剩下的那些人杀了过去。 This Cheng Yu is too weird, can actually withstand six Great Ascension Late Stage masters by a strength of person, moreover now also bewildered has folded a person, they want to massacre Cheng Yu to be unlikely the matter in a short time obviously. 这个程宇太邪门,竟然能够以一个人的实力顶住六个大乘后期的高手,而且现在还莫名其妙的折了一个人,他们想要在短时间内杀掉程宇显然是不太可能的事。 Therefore, he must start from the remaining these people, the strengths of these people do not have Cheng Yu to be so formidable obviously. 所以,他要从剩下的这些人下手,这些人的实力明显没有程宇那么强大。 However, he thinks that he can massacre these people completely, actually indulged in fantasy. The strengths of these people are not truly high, even possibly is not a Great Ascension Late Stage match. 不过,他以为自己一个人就能够将这些人全部杀掉,却又太异想天开了。这些人的实力确实不高,甚至不可能是一个大乘后期的对手。 However, in the middle of these people, besides the black and white demon, all people have studied Cheng Yu «to Soul Imaginary Body God Secret Art», other first did not say that he wants to massacre these many people by a person of strength, that is a impossible matter. 但是,这些人当中,除了黑白魔之外,所有人都学习了程宇的《离魂幻体神诀》,别的先不说,他想要以一人之力杀掉这么多人,那就是一件不可能的事。 Because the paths of these people are the same with Cheng Yu, is completely evasive. 因为这些人的轨迹就跟程宇一样,完全不可捉摸。 In addition the black and white demon and Shi Ji as well as Xīn Yao are the Great Ascension Middle Stage strengths, they can also cope with Great Ascension Late Stage together, this instead made this allow Jin live fell into the predicament all of a sudden! 再加上黑白魔和石姬以及心瑶都是大乘中期的实力,他们还能够一起对付一个大乘后期,这反而让这许劲生一下子陷入了困局! Really is damn!” allow Jinsheng is very depressed. “真是该死!”许劲生很郁闷。 His strength obviously compared with these person, but this group of people unexpectedly so are strange, making he each time hitting hard have achieved nothing, came up empty-handed. 他的实力明明要比这些人强,但是这群人竟然一个个都如此奇怪,让他每一次的重击都一无所获,扑了个空。 Moreover, Cheng Yu several women have not been idling, their boundaries are very perhaps low, but the immortal mirror on hand truly is out of the ordinary. Although cannot help them strike to kill a Great Ascension Late Stage master directly, but can actually help the black and white demon their four main attacks. 而且,程宇的几个女人也没有闲着,她们的境界或许很低,但是手上的仙镜确实是非同凡响。虽然不能够帮她们直接击杀一个大乘后期的高手,但是却能够在帮到黑白魔他们四个主攻。 Under their four person unpredictable attacks, their several women again by the characteristics of immortal mirror, unceasing carries on the attack disturbance to allow Jinsheng, this may be makes him be hard to resist, enabling him everywhere to be restrained finally. 在他们的四个人变幻莫测的攻击下,她们几个女人再以仙镜的特点,不断的对许劲生进行攻击干扰,这可更是让他难以招架了,使得他最后处处受制。 Great Ascension Late Stage was in the weak trend in front of several Great Ascension Middle Stage cultivator unexpectedly, was really pitiful. 一个大乘后期竟然在几个大乘中期修士面前处于弱势了,真是可悲。 But at this time, that side Cheng Yu, saw only the attack of Cheng Yu to have the change again, above the entire battlefield as if only saw the Cheng Yu shadow. 而此时,在程宇那边,只见程宇的攻击再次发生了变化,整个战场之上似乎只看到程宇的影子。 But that remaining four people, actually early already all Cheng Yu submerging! 可是那剩下的四个人,却早已经被所有的“程宇”给淹没了! Scarlet sea blue dragon Secret Art!” “赤海苍龙诀!” Tian Xue flying foil Secret Art!” 天雪飞花剑诀!” Big Dipper flying rainbow sword Secret Art!” “七星飞虹剑诀!” Profound light Qingyang Secret Art!” Four people saw the person on one's own side many instead by an opposite party person to encirclement, this was keeps them from enduring simply. “玄光青阳诀!”四个人看到自己人多反而被对方一个人给“围”了,这简直是让他们无法忍受。 Therefore, four people erupt collectively, has caused own adept cultivation technique. 于是,四个人集体爆发,将自己的拿手功法使了出来。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Sees only in the battlefield a confusion, everywhere is sword qi phantom. In situation that in four people catch up collectively, that many Cheng Yu finally in flash by their four people annihilating. 只见战场之中一片混乱,到处都是剑气虚影。在四个人集体发力的情况下,那么多的“程宇”终于在一瞬间就被他们四个人给消灭掉了。 glory Yang was careful!” But, when four people launch the counter-attack, Cheng Yu already focused in a person. “荣阳小心!”可是,就在四个人发动反击的时候,程宇早就把目光放在了其中一个人身上。 He must simultaneously massacre four Great Ascension Late Stage to be unlikely obviously, then can only choose defeat in detail first. As for first from which person broken, looked that who is so bad luck, started appropriately. 他要同时杀掉四个大乘后期显然是不太可能的,那么就只能先选择各个击破了。至于先从哪个人身上破,就看谁这么倒霉,最合适下手了。 Was broken to own Mirage shortly in abundance crushes, but this glory just right back to oneself, Cheng Yu is sneering positive actually, a move of Shuanglong went to sea to kill toward this person directly. 眼看到自己的幻影纷纷被破击碎,而这个荣阳却正好背对着自己,程宇冷笑一声,一招双龙出海直接就朝着这个人杀了过去。 Hǒu hǒu! 吼吼! Compared with Ding Wei's scarlet sea blue dragon Secret Art, Cheng Yu imaginary dragon Secret Art obviously more than one scale. Although Ding Wei's scarlet sea blue dragon Secret Art also called Dragon Ying a moment ago, but completely is empty. 比起丁伟的赤海苍龙诀,程宇的幻龙诀明显强了不止一个档次。虽然丁伟的赤海苍龙诀刚才也唤出了龙影,但是完全是虚化的。 But again has a look at these two dragon shades that Cheng Yu evolves, now constantly grows along with the Cheng Yu strength, these two dragon shades more and more tended the realifications. 可是再看看程宇所演化出来的这两条龙影,如今随着程宇的实力不断增长,这两条龙影已经越来越趋于实化了。 The person of scarlet blood pledge even thinks that this is really genuine Shenlong that Cheng Yu summoned! 赤血盟的人甚至都以为这真的是程宇召唤出来的真正的神龙! Two Shenlong opens great mouth to overrun toward glory Yang, that imposing manner as if must swallow the world to be completely ordinary, made one shiver simply. 两条神龙张着巨嘴朝着荣阳冲了过去,那气势仿佛要吞尽天地一般,简直令人颤抖。 Rumbling! 轰轰! glory Yang sees three Senior Brother complexions, suddenly felt that the enormous danger, has turned around by the extremely quick response, was already without enough time. 荣阳看到三个师兄的脸色,突然感觉到极大的危险,以极快的反应转过身来,可是已经来不及了。 However so, the Ding Wei three people immediately launched the attack toward these two dragon shades, hopes that can resist this to strike in the help glory positive. 但是就算如此,丁伟三个人还是在第一时间朝着这两条龙影发动了攻击,希望能够在帮助荣阳抵挡这一击。 Bang! 轰! Without any accident, the Ding Wei three people of attacks, these two dragon shades have not struck positive in the glory. 没有任何的意外,丁伟三人的攻击未至,这两条龙影已经击在荣阳身上。 ! 噗! Although has the formidable elementary force cover to be the backing, but Cheng Yu present imaginary Dragon Juezao is not again is once imaginary dragon Secret Art. Dragon Ying the unceasing realification, the might grows far more than dozens times. 尽管有着强大的元力罩作为后盾,但是程宇如今的幻龙诀早已经不是再是曾经的幻龙诀了。龙影的不断的实化,威力增长的何止数十倍。 Even if the present match strength is also very strong, but still could not stand off these near realifications the shade of Shenlong. 哪怕现在的对手实力也很强,但仍然敌不过这几近实化的神龙之影。 Bam ! 啪! The shades of two Shenlong covered this glory Yang elementary force defense instantaneously defeating, the formidable destructive power directly striking to fly glory Yang. 两条神龙之影瞬间就将这荣阳的元力防御罩给击破了,强大的破坏力直接将荣阳给击飞出去。 At this time, the attacks of Ding Wei three people across glory Yang, have killed toward Cheng Yu directly. 此时,丁伟三个人的攻击穿过荣阳,直接朝着程宇杀了过去。 Cheng Yu because of these two Shenlong shade consumption, cannot make to give way to traffic immediately, can only choose stiffly receives these three attacks. 程宇因为这两条神龙之影的消耗,没能够在第一时间作出避让,只能选择硬生生的接下这三道攻击。 However is good because of these three attack his Shuanglong has not gone to sea such might, although was repelled, the corners of the mouth have also flowed out the blood, is actually only the small internal injury. 不过好在这三道攻击并没有他的双龙出海这样的威力,虽被击退,嘴角也流出了鲜血,却只是小小的内伤而已。 But, that glory Yang did not have good luck such, had been struck by two dragon shades solidly, the whole person is covered with blood. 可是,那个荣阳就没有这么好运了,被两条龙影扎扎实实的击了个正着,整个人都已经是血肉模糊了。 Abandoned!” After this is the Ding Wei three people sees the glory is positive the first response. “废了!”这是丁伟三个人看到荣阳之后的第一个反应。 At this time, three person complexions were very ugly, although glory Yang has not died, but the dantian had been abandoned, the whole body meridians completely shaken smashing, a Yuan god has damaged, even if were rescues, was a stupid person. 此时,三个人脸色别提有多难看了,荣阳虽然还没有死,可是丹田已经被废,全身经脉全部被震的粉碎,就连元神都已经损伤,就算是救过来了,也是一个痴呆人了。 Actually are you who?” Ding Wei inconceivable looks at Cheng Yu, in his eye filled was angry and feared. “你究竟是什么人?”丁伟不可思议的看着程宇,他的眼中充满了愤怒和恐惧。 Although everybody is Great Ascension Late Stage, but the strength also respectively has differently, but opposite this looks like compared with them also wants the young many youngster strength obviously compared with them, moreover is not the tiny bit. 虽然大家同是大乘后期,但是实力也是各有不同的,而对面这个看起来比他们还要年轻的多的年轻人的实力就明显要比他们强,而且不是一星半点。 In short such meets the time, they have folded two people. But other one side, allow Jinsheng also by the Cheng Yu companion sieging, although does not have the danger temporarily, but the situation is not optimistic, this makes them be defeated very much. 在短短这么一会功夫,他们已经折了两个人。而另外一边,许劲生也被程宇的同伴给围困住了,虽然暂时没有生命危险,但是情况却并不乐观,这让他们很失败。 Naturally, most makes him feel that what anger is, Zhuang Zhicheng they actually offended such master, makes them look for others troubles, this clearly wants to kill them! 当然,最让他感觉愤怒的是,庄志诚他们竟然得罪了这样的高手,却还让他们来找人家的麻烦,这分明就是想害死他们! Thinks of here, he started to retreat, today they want to take these people unlikely obviously. If they want to recover the gathering place, that can only ask the school to send the master to come again. 想到这里,他已经开始想要撤退了,今天他们想要拿下这些人显然是不太可能的。如果他们想要找回场子,那就只能请门派再派高手来了。 At least their these people radically are not others matches! 至少他们这几个人根本就不是人家的对手! This was actually funny, isn't you must look for my trouble? Now also asked that who I am?” Sneering of Cheng Yu face said. “这倒是好笑了,不是你们要找我的麻烦么?现在却还来问我是什么人?”程宇一脸的冷笑道。
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