FMOC :: Volume #34

#3331: On

Riddles of fifth the Jade Chip Extra Article 番外之五玉简之谜 Hi , met with everybody, is pleasantly surprised Ah? 嗨,又和大家见面啦,惊不惊喜啊? Sorry, said with everybody two days Extra Article, has towed to be so long finally, is mainly...... The taste of rest is really comfortable, a rest does not want to move, ha, thinks that next month will open the new book, must whole-heartedly, make old ox indulge ten days of half a month slightly! 很抱歉啊,和大家说了“过两天”更番外的,结果拖了这么久,主要是……休息的滋味真舒服啊,一休息就不想动了,哈哈哈,想到下个月开新书,又要全力以赴,就让老牛稍微放纵十天半个月吧! New book progress...... Also good, has written the opening of 50,000-60,000 character, felt that is not quite good, overthrew came again, now once again returned to the scales of 50,000-60,000 characters, it is estimated that in mid next month sends the book, can accumulate the about a dozen ten thousand drafts. 新书进度……还行吧,写了个五六万字的开头,感觉不太好,又推翻重来了,现在又一次回到了五六万字的规模,估计下个月中旬发书之前,也能攒个十几万的稿子。 《Fourth Cultivation》 Extra Article, prepared according to the time sequence, the stories of how many important supporting roles also writes, but thinks now, as if maintains a mystery is quite good? Star Ocean is so big, the universe is so splendid, Ding Lingdang, Han Te, Fist King, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun...... They will certainly meet more the interesting story, did a old ox why person finish them? 《修四》番外,原本准备按照时间顺序,把几个重要配角的故事也都写一遍,但现在想想,似乎还是保持点神秘感比较好?星海这么大,宇宙这么精彩,丁铃铛,韩特,拳王,白老大,龙扬君……他们一定会遇到很多很多有趣的故事,老牛又何必一个人把他们都写完呢? Therefore, approximately finished Extra Article by the end of this month, then wholly absorbed wrote the new book, if everybody really wants to look at Extra Article, later old ox looked that the situation said again. 所以,番外到本月底也大致结束,接下来就专心致志写新书了,如果大家实在想看番外,以后老牛看情况再说吧。 Finally, two Extra Article, but these two are really Extra Article Extra Article Extra Article, does not relate with the master line, everybody at will! 最后,还有两个番外,不过这两个真是番外番外番外,和主线毫无关系,大家随意吧! Below starts, fifth Extra Article, «Riddle of Jade Chip»: 下面开始,番外之五,《玉简之谜》: ...... …… After long. 很久以后。 Some Multiverse, in some time line. 某个平行宇宙,某条时间线中。 Treads Stomp! “踏踏踏踏! Does not have the night of star, the mountain breeze howls, rugged such as above the precipitous mountain road of intestines, two Dragon Wolf god steed the oppression of the people tramples the blue stone, pounds spark to scatter, treads the vast mountain rock, Crackling tumbles to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Abyss , during the high sea turns wells up. 无星之夜,山风呼啸,崎岖如肠的险峻山道之上,两匹“龙狼神骏”的铁蹄践踏青石,砸得火星四溅,踏碎大片山岩,“噼里啪啦”滚落到万丈深渊之下,怒涛翻涌之中。 The appearance of the mountain is so dangerous, passed the spirit hole god steed bountifully, in addition practices breathing exercises the expert control of cultivation, has slightly carelessly, must fall torn body and crushed bones, the skeleton not saves. 山势如此险恶,饶是通了灵窍的神骏,加上练气修真高手驾驭,稍有不慎,亦要摔个粉身碎骨,尸骸无存。 But the knights on two god steeds, actually disregard, send dash about wildly fully, stimulates the blood hole of god steed with secret skill, speed wind to limit. 但前后两匹神骏上的骑士,却是不管不顾,发足狂奔,用秘法刺激神骏的血窍,将速度飙至极限。 Hiss--” “嘶——” In the vault of heaven of overcast sky, is circling the about a dozen headman first eagle body person surface owlet, by the Evil Path ominous person by the secret skill operation, in the skeleton face was revealed the strong fierceness, starts toward two Dragon Wolf knights unceasingly throws to strike. 身后阴云密布的天穹之中,盘旋着十几头人首鹰身的“人面枭”,被邪道凶人以秘法操纵,骷髅般的面孔上流露出浓烈的狰狞,不断朝两名龙狼骑士发动扑击。 Two knights double hold Golden Crow Fire Crossbow, projects a series of fireballs toward the midair, burns everywhere is the red lotus fires of karma, resists brigade reluctantly person surface owlet attack. 两名骑士双持金鸦火弩,朝半空中射出一连串的火球,烧得漫天都是红莲业火,勉强抵挡大队“人面枭”的进攻。 It seems like the defense water cannot sprinkle, but storage abstains the crossbow bolt to be getting fewer and fewer. 看似防御水泼不进,但储物戒中的弩箭却越来越少。 At this time, front mountain road presented the avalanche, that was the rainstorm day after day, was pounded to fall by the great rock, exposes dozens zhang (3.33 m) gap. 这时候,前方山道出现崩塌,那是连日暴雨,被巨岩砸落,暴露出几十丈的缺口。 Master!” “师父!” The rear knight calls out in alarm, the sound is immature, is 20 over young people. 后方骑士惊呼,声音稚嫩,是个20出头的年轻人。 Overruns!” “冲过去!” The front knight whips on a horse, rises with a spring, the Dragon Wolf god steed cried loud and long, changed to a lightning, if really ran out of near hundred zhang (333 m) to be far. 前方骑士策马扬鞭,一跃而起,龙狼神骏长啸一声,化作一道闪电,果真冲出了近百丈远。 Rear Dragon Wolf was inspired by the companion, does not wait for the knight to raise the whip, jumps high, figure like the electricity, bridges over the flaw the mountain road. 后方的龙狼受到同伴鼓舞,不等骑士扬鞭,也高高跃起,身形如电,跨过缺失的山道。 However-- 然而—— Does not wait for two knights to relax slightly, the mountain road arrived at the end. 不等两名骑士稍稍松一口气,山路已经到了尽头。 The front is a high bulge cliff, under the cliff is black deeply does not see the bottom Nether Spring, but the opposite foothold, the distance at least 2-3 hundreds of zhang (333 m), the eyesight is not as good, cannot see the other shore. 前方是一座高高凸起的悬崖,悬崖下面是黑黢黢深不见底的幽泉,而对面的落脚点,距离此间至少两三百丈,目力稍逊,根本看不到彼岸。 Did not have the road, Master!” “没路了,师父!” The young knight called again. 年轻骑士再次呼叫。 Does not have the road also to tread a road, Zhao Chuang, you gave to listen for the master, this Supreme Jade Chip records antique Era, scolded shout Star Ocean Ten Thousand Worlds Supreme, this lived the biggest secret, might be his roaring stars extremely, scolded shout various heaven peerless divine ability!” “没路也要踏出一条路,赵闯,你给为师听好了,这枚‘至尊玉简’记载着太古时代,一位叱咤星海万界至尊,此生最大的秘密,极有可能是他咆哮星辰,叱咤诸天的绝世神通!” The front knight clenches teeth saying that „ ancient people hand down, who can explain and comprehend Supreme Jade Chip the content, who can dominate the world, suppresses nine, even roams through above in Qunxing! But during past ten thousand years, Supreme Jade Chip nine time come, every time initiates the world to be turbulent, loss of life, the blood dyes nine! 前面的骑士咬牙道,“故老相传,谁能破解和领悟‘至尊玉简’的内容,谁就能称霸天下,镇压九界,甚至遨游于群星之上!而过去万年间,‘至尊玉简’的九次现身,每一次都引发天下动荡,生灵涂炭,血染九界! This time, we ‚the Heavenly Wolf sect accidentally obtain Supreme Jade Chip, brings in the disaster that the whole families slaughter extinguishes, if ignores Supreme Jade Chip falls into the demon outlet hand, has not known that the world will encounter the what kind of catastrophe! “这一次,咱们‘天狼宗’偶然得到‘至尊玉简’,就引来满门屠灭的灾祸,倘若放任‘至尊玉简’落入邪魔外道手中,还不知人间将遭遇何等浩劫! Zhao Chuang, the Heavenly Wolf sect can destroy, your my master and disciple life can also sacrifice, but this Supreme Jade Chip must deliver to Seven Great Factions the head, sea of bitterness zen temple kind navigation Grandmaster in hand, only then he knows how seal Supreme Jade Chip, does not let this thing disaster world!” 赵闯,天狼宗可以毁灭,你我师徒的性命也可以牺牲,但这枚‘至尊玉简’必须送到‘七大派’之首,‘苦海禅院’的‘慈航大师’手中,只有他才知道如何封印‘至尊玉简’,不让此物祸乱人间!” During the master and disciple speeches, rushed to front of cliff. 师徒说话间,已经冲到悬崖前面。 In hot pursuit person surface owlet, sends out the grating wailing in the midair, as if ridicules them to have no place to go. 身后紧追不舍的“人面枭”,在半空中发出刺耳的尖啸,仿佛讥笑他们无处可逃。 Zhao Chuang understood in an instant having made up mind of master, has a big shock: Master, you must do!” 赵闯刹那间明白了师父的决意,大惊失色:“师父,您老人家要干什么!” Taking, Zhao Chuang, remember, your head can break, the body can die, the soul can vanish into thin air, but this Supreme Jade Chip must give the kind navigation Grandmaster personally!” “拿着,赵闯,记住,你的头可以断,身可以死,魂魄可以烟消云散,但这枚‘至尊玉简’一定要亲手交给慈航大师!” The master flings the Zhao Chuang bosom a bamboo tube of lush green, yells hoarsely, cannot make it fall to the hand of demon outlet, does not may!” 师父将一枚青翠欲滴的竹筒甩到赵闯怀里,声嘶力竭地喊叫,“万万不能让它落到邪魔外道的手中,万万不可啊!” shuā! 唰! The Dragon Wolf god steed of master crotch, jumps toward the endless cliff high. 师父胯下的龙狼神骏,朝着无尽悬崖高高跃起。 Meanwhile, the master sounded the strange whistling, the god steed of Zhao Chuang crotch also followed to leap. 与此同时,师父吹响了诡异的口哨,赵闯胯下的神骏也紧随其后跃了起来。 Two god steeds one after the other, draw the soul-stirring arc in the midair, has missed some altitudes eventually, has not arrived in the opposite shore, then fell. 两头神骏一前一后,在半空中划出惊心动魄的弧线,终究差了一些高度,还未抵达对岸,便落了下去。 But the master actually carefully calculated the paths of two god steeds, the god steed of Zhao Chuang crotch without bias and without favor, just fell behind the god steed of master. 但师父却精心计算好了两匹神骏的轨迹,赵闯胯下的神骏不偏不倚,刚好落在师父的神骏背后。 “hōng!” “轰!” The Zhao Chuang god steed layer on layer/heavily treads, the god steed of master will have regarded the stepping-stone unexpectedly, from this obtains the new altitude, strength and speed , to continue to plunder toward the opposite shore. 赵闯的神骏重重一踏,竟然将师父的神骏当成了踏脚石,由此获得新的高度、力量和速度,继续朝对岸掠去。 The master actually together with the god steed same place, extra dip, falls into the black fog. 师父却连同神骏一起,加速坠落,跌入黑黢黢的云雾之中。 „!” “啊!” Zhao Chuang grieved such as twists, but master gate recently the even/including suffered the drastic change, all people besides oneself dies a violent death, such anger made him unable to attend to sadly, clenched the teeth, controls the god steed, the danger strategic place falls falls on the opposite shore. 赵闯心痛如绞,但师门近日连遭剧变,除了自己以外所有人都死于非命,这样的愤怒令他顾不得伤心,咬紧牙关,驾驭神骏,险之又险地摔落在对岸。 The dropping variances of two sides cliffs are enormous, when Zhao Chuang resists person surface owlet early also received the heavy wound, Spiritual Energy was unable to revolve, fell a gloom, spouted a dark red blood. 两边悬崖的落差极大,赵闯早前对抗“人面枭”时也受了不轻的伤,灵能无法运转,摔了个天昏地暗,喷出一口殷红的鲜血。 The crotch god steed also falls four limbs to break off, is incapable of leading the way. 胯下神骏也摔得四肢折断,无力前行。 Zhao Chuang clenched teeth to set out, has pinched in the bosom, hard still, slightly relaxed, looked at behind the midair again, brigade person surface owlet actually grins fiendishly to pursue. 赵闯咬牙起身,捏了捏怀中,硬硬的仍在,稍稍松了口气,再看身后半空,大队“人面枭”却狞笑着追了上来。 chī chī chī chī!” 嗤嗤嗤嗤!” Zhao Chuang shoots spatial Golden Crow Fire Crossbow, person surface owlet shoots the fireball two, afterward pulls out the waist sword, prepares to fight to the death. 赵闯射空金鸦火弩,将两头“人面枭”射成火球,随后抽出腰间战刀,准备决一死战。 When at a crucial moment, void emerges dozens secretive ripple, condenses the wind blade that is easy to break sends, person surface owlet cut the head about a dozen all of a sudden! 千钧一发之际,虚空中涌现出几十道诡秘的波纹,凝聚成吹毛断发的风刃,将十几头“人面枭”一下子斩掉了脑袋! Heavenly Wolf sect fellow daoist should not be startled, Ardent Wind Sect Han Ziyi and hurricane 19 swords come to aid!” 天狼宗道友勿要惊慌,烈风门韩子翼并‘飓风19剑’前来接应!” In hillside both sides jungle, drills the about a dozen famous vigor to install sword cultivator, ten people operate Flying Sword, dogfight remaining person surface owlet, actually three sword cultivator, plunges Zhao Chuang, Supreme Jade Chip where, is then given kind navigation Grandmasterto go by us ‚!” 山坡两侧的密林中,钻出十几名劲装剑修,其中十人操纵飞剑,缠斗剩下的“人面枭”,却有三名剑修,扑向赵闯,“‘至尊玉简’何在,便由我们交给‘慈航大师’去吧!” Ardent Wind Sect is illustrious Righteous Sect, usually wiped out the bullies and helped the down-trodden, upholds the justice, wins universal praise, Zhao Chuang relaxes slightly. 烈风门是赫赫有名的名门正派,平素锄强扶弱,主持正义,有口皆碑,赵闯稍稍松一口气。 But before thinking of master at the point of death words, said: Ardent Wind Sect Senior Brother, Heavenly Wolf sect Zhao Chuang here, Supreme Jade Chip also in my hands, the master assigns me to give kind navigation Grandmaster personally ‚’, exhausted Senior Brother guides!” 但想到师父临死前的话,还是道:“烈风门的诸位师兄,天狼赵闯在此,‘至尊玉简’也在我手里,师父命我亲自交给‘慈航大师’,劳烦诸位师兄带路!” Good!” “好啊!” Three sword cultivator accelerate suddenly, is the Han Zi wing whole face of head fierce is not inferior person surface owlet, that makes us deliver you to start off!” 三名剑修陡然加速,为首的韩子翼满脸狰狞丝毫不逊于“人面枭”,“那就让我们送你上路吧!”
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