FMOC :: Volume #34

#3312: ……

Although in the iron great ambition has raised to the ideas of Wan Zanghai many treason and heresy, but this described that the withered old person after all is a Human Race Civilization over a hundred years of leader, is countless people believes that the curse and has to believe god, iron Hero calmed down, honest was reporting to the old person the recent several days has the disturbance in fleet. 尽管铁雄心里掀起了对万藏海诸多大逆不道的想法,但这个形容枯槁的老人毕竟是人类文明上百年的领袖,是无数人信仰,诅咒和不得不相信的“神”,铁雄定了定神,还是老老实实向老人报告着最近几天发生在舰队中的骚乱。 Now has verified, this disturbance is the return sends the deliberate motion completely. 现在已经查明,这次骚乱完全是回归派有预谋的行动。 As Earth destroys, new Earth United Fleet is getting more and more far from the homeland, especially over and over again slaughtering and clean, the old order was already nothing left. 随着地球毁灭,新地球联合舰队距离家园越来越远,特别是三番五次的屠戮和清洗,旧秩序早已荡然无存。 Several ten million people that lives by luck with the dark ice-cold universe, are away from together the ice-cold iron wall merely, in such house arrest, high pressure and desperate environment, Human Race turns into the wild animal, the wild animal turns into the devil, takes one second merely. 侥幸活下来的几千万人和黑暗冰冷的宇宙,仅仅隔着一道冰冷的铁壁,在这样幽闭、高压和绝望的环境中,人类变成野兽,野兽变成恶魔,仅仅需要一秒钟。 The road of over a hundred years of becoming a fugitive, various types the sound that opposes Wan Zanghai never subsides, the disturbance and strike of small scale sometimes occur, but these are the troubles of scaby skin disease, could not create too in a big way to affect to the United Fleet mission--, because all oppositions could not solve a problem, „, if did not obey the Wan Zanghai verbal command, continued to forward, goes to the meteorite the source, the universe other shore, where should also toward go?” 上百年的逃亡之路,各种反对万藏海的声音从未平息,小规模的骚乱和罢工时有发生,但这些都是疥癞之患,对联合舰队的使命造成不了太大影响——因为所有的反对声浪都解决不了一个问题,“倘若不听从万藏海的号令,继续向前,前往陨石的源头,宇宙的彼岸,又该往哪里去呢?” This issue is not solved, disturbance forever is only the disturbance, is extremely under exhausted and pain, venting grievances discontent. 这个问题不解决,骚乱永远只是骚乱,是太过疲惫和痛苦之下,发泄不满的牢骚而已。 However, return faction different. 然而,“回归派”不同。 The return faction is in recent years in the extreme danger ideological trend that United Fleet emerges, just birth, demonstrated formidable misleading and destructive power. 回归派是最近几年才在联合舰队涌现出来的极端危险思潮,刚刚诞生,就显示出强大的蛊惑性和破坏力。 Just like this Faction name is the same, the return faction declared that after over a hundred years of self- purification and restore, Earth has worked loose from that destructive solar storm, restored the vitality of certain extent, at least, with restoring Earth compares, goes to the universe end to seek for the hope of new homeland to be uncertainer, therefore United Fleet should not continue toward the unknown dark advance, but should transfer the direction, returning to Earth to go. 正如这一派系的名称一样,回归派宣称经过上百年的自我净化和修复,地球已经从那场毁灭性的太阳风暴中挣脱出来,又恢复了一定程度的生机,至少,和修复地球比起来,去宇宙尽头寻找新家园的希望更加渺茫,所以联合舰队不应该继续朝着未知的黑暗前进,而应该调转方向,回到地球去。 „The difficulty of Star Ocean navigation far exceeds our estimates, we at least must be able to arrive in the destination with tens of thousands years, the food web system and hibernation system cannot support such making a long and wearisome journey, we will be doomed the total defeat in the halfway, will annihilate in most pinnacle darkness!” 星海航行的难度远远超出我们的预估,我们至少要用几万年才能抵达目的地,食物循环系统和冬眠系统都支撑不了这样的长途跋涉,我们注定会在半路上折戟沉沙,湮灭在最极致的黑暗中!” Turns head, the sea of bitterness which knows no bounds, repents and is saved!” “回头吧,苦海无边,回头是岸!” Now changes the direction also with enough time, the homeward journey by our Expeditions clear, will not have been met any dangers and difficulties again, we can definitely go back.” “现在改变航向还来得及,归途已经被我们探索得一清二楚,不会再遇到任何艰难险阻,我们肯定能回去的。” „Born in Earth, dies of Earth!” “生于地球,死于地球!” Returns to Earth to go, reconstruction best homeland, vast stars, endless universe, only then Earth is our only paradises!” “回到地球去,重建最美好的家园,浩瀚星辰,无尽宇宙,只有地球是我们唯一的乐土!” The return sends to disseminate such opinion in secret, likely is the venom corrosion the organism of Earth United Fleet, is wearing down people's last trust the Wan Zanghai slowly. 回归派在暗中散播这样的言论,像是毒液般侵蚀着地球联合舰队的肌体,也慢慢消磨着人们对万藏海的最后一丝信任。 With the past discontent and complaint also had meaningless vents differently, idea that the return sent not only attractive, but also had very strong feasibility, especially was experiencing several serious setbacks continuously, after the fleet loses was serious, past that sky-blue planet, becomes the paradise that countless people were worried, the strength that the return sent day by day is stronger, until now, can connect dozens Starship unexpectedly, started ten days of half a month large-scale protests, finally became United Fleet scourge. 和以往的牢骚、抱怨还有毫无意义的发泄不同,回归派的理念不但诱人,而且有很强的可操作性,特别是在连续经历几次重大挫折,舰队损失惨重之后,昔日那颗蔚蓝色的星球,更是重新成为无数人魂牵梦萦的乐土,回归派的力量一天比一天更强,直到现在,竟然能串联几十艘星舰,发动十天半个月的大规模抗议,终于成为联合舰队心腹大患 My Commander!” “我的统帅!” Although Wan Zanghai by no means new Earth United Fleet nominal commander-in-chief, but all trusted aides like this called him, iron Hero was no exception, „ return sent to sit in a big way, this flinched and compromises again constantly, will only make the fire of fever destruction more prosperous, was the time...... Took the bull by the horns! 尽管万藏海并非新地球联合舰队名义上的最高指挥官,但所有心腹都这样称呼他,铁雄也不例外,“回归派已经坐大,再这样一味退缩和妥协,只会让毁灭之火越烧越旺,是时候……当机立断了! „The road ahead is endless, this misery marches probably must continue many years, a lax immigration fleet is doomed not to support the destination, only has one such as the steel iron, the blood and iron strengthening of the armed forces of military displicine!” “前路漫漫,这场苦难行军或许还要持续很多年,一支松松垮垮的移民舰队注定撑不到目的地的,只有一支如钢似铁,令行禁止的铁血强军才可以!” The iron male heartbeat like the drum, the heart estimated very long complete set plan to make a clean breast. 铁雄心跳如鼓,将自己心中揣摩了很久的全套方略和盘托出。 Regardless of the opposite old person makes responded, as he expected. 无论对面的老人做出何等反应,都在他的预料之中。 Who would imagine after the old person listened, did not respond like the rotten wood, shows neither approval nor disapproval. 岂料老人听了之后,却如朽木般毫无反应,不置可否。 The iron is grand the courage to collect, hears Wan Zanghai to say with very light sound: I knew, gets down.” 铁雄大着胆子凑过去,才听到万藏海用很轻的声音说道:“我知道了,下去吧。” Iron Hero is startled slightly, an eyeball revolution, does not prepare to ask the bottom, deeply saluted to his Commander, left the room. 铁雄微微一怔,眼珠一转,也不准备问到底,向他的“统帅”深深施礼,离开了房间。 The light in room is dim immediately, in the dim and subtle atmosphere, will transmit very much for a long time the old person weak breath. 房间里的灯光顿时黯淡下去,在昏暗而微妙的气氛中,很久才会传来老人微弱的呼吸。 Different with the iron male institute, showing neither approval nor disapproval of Wan Zanghai, by no means any political skill, but is he no longer cared really goes into exile anything that the fleet has. 和铁雄所想不同,万藏海的不置可否,并非什么权术,而是他真的不再关心流亡舰队发生的任何事情。 As Brain dries up gradually, vitality passes bit by bit, especially experienced Earth to destroy with the outside Solar System massacre two matters, the Wan Zanghai outside world avalanche, he was similar to all old people are gradually same, indulged in the painful recollection more and more, in the past lamentation, as well as youth and youngster even childhood, these people, at these matters. 随着大脑渐渐枯竭,生命力一点一滴地流逝,特别是经历了地球毁灭和外太阳系大屠杀两件事,万藏海的外部世界渐渐崩塌,他如同所有老人一样,越来越沉溺于痛苦的回忆,往昔的悔恨,以及青年、少年甚至童年时,那些人,那些事上。 He has the photism and auditory hallucination phenomenon gradually, regards Starship that oneself travel by frequently is a steel giant beast rusty stain stained five main internal organs (entrails), Naqu folds the dark road is just like the digestive tract of giant beast, but he is withstanding most painful suffering in the abdomen of giant beast. 他渐渐出现幻视和幻听现象,经常把自己搭乘的星舰当成是一头钢铁巨兽锈迹斑斑的五脏六腑,那曲折幽暗的甬道恰似巨兽的消化道,而他正在巨兽的腹中承受着最痛苦的折磨。 He is also very difficult to enter the hibernation condition again, even if works for strongest hibernation drugs, is unable to prevent bunch of flame, a beach beach blood, ghosts appear in his dreamland. 他也很难再进入冬眠状态,即便效力最强的冬眠药剂,也无法阻止一团团火焰,一滩滩鲜血,一道道冤魂出现在他的梦境中。 These ghosts, there is outside in a Solar System massacre the tragic death powerful official in his hands with the rich and powerful people, when there are leaves Earth by that many ordinary people that he discards, regardless of the powerful officials, rich and powerful people or the ordinary people, changes to the ghost the appearance is the same-- facial features distortion, the whole face is pale, stares to stare at him, the eyeground is the surprise of not being able saying that sorrowful and despairs. 那些冤魂,既有外太阳系大屠杀中惨死在他手中的权贵和富豪们,也有离开地球时被他丢弃的那么多普通民众,无论权贵、富豪还是普通民众,化作冤魂的样子都是一样——面容扭曲,满脸惨白,直勾勾盯着他,眼底是说不出的诧异、悲哀和绝望。 They do not need to yell and put out a hand, visits him with such desperate look merely, visits him, has visited him, he could not withstand, borders on to collapse. 他们不用喊叫和伸手,仅仅用这样绝望的眼神看着他,看着他,一直看着他,他就承受不住,濒临崩溃了。 „, Retribution, retribution, this is our retributions!” “啊啊啊啊,报应啊,报应啊,这是我们的报应啊!” Sometimes, kind of group life insurance awakens from the nightmare, swing down skinny such as the arm of firewood, like is being drowned struggles, tries to work loose omnipresent frightened and despair. 有时候,老人会从梦魇中惊醒,挥舞着枯瘦如柴的手臂,像是溺水者一样挣扎,试图挣脱无所不在的恐惧和绝望。 Cannot run away, we cannot run away, hehe hehe, nobody can flee Earth, nobody!” “逃不了的,我们逃不了的,呵呵呵呵,没人能逃离地球,没有人!” Sometimes, he will spend quite a while the time to stare at the stern, as if the vision can penetrate the wall, the cabin and road, penetrates the dark stars, passes through returns to Earth, saw that Earth is having been through repeatedly the catastrophe later pitiful condition. 有时候,他又会花半天时间盯着舰尾,仿佛目光可以穿透墙壁,舱室和甬道,穿透黑暗星辰,穿越回到地球上,看到地球在历经浩劫之后的惨状。 Protest, disturbance, return faction, important? Is unimportant, even if no return faction, will have this faction that faction, will have all kinds of strange tales and absurd arguments, exposes humane ugliest side, strangles the hope of survival. 抗议,骚乱,回归派,重要吗?一点儿都不重要,就算没有回归派,也会有这个派那个派,会有各种各样的奇谈怪论,暴露出人性最丑陋的一面,扼杀掉生存的希望。 Even if they can go on living, arrives in the destination after the hardships, that time they, were they, was Human Race? 就算他们能一直活下去,历经千难万险抵达目的地,那时候的他们,还是他们,还是人类吗? He does not know, he does not know. 他不知道,他真的不知道。 The youngster and youth Era he, had established the lofty sentiments, must go to the universe end to seek for the hope. 少年和青年时代的他,曾经立下过豪情壮志,要去宇宙尽头寻找希望。 But to the life of being on the verge of death finally end, actually he clear Human Race will in front of the vastness of Star Ocean is any thing, but wants to resist Star Ocean, goes against heaven's will, but line, the price that must pay is actually how frigid. 但到了行将就木的生命终末,他才明白人类的意志在星海的浩瀚面前究竟算是什么东西,而想要对抗星海,“逆天而行”,要付出的代价究竟是多么惨烈。 He failed eventually. 他终究失败了。 Has come to the life end eventually. 终究走到了生命的尽头。 Has not hoped eventually found the reversal time method--, even if he were inhuman, pays at all costs, turns into itself the devil that changes beyond all recognition! 终究没希望找到逆转时间的方法——即便他已经灭绝人性,付出一切代价,把自己变成面目全非的恶魔! These happy and sad, just and evil, the trust and betrayal, perish and rise, human nature and beastly nature, angel and devil-- places the universe under the criterion, is the jokes, dust joke. 那些欢乐的和悲伤的,正义的和邪恶的,信任和背叛,沉沦和崛起,人性和兽性,天使和恶魔——放在宇宙的尺度下来看,都是笑话,尘埃般的笑话。 Was this finished? 这就是结束吧? Wan Zanghai asked itself. 万藏海问自己。 Then, he hears that spooky sobbing, mixes with joyfully in together, the lark clear delightful voice that the pain of being survivor of disaster and meets again after a long separation called out: „ Elder Brother? 然后,他就听到那声幽幽的呜咽,劫后余生的痛楚和久别重逢的欣喜夹杂在一起,百灵鸟般清脆悦耳的声音叫道:“哥哥? The eye of Wan Zanghai stared all of a sudden in a big way, violent blue vein and black age-spots instantaneous retrogression suddenly were many, he as if restored the past exuberant vitality, does not dare believe that own ear, appeared until that sound again: Elder Brother, I finally found you!” 万藏海的眼睛一下子瞪大了,暴突的青筋和黑色的老人斑瞬间消退不少,他仿佛又恢复了昔日旺盛的生命力,不敢相信自己的耳朵,直到那声音再次出现:“哥哥,我终于找到你了!” Is younger sister's voice. 是妹妹的声音。 Wan Zanghai absent-minded, as if sees the corner to roll up one group of glittering and translucent carving rays, condenses together the human form faintly, looks like the spirit in legend, appearance that turns into a little girl in rags, is much longer is lovable, was only a pity that two legs are thin somewhat abnormally, cannot support the weight of body, can only roll up all day long there, is blinking the bright and intelligent big eye, visits him miserable. 万藏海一阵恍惚,仿佛看到墙角蜷缩着一团晶莹剔透的光芒,隐隐凝聚成一道人形,就像是传说中的幽灵,变成一个衣衫褴褛的小女孩的样子,长得白白嫩嫩非常可爱,只可惜两条腿却瘦得有些畸形,根本支撑不住身体的重量,只能终日蜷缩在那里,眨巴着水汪汪的大眼睛,楚楚可怜地看着他。 Wan Zanghai such as dropping nightmare, cannot. 万藏海如堕梦魇,不能自己。 The muddy tears flow copiously, almost burns blindly his eye, making him unable to see all around all, in the eye only then distinguished over a hundred years of younger sister. 混浊的眼泪夺眶而出,几乎烧瞎他的眼睛,令他看不到周遭一切,眼里只有分别上百年的妹妹。 Lark, is you, lark?” “白灵儿,是你吗,白灵儿?” The Wan Zanghai loud respite, the rolling down bed, the hands and feet and with crawls toward the spirit of corner, puts out a hand tremblingly, where did you go to? Past more than 100 years, I have been looking for you, I could not find you, I always could not find you, lark!” 万藏海粗重喘息,滚下床榻,手脚并用朝墙角的幽灵爬去,颤巍巍伸手,“你去了哪里?过去100多年,我一直在找你,我找不到你,我始终都找不到你啊,白灵儿!” I could not find you, Elder Brother, from the beginning could not find you, afterward does not dare to look for you, the fear can destroy you.” “我也找不到你,哥哥,一开始是找不到你,后来是不敢去找你,害怕会毁了你。” It seems like the spirit of little girl, on the face also lets fall two clear of winding, „ at that time, I and everybody obediently stayed in the village, was waiting for you and big brother is bringing food and drugs comes back, waits right and left you not to come back, take risks to look, Gravestone Town was ruined, nearby all cities were ruined, afterward, United States of America Group, Vulture Gang, the big factions on Scorpion Gang these fierce blood wilderness have ruined, the trim fierce blood wilderness lost the order, many unprincipled people fled in all directions everywhere, our village has also ruined, most people died, I because of own ability, was regarded. The cargo sells, the about a dozen 20 years, do not know oneself are anything, where. 貌似小女孩的幽灵,脸上也垂落两道蜿蜒的晶莹,“那时候,我和大家乖乖呆在村子里,等着你和大哥带着食物和药剂回来,左等右等你们都没回来,冒险出去一看,墓碑镇被毁掉了,附近所有的城镇都被毁掉了,再后来,花旗帮,秃鹫帮,毒蝎帮这些烈血荒原上的大帮派都毁掉了,整片烈血荒原都失去了秩序,很多坏人到处流窜,我们的村子也毁掉了,绝大部分人都死了,我因为自己的‘能力’,被当成。货物卖来卖去,十几20年,都不知道自己算什么,在哪里。 Arrived afterward, my ability was getting stronger and stronger, many people gathered at my surroundings, but also called me goddess, I also gradually inquired elder brother's whereabouts--, but at this time, you are Wan Zanghai, is great person who had boundless prospects, is sparkles the star of shining tomorrow, I cannot disturb you, making these unprincipled people discover that your true status, I know you arrived have definitely had the much pain today, I cannot destroy you. “到后来,我的‘能力’越来越强,很多人都聚集在我的周围,还叫我‘神女’,我也渐渐打听到了哥哥的下落——但这时候,你已经是万藏海,是前途无量的大人物,是闪闪发亮的明日之星,我更加不能去打扰你,让那些坏人发现你的真正身份,我知道你走到今天肯定吃了很多苦,我不能毁了你。 Afterward, was the meteorite attack, the solar storm, the entire Earth burnt, but immigration Starship actually ahead of time flew away, flew away-- actually that was how a matter, Elder Brother, did not reach an agreement all people have been able to walk together, why you have not taken our Ah? “再后来,就是陨石来袭,太阳风暴,整个地球都烧起来了,但移民星舰却提前飞走了,飞走了——那究竟是怎么一回事啊,哥哥,不是说好了所有人都能一起走的吗,为什么你们没带上我们啊?
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