FMOC :: Volume #34

#3311: On

Trillion years ago, outside Solar System, vast stars. 亿万年前,外太阳系,浩瀚星辰。 Earth becomes a fugitive the fleet starts for 181 years later, flagship new MV Esperanza on. 地球逃亡舰队启程181年后,旗舰“新希望号”上。 The strike, protested and disturbance has continued entire ten days. 罢工,抗议和骚乱已经持续了整整十天。 Because originally energy control appears the especially dim light, under influence that in various types of lines damage, once for a while glitters rapidly, sends out the monster different red glow, makes crowd that in the narrow cabin gathers, appears is angrier and vacant. 原本因为能源管制显得格外黯淡的灯光,又在各种线路损坏的影响下,时不时急促闪烁,发出妖异的红芒,令狭窄舱室内聚集的人群,显得更加愤怒和茫然。 Protest, protested why the authority reduces our food and water purification rations repeatedly, can starve to death really while still alive we?” “抗议,抗议,当局为什么将我们的食物和净水配给一再削减,真要活活饿死我们吗?” „The environment on ship is getting more and more bad, we must the work in a 7-8 ten degrees high temperature, this not become a fugitive every day, does not march toward the new hope, this is suffering that lives to might as well die, this is an unlimited death penalty!” “船上的环境越来越恶劣,我们每天都要在七八十度的高温中作业,这不是逃亡,更不是朝着新希望进军,这是生不如死的折磨,这是一场无限期的死刑!” In the middle of yesterday's explosion accident, three operators were killed innocently, actually our are the leaders and omniscient scientists of wise wisdom doing, does the maintenance plan that they make, fill in a hole with our lives?” “昨天的爆炸事故当中,又有三名作业员无辜丧生,咱们那些英明睿智的首领和无所不知的科学家究竟在干什么,他们制定的维修方案,难道就是拿我们的性命去填窟窿吗?” They hope that we do die the more better? We die many, can save more resources, enjoys for them!” “他们是不是希望我们死得越多越好?我们死得越多,就能节约越多的资源,供他们享用!” Wan Zanghai? We must talk with Wan Zanghai, hope that he initially pledged where, heaven where, new homeland where?” 万藏海呢?我们要和万藏海对话,他当初承诺的希望在哪里,天堂在哪里,新的家园在哪里?” Wan Zanghai, comes out! Wan Zanghai, comes out!” 万藏海,出来!万藏海,出来!” The crowd of strike is in a tumult unceasingly, gathers the monstrous waves of disturbance gradually, breaks through all that prevents along the way, wells up in the bridge direction. 罢工的人群不断骚动,渐渐汇聚成骚乱的巨浪,冲破沿途阻挡的一切,朝着舰桥方向涌去。 Until they meet the military police, is the impregnable bastion that the Wan Zanghai trusted aide composes, slightly was baffled. 直到他们遇上宪兵,也就是万藏海的心腹组成的铜墙铁壁,才被稍稍阻遏。 However, facing fully-armed, unemotionally, such as the black statue solemn military police, the protester have not actually dreaded the meaning and having retreated. 然而,面对荷枪实弹,面无表情,如黑色雕像般冷峻的宪兵们,抗议者却没有丝毫畏惧和退却的意思。 Over a hundred years of hard labor has worn down their all patience and fear to the principles, here is the vast stars, is the unknown universe, a road ahead darkness, but the homeward journey already cut off, the past glory, dignity and principle were nothing to speak of here, if they had the courage, can definitely tear into shreds the surrounding iron coffin, with the military police, with Wan Zanghai such past leader even god, perished together. 上百年的苦役已经消磨掉他们所有的耐心和对法则的畏惧,这里是浩瀚星辰,是未知的宇宙,前路一片黑暗,而归途早已断绝,昔日的荣耀、威严和法则在这里不值一提,倘若他们鼓起勇气,完全可以撕碎周围的铁棺材,和宪兵们,和万藏海这样昔日的“领袖”甚至“神”,同归于尽。 Citizens, new Earth United Fleet citizens, calm, please maintains calm.” “公民们,‘新地球联合舰队’的公民们,冷静,请你们保持冷静。” In the military police, stands to wear black power armor, the robust scar surface robust man, is really major general commander of Military Police Corps, named iron Hero, is the Wan Zanghai trusted aide, falls into the hibernation condition in Wan Zanghai for a long time, the maximum degree continues the life span time, is acts as the Wan Zanghai spokesman by iron Hero, gives orders, maintains to become a fugitive the basic revolution of fleet. 宪兵之中,站出来一名身穿黑色动力甲,虎背熊腰的疤面壮汉,真是宪兵部队的少将指挥官,名叫“铁雄”,亦是万藏海的心腹,在万藏海长时间陷入冬眠状态,最大程度延续寿命的时候,都是由铁雄充当万藏海的代言人,发号施令,维持逃亡舰队的基本运转。 Iron male appearance, making the protest crowd subside slightly, letting him to say, half words, well-known, we just passed through one piece viscous such as the comet dust belt/bring of swamp, three immigrant Starship total defeats, other majority of Starship also suffered not the small loss, has consumed the large amounts of resources and energies-- on this occasion very special period, needed the entire citizens to work with concerted efforts, can ride out the storm, I promised, the food rations and reduction of energy supply was only temporary, so long as we have repaired the synthesis food web production line, can resume the past supply!” 铁雄的出现,令抗议人群稍稍平息下来,让他能说完后半截话,“众所周知,我们刚刚穿越一片粘稠如沼泽的星际尘埃带,三艘移民星舰折戟沉沙,其余大部分星舰也都遭受不小的损失,消耗了大量的资源和能量——值此非常时期,需要全体公民同心协力,才能共渡难关,我向大家保证,食物配给和能量供应的削减只是暂时的,只要我们修复了合成食物循环生产线,就能恢复往日的供应!” Usually, such guarantee enough returned to normal the heart that most people are in a tumult. 平日里,这样的保证已经足够平复大部分人骚动的心。 At least, when previous bitter experience gamma-ray violent complementary waves, as well as on previous bitter experience strange gravity trap, when the crew are also willing with bridge group shared body difficult. 至少,在上一次遭遇伽马射线暴余波,以及上上次遭遇诡异的引力陷阱时,船员们还愿意和舰桥组“共体时艰”。 But this time, after over a hundred years of suffering, many people no longer believes that the commitment of bridge group, no longer believed that uncertain hope. 但这一次,经过上百年的煎熬,很多人不再相信舰桥组的承诺,不再相信那渺茫的希望了。 Such day, actually when is a head!” “这样的日子,究竟什么时候是个头啊!” In the tide of people of tumult, some people yell dismal. 骚动的人潮中,有人悲凉地喊叫。 „When initially Wan Zanghai we carried over Earth, obviously had said quick will find new homeland-- was not true habitable planet, can find spark similarly ‚’ the place, built the small settlement, after all we only the remaining several million people, casual planet sufficiently places us now!” “当初万藏海把我们带出地球时,明明说过很快会找到新的家园——就算不是真正的可居住星球,也能找到类似‘火星’的地方,建立小小的定居点,毕竟我们现在只剩下几千万人,随便一颗星球就足以安置我们!” Also some people turned old debt. 又有人翻起了旧账。 Swindler, you are one group of swindlers, Wan Zanghai are the swindler, iron male you are also the swindlers, wasted us to believe you past like this, can actually you us, take to being not much left entire Human Race where?” “骗子,你们都是一群骗子,万藏海是骗子,铁雄你也是骗子,枉费我们昔日这样相信你们,你们究竟要把我们,把所剩无几的全人类带往何方?” Also some people toward military police swing down angry fist. 也有人朝着宪兵队挥舞着愤怒的拳头。 Iron male and his military police, but is silent, whatever the protester fills their tip of the nose the fist underground, is aloof. 铁雄和他的宪兵队,只是沉默不语,任凭抗议者将拳头塞到他们的鼻尖地下,亦是无动于衷。 Although the military police is now new Earth United Fleet-- is also on over a hundred immigrant ships the most formidable military force, has advanced power armor that end science and technology in addition holds, compared with past magnetism explodes infantry and rocket flight soldier even better. 虽然宪兵队是现在“新地球联合舰队”——也就是上百艘移民船上最强大的武力,拥有末日科技加持的先进动力甲,比昔日的“磁爆步兵”和“火箭飞行兵”更胜一筹。 Even if not in addition of advanced weapon holds, is qualified for the military police, is the process layer upon layer selects, being one in a thousand ability and transformation person, unarmed can contend with the past main battle tank. 即便不算尖端武器的加持,有资格进入宪兵队的,也是经过层层遴选,千里挑一的“能力者”和“改造人”,赤手空拳就能和昔日的主战坦克抗衡。 However...... 但是…… The flagship, on almost all immigrant Starship had similar protest and disturbance incessantly, the public opinion such as torrential Hong Chao, momentarily can raise the difficult situation, pieces together this reluctantly, tattered and torn, could not see that the hope the runaway fleet swallows, even if iron Hero such cruel and merciless blood and iron strong person, on powder keg that also does not dare toward seasoning, projects spark. 不止旗舰,几乎所有移民星舰上都发生了类似的抗议和骚乱,民意如滔滔洪潮,随时能掀起惊涛骇浪,将这支勉强拼凑,千疮百孔,看不到希望的逃亡舰队吞噬,即便“铁雄”这样心狠手辣的铁血强人,也不敢往晒干的火药桶上,投射火星 Let alone, in the place of becoming a fugitive, has gotten rid on Earth the ordinary people most likely, but at outside the Solar System massacre, slaughters the overwhelming majority powerful officials and rich and powerful people, crew that remains, mostly is the Wan Zanghai basic plate, is ability, transformation person, gene variation, has almost all kinds of superpowers, is only the degree is different. 更何况,在逃亡之处,抛弃了地球上十之八九的普通民众,而在“外太阳系大屠杀”中,又将绝大部分权贵和富豪都屠戮一空,剩下来的船员,大多是万藏海的基本盘,也就是“能力者”,“改造人”,“基因变异者”,几乎都拥有各种各样的超能力,只是程度不同而已。 many ants can bite an elephant to the death, compelled the crew really anxiously, light depended on so-called of military police elite, was impossible to repress crew. 蚁多咬死象,真把船员都逼急了,光靠宪兵队的所谓“精锐”,根本不可能弹压全体船员的。 By iron Hero can only suppress the innermost feelings killing intent, clenches the teeth saying: Citizens, please do not forget sacred missions that oneself shoulder, do not forget oneself continues the only hope of Human Race Civilization, believes the authority, believes that your leader Wan Zanghai, continue misery to march the 3-5 year, many 7-8 years, all will be good, all!” 是以,铁雄只能强忍内心的杀意,咬紧牙关道:“公民们,请你们不要忘记自己肩负的神圣使命,不要忘记自己是延续人类文明的唯一希望,相信当局,相信你们的领袖万藏海,继续‘苦难行军’三五年,最多七八年,一切都会好起来的,一切!” We do not believe!” “我们不信!” Receives your gross invention, we had been sufficed!” “收起你们的弥天大谎吧,我们已经受够了!” Continues not to hope forward, only then turns head, returns to our homelands-- Earth!” “继续向前是没有希望的,只有回头,回到我们的家园——地球!” Several hundred years passed by, even if the solar storm is intense, the influence should also vanish, let alone also has the marvelous meteorite strength, should the present Earth, restore the full of vitality?” “几百年时间过去了,即便太阳风暴再强烈,影响也该消失了,更何况还有奇妙的陨石力量,现在的地球,应该又恢复勃勃生机了吧?” Even if no fully to restore not to matter, our only remaining several million people, there is a such advanced science and technology, so long as returned to Earth to find a scrap shelter, enough built a settlement, expanded again slowly outward, reconstructs Earth, will see finally on the 1st the happy homeland reappeared the light!” “即便没有全面恢复也无所谓,我们只剩下几千万人,又有这么先进的科技,只要回到地球找到一小块栖身之所,足够建立一处定居点,再慢慢向外扩张,重建地球,终有一日,会看到美好家园重现光明的!” Right, returns to Earth, returns to Earth, we must return to Earth!” “没错,回地球,回地球,我们要回归地球!” The crowd deep place, broadcasts several gloomy and frantic sounds suddenly. 人群深处,忽然传来几道阴郁而狂热的声音。 Iron male pupil contracts suddenly. 铁雄的瞳孔骤然收缩。 Damn, returns to the faction. 该死,是回归派。 He said how the sound of this disturbance makes such greatly, the duration is so long, originally is the return sends to agitate, even operates personally! 他说怎么这次骚乱的动静闹得这么大,持续时间这么长,原来是回归派在煽风点火,甚至亲自操纵! The ordinary masses protesting can, no matter, but the return faction corrodes the Human Race Civilization future virus, once discovered, must strangle immediately! 普通抗议民众可以不管,但回归派是侵蚀人类文明未来的病毒,一旦发现,必须立刻扼杀! Iron Hero toward behind gestured, power armor of military police sends out wēng wēng immediately sound. 铁雄朝身后打了个手势,宪兵的动力甲立刻发出“嗡嗡”声。 The crowd was in a tumult, hidden suppresses the throat to call out in the final return faction: „It is not good, they must begin, everybody runs away quickly!” 人群骚动,隐藏在最后的回归派憋着嗓子叫道:“不好,他们要动手了,大家快逃!” The tide of people is turbulent, curls up the difficult situation, flash light bomb, the smoke shell, the protester or the return send self-made Burning Bomb, is completely out of control instantaneously the scene. 人潮汹涌,卷起惊涛骇浪,闪光弹,烟雾弹,还有抗议者或者回归派自制的燃烧弹,瞬间把场面闹得不可收拾。 ...... …… After one hour, new MV Esperanza bridge rear secret room. 一个小时后,“新希望号”舰桥后方的密室。 Here has the complete set most advanced hibernation facility, as well as controls super Electric Computer of entire fleet. 这里拥有全套最先进的冬眠设施,以及控制整支舰队的超级电脑 New Earth United Fleet nominal Commander, Earth Councilor meeting predecessor Superintendent, all become a fugitive the Human Race Spiritual leader Wan Zanghai small palace. 正是“新地球联合舰队”名义上的统帅,“地球理事会”的前任理事长,全体逃亡人类的精神领袖——万藏海的小小宫殿。 Wan Zanghai was very old. 万藏海已经很老了。 Twists and turns and difficulty of integration Earth, facing the endless catastrophe of disaster, as well as with various path Fuhao, powerful officials empty with winding and manipulating strategically, including outside the Solar System massacre reign of terror, later several soul-stirring interstellar risks-- these frequently relate to trillion people of lives matters, has consumed his vitality and Spiritual Force seriously, although Yuri is the same with his teacher, „the strength of heart cultivation will arrive at pinnacle, has the end science and technology and hibernates dual maintenances of technology, 90% time soak in the high-energy nourishing cream, he as before inevitably presents the extremely senile stance, on the face the wrinkle. Staggered, the body everywhere is age-spots, each breath must ferment long time, seems this is his final one breath. 统合地球的曲折和艰难,面对天灾的无尽浩劫,以及和各路富豪、权贵的虚与委蛇、勾心斗角,包括“外太阳系大屠杀”的腥风血雨,还有之后几次惊心动魄的星际冒险——这些动辄关系到亿万人生命的事情,严重消耗了他的生命力和精神力,尽管和他的导师“尤里”一样,将“心之力”修炼极致,又拥有末日科技和冬眠技术的双重维持,90%的时间都浸泡在高能营养液当中,他依旧不可避免呈现出极度衰老的姿态,脸上皱纹。交错,身上到处都是老人斑,每一次呼吸都要酝酿很长时间,好似这就是他的最后一口气。 Past limpid and profound look, gradually by muddy oversuspicious substitution, excessive drain „the strength of heart repercussions in recent the comprehensive eruption, he presented the serious photism and auditory hallucination, every so often, is not only unable to handle the intriguing fleet business, even the control own temperament, looked like through the ages innumerable young promising, leader such that the heroic spirit thrived, in the life end, gradually turned into the muddle-headed brutal tyrant. 昔日清澈而深邃的眼神,渐渐被混浊的多疑取代,过度消耗“心之力”的后遗症在最近几年全面爆发,他出现了严重的幻视和幻听,很多时候,非但无法处理错综复杂的舰队事务,甚至控制不了自己的脾气,就像是古往今来无数年少有为,英气勃发的领袖那样,在生命的末期,渐渐变成了昏聩残酷的暴君。 When iron Hero to Wan Zanghai salutes respectfully, even can faintly smell the old person aura that on the opposite party transmits. 铁雄向万藏海毕恭毕敬施礼时,甚至能隐隐嗅到对方身上传来的老人气息。 That is one type is strong, was symbolizing the death and decayed flavor. 那是一种非常浓烈的,象征着死亡和腐朽的味道。 Probably at present this seems like the delicate old man, the remaining bodies are also only living, but his five main internal organs (entrails) and spirit already died, is deteriorating slowly corrupt. 就好像眼前这位看似弱不禁风的老者,只剩下躯壳还活着,而他的五脏六腑和精神早已死去,正在慢慢腐败变质。 Even if in Hibernation Cabin the high-energy nourishing cream and hibernates the drugs strong fragrance, is unable to cover this disgusting flavor. 即便冬眠仓里高能营养液和冬眠药剂浓烈的香味,都无法掩盖这种令人厌恶的味道。 He was old.” “他老了。” In the iron great ambition is thinking. 铁雄心里想着。 Afterward had a scare by own thought-- in any event, Wan Zanghai is surviving the only spiritual symbol of Human Race Civilization, is living the god, will the god be old? 随后被自己的念头吓了一跳——无论如何,万藏海都是残存的人类文明的唯一精神象征,是活着的神,神怎么会老? But having a scare, looked again Wan Zanghai slightly reveals the nerve qualitative expression, does not think anything at the worst. 但吓了一跳之后,再看万藏海略显神经质的表情,又觉得没什么大不了。 He eventually is not a god, merely is individual. 他终究不是神,仅仅是个人而已。 Is the person, will be old, will die. 是人,就会老,就会死。 After dying, will resign his position. 死了之后,就会让出他的位置。
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