FMOC :: Volume #34

#3309: On

Said the sound to be sorry to everybody, one of the Extra Article does not want to write is so long, many a about a dozen chapter of length, confesses the Hong Chao origin on the line. 向大家说声抱歉,原本番外之一没想写这么长,也就最多十几章的篇幅,把洪潮起源交代一下就行。 Writes writes, yes, had been controlled by Yuri, this cannot blame me. 写着写着,是吧,被尤里控制了,这不能怪我。 From the beginning, wants to write a pure black story, not that many irksome Vulture, virus and cockroach-- before having looked at old ox novel, any «Devil Arms merchant», «End Rises the Dragon» friend perhaps still remembers, old ox also liked these moral distortions, the human nature perishes, dark desperate argument. 一开始,就想写一个纯粹的黑色故事,没那么多惹人厌的秃鹫、病毒和蟑螂——看过老牛以前小说,什么《妖魔军火商》,《末日升龙》的朋友或许还记得,老牛原本还蛮喜欢这些道德扭曲,人性沦丧,黑暗绝望的调调。 Finally, how now old, unexpectedly somewhat unable to bear thoroughly was dark, did not say the result to be bright, at least hopes that can keep a bright possibility, therefore had somebody's chaotic to enter. 结果,现在年纪大了还是怎么着,竟然有些受不了彻底的黑暗了,不说结局光明,至少还是希望能留一线光明的可能性吧,所以才有了某人的乱入。 If everybody does not want to see somebody, wants without the horse, bah, wants the dehydrated version, please voluntarily neglect the paragraph that somebody presents, that was the black spent clay legend of original taste and flavor, the Lord of Hong Chao origins. 如果大家不想看到某人,想要无马,呸,想要脱水版的话,请自行把某人出现的段落忽略,那就是原汁原味的黑色废土传说,洪潮之主起源了。 To stop, but book review area many friends said that Hong Chao origins somewhat is illegibile, many matters had not confessed, thinks is also, that again makes up two very short Extra Article, basically is 12 chapters of scales, 1-2 days handle, will not tow. 本来想就此打住,但书评区很多朋友说洪潮起源还有些不清不楚,很多事没交代,想想也是,那就再补两个很短的番外吧,基本都是12章规模,一两天就搞定,绝不会拖的。 Moreover, this time takes one day really a chapter, full power idea new book...... Is the hand is itchy, must to pound the keyboard itchy, must jump from an upper story,...... Hope so! 另外,这次真的要一天一章,全力构思新书了……就是手再痒,痒得要砸键盘,要跳楼,都……呃,希望如此吧! The idle talk little said, please appreciate second Extra Article, revenge. 闲话少说,请欣赏番外之二,复仇。 ...... …… “hōng!” “轰!” Several hundred rounds after the end science and technology transformation, the might are stronger than ten times of rocket projectiles to shock the outer wall of ancient imperial palace the cruise missile, the quick-firing aerial cannon that dozens angry roar heavenshaking failed to explode immediately, turned into burning fiercely, the heavenly daughter scatters flowers scrap copper and iron. 数百发经过末日科技改造,威力比巡航导弹更强十倍的火箭弹震撼着古老皇宫的外墙,数十门震天怒吼的速射机炮顿时哑火,变成了熊熊燃烧,天女散花的废铜烂铁。 The rhythm that the firepower covers was broken, the massive light-type tank of attack side as well as High-Level do not arm, seizes the chance to swarm from the gap place, gathers steel Frenzy Tide, marches toward the imperial palace main body. 火力覆盖的节奏被打断,进攻方的大量轻型坦克以及更高级别武装,趁机从缺口处一拥而入,汇聚成钢铁狂潮,朝着皇宫主体进军。 Takes a broad view to look, the entire St. Petersburg covers by the gunsmoke and black fog, past Tsarist Russia Empire's capital, the power center of broken Earth, changes to the Asura slaughterhouse that the roaring flame soars to the heavens today. 放眼望去,整座圣彼得堡都被硝烟和黑雾笼罩,昔日沙俄帝国的首都,今天残破地球的权力中心,化作烈焰冲天的修罗屠场。 The will of defensive side as before firm-- massively brainwashed frantic soldier, after the gene modification, seems the flesh chariot crazy beast person, goes into hiding in the hidden place, with the viral sniper of special biochemical bullet, in addition the nerve attacks the car(riage) and mental manipulation tank, as well as the everywhere mind control tower, composes the impregnable bastion that jig-saw patterned, water cannot sprinkle. 防守方的意志依旧坚定——大量被洗脑的狂热士兵,经过基因改造,好似人肉战车般的狂兽人,隐匿在暗处,采用特殊生化子弹的病毒狙击手,再加上神经突击车和精神控制坦克,以及无处不在的心灵控制塔,组成犬牙交错、水泼不进的铜墙铁壁。 When steel Frenzy Tide of attack side steps into rashly this was blessed and curse imperial palace, either by innumerably frantically the brainwashing soldier is surrounded, either was torn into shreds by the crazy beast person, either was swallowed by the biochemical plague, either by the mental manipulation tank and mind control tower captive, a Brain blank, transforms the defensive side. 进攻方的钢铁狂潮贸然踏入这座被祝福和诅咒的皇宫时,要么被无数狂热的洗脑士兵包围,要么被狂兽人撕碎,要么被生化瘟疫吞噬,要么被精神控制坦克和心灵控制塔俘虏,大脑一片空白,转化成防守方的一员。 For the first time looked, has the defensive side more to hit simply, situation of fiercely competing and successfully competing. 乍一看,简直有防守方越打越多,越战越勇的态势。 However, attack side has the absolute strength superiority, advances toward the imperial palace from three directions, but the quantity of mind control has the limit eventually, this point had decided the balance of victory inclines toward the attack side slowly, means that defensive side distance destruction Abyss, is getting more and more near. 然而,进攻方占据绝对的兵力优势,从三个方向朝皇宫推进,而心灵控制的数量终究是有极限的,这一点决定了胜利的天平慢慢朝进攻方倾斜,也意味着防守方距离毁灭的深渊,越来越近。 Penetrates the light-type tank of imperial palace first, but is used to consume the defensive side the mind control quantity, when the majority of mind control chariot and mind control tower has reached the limit of control, the death rays of destructions then appear from the imperial palace, is easily accomplished, with irresistible force, sweeps away and wreaks havoc, refracts unceasingly, the diffraction, the fission, made the soldier, chariot , the quick-firing aerial cannon and mind control tower large quantities of defensive side, covered in the dazzling death ray. 最先突入皇宫的轻型坦克,只是用来消耗防守方的心灵控制数量,当大部分心灵控制战车和心灵控制塔都达到了控制的极限时,一道道毁灭的死光便从皇宫之外出现,一路摧枯拉朽,势如破竹,横扫和肆虐,不断折射,衍射,分裂,令大批防守方的士兵、战车、速射机炮和心灵控制塔,都笼罩在刺眼的死光中。 Do not say, transmits the thunder and lightning to thunder the unclear loud sound along with midair, by the superfortress that end science and technology in addition holds, by, although the slow actually irresistible situation advances toward the imperial palace. 更不要说,随着半空中传来雷电轰鸣般不详的巨响,一座座被末日科技加持的超级空中堡垒,以虽然缓慢却势不可挡的态势朝皇宫推进。 All people know, once these flying fortresses advance to the imperial palace place above, anything finished! 所有人都知道,一旦这些空中堡垒推进到皇宫的正上方,什么都结束了! All anti-aircraft firebases of defensive side were almost attacked the side steel Frenzy Tide to submerge. 防守方的所有防空火力点几乎都被进攻方的钢铁狂潮淹没。 Dozens seem the laser of flying saucer floats quiet takes off reluctantly, carries out ground-to-air attacks mission that they do not excel. 只有几十台好似飞碟的镭射幽浮勉强起飞,去执行他们并不擅长的对空打击任务 But the rear of attack side, gushes out the innumerable rocket flight soldier immediately, will defend the side the laser to float to twine quiet stubbornly, does not make them approach the precious superfortress. 但进攻方的大后方,立刻涌出无数火箭飞行兵,将防守方的镭射幽浮死死缠绕住,不让他们靠近宝贵的超级空中堡垒。 Past agreement rocket flight soldier and past Alliance the superfortress, the coordination was adept, together, has sounded the death knell of defensive side. 昔日“协约”的火箭飞行兵和昔日“同盟”的超级空中堡垒,配合娴熟,携手并肩,敲响了防守方的丧钟。 Imperial palace deep place. 皇宫深处。 A bald old man crosses the hands behind the back to stand, unemotionally to stare at all, staring...... His Empire collapses slowly. 一名光头老者负手而立,面无表情凝视着一切,凝视着……他的帝国缓缓崩溃。 The old man facial features are unadorned, eyes is profound, grows one quite to have the demeanor beard, has both the power and influence and the irreverence of wisdom and votary of Expeditions of high-rank, in many follower eyes, is a hundred percent god! 老者面容古拙,眼眸深邃,长着一部颇有风度的山羊胡,兼具上位者的威势、探索者的睿智和信仰者的虔诚,在不少追随者眼中,就是不折不扣的“神”! However, to this moment of end of hills and rivers, is the genuine god, must in the Human Race will rumble in cannon fire sound, fallen! 然而,到了山穷水尽的这一刻,便是真正的神,都要在人类意志的隆隆炮火声中,陨落了! Sir Superintendent, Sir Superintendent!” 理事长大人,理事长大人!” His Staff Officer High-Level tumbles to catch up from the communication room, 18 districts of St. Petersburg, 13 have downcast completely, the west line also collapsed, General Konjev betrayed you, announced that his army no longer accepts Earth reconstructs committee the order, has reversed to so-called Earth Councilor meeting completely ‚’ bosom!” 他的一名高级参谋连滚带爬从通讯室赶来,“圣彼得堡的18个大区,已经有13个完全陷落了,西线也已经崩溃,科涅夫将军背叛了您,宣布他的部队不再接受‘地球重建委员会’的命令,完全倒向了所谓‘地球理事会’的怀抱!” The eyes deep place of bald old man has glittered, the forehead and back of the hand appears to wipe the purple veins, on the face angry and dejected flashes to pass. 光头老者的眼眸深处闪烁了一下,额头和手背都浮现出一抹紫色的筋脉,脸上的愤怒和颓然一闪而逝。 St. Petersburg falls into the hand of rebel army thoroughly, how long we could not insist.” “圣彼得堡彻底陷入叛军之手,我们坚持不了多久的。” Staff Officer High-Level cannot attend to watching a person's every mood , to continue to entreat, was the time retreated, Sir Superintendent, controlled while the national air defense army of Eastern Europe in our hands-- present almost all armies are ready to make trouble, momentarily will be misled by the rebel army, did not walk, without enough time!” 高级参谋顾不上察言观色,继续哀求道,“是时候撤退了,理事长大人,趁着东欧的国土防空部队还掌控在我们手里——现在几乎所有部队都蠢蠢欲动,随时会被叛军蛊惑,再不走,就来不及了!” You said--” “你是说——” The bald old man gets angry finally, the eyeground purple glow flashes, is staring at Staff Officer High-Level, „will we be defeated?” 光头老者终于发怒,眼底紫芒一闪,盯着高级参谋,“我们会失败吗?” „...... No.” “……不。” The facial expression of Staff Officer High-Level from turns immediately flustered at a loss, from turns at a loss firmly, finally from turned firmly frantically, victory belongs to reconstruct the committee, the victory belongs to Yuri Ekslov!” 高级参谋的神情顿时从慌张变成茫然,又从茫然变成坚定,最后从坚定变成了狂热,“胜利属于重建委员会,胜利属于尤里?艾克斯!” He is the wild animal calls out likely. 他像是野兽般嚎叫起来。 Bang! 轰! Was only a pity, front rumble the cannon fire sound, by the bald old man's control, the entire imperial palace was not shocked. 只可惜,前方的隆隆炮火声,并不受光头老者的控制,整座皇宫都震撼起来。 Sir Superintendent!” 理事长大人!” Also is a military officer of whole body blood stain, retreats from the firing line, behind is towing a long bloodstain, important matter not good--” 又是一名满身血污的军官,从火线撤退下来,在身后拖曳出一条长长的血痕,“大事不好——” Last character has not exported completely, he dashed to the bald old man in front, suddenly extracts a process transformation from the bosom like lightning the big might pistol, aims at the forehead of bald old man. 最后一个字还没完全出口,他已经飞奔到光头老者面前,忽然闪电般从怀里抽出一支经过改造的大威力手枪,对准光头老者的眉心。 Was only a pity, a strange strength controlled his each bunch of nerves, he blinked and buckles the strength of trigger not to have, by the invisible shackles, stubbornly was been likely fixed on the spot. 只可惜,一股奇异的力量控制住了他的每一束神经,他连眨眼和扣动扳机的力气都没有,像是被无形的枷锁,死死固定在原地。 Idiot.” “蠢货。” Bald old man contemptuous say/way, including you to betray me, has the qualifications to betray me including you?” 光头老者轻蔑道,“连你都要背叛我吗,连你都有资格背叛我吗?” Haha, hahahaha!” “哈哈,哈哈哈哈!” The military officers see the assassination failure, simply loudly laughs, listens, outside listens to rumble the crackle of gunfire, Yuri Ekslov, your time of death to!” 军官见刺杀失败,干脆放声大笑起来,“听啊,听听外面隆隆的炮声,尤里?艾克斯,你的死期到了!” Why, why can betray me?” “为什么,为什么要背叛我?” Bald Old man Yuri Ekslov narrows eye, asked with clenched jaws, was I have saved broken Earth, is Civilization that I will recall will soon have destroyed, was my integration Alliance and agreement the strength, based on two big Organization, established Earth to reconstruct committee, has brought the long-time peace! I am Savior of Earth, I am the Civilization protector, I am the entire Human Race father and Sun! Why, your ungrateful, stupid fellows, dare to betray me!” 光头老者——尤里?艾克斯眯起眼睛,咬牙切齿地问道,“是我拯救了残破的地球,是我挽回了即将毁灭的文明,是我统合了‘同盟’和‘协约’的力量,在两大组织的基础上,建立了‘地球重建委员会’,带来了长久的和平!我是地球的拯救者,我是文明的守护者,我是全人类的父亲和太阳!为什么,你们这些忘恩负义,愚不可及的家伙,竟敢背叛我!” Things have gotten to this point, has not forgotten to blow own horn, Yuri Ekslov, you really disgusting!” “事已至此,还不忘自吹自擂,尤里?艾克斯,你真让人恶心!” The military officers do not fear happily, laugh, „ in surface, your integration Alliance and agreement, has established global unification Government , is the entire Human Race hero and Savior \; However in secretly, you establishes X camps secretly and so on illegal and evil laboratories, does on large scale the bloody cruel activity-body test, has manufactured the innumerable genetic weapons and chemical weapons, but also extends the evil clutches to the Human Race noblest mind, attempts to establish a super mind control device, turns into your slave entire Human Race! 军官怡然不惧,哈哈大笑,“表面上,你统合了‘同盟’和‘协约’,建立了全球性的统一政府,是全人类的英雄和救世主\;但是在暗地里,你秘密建立‘X营’等等非法、邪恶的实验室,大搞血腥残忍的活体实验,制造了无数基因武器和生化武器,还将魔爪伸到人类最高贵的心灵当中,妄图建立一座超级心灵控制装置,把全人类都变成你的奴隶! Was a pity , is also really lucky, you are away from success also almost, but also misses finally little, Yuri Ekslov, your true colors have completely exposed in the common people at present, all your ignominies became known in the world! Your secret base and super mind control device was destroyed by us, you such inhuman devil, does not have the qualifications to work as the entire Human Race leader, your only result, is accepts the just trial of shell, electromagnetism and death ray!” “真可惜,也真幸运,你距离成功还差一点,还差最后一点点,尤里?艾克斯,你的真面目已经彻底暴露在世人眼前,你的所有丑行都大白于天下了!你的秘密基地和超级心灵控制装置都被我们摧毁,你这样毫无人性的恶魔,根本没资格当全人类的领袖,你唯一的结局,就是接受炮弹、电磁和死光的正义审判!” pā! 啪! The military officers just put out last character, the head thoroughly blast out. 军官刚刚吐出最后一个字,脑袋就彻底炸开。 Yuri Ekslov moves the finger, the headless corpse ball will fly about dozens meters. 尤里?艾克斯动了动手指,将无头的尸体弹飞到几十米开外。 “hōng!” “轰!” Also is a loud sound of everything may become vulnerable, is actually original Alliance research and development, by the self-destruct truck that end science and technology in addition holds, penetrates the defensive side most crowded region, the surrounding area in hundred meters all, exploded the midair. 又是一声地动山摇的巨响,却是一辆原“同盟”研发,被末日科技加持的自爆卡车,突入防守方最密集的区域,把方圆百米内所有一切,都炸上了半空。 Eyebrow of Yuri Ekslov, was exploded shakes has shaken. 尤里?艾克斯的眉毛,也被炸得抖了一抖。 Whole face gloomy has stood for a half minute, he turns around finally, behind the secret passage toward imperial palace walks. 满脸阴沉地站了半分钟,他终于转身,朝皇宫后方的秘密通道走去。 After ten minutes, a fully-armed armored motorcade, under the protections of large quantities of follower, hastily leaves the imperial palace, is stern toward the only position, had not been attacked the direction of side attack to speed away to go. 十分钟后,一支全副武装的装甲车队,在大批追随者的保护下,匆匆离开皇宫,朝着唯一方位森严,尚未被进攻方侵袭的方向疾驰而去。 Yuri Ekslov received the latest bad news from entire world on the armored vehicle. 尤里?艾克斯在装甲车上收到了来自全世界各地的最新坏消息。 He spends the lifetime painstaking care, creation Earth reconstructs committee, had been eliminated the validity, what replaces it is called Earth Councilor meeting strength. 他花费毕生心血,一手缔造的“地球重建委员会”,已经被剥夺了合法性,取而代之的是一支叫做“地球理事会”的力量。 But he, under the indictment of massive conclusive blood evidence, was also determined to violate including treason, anti- Human Race crime 23 monstrous crimes. 而他本人,也在大量确凿血证的指控下,被判定为犯下包括“叛国罪,反人类罪”在内的23条弥天大罪。 Treason? 叛国罪? Really laughable, now on Earth only country, is he establishes laboriously, what country does he revolt? 真可笑,现在地球上唯一的国家,是他辛辛苦苦建立的,他叛哪门子的国? This is not the just trial, is only an ugly coup d'etat, is the ungrateful betrayal, is some hidden the deeper ambitious schemer ignominious plot compared with him! 这不是正义的审判,只是一场丑恶的政变,是忘恩负义的背叛,是某个比他隐藏更深的野心家的可耻阴谋! However, he did not have the failure. 不过,他还没有失败。 He in Oceania, Antarctica and underground of North Pole ice cap also has the secret base, massive faithful followers, including the lunar base being developed, so long as can escape by St. Petersburg that the rebel army besieges, he will win the final victory! 他在大洋洲,南极洲和北极冰盖的地底还有秘密基地,还有大量忠实的追随者,包括正在开发中的月球基地,只要能逃出被叛军围攻的圣彼得堡,他将赢得最终的胜利! Thinks of here, Yuri Ekslov opened to the secret communications circuit of airport. 想到这里,尤里?艾克斯打开了对机场的秘密通讯线路。 Wan Zanghai, airport situation how?” 万藏海,机场情况如何?” Yuri Ekslov said solemnly, in five minutes, I must take off!” 尤里?艾克斯沉声道,“五分钟内,我要起飞!” Relax, my teacher.” “放心,我的导师。” The opposite of communications circuit, broadcasts the young and deep sound, all were ready...... All.” 通讯线路的对面,传来年轻而深沉的声音,“一切都准备就绪了……一切。”
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