FMOC :: Volume #34

#3306: Real name

You actually know!” “你竟然知道!” Bai Xiaolu is dumbfounded, had not considered whether slightly the opposite party is cheating him, blurted out, „, you how do know?” 白小鹿目瞪口呆,丝毫没考虑对方是否在诈他,脱口而出,“什么时候,你怎么知道的?” „Were you say demon clan superpower?” “你是说‘魔族’还是‘超能力’?” Wan Zanghai sneers saying that „ you are the matter of demon clan, from the beginning I know, does not have the means that your performing skill is too shoddy, these excuses are full of loopholes radically, my character does not believe. 万藏海冷笑道,“你是魔族的事情,从一开始我就知道,没办法,你的演技实在太拙劣,那些说辞根本漏洞百出,我连一个字都不会相信。 But, then situation, a person made a long and wearisome journey on the wilderness is really unsafe, therefore forced to form a team with you, you deceived me, I deceived you, was very ordinary! “只不过,当时的情况,一个人在荒原上长途跋涉实在太不保险,所以勉强和你组队,你骗我,我骗你,很平常啊! As for you is also ability matter, then afterward slowly guessed correctly that you are the same with Boss Golden Tooth, is cultivation ‚the strength of heart expert, should also implement the hypnosis to me, wants to steal away state-of-art water purification technology extraction password, is right?” “至于你也是‘能力者’的事情,则是后来慢慢猜到的,你和金牙老大一样,都是修炼‘心之力’的高手吧,应该还对我实施了催眠,想偷走‘尖端净水技术’的提取密码,对不对?” „Do you actually know?” “你竟然都知道?” Bai Xiaolu blushes, has the shame of planting see through, why has pretended the ignorant appearance?” 白小鹿的脸红起来,有种被人拆穿的惭愧,“为什么一直装作懵懵懂懂的样子?” Nonsense, if at that time put aside all considerations for face, I at all were not the match of you two demon clan ability, the result was not killed by you, the strength of heartis suppressed and hypnosis by you used strongly ‚.” “废话,如果当时撕破脸皮,我根本不是你们两个魔族能力者的对手,结果不是被你们杀死,就是被你们用更强的‘心之力’镇压和催眠。” Wan Zanghai lets go saying that except for feigning madness and playing dumb, waits for beyond the opportunity, do I have the second choice? Let alone, I needed you two to protect me to arrive in the genuine destination, you are ability, made the success probability and safety coefficient greatly promotes, this was the good deed, why do I want to reveal you?” 万藏海摊手道,“除了装疯卖傻,等待时机之外,我还有第二个选择么?更何况,我原本就需要你们两个保护我抵达真正的目的地,你们都是能力者,令成功几率和安全系数都大大提升,这是好事,我为什么要揭穿你们?” Bai Xiaolu opened mouth, does not know that should say anything. 白小鹿张了张嘴,又不知该说什么。 He knows the Wan Zanghai plans are deep, has not actually thought that to this degree, will be deceived by him including Boss Golden Tooth deeply. 原本他就知道万藏海心机深沉,却没想到会深沉到这种程度,连金牙老大都被他骗了。 Now you should understand that all, do not blame me, must blame to blame you too being really stupid.” “现在你该明白一切了吧,别怪我,要怪就怪你们实在太蠢。” The Wan Zanghai favorite say/way, everybody is an enemy, is you first attacks Australia, has ruined my homeland, do I for my city revenge, certainly resort to all means that what issue have?” 万藏海得意道,“大家本来就是敌人,是你们首先进攻‘新金山’,毁掉了我的家园,我为自己的城市复仇,当然是不择手段,有什么问题?” Does not have the issue. 没问题。 Bai Xiaolu is not an unreasonable person. 白小鹿不是一个不讲道理的人。 Even if after cleansing of ugly wilderness, he cannot learn these rascals and villains as before quibbles, impudent and shameless appearance. 即便经过丑恶荒原的荡涤,他依旧学不会那些无赖和恶棍们强词夺理,厚颜无耻的样子。 The Wan Zanghai method cannot call frankly and uprightly, but he indeed is a victim, is Boss Golden Tooth is leading the Bai Xiaolu wait/etc. demon clan armies, first attacks Australia, and has ruined this underground metropolis. 万藏海的手段称不上光明正大,但他的确是受害者,是金牙老大带着白小鹿等等魔族大军,首先进攻“新金山”,并且毁掉了这座地下都市。 How regardless of the underground clan and demon clan past grievances right and wrong, at least at this matter, Wan Zanghai had 10,000 reasons, stopped at nothing revenges to Boss Golden Tooth. 无论地底族和魔族昔日的恩怨是非如何,至少在这件事上,万藏海有10000个理由,无所不用其极地向金牙老大报仇。 But now, Bai Xiaolu has the standpoint, is Boss Golden Tooth revenges to Wan Zanghai? 而现在,白小鹿有立场,为金牙老大万藏海报仇吗? Even if there is a standpoint, he is also able? 就算有立场,他又有能力吗? No. 没有。 His anything does not have. 他什么都没有。 The boys lower the head, look at the wilderness overlord pulpy corpse , the tears spin in the eye socket, quite a while could not speak. 男孩低头,看着荒原霸主稀烂的尸体,眼泪在眼窝里打转,半天说不出话来。 At this time, front combat was also near the end, Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang gangster is slaughtered completely, the rocket flight soldier was actually sends lossless-- this was the difference of disorganized mob and elite regular army. 这时候,前方的战斗也接近尾声,毒蝎帮秃鹫帮的匪徒已经被屠戮殆尽,火箭飞行兵却是毫发无损——这就是乌合之众和精锐正规军的区别。 You have killed Boss Golden Tooth, you cannot run away.” “就算你杀了金牙老大,你也逃不了。” Bai Xiaolu feels acutely disappointed, the bitter and astringent say/way, „the commander of this army Colonel Sterling, is the Boss Golden Tooth good friend, he braves the billowing sand dust to catch up, to save others, you have actually killed the person, how do you want to run away?” 白小鹿万念俱灰,苦涩道,“这支部队的指挥官‘斯特林上校’,是金牙老大的好朋友,他冒着滚滚沙尘赶来,就是为了救人,你却把人杀了,你要怎么逃?” Good friend, hahahaha, is really lovable, does the fawn schoolmate, what you know between you and me the biggest difference is?” “‘好朋友’,哈哈哈哈,真是可爱啊,小鹿同学,你知道你我之间最大的区别是什么吗?” Wan Zanghai laughs, first has referred to Bai Xiaolu, aims at own chest, „ you believe the friend, believes the flag, believes the hope, believes the motherland, believes the compatriot, believes these illusory actually fart with no thing, reason that you believe these , because you are too small and weak, even if there is superpower, you as before is a through loser, you do not believe yourself, you must find a dependence beside yourself! 万藏海哈哈大笑,先指了指白小鹿,又指向自己的胸膛,“你相信朋友,相信旗帜,相信希望,相信祖国,相信同胞,相信这些虚无缥缈却屁用都没有的东西,你之所以相信这些,是因为你太弱小,就算拥有超能力,你依旧是一个彻头彻尾的失败者,你根本不相信自己,你必须在自己之外找到一个依靠! However I am formidable enough, to does not care about anything formidable, so long as I believe oneself were enough, I am doomed to step the peak, the verbal command world person! “而我足够强大,强大到根本不在乎任何东西,我只要相信自己就足够了,我是注定要踏上巅峰,号令天下的人! This is your my difference, is 1% and 99% differences, is the difference of underground clan and demon clan, is high-rank and ants the difference. “这就是你我的区别,亦是1%和99%的区别,是地底族和魔族的区别,是上位者和蝼蚁的区别。 Go away, looked that Sir performs well!” “滚开,看大爷好好表演吧!” The Wan Zanghai whole face is contemptuous, a foot kicks out of the way Bai Xiaolu, single knee tried to find out on the Boss Golden Tooth corpse. 万藏海满脸轻蔑,一脚把白小鹿踢开,单膝跪在金牙老大的尸体上摸索。 „Do you do!” “你干什么!” Bai Xiaolu screamed. 白小鹿尖叫。 This, is my, doesn't the thing returning to rightful owner, have the issue?” “这个,是我的,物归原主,没问题吧?” Wan Zanghai in the waist of Boss Golden Tooth, touched the storage state-of-art water purification technology chip. 万藏海金牙老大的腰间,摸到了存储尖端净水技术的芯片。 Bai Xiaolu is speechless. 白小鹿无话可说。 This.” “还有这个。” Wan Zanghai wants to win that bloodstained from Boss Golden Tooth United States of America, but Boss Golden Tooth dies, closely entrained own flag as before, Wan Zanghai pulls not to pull twice, became angry out of shame, takes out the dagger to cut to fall two fingers of Boss Golden Tooth, finally has attained United States of America. 万藏海想要从金牙老大手里夺走那面血迹斑斑的花旗,但金牙老大就算是死,依旧紧紧拽住自己的旗帜,万藏海扯了两次没有扯过来,恼羞成怒,抽出匕首将金牙老大的两根手指斩落下来,终于拿到了花旗 You, you were insane, this is the Boss Golden Tooth war flag, is the United States of America Group war flag!” “你,你疯了,这是金牙老大的战旗,是花旗帮的战旗!” The eye socket and corners of the mouth of Bai Xiaolu also tear, gush out the blood. 白小鹿的眼眶和嘴角同时撕裂,涌出鲜血。 He died in any case, what relations taking advantage of uses with and has?” “反正他已经死了,借来用用又有什么关系?” Wan Zanghai shows a faint smile, squats in front of Bai Xiaolu, has patted the cheeks of boy gently, „ isn't feeling well? Uncomfortable? Is burning with anger, wants to kill me? That comes, with your ‚the strength of heart, explodes my blood vessel of brain, making me withstand the serious cerebral concussion, like you a moment ago to such that the gangsters made-- what's wrong, was not good, the ability has exhausted, started again wants backlash? 万藏海微微一笑,蹲到白小鹿面前,轻轻拍了拍男孩的脸颊,“不爽?难受?怒火中烧,想要杀死我?那就来啊,用你的‘心之力’,爆掉我的脑血管,让我承受严重的脑震荡,就像你刚才对匪徒们所做的那样——怎么,不行了,能力耗尽了,再发动就要反噬了? Hehe, therefore Boss Golden Tooth said you to be stupid, is really a little right, as ability, when regardless of must keep a card in a hand to oneself, otherwise like the present, will allow to be oppressed, fawn schoolmate!” “呵呵,所以金牙老大说你蠢,真是一点儿都没错,身为一名能力者,无论何时都要给自己留一张底牌,否则就会像现在这样,任人宰割啊,小鹿同学!” He pressed in the head of Bai Xiaolu the sand dust stubbornly, ruthlessly friction. 他把白小鹿的脑袋死死按进了沙尘中,狠狠摩擦。 Afterward a foot steps on the wound of Bai Xiaolu thigh, does not attend to yelling of boy, launches United States of America, makes an effort swing down to get up. 随后一脚踩在白小鹿大腿的一处伤口上,不顾男孩的喊叫,展开花旗,用力挥舞起来。 Do not open fire, the person on one's own side, I must discuss a transaction with your commanders!” “别开火,自己人,我要和你们的指挥官谈一笔交易!” The Wan Zanghai smiling face is bright, yells toward the rocket flight soldier who flies slowly, who is Colonel Sterling? I must see Colonel Sterling, offers a precious gift on first meeting, discussed a huge transaction!” 万藏海笑容灿烂,朝缓缓飞来的火箭飞行兵喊叫,“谁是斯特林上校?我要见斯特林上校,送上一份珍贵的见面礼,谈一笔天大的交易!” The about a dozen famous rocket flight soldier falls to the ground slowly. 十几名火箭飞行兵缓缓落地。 Other elite soldiers stand guard in the midair as before, the vision of innumerable say/way murder penetrated the body of Wan Zanghai, he actually calmly, endures gladly. 其余精锐战士依旧在半空中警戒,无数道杀人的目光穿透了万藏海的身体,他却若无其事,甘之如饴。 Opposite wears the military officer of most excellent armor to take off the helmet, reveals watches over truncates the axe to chop, covers entirely the wind and frost the face. 对面一名身穿最精良铠甲的军官摘下头盔,露出一张刀削斧砍,布满风霜的面孔。 "Oh, is not a colonel. ” “哦,原来不是上校。” Sees the symbol of opposite party chest, Wan Zanghai at present one bright, the smiling face is richer, is the general, General Sterling, hello.” 看到对方胸口的标志,万藏海眼前一亮,笑容更加浓郁,“是将军,斯特林将军,您好。” Who are you?” “你是谁?” Rocket flight soldier commander Sterling narrows the eye, looks at Wan Zanghai and Bai Xiaolu, side Boss Golden Tooth corpse. 火箭飞行兵指挥官斯特林眯起眼睛,看着万藏海白小鹿,还有旁边金牙老大的尸体。 When sees the Boss Golden Tooth torn to pieces corpse, his look obvious one gloomy, the lip trembling moment, has not spoken, restored sharply. 看到金牙老大支离破碎的尸体时,他的神色明显一黯,嘴唇哆嗦片刻,没有说话,又恢复了锐利。 Wan Zanghai spreads out both hands, hints itself not to have the weapon, deeply inspires, said loudly: I called Shao Jinchuan, my father was Australia mayor Shao Qingyun, my delegate father, wanted with General Sterling as well as agreement makes a transaction, we are willing to pledge allegiance to agreement, help/gang agreement was defeated damn Alliance!” 万藏海摊开双手,示意自己没有武器,深吸一口气,大声道:“我叫‘邵金川’,我的父亲是‘新金山’市长‘邵青云’,我全权代表父亲,想要和斯特林将军以及‘协约’做一笔交易,我们愿意归顺‘协约’,帮‘协约’打败该死的‘同盟’!” What!” “什么!” Youngster boy, was shaken by these words stares dumbfounded, as if the neural field deep place blasts out 108,000 thunder, for a very long time cannot get back one's composure. 少年脚下的男孩,被这番话震得瞠目结舌,仿佛脑域深处炸开108000个响雷,久久回不过神来。 This, this fellow unexpectedly is not gold mountain Water purification Company the son of laboratory chief, but is the son of Australia mayor? This outcome what's the matter! 这,这家伙竟然不是“金山净水公司”实验室主任的儿子,而是新金山市长的儿子?这究竟是怎么回事啊! This......” “这……” Sterling narrows the eye, hesitates. 斯特林眯起眼睛,沉吟起来。 Verbal statements are no guarantee, this is I represents the father to give a gift on first meeting of General Sterling-- you continuously in seeking state-of-art water purification technology complete material, please kindly accept, regardless of transaction whether achieves, does not affect our father and son and friendship of General Sterling!” “口说无凭,这是我代表父亲送给斯特林将军的一点见面礼——你们一直在寻找的‘尖端净水技术’全部资料,请笑纳,无论交易是否达成,都不影响我们父子和斯特林将军的友谊!” Wan Zanghai-- Shao Jinchuan smilingly has delivered the chip, naturally with him Spatial Imperial Control, the electromagnetism promotes the superpower. 万藏海——邵金川笑眯眯地将芯片送了过去,当然是用他“隔空御物,电磁推动”的超能力。 He is ability fact, made the rocket flight soldiers tense. 他是“能力者”的事实,又令火箭飞行兵们紧张起来。 Sterling is actually waves to hint the soldiers to relieve the security, grips the chip in the palm, strokes gently carefully. 斯特林却是挥手示意士兵们解除警戒,将芯片攥在掌心,仔细摩挲起来。 This is real, I am insufficient to cross trim northern desolate unpopulated area, plays such joke with own poor life.” “这是真的,我不至于横穿整片‘北荒无人区’,拿自己的小命开这样的玩笑。” Shao Jinchuan said, my poor life, is very valuable.” 邵金川道,“我的小命,很值钱的。” Australia has destroyed, even if you are really mayor's son, why also to make the transaction with me?” “‘新金山’已经毁了,就算你真是市长之子,又凭什么和我做交易?” Sterling is thinking over the weight of chip, coldly said, depends on this chip, is far from enough.” 斯特林掂量着芯片的重量,冷冷道,“就凭这枚芯片,远远不够。” Australia, although has destroyed, but ‚a native of Jinshan has not died certainly, especially is responsible for defending the police system of city, has the large military forces to run away under my father's leadership, dispersed other Alliance underground metropolis, they have had the defeat, lost the foundation, a future dimness, if agreement ’ can them an opportunity, they be definitely reckless at this time ‚, firmly grasped!” “‘新金山’虽然毁了,但‘金山人’并没有死绝,特别是负责防御城市的军警系统,有大队人马在我父亲的带领下逃出去,疏散到了别的‘同盟’地下都市去,他们吃了败仗,失去根基,前途一片黯淡,倘若这时候‘协约’能给他们一个机会,他们肯定会不顾一切,牢牢把握住的!” Shao Jinchuan called out, „ I know that the present agreement and Alliance forms to refuse to compromise in the frontline, for a very long time cannot open up the perspective, seeing the frontline must turn into the bloody meat grinder, the army that perhaps General Sterling laboriously forms must invest, consumes meaningless completely! 邵金川叫道,“我知道现在‘协约’和‘同盟’在前线形成僵持,久久打不开局面,眼看前线要变成血腥的绞肉机,说不定斯特林将军辛苦组建的部队都要投入进去,毫无意义地消耗殆尽! If at this time, Alliance rear area had the change, agreement and my father mixed under various earth the troops in metropolis to come to collaborate from outside with the inside, can definitely give the final word, ensures the victory!” “倘若这时候,‘同盟’后方有异动,‘协约’和我父亲混入各大地下都市的人马来个里应外合,肯定能一锤定音,奠定胜局!” You......” “你……” Sterling's vision is deep, „can you really delegate your father? These words, were actually he said that you said.” 斯特林的目光深沉,“你真能全权代表你父亲?这些话,究竟是他说的,还是你自己说的。” I am only an ignorant ignorant youngster, if not the father inculcation, could say this, threw obtains such transaction?” “我只是个懵懂无知的少年,若非父亲谆谆教诲,怎么说得出这样的话,抛得出这样的交易?” Shao Jinchuan simply sat, lifts up high both hands saying that General Sterling, this campaign, even the result of this war grasped in your hands, perhaps your error in thought that will change the destiny of entire Earth, naturally, will change your future, you will become hero who ended the war, incessantly was the general, even Was Marshal!” 邵金川干脆一屁股坐了下来,高举双手道,“斯特林将军,这场战役,甚至这场战争的胜负都掌握在您的手里了,或许您一念之差,就将改变整个地球的命运,当然,也会改变您自己的未来,您将成为结束战争的英雄,不止是将军,甚至是——元帅!”
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