FMOC :: Volume #34

#3303: War God

Bai Xiaolu has forgotten quickly this dream. 白小鹿很快就忘记了这个梦。 The average people are unable to be too long the dreamland memory, but this time strange dream actually dissipates quickly is too too strange, the time of almost blinking, he thoroughly has forgotten all details in dreamland, even had once had a dream including oneself forgets. 一般人都无法将梦境记忆太久,但这次的怪梦却消散得太快太诡异,几乎眨眼的功夫,他就彻底忘记了梦境中的一切细节,甚至连自己曾经做过梦都忘记了。 Resembles, has tide together, cancelled the dreamland thoroughly was the same. 就好像,有一道浪潮,将梦境彻底抹去了一样。 Then Bai Xiaolu heard angry roaring of Boss Golden Tooth, from the bedding had been clutched by Boss Golden Tooth. 然后白小鹿就听到了金牙老大的怒吼,被金牙老大从铺盖里一把揪了出来。 „Did reinforcements come?” “援军来了?” Bai Xiaolu blurted out, but looks at the Boss Golden Tooth complexion pale appearance, does not look like. 白小鹿脱口而出,但是看金牙老大脸色铁青的模样,又不太像。 „It is not the reinforcements.” “不是援军。” Boss Golden Tooth bites the tooth, character by character jumps from gap between teeth outward, is Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang.” 金牙老大咬住牙齿,一个字一个字从齿缝中往外蹦,“是毒蝎帮秃鹫帮。” What!” “什么!” Bai Xiaolu is startled terrified. 白小鹿悚然一惊。 Do not fear, the reinforcements will certainly come today, so long as we can shoulder this wave to be good, but here only then an access, is the deathtrap, cannot cling to tenaciously here, otherwise was blocked the access, the smoking burns down, we ended, must arrive in the ground, depends on the restaurant ruins, has the leeway of socializing.” “别怕,援军今天一定会来的,我们只要能扛过这一波就好了,但这里只有一个出入口,是死地,不能在这里死守,否则被人堵住出入口,烟熏火烧,我们就完了,必须到地面上,依托酒庄废墟,才有周旋的余地。” Boss Golden Tooth entrains the room Bai Xiaolu, awakens Wan Zanghai, making him tidy up the arms and ammunition, seizes the chance to say to the Bai Xiaolu whisper, felt relieved, the reinforcements are one agreement secret special troops, the speed are quick, the entire terrain passes through, certainly will come.” 金牙老大白小鹿拽出房间,又叫醒万藏海,让他收拾武器弹药,趁机对白小鹿耳语道,“放心,援军是一支‘协约’秘密特种部队,速度很快,全地形通行,一定会来的。” „Do you such trust them?” “您这么信任他们?” Bai Xiaolu doubt, why?” 白小鹿狐疑,“为什么?” Because of the commander of this special troops, is I when seal the team leader, Colonel Sterling, in seizes Yuri in motion, braved death to save the person who by me with other three brothers, if were not our sacrifices, he will also be held by Yuri, invests in X camps!” “因为这支特种部队的指挥官,就是我在‘海豹’时的队长,斯特林上校,也就是在‘抓捕尤里’的行动中,被我和其余三名兄弟冒死救出来的人,如果不是我们的牺牲,他也会被尤里抓住,投入X营中!” Boss Golden Tooth said that „, when I have been through repeatedly the tribulation, when returns to here, in Sterling proofreads me to look , was also he helps me confirm own loyalty, again and agreement made contact with the line, if I and agreementalso trusted any person in the fierce blood wilderness ‚, that was he! I am only willing to give Colonel Sterlingstate-of-art water purification technology, he can also rescue our!” 金牙老大道,“当我历经磨难,回到这里时,斯特林上校对我照顾很多,也是他帮我证实了自己的忠诚,重新和‘协约’搭上线,如果说我在烈血荒原和‘协约’还信任什么人的话,那就是他了!我只愿意将‘尖端净水技术’交给斯特林上校,他也一定会来救我们的!” But--” “可是——” Bai Xiaolu said that couple days ago attacked Australia matter, his pit your, had not told you magnetism to explode the step Munitions Factory information ruthlessly.” 白小鹿道,“前几天攻打‘新金山’的事,他还狠狠坑了您一把,并没有告诉您磁爆步兵工厂的情报。” No, that does not close his matter!” “不,那不关他的事!” The Boss Golden Tooth forehead blue vein reveals completely, wicked say/way, Sterling colonel one year ago arrives at north the fierce blood wilderness secret base, trained the brand-new special troops, he did not know the circumstances of the matter, if he knew the truth, will not betray me, cannot!” 金牙老大额头青筋毕露,恶狠狠道,“斯特林上校一年前就来到烈血荒原北部的秘密基地,训练全新的特种部队了,他并不知情,如果他知道真相,绝不会出卖我,绝不会!” Bai Xiaolu was daunted by the Boss Golden Tooth sinister aspect, the subconsciousness nodded. 白小鹿金牙老大的凶相吓住,下意识点了点头。 Believes me, believes Colonel Sterling, we are certainly all right, you, are certainly all right, like yesterday's stepping on land mine, but has a false alarm, has a false alarm.” “相信我,相信斯特林上校,我们一定没事的,你,一定没事的,就像昨天的踩地雷,只是虚惊一场,虚惊一场。” Boss Golden Tooth greeted two little rascal, climbed up the ground. 金牙老大招呼两个小鬼,重新爬上地面。 In the horizon, the sandstorm is billowing, curls up dozens columns of smoke, just likes Devil that makes threatening gestures. 地平线上,风沙滚滚,卷起几十道烟柱,恍若张牙舞爪的妖魔 In the sky, the innumerable falcons circle, are eager to try, want to dive, is just like Death God lackey/claws and fangs. 天空中,无数鹰隼盘旋,跃跃欲试,想要俯冲,恰似死神爪牙 Through the telescope, can see Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang motorcade indistinctly, two motorcades distinguish right from wrong, decorates extremely has Characteristics Scorpion Gang outside the chariot embed the scorpion shell of innumerable giant type poisonous scorpion is acting as reactive armor, often behind is also hanging down 12 lift hooks, specifically is used for the check to turn the chariot of enemy, likely is the tail of scorpion \; Vulture Gang with colorful feather chariot complete coverage, is similar to bandit soldier's decoration is the same. 通过望远镜,隐约可以看到毒蝎帮秃鹫帮的车队,两支车队泾渭分明,都装饰得极有特色——毒蝎帮的战车外面镶嵌着无数巨型毒蝎的蝎壳充当“反应装甲”,往往后面还垂挂着12根吊钩,专门用来勾翻敌人的战车,又像是蝎子的尾巴\;秃鹫帮却是用花花绿绿的羽毛将战车完全覆盖,如同匪兵身上的装饰一样。 Regardless of Scorpion Gang or Vulture Gang, welded the innumerable metals to link up and hang the pole on the vehicles, can let the massive bandit soldier social climbing above, off-road vehicle at least can carry the about a dozen famous bandit soldier. 无论毒蝎帮还是秃鹫帮,都在车辆上焊接了无数金属挂钩和挂杆,可以让大量匪兵攀附在上面,一辆越野车起码能搭载十几名匪兵。 Takes a broad view to look, at least has a 30-40 chariot, that is the minimum 3-4 hundred bandit soldiers, Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang sharpest strength, turned out in full strength. 放眼望去,至少有三四十辆战车,那就是起码三四百名匪兵,毒蝎帮秃鹫帮最精锐的力量,倾巢而出了。 But them, only has three people, a boy, a youngster, a dying person. 而他们这边,只有三人,一个男孩,一个少年,一个垂死之人。 Three, to 300, the result as if already were doomed. 三个,对300个,结局似乎早已注定。 The tooth of Wan Zanghai starts to fight, exudes giggle the sound. 万藏海的牙齿开始打架,发出“咯咯”之声。 Bai Xiaolu actually does not know itself what's the matter, is not afraid unexpectedly. 白小鹿却不知道自己怎么回事,竟然一点儿都不害怕。 Our arms and ammunition soon exhaust, here with the enemy correlation is not the means.” “我们的武器弹药快要耗尽,在这里和敌人对射不是办法。” Boss Golden Tooth has swept firearms and ammunition of booth on canvas, said solemnly, these return to you, does not want the parsimonious bullet, opens fire to attract the attention of opposite party as far as possible, I circle from side, kills them, snatches some arms and ammunition to come back.” 金牙老大扫了一眼摊在帆布上的枪械和弹药,沉声道,“这些都归你们,不要吝啬子弹,尽可能开火吸引对方的注意力,我从旁边绕过去,杀到他们内部,去抢一些武器弹药回来。” What--” “什么——” Bai Xiaolu is stunned, you, do you want to do?” 白小鹿愕然,“您,您要干什么?” Relax, all right.” “放心,没事的。” Boss Golden Tooth cracks into a smile, you have not felt, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, soon is big sandstorm, the visibility is very low, nobody can think that I will kill suddenly, certainly can kill to be off their feet, piece of chaos.” 金牙老大咧嘴一笑,“你没感觉到吗,风越来越大,不久就是一场大风沙,能见度很低,没人能想到我会突然杀进去,一定能杀个人仰马翻,一片大乱的。” But, there has enough several hundred people!” “可是,那里有足足几百人啊!” Bai Xiaolu wants to entrain the Boss Golden Tooth sleeve, does not dare. 白小鹿想要去拽金牙老大的袖子,又不敢。 Several hundred people, hehe......” “几百人,呵呵……” Boss Golden Tooth has patted on the shoulder of Bai Xiaolu moderately, said, you know, why my ability is called regiment?” 金牙老大白小鹿的肩膀上不轻不重拍了一下,道,“你知道,为什么我的能力叫做‘军团’吗?” Why?” “为什么?” Bai Xiaolu does not understand why Boss Golden Tooth said this, when your ability starts, can stimulate the morale and combat strength of entire regiment?” 白小鹿不明白金牙老大为什么说这个,“因为您的能力发动时,可以激发整个军团的士气和战斗力?” No.” “不。” Boss Golden Tooth lightly said, when my ability surges the limit, I alone, am a regiment!” 金牙老大淡淡道,“因为我的能力激荡到极限时,我一个人,就是一支军团!” His arrow step flushed, crashes in the sandstorm, crashes in wilderness that the blood dyes. 他一个箭步冲了出去,冲进风沙,冲进血染的荒原里。 Makes threatening gestures is similar to the Devil column of smoke, approaches toward them gradually. 张牙舞爪如同妖魔般的烟柱,渐渐朝他们逼近。 Bai Xiaolu has tears streaming down the face, tooth deep inserting lip, has torn the bitter and astringent blood. 白小鹿泪流满面,牙齿深深嵌入嘴唇,撕裂了苦涩的鲜血。 Wan Zanghai eyeball chaotic revolutions, is ready to make trouble. 万藏海眼珠乱转,蠢蠢欲动。 Do not move!” “别动!” Bai Xiaolu stared his one eyes, the expression is fierce, the wicked say/way, does not repel these fierce bandits, you run away to the ends of the earth are useless, will be grasped by them, has dug up the skin while still alive, cramped, is cut to pieces!” 白小鹿瞪了他一眼,表情狰狞,恶狠狠道,“不打退这些悍匪,你逃到天涯海角都没用,都会被他们抓回来,活活扒了皮,抽了筋,千刀万剐!” Wan Zanghai has a look at the blue vein on Bai Xiaolu face, has a look at him to grasp the spear/gun again, continuously the hand that shivers, touches the nose, the eyeball does not transfer. 万藏海看看白小鹿脸上的青筋,再看看他握着枪,不住颤抖的手,摸了摸鼻子,眼珠不转了。 Good, I am motionless.” “好,我不动。” Wan Zanghai rolls up in restaurant ruins remnants of destroyed buildings, muttered low voice, was only a pity Boss Golden Tooth moved, you think really he will attack Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang motorcade, did a person hit several hundred? Perhaps, he wants to use us to attract the attention of enemy, oneself sole rubs the oil, covertly ran away!” 万藏海蜷缩在酒庄废墟的残垣断壁之间,小声咕哝道,“只可惜金牙老大已经动了,你真以为他会去袭击毒蝎帮秃鹫帮的车队,一个人打几百个?说不定,他就是想利用我们吸引敌人的注意力,自己脚底抹油,偷偷摸摸跑掉了!” Shut up.” “闭嘴。” Bai Xiaolu narrows the eye, one word at a time said, you give me, shut up.” 白小鹿眯起眼睛,一字一顿道,“你给我,闭嘴。” The Wan Zanghai bottom of the heart trembles, looks at boy not to have the expression expression, does not dare to speak unexpectedly. 万藏海心尖一颤,看着男孩没有表情的表情,竟然不敢说话。 pēng pēng, pēng pēng pēng pēng!” 砰砰,砰砰砰砰!” The bandit gang motorcade of Bai Xiaolu aiming not far away, first opens fire. 白小鹿瞄准不远处的匪帮车队,抢先开火。 Such far distance, the so big sandstorm, is certainly impossible to hit, actually sufficiently attracts the opposite party firepower, such as the torrential downpour sweeps away toward the restaurant ruins, hits the crushed stone splash, the flame four shoots, everywhere is Crackling chaotic sound, the boy and youngster cannot raise the head. 这么远的距离,如此大的风沙,当然不可能命中,却足以吸引对方的火力,如瓢泼大雨般朝着酒庄废墟横扫,打得碎石飞溅,火光四射,到处都是“噼里啪啦”的乱响,男孩和少年都抬不起头来。 You were insane!” “你疯了!” Wan Zanghai screamed. 万藏海尖叫。 Perhaps!” “或许吧!” Bai Xiaolu rolls up in the corner, only extends to counterattack the hand and spear/gun, brings in a more crowded barrage. 白小鹿蜷缩在墙角,只把手和枪伸出去还击,引来更加密集的弹幕。 He has thrown down us, escaped!” “他丢下了我们,已经逃跑了!” Wan Zanghai yelled. 万藏海大叫。 Puts your mother's fart!” “放你妈的屁!” Bai Xiaolu rave. 白小鹿狂吼。 The youngster lie on the ground, has covered an armored clothing toward the head on, the boy actually takes up the second spear/gun, shoots first with one hand and then the other, shakes the fingers/tiger mouth to bleed, the both arms tingle with numbness, the bullet early does not know where flies. 少年趴在地上,又往脑袋上捂了一件防弹衣,男孩却拿起第二支枪,左右开弓,震得虎口流血,双臂发麻,子弹早不知飞到何方。 The enemies are getting more and more near. 敌人越来越近。 In the sandstorm can hear the off-road vehicle engine sound, the opposite party clear opening fire sound, sound that as well as was foul-mouthed. 风沙中都能听到越野车的引擎声,对方清晰的开火声,以及骂骂咧咧的声音。 The variation falcon that in the sky, both eyes blush, cried loud and long suddenly, such as dived toward Bai Xiaolu to the arrow of string, the rapidness of speed, Bai Xiaolu even can smell on it the rank stink. 天空中,一只双眼发红的变异鹰隼,忽然长啸一声,如离弦之箭般朝白小鹿俯冲下来,速度之快,白小鹿甚至能闻到它身上的腥臭味。 Bai Xiaolu bites pulpy the lip, in the chests and bellies, elder brother's Brain rolling feels hot , helping the monster that he locked to dive precisely, pēng pēng bang, an attractive burst, the variation falcon turned into one group of pulpy hashed meat. 白小鹿将嘴唇咬得稀烂,胸腹之间,哥哥的大脑滚滚发烫,帮他精确锁定了俯冲下来的怪物,“砰砰砰”,一次漂亮的点射,变异鹰隼变成一团稀烂的碎肉。 But in being away from their not far away sandstorm, the shot of gangsters and ridiculed the sound also to stop suddenly, turned into astonished desire pitiful yell, moan as well as the low roar certainly. 而在距离他们不远处的风沙中,匪徒们的枪炮声和笑骂声也戛然而止,变成了惊愕欲绝的惨叫、呻吟以及低吼。 This is--” “这是——” Bai Xiaolu is startled slightly, delighted, stretches out the low wall the head reckless. 白小鹿微微一怔,喜出望外,不顾一切把脑袋伸出矮墙。 „Hasn't he walked?” “他没走?” Wan Zanghai does not dare believe, swallowed a saliva, similarly stretches out outside the less than half head the wall. 万藏海也不敢相信,吞了口唾沫,同样把小半个脑袋伸出墙外。 The billowing sandstorm, in the strong gunsmoke, the visibility is extremely low. 滚滚风沙,浓烈的硝烟中,能见度极低。 But the strong sandstorm and viscous gunsmoke, cannot cover up Boss Golden Tooth to burn the limit, incomparably exuberant and radiant vitality. 但再浓烈的风沙和再粘稠的硝烟,都遮掩不住金牙老大燃烧到极限,无比旺盛和璀璨的生命力。 This is the overlord of fierce blood wilderness. 这就是烈血荒原的霸主。 Yes, War God above spent clay. 是,废土之上的战神 Bai Xiaolu saw, Boss Golden Tooth has ambushed in the gravel, and earth fuses together using the camouflage with colors, rolls by from his side until Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang motorcade slowly, suddenly sticks out suddenly, such as the wild with rage rhinocero, throws off off-road vehicle all of a sudden. 白小鹿看到,金牙老大一直潜伏在沙砾之中,利用迷彩伪装将自己和大地融为一体,直到毒蝎帮秃鹫帮的车队从他身边缓缓驶过,忽然暴起,如狂怒的犀牛,一下子将一辆越野车掀翻。 Bai Xiaolu saw, Boss Golden Tooth meets no resistance, a dagger and a henchman chopper surge blade glow of two barbarian tyrants, regardless of the opposite party puts on several armor, several armored clothing, were severed completely by him, on the progress has sprinkled the five main internal organs (entrails) and stump residual limb breaks the arm. 白小鹿看到,金牙老大如入无人之境,一把匕首和一把狗腿砍刀激荡出两道蛮霸的刀芒,无论对方穿着几层铠甲,几件防弹衣,都被他一刀两断,前进道路上洒满了五脏六腑和残肢断臂。 Bai Xiaolu saw, the Boss Golden Tooth whole body spreads the naked eye obvious pale golden color ripples unceasingly, any by the enemy who the ripples cover, the speed and response is half beat behind, turns clay chickens and pottery dogs that whatever butchers. 白小鹿看到,金牙老大周身不断扩散出肉眼可见的淡金色涟漪,凡是被涟漪笼罩的敌人,速度和反应都慢了半拍,变成任由宰割的土鸡瓦狗 Bai Xiaolu saw, Boss Golden Tooth robs the anti-tank grenade from enemy unceasingly, throws into nearby off-road vehicle again, in makes the fireball that the innumerable groups exploded, countless enemies were exploded by him are off their feet, he actually likely is a iron tower in difficult situation, stands one's ground steadfastly. 白小鹿看到,金牙老大不断从敌人身上抢夺手雷,再丢进旁边的越野车里,在身前身后制造出了无数团爆炸的火球,无数敌人被他炸得人仰马翻,他却像是惊涛骇浪中的一座铁塔,岿然不动。 He, this where is goes to seize several weapons, clearly must by own strength, Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang all fierce bandits, kills off entirely! 他,他这哪里是去“抢夺几件武器”,分明是要凭借自己一个人的力量,将毒蝎帮秃鹫帮所有的悍匪,统统杀光啊! Naturally, Boss Golden Tooth is also a person, there is a limit, the quantity of opposite party are too really many, even if the visibility is low, the response of opposite party is slow, many bullets, have bored a hole through the body of Boss Golden Tooth eventually ruthlessly. 当然,金牙老大也是人,也有极限,对方的数量实在太多,就算能见度再低,对方的反应再迟钝,终究有不少子弹,狠狠凿穿了金牙老大的身体。 But Boss Golden Tooth actually resembles the copper pouring to be strong, did not respond, continues to go forward, blade glow, explodes, the blood continues to go forward! 金牙老大却似铜浇铁铸,毫无反应,继续前进,一路刀芒,一路爆炸,一路鲜血地继续前进!
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