FMOC :: Volume #33

#3292: Vulture

The Russian of this line of winding like a violently poisonous bug, Bai Xiaolu actually deeply was attracted by it, can not help touch the notebook with the fingertip lightly, when moves Yuri this name, a fingertip stabbing pain, seemed by the bug is nipped one. 这行蜿蜒的俄文就像一条剧毒的小虫,白小鹿却被它深深吸引,情不自禁用指尖轻触笔记本,触碰到“尤里”这个名字时,指尖一阵刺痛,好似被小虫咬了一口。 The retracting finger looks, unexpectedly is not the illusion, his fingertip presented two small black pinholes, seeps out a drop of clear blood. 缩回手指一看,竟然不是幻觉,他的指尖真的出现了两个小小的黑色针孔,渗出一滴晶莹的鲜血。 The blood sprinkles to the title page of notebook, infiltrates quickly, or-- two characters was sucked by Yuri. 鲜血洒落到笔记本的封面上,很快浸润进去,或者说——被“尤里”两个字吸吮进去。 The Bai Xiaolu bottom of the heart trembles, shrinks the neck to ask: Yuri? Who is this?” 白小鹿的心尖颤栗起来,缩着脖子问道:“尤里?这是什么人?” Perhaps is the misconception, when Bai Xiaolu said this name, he felt that the Boss Golden Tooth whole body muscle and nerve fiercely have contracted, the breath also became rapid. 或许是错觉,就在白小鹿说出这个名字的时候,他感觉金牙老大周身肌肉和神经都猛地收缩了一下,呼吸也变得急促起来。 When this bar iron pouring strong dauntless man, a moment ago Bai Xiaolu with the surgery pliers entrained the warhead from his rib no snort/hum the half sound, but heard Yuri this name, actually sent out together the sound of sharp and advantage from the throat deep place, making the person think that cut off the chicken of throat. 这条钢浇铁铸的硬汉,就连刚才白小鹿用手术钳从他的肋骨上拽出弹头时都没有哼半声,但听到“尤里”这个名字,却从喉咙深处发出一道又尖又利的声音,让人想到被割断了喉咙的鸡。 Crossed was very long, Boss Golden Tooth said with the hoarse sound: „...... He is not a person.” 过了很久,金牙老大才用沙哑的声音道:“……他不是人。” The Bai Xiaolu heart appears 10,000 question marks. 白小鹿心头浮现10000个问号。 But Yuri mind note has the infinite charm, entices him to turn unceasingly. 尤里的“心灵笔记”却拥有无穷的魔力,诱惑他不断翻下去。 In the note is that type hand-written typeface that winds such as the reptile, but also has attached fine and lifelike Brain dissection chart, the sketch that including face while still alive skinned, knew perfectly well that is false, the good seems true|really to have a soul of person by forcefully the seal in the two-dimensional surface, wails to be the same toward Bai Xiaolu. 笔记里都是那种蜿蜒如爬虫的手写字体,还附了很多精美而逼真的大脑解剖图,包括人脸被活活剥皮的素描,明知是假的,却好似真有一个人的灵魂被硬生生封印在二维平面上,朝着白小鹿哀嚎一样。 Bai Xiaolu swallowed a saliva, fears and curious. 白小鹿吞了口唾沫,又怕又好奇。 Other content you do not need to manage first, looks at 22 pages to 26 pages with emphasis, about mesmeric chapter.” “别的内容你先不用管,重点看22页到26页,是关于‘催眠术’的章节。” The Boss Golden Tooth hard say/way, gives you ten minutes, remembers all contents, then gives back to me the notebook-- again for a long time, your companion must get suspicious.” 金牙老大硬梆梆道,“给你十分钟,记住所有内容,然后把笔记本还给我——再长时间,你的‘同伴’就要起疑心了。” Does not need Boss Golden Tooth to tell, Bai Xiaolu also bears in mind each character. 不用金牙老大吩咐,白小鹿也把每一个字都记在心里。 Although his disposition is delicate, perhaps but obtained the stimulation of Elder Brother, the memory is actually top-tier, is in the literal sense photographic memory. 他的性格虽然柔弱,但或许是得到了哥哥的刺激,记忆力却是超一流的,是字面意义上的“过目不忘”。 But the concrete these contents are representing anything, how heart Spirit Cultivator refining up the law to cross the threshold, he could not understand. 但具体这些内容都代表着什么,心灵修炼法到底要如何入门,他就不太看得懂了。 Elder Brother, this ‚does mind write down real?” “哥哥,这本‘心灵笔记’是真的吗?” Bai Xiaolu asked secretly, you thought that useful?” 白小鹿偷偷问,“你觉得,有用吗?” Should real, these things are very useful.” “应该是真的,这些东西都很有用。” The Elder Brother hesitates saying that „, but, this mind writes down the cultivation method of proposing too to be really radical, was too dangerous, many secret skill as if were also at the laboratory stages, is unable to guarantee that security and stability-- I estimated, Boss Golden Tooth was so natural the note lends us to look, there are with we worked as test piece the meaning, looked at our cultivation later response, obtained the experience from us.” 哥哥沉吟道,“不过,这本‘心灵笔记’提出的修炼法实在太激进,太危险,很多秘法似乎还处在实验阶段,根本无法保证安全和稳定——我估计,金牙老大这么大方把笔记借给我们看,也有拿我们当‘试验品’的意思,看我们修炼之后的反应,从我们身上得到经验教训。” What!” “什么!” Bai Xiaolu is startled terrified. 白小鹿悚然一惊。 „The hashed meat that in this world, falls really does not have. 这个世界上,“无意间掉落的碎肉”果然是没有的。 This is very good, regardless of wants to obtain any thing, must pay certain price, this is called transaction-- at least, this price is we can pay.” “这样很好啊,无论想要得到什么东西,都必须付出一定的代价,这才叫做‘交易’——至少,这个代价是我们可以支付的。” Elder Brother lightly said, „ wants to survive, must gamble, we in the gambling, Boss Golden Tooth also in the gambling, everybody suspend the chip to the floor coming up gambling, always compared with manipulates strategically under stage, mistrusting each other is much better. 哥哥淡淡道,“想生存,就要赌博,我们在赌,金牙老大也在赌,大家把筹码都摆到台面上来赌,总比在台底下勾心斗角,尔虞我诈要好得多。 Was good, gives back to Boss Golden Tooth the note, these page numbers, we all remembered!” “行了,把笔记还给金牙老大吧,这些页码,我们全都记住了!” ...... …… Little rascal, has a look on that vehicle door to be brushing sand off-road vehicle of skeleton skull, I just intentionally let off that car(riage) not to destroy, should also be able to open! “小鬼,去看看那辆车门上刷着骷髅头的沙地越野车,我刚刚故意放过那辆车没有破坏,应该还可以开! All food, firearms also has the gasoline, moves to sand off-road vehicle, finally the recuperation ten minutes, we prepared to start off! “把所有的食物,枪械还有汽油,都搬到沙地越野车上面,最后休整十分钟,我们准备上路了! Listening, from now on, our three must string together one string, in the above wire walking of gate of hell, hoping you to be able the obediently obedience direction, if who randomly calls moves heedlessly, independently decides, I can the earliest possible time cut off the steel wire, a foot tramples you to the hell, understands what is heard not to have!” “听着,从现在开始,我们三个就要串成一串,在地狱之门的上空走钢丝,希望你们都能乖乖服从指挥,谁要是乱叫乱动,自作主张,我会第一时间割断钢丝,一脚把你踹到地狱里去,听明白没有!” After a half hour, just sutured the wound, had supplemented slightly Boss Golden Tooth of some food, restored the burning fiercely vitality, vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger, called loudly, is urging Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai two little rascal, the battlefield cleanup, tidies up the firearms and vehicles, the preparation. 半个小时后,刚刚缝合完伤口,稍稍补充了一些食物的金牙老大,就恢复了熊熊燃烧的生命力,龙精虎猛,大声吆喝,驱使着白小鹿万藏海两个“小鬼”,打扫战场,收拾枪械和车辆,准备出发。 Bang!” “砰!” He has inspected the engine personally carefully, layer on layer/heavily closes the bonnet, dyed the map of blood one tattered, the shop has covered in the engine, hints two little rascal to look. 他亲自将引擎仔仔细细检查了一遍,重重关上引擎盖,把一张破破烂烂染了血的地图,铺在引擎盖上,示意两个“小鬼”过来看。 We should here, the northeast direction of fierce blood wilderness, go south to be able now to find the oasis and large-scale living point, but now Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang the troops patrol area the south, search my trail--, so long as removes me, United States of America Group that the vitality damages severely is impossible to stage a comeback, Scorpion Gang or Vulture Gang can turn into the fierce blood wilderness the first big influence, therefore, they will definitely not give up!” “我们现在应该在这里,烈血荒原的东北方向,原本一路南下才能找到绿洲和大规模的聚居点,但现在‘毒蝎帮’和‘秃鹫帮’的人马都在南方一带游弋,搜索我的踪迹——只要除掉我,元气大伤的花旗帮再不可能卷土重来,毒蝎帮或者秃鹫帮就能变成烈血荒原的第一大势力,所以,他们肯定不会放弃的!” Boss Golden Tooth has drawn two big forks south the map, looks at Bai Xiaolu again, is actually being in a daze, knits the brows, beats severely a sound to refer to Bai Xiaolu at present again, you are listening, smelly little rascal?” 金牙老大在地图南边画了两个大叉,再看白小鹿,却是在发呆,不由皱眉,在白小鹿眼前重重打了个响指,“你在听吗,臭小鬼?” Bai Xiaolu is listening. 白小鹿在听。 Is listening to the wind the sound. 在听风的声音。 In just, in Boss Golden Tooth spoke of Vulture Gang Vulture two word-time, Bai Xiaolu falls into him not to understand clearly, most profound, absent-minded condition. 就在刚刚,在金牙老大说到秃鹫帮的“秃鹫”两个字时,白小鹿就陷入一种他自己都不甚了然,玄之又玄,恍恍惚惚的状态。 He sees all over the sky black feather burning fiercely probably, flutters. 他好像看到满天黑色羽毛熊熊燃烧,飘飘荡荡。 He as if noticed that Vulture soared, swallows the entire world. 他仿佛看到一只秃鹫腾空而起,吞噬掉了整个世界。 He hears in the wind sound/rumor that howls to transmit fuzzily, winding, seems after for a long time is very very long, sound that very much very far place broadcasts. 他听到呼啸的风声中传来模模糊糊,蜿蜿蜒蜒,好似从很久很久以后,很远很远的地方传来的声音。 Be careful...... Vulture...... “小心……秃鹫…… Vulture...... Will prevent you...... Will destroy all...... 秃鹫……会阻止你……会毁了一切…… Has not related...... He does not have completely...... We have the opportunity...... Perturbation...... Ripples...... Reversal...... Comes again...... All can come again...... Can recall...... Can change...... Yesterday...... Can reappear......” “没关系……他没有完全……我们还有机会……扰动……涟漪……逆转……重来……一切都可以重来……都可以挽回……都可以改变……昨日……可以重现……” Bai Xiaolu deeply hit to tremble, sobers. 白小鹿深深打了个寒颤,清醒过来。 Sees the face that Boss Golden Tooth ablazes with anger, Wan Zanghai amazed expression extremely. 就看到金牙老大怒气冲冲的面孔,还有万藏海惊诧万分的表情。 Hey, smelly little rascal.” “喂,臭小鬼。” Boss Golden Tooth narrows the eye, you suffered heat-stroke, actually to hear my words!” 金牙老大眯起眼睛,“你中暑了吗,究竟有没有听到我的话!” Listened, to hear, you said Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang.” “听,听到了,您说‘毒蝎帮’和‘秃鹫帮’。” Bai Xiaolu bites the lip to say. 白小鹿咬着嘴唇道。 The eyeground actually appears to wipe the air/Qi of ruthless offense. 眼底却浮现出一抹狠戾之气。 His repugnant Vulture. 他讨厌秃鹫 Dislikes that type uglily, despicable, dreadful, evil lifeform. 讨厌那种丑陋的,卑鄙的,猥琐的,邪恶的生物。 The appearance of Vulture means the death and destruction, whenever in the village died the person, even just breathed, on the wilderness Vulture looks like can receive the mysterious signal, revolves the sky in village in groups, was waiting for enjoys feast that bleeds, catches up cannot expel. 秃鹫的出现就意味着死亡和毁灭,每当村子里死了人,甚至刚刚咽气,荒原上秃鹫就像是能接收到神秘的信号,成群结队围绕在村子上的上空,等待着享受流血的大餐,怎么赶都赶不走。 These Ghoul not like falcon majestic, is vigorous and frank and upright, they the frontal attack, actually will never follow all slits and flaws, infiltrates stealthily, only gnaws the remaining bone stubbles the corpse, was too repugnant, repugnant! 这些食尸鬼不像鹰隼那样雄壮,矫健和光明正大,他们从不正面进攻,却会顺着一切缝隙和破绽,鬼鬼祟祟地钻进来,把尸体啃得只剩下骨头茬子,实在太讨厌了,讨厌! Elder Brother--” “哥哥——” Bai Xiaolu asked in heart, „did you hear the sound?” 白小鹿心底里问道,“你听到声音了吗?” Elder Brother strange say/way: What sound?” 哥哥奇怪道:“什么声音?” Vulture.” 秃鹫。” Bai Xiaolu muttered, in sandstorm, the sound of Vulture kicking wing.” 白小鹿喃喃道,“风沙中,秃鹫扑腾翅膀的声音。” You were saying any Ah? “你在说什么啊? The Elder Brother cares saying that fawn, you will not suffer heat-stroke, wind where comes!” 哥哥关心道,“小鹿,你不会真的中暑了吧,哪里来的风啊!” Bai Xiaolu is startled slightly, deeply inspires, said reluctantly: Was I is too probably anxious, does not have, is all right.” 白小鹿微微一怔,深吸一口气,勉强道:“大概是我太紧张,没,没事了。” Listens, I finally said one time, two little rascal both recorded clearly-- the south side was Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang pursuing troops, they will find here quickly, especially Vulture Gang has raised many variation falcons, can in several hundred meters high reconnaissance, be very easy to discover us.” “听好,我最后说一次,两个小鬼都记清楚了——南边是‘毒蝎帮’和‘秃鹫帮’的追兵,他们很快会找到这里,特别是‘秃鹫帮’豢养了不少变异猎鹰,可以在几百米的高空侦察,很容易发现我们。” Boss Golden Tooth makes an effort to rap the map, we cannot stay here, must to north, toward-- this direction!” 金牙老大用力敲击着地图,“我们不能留在这里,必须一路向北,往——这个方向!” This--” “这——” Bai Xiaolu has not responded, Wan Zanghai was scared, this does not go to Alliance the route in defense area.” 白小鹿还没反应过来,万藏海已经傻眼,“这不是去‘同盟’防区的路线。” Who said that we do want to go to Alliance?” “谁说我们一定要去‘同盟’了?” The Boss Golden Tooth vision, such as the lion is staring at the prey, actually to go to where, how to go, I decide, clear?” 金牙老大的目光,如狮子盯着猎物,“究竟去哪里,怎么去,我说了算,清楚?” Wan Zanghai opened mouth, has not spoken eventually, dejected say/way: Clear.” 万藏海张了张嘴,终究没说话,颓然道:“清楚。” But, the north is unpopulated area.” “可是,北方是无人区。” Bai Xiaolu blurted out, at once responds, these words have the flaw, has made up one hurriedly, I listened to the teacher in school saying that north the fierce blood wilderness was very terrifying unpopulated area, during the war, there had erupted a frigid campaign, has left behind many mine fields and radiation zones, attack robot of entire automation-- nobody can pass through northern desolate unpopulated area.” 白小鹿脱口而出,旋即反应过来,这句话有破绽,急忙补了一句,“我听学校里的老师说,烈血荒原北部是非常恐怖的无人区,大战期间,那里曾经爆发过一场惨烈的战役,遗留了很多雷区和辐射带,还有全自动化的攻击机器人——没人能穿越‘北荒无人区’的。” Right, does not have person.” “没错,没有‘人’。” Boss Golden Tooth grins to smile, was only a pity, I am not person-- is the demon clan.” 金牙老大咧嘴笑起来,“只可惜,我不是人——是魔族。” ...... …… They tidy up appropriately, is wanting to board. 他们收拾妥当,正欲上车。 Boss Golden Tooth trampled the compartment a Wan Zanghai foot first, has thrown a thing toward Bai Xiaolu in conveniently. 金牙老大先把万藏海一脚踹进了车厢,又随手往白小鹿手里抛了个东西。 „Is this?” “这是?” Is a cool small jar, is printing agreement symbol, above also has a small nozzle. 是一个清清凉凉的小瓶子,印着“协约”的标志,上面还有一个小喷头。 Spurts a point in the nose, can stimulate the awaking brain, the prevention heat-stroke.” “喷一点在鼻子里,能提神醒脑,预防中暑。” Boss Golden Tooth coldly said, do not suffer heat-stroke, should not be injured, do not become my implication, otherwise I butchered you, yes?” 金牙老大冷冷道,“别中暑,别受伤,别成为我的拖累,否则我就宰了你,明白?” Understood.” “明白。” Bai Xiaolu closely grips the cool atomization in the palm, has gawked a while, smiles, follows in the wilderness overlord behind, thanks the eldest child.” 白小鹿把清凉喷雾紧紧攥在掌心,愣了一会儿,笑起来,跟在荒原霸主身后,“谢谢老大。” ...... …… The yellow sand is billowing, the wheel circles in flight, is drawing sand off-road vehicle of skeleton skull, is carrying the person non- person, the ghost not clever three fellows, speeds along in the wilderness unpopulated area. 黄沙滚滚,车轮飞旋,画着骷髅头的沙地越野车,载着人不人,鬼不鬼的三个家伙,在荒原无人区上飞驰。 From the beginning is Boss Golden Tooth drives, he opens while teaches Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai two little rascal drives skill--, if Scorpion Gang and Vulture Gang pursues, Boss Golden Tooth must be responsible for opening fire, two little rascal must learn to drive as soon as possible. 一开始是金牙老大开车,他一边开一边教白小鹿万藏海两个小鬼驾驶技巧——万一“毒蝎帮”和“秃鹫帮”追上来,金牙老大肯定要负责开火的,两个小鬼必须尽快学会驾驶。 Two little rascal both are very luckily intelligent, on the wilderness also does not have the path, the building and traffic regulations, how are casual step on the accelerator fiercely, Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai study quickly, less than day open decent. 幸好两个小鬼都很聪明,荒原上又没有道路,建筑和交通规则,随便怎么猛踩油门都可以,白小鹿万藏海学得很快,不到一天就开得有模有样。 Aha--” “啊哈——” The Boss Golden Tooth spirit relaxes finally, a fumble on off-road vehicle, fishes out a thing from the hull bottom, took a look at me to discover anything!” 金牙老大的精神终于放松下来,在越野车上一通摸索,从车座底下摸出一个东西,“瞧瞧我发现了什么!”
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