FMOC :: Volume #28

#2785: True similar!

Li Yao was familiar with neglect in front of blood colored heart's demon very much half a word words, muttered: You thought, in what condition we are at?” 李耀很习惯地忽略了血色心魔前面半句话,喃喃道:“那你觉得,我们正处在什么样的状态中呢?” From general sense--” “从一般意义上来讲——” The blood colored heart's demon tranquil say/way, we died.” 血色心魔平静道,“我们已经死了。” What!” “什么!” Li Yao's divine soul releases sharp ripple, the ripple changes to the pale golden data and Glyph Rune of innumerable gushing out, has to make a mistake, is this your conclusion?” 李耀的神魂释放出尖锐的波纹,波纹化作无数喷薄而出的淡金色数据和符文,“有没有搞错,这就是你的结论?” Otherwise?” “不然呢?” blood colored heart's demon asked back,our divine soul and bodies lost the contact thoroughly, how regardless of I search and sensation, could not find that to be able we entrain in the body line, our bodies beside trillion stars, perhaps Brain and five main internal organs (entrails) stopped the activity, best situation, turns into the vegetable, freezes by Xiaoming and Wenwen. 血色心魔反问,“我们的神魂和身体彻底失去了联系,无论我怎么搜索和感知,都找不到那条能够将我们拽回身体里的‘线’,我们的身体远在亿万星辰之外,或许大脑和五脏六腑都停止了活动,最好的情况,也不过是变成植物人,被小明文文冰冻起来。 Such condition, called death, wasn't right?” “这样的状态,称之为‘死亡’,不对吗?” But......” “可是……” The Li Yao rebuttal said that „before us, has experienced similar condition, was just jump to the Star Ocean center, suffered the attack of excessive star radiation in Poisonous Scorpion Star Cluster, the fleshly body almost decayed that time, our divine soul are also separated from the body, sneaks Martial Hero Star, attaches to a body of Spiritual Energy Puppet, has known Han Te and Liu Li!” 李耀反驳道,“我们以前也经历过类似的状态,就是刚刚跳跃星海中央,在毒蝎星团中遭受了过量恒星辐射的侵袭,肉身几乎腐朽的那一次,我们的神魂也脱离躯壳,潜入武英星,依附到一台灵能傀儡的身上,结识了韩特琉璃啊!” That is different, at that time, our divine soul and bodies were at same Greater Thousand Worlds, in same stellar system, the distance over ten light seconds, cannot say, were still in the covering scopes of same piece star magnetic field, same piece world, in some mysterious way, was maintaining the relation.” “那不一样,那时候,我们的神魂和身体都处在同一个大千世界,同一个恒星系内,彼此之间的距离不会超过十光秒,可以说,仍旧处在同一片恒星磁场的笼罩范围内,‘同一片天地’里,以某种玄妙的方式,保持着联系。” blood colored heart's demon sighed, „, but this time, our divine soul and body great distance was too far, quantitative change caused qualitative change, when the distance reached surely the rank of light years , then sufficiently separated even writes off all between body and divine soul implicates. 血色心魔叹了口气道,“但这一次,我们的神魂和身体相隔实在太远,正所谓‘量变引起质变’,当距离达到千万光年的等级,便足以割裂甚至抹杀身体和神魂之间的一切牵连。 Right, to realm profound Spirit Transformation expert, soul leave the body, the day good nightwalking, seems the commonly seen necessary skill, but most people's divine soul and body will not separate of over several hundred kilometers, how many light seconds are most, not awfully one breath bouncingdozens Greater Thousand Worlds like us ‚, but also has carried on the fierce combat of ultra strength in the divine soul shape, almost exhausts the last wisp of divine soul strength, by the entire wanton bombing of fleet from the near-earth track, a about hour will be in the ion roaring flame about ten thousand degrees high temperature, you will ponder over, but might also not die? “没错,对境界高深的化神强者而言,灵魂出窍,日行夜游,似乎是司空见惯的必备技能,但大多数人的神魂和躯壳都不会分开超过几百公里,最多几光秒而已,像我们这样不要命地一口气‘跳荡’几十个大千世界,还以神魂形态进行了超高强度的激战,几乎耗尽最后一缕神魂力量,又被整整一支舰队从近地轨道上狂轰滥炸,将近一个钟头都处在近万度高温的离子烈焰中,你琢磨琢磨,还有可能不死吗? Therefore, now is not we whether to find the road that goes home, found the issues of our body, but is I suspected very much, even if we have retrieved the body, possibly presents divine soul and body is incompatible, issue that is unable to fuse!” “所以,现在不是我们能否找到回家的路,找到我们身体的问题,而是我很怀疑,就算我们找回了身体,也可能出现神魂和躯壳不兼容,无法融合的问题!” This--” “这——” Li Yao hears creepy feeling, feels dejected. 李耀听得头皮发麻,又不禁黯然神伤。 Although said that everybody comes out cultivation, already the head on the belt, do not lick the blood to live hand to mouth to eat on the cutting edge, the tasteful head fell the bowl big scar, 18 years later is a real man, but, but died , the feeling is strange, is quite disconsolate, is quite melancholy. 虽然说大家出来修真,早就把脑袋别在裤腰带上,是在刀口上舔血混饭吃,讲究脑袋掉了碗大个疤,18年后又是一条好汉,但是,但是真的“死了”,感觉还是怪怪的,好惆怅,好忧郁。 Therefore, we did turn into Ghost Cultivator?” “所以,我们变成鬼修了么?” Li Yao is wriggling divine soul, lets the pale golden data and information flow that the divine soul deep place floods unceasingly has composed a virtual palm, he tosses about the palm, is moving the finger, looks at carefully carefully, „, although I have not died, does not know, when Ghost Cultivator is any taste, but before me , many Ghost Cultivator good friends, for example have saved a Ding Yin senior and Elder Sister Qingqing of my life on the Great Wasteland train, listening to them to mention, when feeling of Ghost Cultivator. 李耀蠕动着神魂,让神魂深处不断满溢出来的淡金色数据和信息流组成了一只虚拟的手掌,他将手掌翻来覆去,活动着手指,仔细端详,“虽然我是没死过,不知道当鬼修是什么滋味,但我以前也有很多鬼修好朋友,比方说在大荒列车上救过我一命的丁引前辈和青青姐,听他们说起过当鬼修的感觉。 Ghost Cultivator...... As if not this. 鬼修……似乎不是这样的。 Ghost Cultivator is one group of very special remnant soul fluctuations, is quite sensitive and frail, often can only hide in special Crystal Computer, depends upon Spirit Artifact Artificial Body to move, this special Crystal Computer quite therefore their unique Brain, once fuses in Crystal Computer, is very difficult to go in all directions, wants to migrate to second Crystal Computer , the procedure is complex, the danger coefficient is also very high. 鬼修是一组非常特殊的残魂波动,是相当敏感和脆弱的,往往只能藏匿在特殊的晶脑中,依靠灵械义体来行动,这种特殊的晶脑就相当于是他们独一无二的大脑,一旦融合到晶脑里,就很难四处流窜,想要迁移到第二台晶脑里面,程序非常复杂,危险系数也很高。 But my feeling, is actually not this. “但我的感觉,却不是这样。 I did not think, I simple fused one with the Floating War Fort Crystal Computer wreckage, was not such simple-- I can have one's wish to stretch my will and sensation in all directions, invades and operated many Magical Artifact and Crystal Computer, I can be clear see outside that the inexhaustible spirit magnetic ripple, the message data and cosmic radiation comprised , the incomparably brilliant and wonderful new world, I even thought that my divine soul can through Spiritual Nexus with lightning speed, the extremely fast hurricane, the wind to any place that I want to go to! “我并不觉得,自己只是简单和浮空战堡晶脑残骸融合到了一起,不是这么简单——我可以随心所欲向四面八方舒展我的意志和感知,去侵入和操纵更多的法宝晶脑,我可以清楚‘看到’外界那个由无穷无尽的灵磁波纹,信息数据和宇宙辐射组成的,无比绚烂、妙不可言的新世界,我甚至觉得自己的神魂可以通过灵网风驰电掣,极速狂飙,飙到我想去的任何地方! Even if I turned into solitary soul, unbound ghost, that is also free among solitary soul, unbound ghost in Spiritual Nexus, is this matter that ordinary Ghost Cultivator can accomplish?” “即便我真的变成了一条孤魂野鬼,那也是逍遥于灵网之间的孤魂野鬼,这是普通鬼修能办到的事情吗?” You said right, ordinary Ghost Cultivator, indeed did not have our like this super ability.” “你说对了,普通鬼修,的确没有我们这样的超级能力。” blood colored heart's demon said that „, but special Ghost Cultivator, could, that is Star Spirit.” 血色心魔道,“但有一种特殊的鬼修,或许可以,那就是‘星灵’。” Star Spirit?” 星灵?” Li Yao is startled slightly. 李耀微微一怔。 He very long had not listened to this noun. 他已经很久没听过这个名词了。 Back then, his first time launched Star Ocean jump, when attempted with Skeletal Dragon Demon perished together, on Starship Spark Ship has also carried five special Ghost Cultivator or calls virtual spirit body, that was Professor Mo Xuan and Li Yao's four Senior Brother. 想当年,他第一次展开星海跳跃,试图和骸骨龙魔同归于尽之时,星舰火花号上还携带了五名特殊的鬼修或者叫虚灵体,那就是莫玄教授李耀的四位师兄 Finally, Spark Ship and Skeletal Dragon Demon have encountered mammoth Star Ocean Storm together, in extremely intense radiation and in the energetic particle class attack, Professor Mo Xuan and other virtual spirit body actually had the marvelous change, turned into unprecedented the embryonic form of Ghost Cultivator or Information Lifeform, that is Star Spirit! 结果,火花号骸骨龙魔一起遭遇了一场声势浩大的星海风暴,在极其强烈的辐射和高能粒子流打击中,莫玄教授虚灵体竟然发生了奇妙的变化,变成了前所未见的鬼修或者说信息生命的雏形,那就是“星灵”! Afterward in the Meteor Sector Heaven Saint City war, Professor Mo Xuan to save Li Yao and entire Meteor Sector, has to swallow forcefully was containing Star Child Outer Territory Heavenly Demon Mainframe Crystal Processor, was enticed and corroded dark, finally the exuviate turned into Heavenly Demon Mo Xuan, attempts Ghost Cultivator turning spirit clan, becomes the Human Race Civilization main body by the spirit clan, this, was another story. 后来在飞星界天圣城大战中,莫玄教授为了拯救李耀和整个飞星界,不得不强行吞噬了蕴含着星孩——域外天魔主控晶脑,受到黑暗的诱惑和侵蚀,最终蜕变成了“天魔莫玄”,妄图将“鬼修”变成“灵族”,以灵族成为人类文明的主体,这,又是另一个故事了。 You meant, we, did bump into, have solved the ultimate mystery of Professor Mo Xuan completely inheritance?” “你的意思是说,我们在无意间,误打误撞,解开了莫玄教授全部传承的终极奥秘?” Li Yao responded instantaneously, „, therefore, our divine soul also turned into the Professor Mo Xuan shape, super Ghost Cultivator Star Spirit?” 李耀瞬间反应过来,“于是,我们的神魂也变成了莫玄教授的形态,超级鬼修——星灵?” From the beginning, I also think that answer is this.” “一开始,我也以为答案是这样。” blood colored heart's demon deep say/way, „, but had pondered carefully after three days three nights, I thought that the causal logic might do very much counter-, the essential issue was, why Professor Mo Xuan can break out at first nearly the virtual spirit body condition of annihilation, became to dominate above ordinary Ghost Cultivator by far, can by Human Race divine soul invaded Crystal Computer and Spiritual Nexus freely Star Spirit? 血色心魔深沉道,“但仔细思考了三天三夜之后,我觉得因果逻辑很有可能搞反了,关键的问题是,莫玄教授为什么能摆脱最初近乎湮灭的虚灵体状态,一跃成为远远凌驾于普通鬼修之上,能以人类神魂自由侵入晶脑灵网的‘星灵’? If becomes in him Star Spirit that moment, his divine soul had the high variation, no longer is pure Human Race, is the prime culprit, causes his variation who?” “如果说,在他成为‘星灵’的那一刻,他的神魂就发生了高度的变异,不再是纯粹的人类,那么,导致他变异的元凶又是谁?” This......” “这个么……” Li Yao is, „ this issue, is very difficult to explain, god knows in our that Star Ocean Storm of past bitter experience, actually to be containing what cosmic radiation and energetic particle class, but what impurity in the particles stream was mixing with, was the combination of ripple and which type of element of which frequency, triggered from virtual spirit body to Star Spirit variation? 李耀为难道,“这个问题,很难解释,天知道我们当年遭遇的那场星海风暴里,究竟蕴藏着什么样的宇宙辐射和高能粒子流,而粒子流里又夹杂着什么杂质,是哪种频率的波纹和哪种元素的组合,才触发了从‘虚灵体’到‘星灵’的变异? In the Meteor Sector time, Professor Mo Xuan has done some experiments, wanted to duplicate past Star Ocean Storm perfectly, many Ghost Cultivator will promote Star Spirit. “早在飞星界时期,莫玄教授就做过一些实验,想要完美复制昔日的星海风暴,将更多鬼修升级成星灵 When New Federation establishment, but the after news of Black Wind Fleet attack comes on a large scale, Federation Government ‚the Star Spirit soldier training, when one of the over a hundred years of construction key projects, pounded down the big resources to simulate the past scene. “等到新联邦成立,而黑风舰队大举来袭的消息传来之后,联邦政府更是将‘星灵战士’的培养,当成百年建设的重点项目之一,砸下大笔资源来模拟昔日的场景。 „But regardless of they found many Star Ocean Storm peak regions, or artifical simulation dissimilar in shape and form Star Ocean Storm, have almost tried each ripple frequency and mix impact of metallic element, throughout could not findpromotes from ordinary Ghost Cultivator toStar Spirit the mystery, is really wonderful strange!” “但无论他们找到多少星海风暴的高发区域,又或者人工模拟一场场形态各异的星海风暴,几乎尝试过了每一种波纹频率和金属元素的混合冲击,始终找不到从‘普通鬼修’升级到‘星灵’的奥秘,真是奇哉怪也!” Right, invests the entire Federation's resources, duplicated over ten thousand times unable to obtain the result.” “没错,投入整个联邦的资源,重复了上万次都得不出结果。” blood colored heart's demon said that „, but in the past, casual Star Ocean jump, encountered Star Ocean Storm, created mysterious Star Spirit-- you believed such coincidence, such lucky matter?” 血色心魔道,“但是当年,随随便便的星海跳跃,无意间遭遇星海风暴,就创造出了神奇的星灵——你相信有这么巧合,这么幸运的事情么?” Li Yao is startled slightly, said: I indeed do not believe the coincidence, does not believe luck, but Professor Mo Xuan turned into Star Spirit, this is also the absolutely true fact, how should also explain?” 李耀微微一怔,道:“我的确不相信巧合,更不相信幸运,但莫玄教授变成了星灵,这也是千真万确的事实,又该怎么解释?” Perhaps, the issue on Star Ocean Storm, is not that Star Ocean Storm is special, but another important factor.” “或许,问题并不在星海风暴上,并不是那场星海风暴有多么特殊,而是另一个至关重要的因素。” blood colored heart's demon said, that is Vulture Li Yao, because just Vulture Li Yao on the scene, in the process that in Skeletal Dragon Demon perishes together, burns the life and will the limit, therefore, Professor Mo Xuan they will be infected, ’ turning fromvirtual spirit body Star Spirit.” 血色心魔道,“那就是‘秃鹫李耀’,正因为‘秃鹫李耀’在场,并且在和骸骨龙魔同归于尽的过程中,将生命和意志都燃烧到极限,所以,莫玄教授他们才会受到感染,从‘虚灵体’变成‘星灵’。” You said that we......” “你是说,我们……” Li Yao is shocked once more. 李耀再次愣住。 „The answer of this issue, with the answers of another two issues, is perhaps same.” “这个问题的答案,和另外两个问题的答案,或许是一样的。” blood colored heart's demon continues saying that „ when why we present, and burns divine soul when under the attack of Star Ocean Storm to the limit, contaminates the ripple that we proliferated, can Professor Mo Xuan‚’ evolve Star Spirit fromvirtual spirit body? 血色心魔继续道,“为什么当我们在场,并且在星海风暴的侵袭下将神魂燃烧到极限时,沾染了我们扩散出去的波纹,莫玄教授就能从‘虚灵体’进化成‘星灵’? Why after swallowing our Brain scanning database, in " Civilization Game » huge information sea, can birth Xiaoming and Wenwen like this has the self-awareness, Information Lifeform of new generation? “为什么在吞噬了我们的大脑扫描数据库之后,《文明游戏》的庞大信息海洋中,就能诞生小明’和‘文文’这样拥有自我意识,新一代的信息生命 Why, including Fist King Lei Zonglie this consciousness core from Magic World self- study and promotion Battle Puppet, when first time sees us, takes for its similar us? “为什么,连‘拳王雷宗烈’这个意识核心来自魔法世界的‘自我学习和升级型战斗傀儡’,在第一次见到我们时,就把我们误认为它的同类? You should know that Fist King is how special and formidable existence, you think that it in Evil Earth Paradise, has never met other self- study and promotion Battle Puppet? These junks, had not been opened a none remaining by it without hesitation, has not seen it to speak the least bit similar friendship. “你应该知道拳王是多么特殊而又强大的存在,难道你以为它在‘孽土乐园’里,从未遇到过别的‘自我学习和升级型战斗傀儡’么?那些破铜烂铁,还不是被它毫不犹豫拆了个精光,也没见它讲半点同类的情谊啊。 No, at that time it is said similar, is not only the meaning of promotion Battle Puppet, but has the meaning of deeper level, perhaps it by the instinct from Magic World, the sensation to hid in the aura of our divine soul most deep place, knows that we indeed are it...... True similar!” “不,它当时说的‘同类’,不仅仅是升级型战斗傀儡的意思,而是有着更深层次的含义,或许它凭借来自魔法世界的本能,感知到了隐藏在我们神魂最深处的气息,知道我们的确是它……真正的同类!”
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