FD :: Volume #2

#145: Beautiful moving!

What do you smile?” “你笑什么?” „......” “……” Do not smile.” “你别笑。” The bearing happy expression that Kong Xi goes all out, looks up to Chen Shu, said charmingly angry: Director Chen to also really snatch first does utmost.” 孔溪拼命的忍住笑意,抬头看向陈述,娇嗔说道:“陈总监为了抢得第一名还真是竭尽全力呢。” That was natural.” A Chen Shu face earnest appearance, said: Do not think that I am cracking a joke. We have words and expressions to be called beautifully moving, is?” “那当然了。”陈述一脸认真的模样,说道:“不要以为我是在开玩笑。我们有个词语叫做美丽动人,是不是?” Kong Xi nods, said: Yes.” 孔溪点了点头,说道:“是的。” „When we and somebody have the contradiction often said " you move me one to try " , moving is " hitting " meaning, is right?” “我们和某个人有矛盾时经常说「你动我一下试试」,动就是「打」的意思,对不对?” Kong Xi facial features curved, cannot bear want to smile, but sees the Chen Shu serious expression, tight sips to be quiet Klang to fear oneself smile the sound, said: Right, Director Chen said that anything is right.” 孔溪眉眼弯弯,又忍不住想笑,但是看到陈述严肃的表情,还是紧紧的抿住嘴巴生怕自己笑出声音,说道:“对对对,陈总监说什么都对。” Therefore, beautiful moving actually hits the meaning of person beautifully. Is much longer truly in the attack person.” “所以,美丽动人其实就是美丽打人的意思。长得好看确实是在攻击人呢。” Nonsense.” “胡说。” I analyze to you, you know I said made sense very much. We and long much the person in the same place, what feeling will have? First is anxious, four feet are stiff, the hand and foot do not know that places there. The heartbeat accelerates, the blood flow is not very carefree. Then oppresses, the makings friendly field of opposite party conducts the destructive steamroll to you . Moreover the attractive person friend is numerous, can always many things around a center general was surrounded. Compares ordinary us, appeared somewhat is lonely and cold and dreary.” “那我给你分析分析,你就知道我说的很有道理了。我们和长得好看的人在一起,会有什么样的感受?首先是紧张,四脚僵硬,手和脚都不知道放在那里。心跳加速,血液流通也不够畅快。然后就是压迫,对方的气质和气场对你进行毁灭性的碾压,而且好看的人身边的朋友众多,总是能众星捧月一般的被人包围。相比较平凡的我们,就显得有些孤单而凄冷了。” Finally, we will then feel inferior, thought that others are why long are flowery, I with look like a cabbage? Whatever this negativity spreads, to own body and mind has the deathblow and harm. Therefore, you know that these in your side for the pain of colleagues you did work?” “最后,我们便会自惭形秽起来,心想别人都长得跟朵花一样,为什么我长的像棵包菜?任由这种负面情绪蔓延下去,对自己的身体、心灵都有着致命的打击和损害。所以,你知道那些在你身边为你工作的同事们的痛苦了吧?” Kong Xi covers the chest to smile has not gasped for breath, points at Chen Shu saying: Chen...... Director Chen, are you quibble theory of where...... seeing?” 孔溪捂着胸口笑得喘不过气来,指着陈述说道:“陈……陈总监,你这是……在哪里看到的歪理学说?” This is my one summarizes and thinking.” Chen Shu said: Naturally, Miss Kong Xi will certainly not have such worry. After all, you are the wreaking havoc side.” “这是我个人的一点总结和思索。”陈述说道:“当然,孔溪小姐一定不会有这样的烦恼。毕竟,你一直都是施暴方。” What? Wreaks havoc?” Kong Xi does not smile, the eye stares, gas channel/angrily said: Old lady long was so attractive, gives for nothing you to look, is wreaking havoc to you?” “什么?施暴?”孔溪不笑了,眼睛一瞪,气道:“老娘长这么好看,白给你们看了,还是在对你们施暴呢?” That was natural. You bring such big difficulty to us, this beginning to hit the person also to want the nature to be worse. If I Deputy to the National People's Congress, I must propose that beautiful calculates the injury on job movingly, according to the face value of employer comes to divide the injury on job rank for the staff, face value like Miss Kong Xi, we, even if ten levels of injuries on job...... release oneself charm regarding your type recklessly, but our lives to woman who disregard, must punish layer on layer/heavily is good.” “那当然了。你给我们带来这么大的困扰,这比动手打人还要性质恶劣一些。我要是人大代表,我都要提议美丽动人算工伤,按照雇主的颜值来为员工划分工伤等级,像孔溪小姐这样的颜值,那我们就算是十级工伤……对于你这种肆意释放自己的魅力,而对我们的死活不管不顾的女人,一定要重重惩罚才行。” „Do you believe me to bite to death you?” Kong Xi revealed an own row of little white tooth, said to Chen Shu wickedly. “你信不信我咬死你?”孔溪亮出自己一排小白牙,恶狠狠地对陈述说道。 You bit to death my to murder. Using the attractive face hits the person also to be more serious.” “你咬死我那就是谋杀了。比用好看的脸打人还要更加严重一些。” That considers as finished, does not nip.” Kong Xi said. I must kill you with my beauty.” “那算了,不咬了。”孔溪说道。“我要用我的美丽打死你。” „......” “……” More does not want to look, more is to make you look. Every morning looks ten, at noon looks ten, in the evening looks again ten. Make you every day anxious, oppresses and feels inferior. I must wreak havoc to you with my beauty, when your serious illness, passed away, when the time comes the judge does not have the means to rule.” “越是不想看,越是让你看。每天早上看十遍,中午看十遍,晚上再看十遍。让你每天都紧张、压迫、自惭形秽。我要用我的美丽向你施暴,等到你重病不起,一命呜呼,到时候法官也没办法判决。” Chen Shu is pointing at Kong Xi breathless, said: Never expected that you are such virulent woman.” 陈述气急败坏地指着孔溪,说道:“没想到你是这么恶毒的女人。” I am such attractively such virulent woman.” Kong Xi proud saying. “我就是这么好看又这么恶毒的女人。”孔溪骄傲的说道。 Then, two people look looking at each other, laughs together. 然后,两人眼神对视,一起哈哈大笑起来。 What is Sis Xi smiling? It seems like very happy appearance.” Jingjing holds kettle, looks men and women who the distant place laughs, saying that envies in a tone with. 溪姐在笑什么?看起来很开心的样子。”静静捧着水壶,看着远处大笑的一对男女,语带羡慕的说道。 Guo Xuran nods, said: Director Chen came, Sis Xi especially happy appearance.” 郭旭冉点了点头,说道:“陈总监来了,溪姐就格外开心的样子。” Yeah, Director Chen has not come time, Sis Xi will not laugh to make noise, she only meets...... and each of us nods the smile.” “可不是嘛,陈总监没来的时候,溪姐才不会这么大笑出声呢,她只会……和我们每个人点头微笑。” Nod smile is the formality.” “点头微笑是礼节。” „Does that laugh to make noise?” Jingjing asked. “那大笑出声呢?”静静问道。 Guo Xuran thinks, said: Laughing to make noise too is possibly happy?” 郭旭冉想了想,说道:“大笑出声可能就是真的太开心了吧?” „Do we also listen to Director Chen to speak?” Jingjing said hopefully: „The Director Chen speech may be interesting. Not is only Sis Xi, I hear have been smiling.” “我们也去听陈总监说话吧?”静静满怀期待地说道:“陈总监说话可有趣了。不仅仅是溪姐,我听到都一直在笑呢。” Guo Xuran holds on Jingjing, said: What do both of us make?” 郭旭冉一把拉住静静,说道:“我们俩去做什么?” We chat with them. Director Chen came, can we greet? Otherwise Sis Xi will be angry.” “我们去陪他们聊天啊。陈总监来了,我们总得去打声招呼吧?要不然溪姐会生气的。” Listens my, we will go to Sis Xi to be angry.” Guo Xuran face earnest saying: Handles our things well, do not look at the past toward that side.” “听我的,我们去了溪姐才会生气。”郭旭冉一脸认真的说道:“好好的做我们的事情,不要一直朝着那边瞄过去。” „It is not I am looking, others are looking.” “又不是我一个人在瞄,其它人都在瞄啊。” Others I, no matter, we cannot look.” Guo Xuran makes noise to say. “别人我不管,我们自己不能看。”郭旭冉出声说道。 Why?” “为什么?” Because Sis Xi cannot replace them, but can replace us.” Guo Xuran said low voice: I do not want to separate with Sis Xi.” “因为溪姐不能换掉他们,但是能换掉我们。”郭旭冉小声说道:“我才不想和溪姐分开呢。” Jingjing frightens the small face to be pallid, said: I do not look, I am not willing to separate with Sis Xi.” 静静吓得小脸煞白,说道:“那我不看了,我也不愿意和溪姐分开。” The person who when two people in the same place, you see are getting fewer and fewer, the thought matter are getting fewer and fewer, that is the true joy. 当两个人在一起的时候,你看到的人越来越少,想到的事越来越少,那便是真正的快乐。 superstar like Kong Xi, moreover is the core of this entire team, every action and every movement nature on hiring eyeball. 孔溪这样的大明星,而且又是这整个团队的核心,一举一动自然就招人眼球。 Periphery Kong Xi does not care about the look gaze of person of difference, perhaps she has not noticed existences of these looks. 孔溪才不在意周围人异样的眼神注视呢,或许她根本就没有注意到那些眼神的存在。 In her eye only then this sea, with this person. 她的眼里只有这片海,和这个人。 Kong Xi is pointing at Chen Shu, said: Director Chen, your facial skin may the true thickness.” 孔溪指着陈述,说道:“陈总监,你的脸皮可真厚啊。” And you too.” “彼此彼此。” Director Chen even better.” “还是陈总监更胜一筹。” Miss Kong Xi should not be modest.” 孔溪小姐也不要谦虚。” Your facial skin is thicker than me. Cannot refute.” “你的脸皮比我厚。不许反驳。” „......” “……” Saw that Chen Shu no longer refuted seriously, Kong Xi beamed with joy, said: Director Chen, accompanies me to take a walk.” 看到陈述当真不再反驳,孔溪又眉开眼笑起来,说道:“陈总监,陪我散散步吧。” My being honored. Chen Shu said with a smile. The blue sea blue sky, the beautiful woman accompanies, such weather, such environment, should not walk in the seashore, you push my me to push your, advances Dahai the opposite party incautiously...... “我的荣幸。陈述笑着说道。碧海蓝天,佳人相伴,这样的天气,这样的环境,不就应该在海边走一走,你推我一下我推你一下,一不小心把对方推进大海…… Therefore, two people then walk toward the distant place along the coast. 于是,两人便沿着海岸朝着远处走去。 Just walked several steps, saw two car(riage)s in tandem drove toward here. Front one is black Maybach, following one is to smudge the orange truck unexpectedly. 刚刚走了几步,就看到两辆车一前一后的朝着这边驶了过来。前面一辆是黑色的迈巴赫,后面一辆竟然是涂抹成橘黄色的卡车。 Front Chen Shu knows that Maybach, even can clear remembers the car license of that car(riage). 陈述认识前面那辆迈巴赫,甚至能够清晰的记得那辆车的车牌。 That is a Dongzheng elder brother Bai Qiyuan private car, previous Kong Xi when Father Noodle Restaurant eats the noodles, he also followed to pass. That is first meeting of Chen Shu and Bai Qiyuan. 那是东正一哥白起源的座驾,上次孔溪老爹面馆吃面的时候,他也跟着过去了。那是陈述白起源的第一次见面。 Afterward Chen Shu delivered Kong Xi went out, is Bai Qiyuan this car(riage) in the crossroad waits. 后来陈述孔溪出去的时候,便是白起源这辆车在路口等候。 Kong Xi shrugs the shoulders, helpless said: Knows why I did pray for rescue from you?” 孔溪耸耸肩膀,无奈说道:“知道我为什么向你求救了吧?” Miss Kong Xi, you are really an attractive and virulent woman.” 孔溪小姐,你果然是一个好看又恶毒的女人啊。” Yes.” “就是呢。”
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