FD :: Volume #2

#139: Mediate a quarrel! Urged the person to quarrel!

Kong Xi, is Kong Xi......” 孔溪,是孔溪……” Kong Xi came unexpectedly personally......” 孔溪竟然亲自来了……” „, I finally saw that Kong Xi...... the goddess was quite attractive......” “啊啊啊,我终于见到孔溪了……女神好漂亮啊……” ------- ------- The crowd seems like the tide, the increasing number of people they surround toward Kong Xi. 人群像是潮水,越来越多的人朝着孔溪他们围拢过去。 Tang Dahai was also worried the Kong Xi security, was worried so many people will bump are hitting Kong Xi, or the path was intercepted to make her be hard to lead the way. 原本汤大海还担心孔溪的安全,担心这么多人会碰着撞着孔溪,或者道路被拦截让她难以前行。 Quick he discovered own worry is unnecessary, these people, although likes Kong Xi very much, hopes very much can have the contact of opportunity and Kong Xi short distance, but, they also close up toward Kong Xi merely, after the Kong Xi side, crowd natural diverges toward the both sides, becomes guard personnel who are protecting the Kong Xi security. 很快他就发现自己的担心是多余的了,这些人虽然很喜欢孔溪,很希望能够有机会和孔溪近距离的接触,但是,他们也仅仅只是朝着孔溪靠拢而已,到了孔溪身边之后,人群自然的向着两侧分流,成为呵护着孔溪安全的卫队人员。 They have not taken the liberty asked some questions, or drew the Kong Xi photograph to exchange greetings, was like that jubilant following in Kong Xi and Chen Shu behind, looked like must deliver the wife's relatives who Kong Xi got married general. 他们并没有冒昧的问一些问题,或者拉着孔溪拍照寒暄,就是那般喜气洋洋的跟在孔溪陈述的身后,就像是要送孔溪出嫁的娘家人一般。 The enormous and powerful crowd stops in front of Tang Dahai, the Kong Xi cross previous step, looks at Tang Dahai saying: Today is the day that younger male cousin's Fire-Flies culture starts doing business, I must come saying that several words of blessings ask for one glass of celebration drinks to drink are. Won't the younger male cousin welcome?” 浩浩荡荡的人群在汤大海面前停下,孔溪跨前一步,看着汤大海说道:“今天是表弟的萤火虫文化开业的日子,我总要上门说几句祝福的话讨一杯喜酒喝才是。表弟不会不欢迎吧?” Thanks the cousin. You can come, I was really happy.” Tang Dahai smiles grins with ear to ear. I know that your matter are too many, but also was worried that you are unbearably busy.” “谢谢表姐。你能来,我实在是太高兴了。”汤大海笑得合不拢嘴。“我知道你事情太多,还担心你忙不过来呢。” He is very clear, Kong Xi can come to give itself the huge face. 他心里很清楚,孔溪能来是给了自己天大的面子啊。 Naturally, mainly to the Chen Shu face. 当然,主要是给陈述面子。 The company establishes time, she supplies ideas in side, the company name is she helps take. She can not know that in this company also has the Chen Shu stock? 公司成立的时候,她就在旁边出谋划策,就连公司名字都是她帮忙取的。难道她能不知道这家公司里面也有陈述的股份? An opening ceremony of small company, can have Kong Xi such day later the level character appearance supports. Can this have how big personal connection resources? Does this start the big mighty waves in the industry? 一家小公司的开业典礼,能够有孔溪这样的天后级人物到场支持。这得有多么大的人脉资源啊?这得在业界掀起多大的波澜? It can be predicted that because of the arrival of Kong Xi, the name of Fire-Flies culture will become the hot spot that the colleague discussed that no one dares to treat as not a popular small company to regard it again. 可以预见,因为孔溪的到来,萤火虫文化的名字会成为圈内人士讨论的热点,再没有任何人敢把它当作一家不入流的小公司看待。 Any circle, some various unwritten unspoken rules. 任何圈子,都有各种各样不成文的潜规则。 For example the film and television circle, like the small company that their types newly established, does not have the resources two not to have the personal connection, the currently popular artist does not have one...... not currently popular artist also to only have one. Wants and Dongzheng, Huamei or the brilliance like this big company cooperation, is almost the impossible matter. So many people walk, why can others cooperate with you? What can you bring to the entire project? 譬如影视圈,像他们这种刚刚成立的小公司,一没有资源二没有人脉,当红艺人也没有一个……不当红的艺人也只有一个。想要去和东正华美或者光辉这样的大公司合作,几乎是不可能的事情。那么多人找上门来,人家凭什么要和你合作?你能够给整个项目带来什么? Let alone cooperated, is an equality to discussing the qualifications do not have. The small company is like the unimportant person, forever is handling the matter that is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence to be at somebody's beck and call. 别说是合作了,就是一个平等对谈的资格都没有。小公司和小人物一样,永远在做着苟延残喘仰人鼻息的事情。 But, because of Chen Shu, because of the cousin, because of Tang Dahai, their beginnings is completely perhaps different. 可是,因为陈述,因为表姐,或许是因为汤大海自己,他们的起点已经完全不一样了。 And «Aircraft commander Mister of» Su Yin cooperation, when starting doing business Kong Xi arriving scene...... 无论是和苏音合作的《机长先生》,还是开业时孔溪的亲临现场…… To a transmission such information: The Fire-Flies culture is an origin uncommon company. 都向外界传递这样一个信息:萤火虫文化是一家来历不凡的公司。 Hears dialogue between Kong Xi and Tang Dahai, the eating melon crowd that all around surrounds was startled seriously greatly. 听到孔溪汤大海之间的对话,四周围观的吃瓜人群当真是大大吃惊了一把。 Tang Dahai knows Kong Xi seriously, seems like the relational very good appearance......” 汤大海当真认识孔溪,看起来关系非常好的样子……” Tang Dahai said that Kong Xi is his cousin, everyone was all right is about eating the surface matter actually really...... Kong Xi to acknowledge together personally......” 汤大海孔溪是他的表姐,大家没事约在一起吃面的事情竟然是真的……孔溪都亲口承认了……” What background is the Fire-Flies culture? Can the back have other investors......” 萤火虫文化到底是什么来头?背后会不会还有其它的投资人……” ------- ------- Naturally , many people are starting to guess the Chen Shu status secretly. 当然,也有不少人在暗地里开始猜测陈述的身份。 Because Chen Shu is a strange face, moreover he and Kong Xi display was too intimate. 因为陈述是一张陌生的面孔,而且他和孔溪表现的太亲密了。 They one black one white, a character and style leisurely, an elegant bearing, disregards the discussion that anybody's look and may have, natural appeared before the person. 他们俩一黑一白,一个风情款款,一个风度翩翩,无视任何人的眼神和有可能存在的议论,大大方方的了出现在人前。 Should not be the Kong Xi boyfriend? Before had not heard that Kong Xi and who was in love......” “该不会是孔溪的男朋友吧?以前没听说孔溪和谁谈恋爱啊……” „Isn't the Kong Xi boyfriend Bai Qiyuan? A while ago had also visited among them the scandal......” 孔溪的男朋友不是白起源吗?前段时间还看过他们之间的绯闻……” These things who knows that genuine and fake, every so often for the need of enterprise......” “这些事情谁知道呢,真真假假的,很多时候都是为了事业的需要……” Others cook up the scandal for the need of enterprise, Kong Xi do not need like this......” “别人炒绯闻是为了事业的需要,孔溪才不需要这样呢……” -------- -------- Received younger male cousin's invitation, how regardless of must find the time to come one.” The Kong Xi smile is lovable, the sound is delightful. Right, I gave back to you to prepare the gift.” “接到了表弟的请柬,无论如何也要抽时间过来一趟啊。”孔溪笑容可爱,声音甜美。“对了,我还给你准备礼物了呢。” Oh, the cousin can come gives us the Fire-Flies best gift, how also to prepare other gifts?” “哎哟,表姐能来就是送给我们萤火虫最好的礼物了,怎么还准备其它的礼物啊?” Friend prepares to make a big enterprise, how can I not support?” Kong Xi said with a smile. She turned around to look at Chen Shu one, Chen Shu then received a beautifully packaged box after behind small assistant Guo Xuran hand. “朋友准备做一番大事业,我怎么能不支持呢?”孔溪笑着说道。她转身看了陈述一眼,陈述便从身后的小助理郭旭冉手里接过一个包装精致的盒子。 Chen Shu gives Kong Xi the box, Kong Xi then both hands hold the box to give Tang Dahai, said: Wish the younger male cousin to have an exciting future, achieves immediate success.” 陈述把盒子递给孔溪,孔溪便双手捧着盒子送给汤大海,说道:“祝表弟大展宏图,马到成功。” „Can I disassemble to have a look?” Tang Dahai wins the gift, excited asking. Also had the thoughts of showing off at heart, the Kong Xi goddess gave my gift personally, disassembled to flash blindly your dog eyes. “我能拆开看看吗?”汤大海捧着礼物,激动的问道。心里又有了炫耀的心思,孔溪女神亲自送给我的礼物,拆开闪瞎你们的狗眼。 Sure.” The Kong Xi nod said. “当然可以。”孔溪点头说道。 Therefore, the Tang Dahai then rapid untying silk bandage, opens the lid, takes out a modeling Huamei porcelain horse to come out from the box. 于是,汤大海便迅速的解开丝绸扎带,打开盒盖,从盒子里面取出一尊造型华美的瓷器马出来。 „, Is quite attractive.” Tang Dahai is a being able to judge the quality of goods person, sees the unique modeling and manual variety of this horse, then knows the value not poor. “哇,好漂亮。”汤大海是个识货的人,一看到这匹马的独特造型和手工花色,便知道价值不菲。 This horse is Miss Kong Xi own collection.” Chen Shu was explaining in side said: Heard that today is the day of Fire-Flies culture opening ceremony, elects to make the gift specially.” “这尊马是孔溪小姐自己的收藏品。”陈述在旁边解释着说道:“听说今天是萤火虫文化开业庆典的日子,特意选出来做礼物的。” Thanks the cousin.” Tang Dahai expressed gratitude again, was low voice to Chen Shu said: What's wrong? Loved dearly?” “谢谢表姐。”汤大海再次道谢,然后小声对陈述说道:“怎么?心疼了?” „......” “……” Tang Dahai gives the assistant the porcelain horse, making them put on oneself office desktop the most dazzling position. 汤大海把瓷马交给助理,让他们放到自己办公室桌面上最耀眼的位置。 Kong Xi looks all around, asks: Yujie? Hasn't Yujie come?” 孔溪环顾四周,问道:“雨洁呢?雨洁还没来?” No.” Tang Dahai complexion some are not quite comfortable. Today the company starts doing business, he gave Xie Yujie also to send the invitation, even also specially sent the invitation information on WeChat, finally others treated as radically have not seen general, until now the person has not come also does not have any response. Is the big painter is busy with the creation without time to respond our these ordinary people probably?” “没有。”汤大海的脸色有些不太自在。今天公司开业,他给谢雨洁也发了邀请函,甚至还专门在微信上发了邀请信息,结果人家根本就当作没看到一般,直到现在人没来也没有任何的回应。“大概是大画家忙于创作没时间搭理我们这些凡夫俗子吧?” How can?” Kong Xi clearly what happened from the Tang Dahai words, said: On come road I and Yujie by means of the telephone, she one will come.” “怎么会呢?”孔溪汤大海的话语间就明白发生了什么事情,说道:“来的路上我和雨洁通过电话,她一会就过来。” This?” The Tang Dahai heart chuckled, on the face has not actually shown any flaw. She had the time to come, not to have the time even. I do not care.” “这样啊?”汤大海心头窃喜,脸上却没有露出任何破绽。“她有时间就来,没时间就算了。我也不是十分在意的。” False.” Chen Shu made up a blade in side. “虚伪。”陈述在旁边补了一刀。 Where can compare with Director Chen?” Tang Dahai is staring at Chen Shu, lauching and joking saying: Director Chen and cousin a perfect match, never-ending, looks is really enviable. Do you know, passed through the gate a moment ago time, if behind the buttocks carves with one, both of you are Yang passed/lived and Xiaolongnu.” “哪能和陈总监比啊?”汤大海盯着陈述,嘻皮笑脸的说道:“陈总监和表姐郎才女貌,不离不弃的,看着真是让人羡慕啊。你知不知道,刚才进门的时候,屁股后面要是跟一只雕,你们俩就是杨过和小龙女。” I should not be Xiaolongnu.” Kong Xi elegant face slightly red, makes noise to say. “我才不要做小龙女呢。”孔溪俏脸微红,出声说道。 I should not be Yang passed/lived.” Chen Shu said: Yang passed/lived arm was reduced by Guo Fu.” “我也不要做杨过。”陈述说道:“杨过的手臂被郭芙砍掉了。” Whom do you want to be? beauty and Fan Li? Xiang Yu and Consort Yu? Zhou Yu and little Qiao? Chen Yuanyuan and Wu Sangui?” “那你们要做谁?西施和范蠡?项羽和虞姬?周瑜和小乔?陈圆圆和吴三桂?” Good was good, you more said that more does not make sense.” Chen Shu ill-humored saying: „Did preparatory work complete? Could start?” “行了行了,你越说越不像话了。”陈述没好气的说道:“准备工作都做好了吧?是不是可以开始了?” Came on and other cousins. The cousin came to start.” Tang Dahai said with a laugh. “就等表姐来呢。表姐来了就可以开始。”汤大海笑呵呵地说道。 I, if doesn't come?” Kong Xi asked with a smile. “我要是不来呢?”孔溪笑着问道。 I know that the cousin will certainly come.” Tang Dahai said. “我知道表姐一定会来的。”汤大海说道。 Why?” Kong Xi curious asking. “为什么?”孔溪好奇的问道。 Because Chen Shu has not come, you have not come.” Tang Dahai face self-confident saying: You , if not come, Chen Shu should come. He had not come to the present, that proves in you.” “因为陈述没来,你也没来。”汤大海一脸自信的说道:“你要是不来,陈述早就应该来了。他一直到现在还没来,那就证明在等你。” What relations can't he come to have with me?” Kong Xi makes noise to deny, thought that oneself display is so obvious? Even Tang Dahai such intelligence quotient looked. Feared that was Sis Shao must look for itself " heart-to-heart talk " ? “他来不来和我有什么关系?”孔溪出声否认,心想,难道自己表现的那么明显吗?连汤大海这样的智商都看出来了。怕是韶姐又要找自己「谈心」了吧? Weak.” Chen Shu also follows to echo. “幼稚。”陈述也跟着附和。 Hehehe......” Tang Dahai grins to laugh foolishly, said: All things cannot escape my eye.” “嘿嘿嘿……”汤大海咧嘴傻笑,说道:“所有事情都逃不过我这双眼睛。” You guess that today Yujie can come?” Chen Shu asked. “那你猜今天雨洁会不会来?”陈述问道。 Such matter I disdain to guess, waste time and energy.” Tang Dahai makes noise to say. “这样的事情我都不屑去猜,浪费时间和精力。”汤大海出声说道。 Right? In the Young Master Tang eye, amn't I worth mentioning?” Wears Xie Yujie of white T-shirt blue color jeans stands in Tang Dahai behind, saying that a face sneers. “是吗?在汤大少眼里,我就这么不值一提啊?”身穿白色T恤蓝色牛仔裤的谢雨洁站在汤大海的身后,一脸冷笑的说道。 Tang Dahai knows oneself by Chen Shu this fellow to Yin one, stared his one eyes ruthlessly, turns around to look at complexion bad Xie Yujie, saying that taunted in a tone with: I feared looks at heavily certain people, appears me is too light. I am write am send the information to invite, finally somebody was concerned with radically, an expression symbol is not willing to respond to...... such honored great person, how do I dare to guess her to come absurdly?” 汤大海知道自己又被陈述这个家伙给阴了一记,狠狠地瞪了他一眼,转身看着脸色不善的谢雨洁,语带嘲讽的说道:“我是怕把某些人看得太重,就显得我自己太轻。我又是发函又是发信息邀请,结果某人根本就不闻不问,连一个表情符号都不愿意回应……这样尊贵的大人物,我怎么敢妄自揣测她到底会不会来呢?” It seems like I comes wrong?” “看来是我来错了?” Was I invites wrong?” “难道是我邀请错了?” You......” “你……” Good.” Kong Xi hurrying stands to mediate, makes noise saying: Do not meet quarrel.” “好了好了。”孔溪赶紧站出来圆场,出声说道:“你们俩不要一见面就吵架啊。” Makes them quarrel.” Chen Shu said. “让他们吵吧。”陈述说道。 Your what meaning?” Tang Dahai discontented saying. Chen Shu Chen Shu, the fellow mind of your heavy features unexpectedly is never so expected that bad. Your life has deliciously, in the mixed with oil with the cousin youth Qingqie intent honey, actually wants to let our life abyss of suffering quarrel continuous. Do you have the human nature? Was your conscience eaten by the dog? “你什么意思?”汤大海不满的说道。陈述陈述,没想到你这个浓眉大眼的家伙心眼竟然这么坏。你自己的生活过得美滋滋的,和表姐郎情妾意蜜里调油,却想让我们的生活水深火热争吵不休。你还有没有人性?你的良心被狗吃了? After all, except for quarrelling, they do not know other communication methods.” Chen Shu said. They quarrelled lively, we also watched the fun, was?” “毕竟,除了吵架,他们也不知道其它的沟通方式。”陈述说道。“他们吵得热闹,咱们也看个热闹,是不是?” „......” “……” Mediating a quarrel. 劝架劝架。 Others said that persuaded you do not quarrel again, Chen Shu was booing, urging you to quarrel well then quarrels loudly quarrels to quarrel...... 别人都说劝说你们不要再吵架,陈述倒好,劝你们好好吵接着吵大吵特吵…… Is this individual? 这还是个人吗? Tang Dahai and Xie Yujie were been angry. 汤大海谢雨洁都被气坏了。 Tang Dahai is pointing at Chen Shu, said: „Do you make me quarrel I to quarrel? I am not noisy, I do not make you watch the fun.” 汤大海指着陈述,说道:“你让我吵我就吵啊?我偏不吵了,我偏不让你们看热闹。” Yes. Director Chen, never expected that you are such person. Somebody misread the person.” “就是。陈总监,没想到你是这样的人。某人真是看错人了。” What matter does this close Chen Shu?” Kong Xi could not tolerate. Chen Shu knows that mediates a quarrel you definitely not to listen well, therefore instead stirred up you...... you to quarrel with such way intentionally now?” “这关陈述什么事情?”孔溪看不过去了。“陈述知道好好的劝架你们肯定不听,所以才故意用这样的方式反激你们……你们现在不是没吵了吗?” Cousin, you said that is not right. You also insufficiently knew about Chen Shu, Chen Shu is such person. Why did I insufficiently know about him? Did you understand compared with me?” “表姐,你这么说就不对了。你对陈述还不够了解,陈述本来就是那样的人。我为什么对他不够了解?难道你们比我更了解?” Dahai naturally understood compared with you, they were many years of friend, you knew for several days......” 大海当然比你更加了解了,他们是多年的朋友了,你们才认识几天……” How many days do I know? I knew his time, you are still wearing the split-seat pants......” “我认识几天?我认识他的时候,你们还在穿开裆裤呢……” Who wears the split-seat pants? Who wears the split-seat pants? From infancy to maturity, I......” may not give Tang Dahai across the split-seat pants angrily. “谁穿开裆裤呢?谁穿开裆裤呢?从小到大,我都没有穿过开裆裤……”可把汤大海给气坏了。 When did oneself wear the split-seat pants? Is working as many guest and Xie Yujie surface throws filthy water simply toward own head......, even if you are the cousin who I most respect, I must demand justice to be good for myself. 自己什么时候穿过开裆裤了?简直是当着众多宾客和谢雨洁的面往自己头上泼脏水……就算你是我最尊重的表姐,我也要替自己讨还一个公道才行。 ! 啪! A Xie Yujie palm of the hand claps on the Tang Dahai arm, saying of being angry: This is not the key point.” 谢雨洁一巴掌拍在汤大海胳膊上,生气的说道:“这不是重点。” This is also not the key point, is that what the key point?” “这还不是重点,那什么是重点?” Xie Yujie is disinclined to pay attention to this idiot looking pensive, the eyes is sizing up Kong Xi, asked: „Did you know Chen Shu before?” 谢雨洁懒得理会这个白痴,双眼若有所思的打量着孔溪,问道:“你以前就认识陈述?”
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