FWT :: Volume #9

#129: The livelihood Milky Way, the milky way is bright, antique war

The dragon car(riage) drives constructs in the wood, constructs the wood loftily, the immeasurabilities, the carrying/sustaining is not knowing that many world, saw outside the purple mansion continent is palatially is towering. But dragon Cheli constructs the wood to be nearer, is starts to reduce in the space and time criterion, was similar to constructed the wooden seedling to be the same in that greatly comfortable day institute saw in years past, from constructing the wood was nearer, the space and time criterion was bigger. 龙车驶入建木之中,巍巍建木,其中广大无边,承载着不知多少个世界,在紫府洲外所见就已经是巍峨参天了。而龙车离建木越近,在时空尺度上更是开始缩小,就如同昔年在大自在天所见的那株建木幼苗一般,距离建木越近,时空尺度越大。 The dragon wheel bone common rotation, as if there is wonderful energy that is inconceivable, above front vault of heaven, the giant mountain ranges of innumerable fluctuating wind like the dragon gradually, interlocks in the backdrop, each mountain range palatial being hard imagination, including the eagle flying fish to dive, the innumerable lives develop to give birth...... 龙车轱辘骨碌碌的转动,似乎有难以想象的奇能,渐渐面前的天穹之上,无数起伏的巨大的山脉蜿蜒如龙,在天幕中交错,每一条山脉都巍峨的难以想象,其中有鹰飞鱼潜,无数生灵滋长生养…… This constructs the wood?” Blood slaughter demon Monarch was in trance checked, shocks said. “这就是建木?”血屠魔君神情恍惚了一刹,震撼道。 Yuan Yu shakes the head slightly: This constructs the wooden bark, each fluctuating palatial mountain range, but constructs the wooden bark the fold.” 元育微微摇头:“这是建木的树皮,每一道起伏巍峨的山脉,只是建木树皮的褶皱。” Must mount this thing, can achieve Nantianmen!” Not fresh founder is flabbergasted saying: Really can some people crawl?” “要登上这东西,才能达到南天门!”无生教主咂舌道:“真的有人能爬上去吗?” Constructs the top of wood, holds nine days, if the livelihood Milky Way in , the milky way is bright if its li (0.5 km), its crown is supporting the heaven, constructs the top of wood innumerable leaf blades, is the Eastern heaven innumerable mainland. The number by the stars ups and downs of trillion ideas in Tianhe, gathers Milky Way, flows is constructing the crown of wood. Among its branches, the galaxy lingers, sky over the leaf blade, is burning the stars rise that the stars of flame and thick ice congeals all over the body, that is the livelihood of Eastern Heaven heaven that every large or small Tien Chau.” “建木之顶,托着九天,日月天河若出其中,星汉灿烂若出其里,它的树冠支撑着苍天,建木之顶的无数叶片,便是东方苍天的无数大陆。数以亿万计的星辰沉浮在天河之中,汇聚成银河,流淌在建木之冠。它的枝桠之间,星河萦绕,叶片上空,许多燃烧着火焰的星辰和通体玄冰凝结的星辰起起落落,那便是东方天界苍天那大大小小的仙洲的日月。” Stars, three light condense the god water, flows in Milky Way, changes into the rain and dew to nourish is constructing the wood.” “日月星辰,三光凝聚神水,流淌在银河之中,化为雨露滋养着建木。” Also only has from the stars day flows, but Milky Way, has this so mighty force, nourishes so great existence. The Eastern heaven, can say that was constructed the wooden crown holds that day.” “也唯有从星辰天流淌而出的银河,才有这这般伟力,滋养出如此伟大的存在。东方苍天,可以说就是被建木树冠所托着的那一片天。” They see constructs wooden is only place of corner this has greatly, but through the Yuan nurturing description, the people can imagine publishes this vast picture scroll, for a very long time immersion in, being hard said a word. 他们所见的建木只是这尊伟大存在的一隅之地而已,但通过元育的描述,众人都能想象出这幅浩瀚的画卷,久久沉浸其中,难以言语。 The dragon car(riage) toward constructing the wood flies, flies the halfway people to feel that vanished from the underground force of traction, or be at some balanced condition, the dragon car(riage) lifts slightly, four flood dragons start to adjust the posture, flies upwardly, dragon Che gradually angle of tilt slowly and ground vertical, at this time a force of traction from transmitted with its parallel constructing wood above. 龙车朝着建木飞去,飞到半途众人感觉到来自地下的牵引力消失了,或者说处于某种平衡的状态,龙车微微抬起,四条蛟龙开始调整姿势,向上飞去,龙车渐渐倾斜角度慢慢和地面垂直,这时候一股牵引力从与它平行的建木之上传来。 The buddhists do not have the tribulation then to look, at this time constructed the purple mansion continent that the wood took root, actually same dangled from their top of the head like the backdrop, keeps off in them behind! 梵无劫回头去看,这时候建木扎根的紫府洲,却如同天幕一样从他们头顶垂下,挡在他们身后! The great antiquity mainland, just like launches together after behind, limitless curtain wall! 洪荒大陆,宛如一道展开在身后的,无边无际的幕墙! Sees to construct like their first wooden is the same! 恰如他们第一眼见到建木一样! Two broad boundless big Luo is vertical interlocks, forms an angle of intersection before them, the buddhist does not have the tribulation looks at this, said: You said, the great antiquity mainland can also be a giant constructing wood?” 两个宽广无垠的大罗垂直交错,在他们面前形成一个相交的角度,梵无劫怔怔的看着这一幕,愣愣道:“你们说,洪荒大陆会不会也是一株巨大的建木?” Yuan Yu hears the words also turns head, is gazing at behind the grand purple mansion continent and a broader deep blue sea...... silent speechless, the vastness of great antiquity, in the buddhist no tribulation mind has a direct-viewing impression for the first time, how can because of it not shock? This ancient lands, this vast boundless world...... named great antiquity! 元育闻言也回头,注视着身后宏伟的紫府洲和更加广阔的蔚蓝海洋……沉默无言,洪荒的浩瀚,第一次在梵无劫脑海里有一个直观的印象时,怎能不会因为它而震撼?这片古老的土地,这个浩瀚苍茫的世界……名为洪荒! During dragon car(riage) running quickly, starting to enter is void, constructing above the wood is as good any world is, does not know many life states, along this road, although can also mount Nantianmen, but long of its journey, the difficulty of journey, is riding dragon Che, harnesses the flood dragon also to make one be awed at the sight. 龙车奔驰,开始进入虚空之中,建木之上乃是一处不逊于任何世界的所在,其中不知有多少生灵国度,沿着这条路虽然也能登上南天门,但其路途之长,旅程之艰难,就是乘着龙车,驾着蛟龙也令人望之生畏。 Also must enter constructs in the wood, then with the world of great antiquity succession isolation, loses the time concept, can span this and other fearsome formidable distances. 还需进入建木之中,那与洪荒时序隔绝的世界,失去时间概念,才能跨越这等可怖可畏的距离。 „The person clan of legend East heaven, is to great antiquity East Sea comes, to mount to construct the wood, but enters Heaven, in the Eastern heaven 120,000 Tien Chau, the multiplication lives, ancestor majority is the person clan of purple mansion continent. This constructs the wood is quite ancient, it is said when the dragon clan dominates East Sea, had this tree.” “传说东方苍天的人族,乃是至洪荒东海而来,登上建木,而进入天界,在东方苍天十二万仙洲之中,繁衍生息,祖先大部分是紫府洲的人族。这一株建木极为古老,据说在龙族称霸东海的时候,就有了此树。” Monster clan hikes Mount Buzhou, sought for Heaven, built the antique monster courtyard. They say as the god!” “妖族登不周山,寻找到了天界,建立了太古妖庭。他们自称为神!” But in fact is the chaos god demon body falls, first deity that the blessings left by predecessors is born, mounted Mount Buzhou, discovered Heaven! Then they move into Heaven oneself clan and tribe and descendant from the great antiquity land, these first deity descendant only, therefore says as monster! They that day territory that enters from Mount Buzhou, is the central honored day.” “但实际上是混沌神魔身陨后,遗泽诞生的先天神祇,登上了不周山,发现了天界!而后他们将自己的部族和后裔从洪荒大地迁入天界,这些先天神祇的后裔,于是自称为‘妖’!他们从不周山进入的那一片天域,便是中央钧天。” Honored celestial pole for general, antique monster courtyards, even if multiplies to the extremely huge quantity, cannot occupy completely, Heaven is extremely bountiful and happy, therefore first deity only descendant's retinue, the slave, the subjects of rule took Heaven, their dominant cores shifted the honored day completely, not zaili society great antiquity land.” “钧天极为广大,太古妖庭纵然繁衍到极为庞大的数量,也未能完全占据,天界太过富饶和美好,于是先天神祇将自己后裔的仆从,奴隶,统治的臣民都带上了天界,他们的统治核心完全转移到了钧天,不在理会洪荒大地。” Even so, after not measures the tribulation, the other border areas of honored day eight sides by the monster clan truly are discovered.” “即便如此,直到无量量劫后,钧天八方的其他界域才被妖族真正发现。” At this time the dragon clan of all sea, had mounted the heaven through the constructing wood of East Sea ; The southern birds hover above not Extinct volcano, by the energy of birds inborn hovering, entered the flame day, the West receives and instructs proposes two big energies certainly, hands down the Confucian orthodoxy above Spirit Mountain, turns the Western white and shiny day into the India pure land ; The northern Kunpeng rises with a spring from north deeply, shoulders the innumerable north monster clan to enter the northern heavens.” “这时候四海的龙族,已经通过东海的建木登上了苍天;南方的飞禽在不死火山之上翱翔,凭借飞禽天生的翱翔之能,也进入了炎天,西方接引准提两位大能,也在灵山之上传下道统,化西方颢天为佛国净土;北方鲲鹏从北冥一跃而起,背负无数北方妖族进入玄天。” Northeast min day, northwest quiet day, southwest vermilion heaven, southeast southeast...... this nine days of domain, for ninth day wild!” “还有东北旻天,西北幽天,西南朱天,东南阳天……此九天界域,是为天之九野!” Therefore the antique monster courtyard, eastern expedition dragon clan, the Nanping birds, western ice India, north asks for Kunpeng, making the northern monster clan submit, Kunpeng entered the palace for the monster master. East let Western India not dare to go a step further, receives and instructs raises certainly is stranded in the West ; Makes the dragon clan, the birds submit to the monster courtyard in name, for the strong fence feudal lord under antique monster courtyard!” “于是太古妖庭,东征龙族,南平羽族,西凌佛国,北讨鲲鹏,令北方妖族臣服,鲲鹏入朝为妖师。让西方佛国不敢东进一步,接引准提困于西方;更让龙族,羽族名义上臣服妖庭,为太古妖庭之下的强藩诸侯!” But in the monster clan wallows in Heaven when is bountifully happy, by great antiquity land that above they abandon, a new influence is rising. After the Pangu big god body falls, its essence and blood and foul air union, were born 12 big magical powers, they have the infinite supernatural power inborn, these big magical powers by the Pangu remaining essence, created many lives, they are 12 ancestor witches.” “但就在妖族沉迷于天界的富饶美好之际,被它们抛弃的洪荒大地之上,一股新的势力正在崛起。盘古大神身陨之后,其精血与浊气结合,诞生了十二位大神通者,他们天生就有无穷神力,这些大神通者以盘古残余的精气,创造了许多生灵,他们便是十二祖巫。” They create, is witch clan!” “他们创造的,就是巫族!” 12 ancestor witches lead witch clan, contracts the strength when the monster clan, in Heaven expands, occupied the great antiquity land gradually, their trails start to expand to the entire great antiquity mainland slowly, therefore and monster clan had the conflict in the great antiquity remnant forces, witch monster contradictory also from this. The contraction strength, only maintains its monster clan of lowest existence at the great antiquity mainland, is not witch clan the opponent, quick, witch clan ruled great antiquity greatly Luo. The number by the tribes of trillion ideas, is hard the supernatural power that innumerably imagines, making the witch clan create was as good the magnificent civilization of antique monster courtyard.” “十二祖巫率领巫族,在妖族收缩力量,在天界扩张之时,渐渐占据了洪荒大地,他们的足迹开始慢慢扩展到整个洪荒大陆,也因此和妖族在洪荒的残余势力发生了冲突,巫妖矛盾也由此而起。收缩力量,只在洪荒大陆维持其最低的存在的妖族,并不是巫族的对手,很快,巫族统治了洪荒大罗。数以亿万计的部落,无数难以想象的神力,让巫族创造了并不逊于太古妖庭的辉煌文明。” When the witch clan is in charge of Mount Buzhou, the antique monster courtyard was then driven beyond the limits of forbearance!” “在巫族入主不周山之时,太古妖庭便忍无可忍了!” Proud monster clan thinks the god, thinks the antique monster courtyard, when rules the entire universe...... the first witch monster war, erupted in Mount Buzhou...... thus pulled open the vast antique war history of three witch monster wars!” “骄傲的妖族自以为神,认为太古妖庭当统治整个宇宙……第一次巫妖大战,在不周山爆发……由此拉开了三次巫妖大战的浩瀚太古战争历史!” Yuan Yu Huanhuan was telling Mount Buzhou of exceedingly high penetrating place and constructs the wooden ancient history, they already and destiny of entire great antiquity, were bound by a common cause: In the ancient legend, mounts Heaven, but then to become God, dragon clan, the phoenix, the monster clan, witch clan the ancient legend as if also confirmed this rumor, does not know many tribes and god countries, many races to lift the clan, whole nation to become God, they climbs mountains and crosses rivers, had been through repeatedly the hardships, crosses East Sea, arrives at the purple mansion continent. From generation to generation the sacrifice of person and diligently, started to climb constructs the wood.” 元育缓缓诉说着通天彻地的不周山和建木的古老历史,它们早已和整个洪荒的命运,休戚相关:“在古老的传说中,登上天界,便可成神,龙族,凤凰,妖族,巫族的古老传说似乎也证实了这个传言,不知有多少部落和神国,多少种族为了举族,举国成神,他们跋山涉水,历经了千难万险,横渡东海,来到紫府洲。历经一代又一代人的牺牲和努力,开始攀登建木。” Constructs wooden standing tall and erect, these can hope to attain can it be that mediocre?” “建木的高耸,又岂是这些凡俗能企及的?” Therefore their one generation of pass on one generation, child lives the grandson, the grandson gives birth, generation after generation's inexhaustible climb is constructing the wood palatially, was anticipating mounts to construct the Eastern heaven of crown of wood, lifts clan to become God!” “所以他们一代人传一代人,子生孙,孙又生子,子子孙孙无穷尽的攀登着巍峨建木,期待着登上建木之冠的东方苍天,举族成神!” Descendant some of these people successfully ascend to heaven, becomes the Celestials in Eastern heaven 120,000 Tien Chau, some also waste time on the road, survives, in this constructs in the wood vastly. This is constructs the wood most magnificent grand marvelous sight...... to construct wooden ancient path, the way of ascending to heaven! Above constructing wooden ancient road, does not know that is surviving many ancient race, many old monster of antique time, many Xuan temporary god towards states......” “这些人的后代有的成功登天,成为东方苍天十二万仙洲的天人,有些还蹉跎在路上,生存在这浩瀚建木之中。这就是建木最为壮观的雄伟奇观……建木古路,登天之途!在建木古路之上,不知生存着多少古老的种族,多少太古时代的老怪物,多少煊赫一时的神朝国度……” The Yuan nurtures the tone to sigh with emotion spookily: Especially Mount Buzhou falls, after breaking the road of honored day, constructing the wood becomes the only hopes of these scalers, lets construct the form above wood to be even more complex.” 元育语气幽幽感慨道:“特别是不周山倾倒,断了钧天之路后,建木成为了这些攀登者的唯一希望,让建木之上的形式越发复杂。” The buddhists say without the tribulation: It is said past big summers and big business gods toward, had once sent out the huge fleet, goes to sea the climb to construct the wood, attempts in the honored day forehead to worship their ancestors, the ancient Emperor of having an audience with person clan.” 梵无劫接过话道:“据说当年的大夏、大商神朝,也曾派出过庞大的船队,出海攀登建木,妄图去钧天天庭中朝拜他们的先祖,觐见人族的古老帝君。” Therefore, outside path not only difficult to walk, but also does not know that Daoist canon many old monster, this constructs wooden palatial incomparable, originally is the ominous beast divine object most is, it is said constructs the wooden high place that likes occupying also to have the Eastern Azure Dragon that suppresses the four-pole occupies, such as ba snake, willow tree such is the number does not count, in the past four Sea Dragon clans occupied the purple mansion continent, feared that was they do not know to construct above the wood to lie many Chinese people. Let alone constructs the wooden direct access to the highest authorities, many big energies of Daoism, likes standing in this teaches, the person the clan witch clan tribe god country, constructs the wood the climb, regarded a grand sacrificial offering and ceremony.” “所以,外面这条道路不但难走,而且不知道藏了多少老怪物,这建木巍峨无比,本来就是凶兽神物最喜欢盘踞的所在,据说建木高处还有镇压四极的东方青龙盘踞,诸如巴蛇,相柳这样的更是数不甚数,当年四海龙族占据紫府洲,怕是它们自己都不知道建木之上趴着多少龙种。更何况建木通天,许多玄门的大能,也喜欢在此立教,人族巫族的部落神国,更是把攀登建木,当成了一种盛大的祭祀和仪式。” Taking advantage of the reputation of Senior Sister, borrows the shortcut that this forehead opens, quickly safe.” “还是借着师姐的名头,借用这条天庭开辟的捷径,更加快捷安全。” Pitifully also therefore missed constructed above the wood that strange world......” buddhist no tribulation both hands to hold the head, the extension was saying behind: If not the time press, I also really want step by step, to climb one this direct access to the highest authorities to construct the wood, experiences one to construct the weird scenes and innumerable races above wood.” “可惜也因此错过了建木之上那奇异的世界……”梵无劫双手抱头,伸展在身后道:“若非时间紧迫,我还真想一步一步,攀登一回这通天建木,见识一番建木之上的奇异风景和无数种族。” The Yuan nurtures to break him, points at the front saying: Nantianmen to!” 元育打断他,指着前方道:“南天门到了!” The people looked up the past, saw only the front innumerable auspicious clouds immortal light to be , a giant gateway opened wide, innumerable stars float in void, nearly had has thin thick, near such as mountain Ruyue, far such as the basin like the plate, far then such as the world of mortals again generally what saw was the innumerable luminous spots gathers the star sea galaxy that in that innumerable stars, having all over the body was the reflection of metal spooky cold light Venus, having was really the water gathering Mercury that but became, had just like the lava core, as well as star that was really constituted by the fire...... 众人抬头看过去,只见前方无数祥云仙光所在,一处巨大的门户敞开,无数星辰悬浮在虚空中,有近有远有厚有薄,近者如山如岳,远者如盆如盘,再远者便如下界一般所见的是无数光点汇聚成的星海星河,那无数星辰中,有通体都是金属的反射出幽幽冷光的金星,有都是真水汇聚而成的水星,还有宛如熔岩地核,以及由真火构成的恒星…… On some stars, even can see the buildings and mountains. 有些星辰上,甚至可以看见建筑和山川。 Odd month the star light of this infinite galaxy sending out with that big extraordinary great antiquity big day, the light of livelihood sent out gathers in together, changes into is flowing together light river, in that river the innumerable nine days of fresh air changed into a light extraordinary real water, holds the innumerable stars circulations. 这无穷的星河散发的星光与那大的出奇的洪荒大日,大月散发的日月之光汇聚在一起,化为一道流淌着的光河,那河中无数九天清气化为一种轻的出奇的真水,托着无数星辰流转。 The buddhists know without the tribulation, this is the Milky Way...... 梵无劫知道,这便是天河…… The Milky Way winds for nine days, is quite vast, from clear to spirit the fresh air that above nine day drops, changes into nine days of Ruoshui, constituted the main body of Milky Way, Tianhe Ruoshui to light to spirit, as if no weight to be the same, the commonplace immortal falls into, will actually be drown to death. The Milky Way are quite general, there are different basins, in the stars day, because of the livelihood star light gathering, will then condense three light god water, making invisible colorless nine days of Ruoshui dope three light god water, just like innumerable color light gathering light river. 天河蜿蜒九天,极为浩瀚,从至清至灵的九天之上落下的清气,化为九天弱水,构成了天河的主体,天河弱水至轻至灵,仿佛没有重量一般,等闲仙人陷入其中,却又会被溺死。天河极为广大,有不同的流域,在星辰天中,因为日月星光汇聚,便会凝聚成三光神水,使得无形无色的九天弱水掺杂三光神水,宛如无数彩光汇聚的光河。 The stars day stars washed out to fall into Tianhe, constituted this Milky Way, just like beautiful scene that the innumerable stars flow. 星辰天的星辰被冲刷落入天河之中,构成了这一段天河,宛如无数星辰流淌的美丽景象。 These stars revolve in Ruoshui, astral of stars rotation air/Qi repels Ruoshui, forms the package stars air bubble, in the atmosphere of stars is the normal vitality, therefore in the stars can survive, will not be drowned by nine days of Ruoshui...... 这些星辰在弱水中运转,星辰自转的罡气排斥弱水,形成一个个包裹星辰的气泡,星辰的大气之中便是正常的元气,因此星辰之中可以生存,不会被九天弱水溺亡…… The Eastern heaven Milky Way, constructs the wooden extension branches and leaves, will derive three light god water and nine days of Ruoshui nourishes, above the leaf that will construct the wooden extension has the vitality/angry circulation, the vitality is melted by Ruoshui goes, can therefore survive, this will then be the Tien Chau of float in Tianhe. Some stars were captured by these Tien Chau occasionally...... regarding constructing the wooden leaf, above the livelihood like the mainland takes off and lands. 东方苍天这一段天河,还有建木伸展枝叶,汲取其中的三光神水和九天弱水滋养,建木的伸展的叶子之上有生气流转,元气不会被弱水化去,因此可以生存,这便是漂浮在天河之中的仙洲。偶有星辰被这些仙洲俘获……围绕建木的叶子,如同大陆之上日月起落。 Then achievement the dwelling places of buddhist immortals in heaven galaxy...... 便成就了苍天星河之中的洞天福地…… Nantianmen holds in the Milky Way center-section, is situated in the stars day and heaven the place of dividing line, hangs on constructing the wooden crown east branch, the rivers of that innumerable color light gathering flow into the gateway, a forehead lives three angry looks, by the forehead has two eyes respectively, the two eyes on additional upper eyelid, altogether nine goal Daoist immortals, stand erect in the Nantianmen important pass, nine god surface regard the three parties, is inspecting the contact immortal. 南天门就扼守在银河中段,坐落在星辰天和苍天的分野之处,高悬在建木的树冠东边的枝桠上,那无数彩光汇聚的河流流淌入门户之中,一位额头生有三只竖眼,额头两侧各有两只眼睛,加上脸上的两只眼睛,一共九目的神人,矗立在南天门关口,九只神目面视三方,检视着往来的仙人。 These immortals or are pushing the giant stars, or is riding the flying boat great ship, enters the pass from Nantianmen. 那些仙人或是推着巨大的星辰,或是乘着飞舟巨船,从南天门入关。 Dragon car(riage) gradual approach the Nantianmen pass/test, Yuan Yu Lianmang pulled the sleeve of buddhist no tribulation, said in a low voice: Fights the insignia to come quickly, can daunt that nine items of Daoist immortals, mixes in Guanzhong, looked at this!” 龙车渐渐接近了南天门关,元育连忙扯了扯梵无劫的袖子,低声道:“快打起仪仗来,能不能吓住那位九目神人,混入关中,就看这一遭了!” „The face of my Senior Sister, the forehead must give!” The buddhists do not have the tribulation from the channel. “我师姐的面子,天庭还是要给的!”梵无劫自信道。 The Yuan nurtures actually shakes the head: Your Senior Sister is extremely low-key, not fresh old mother no doubt is Shintoism Holy Mother, the ancient god Emperor, the qualifications are old, established name, but after your Senior Sister changes into Li Holy Mother, living in seclusion, before the forehead visits each other often is several immeasurable tribulations God time's matter! The god who that guards a gate will not necessarily recognize!” 元育却摇头:“你师姐太过低调,无生老母固然是神道圣母,古神帝君,资格老,牌子硬,但你师姐化为骊山圣母之后,深居简出,在天庭常来常往已经是数个无量劫前天帝时代的事情了!那守门的神将未必认得!” Buddhist no tribulation hears word knits the brows: „The hand hell Gate of Death, is the Door Guardian God strongly fragrant rampart two big gods, Nantianmen is the forehead heavy, will guard the god not with the person who what will not know?” 梵无劫闻言皱眉道:“把手地府鬼门关的,是神荼郁垒两位大神,南天门是天庭重地,看守神将怎么也不会用一个什么都不知道的人吧?” The Yuan nurtures to say with a smile: A new boss brings in a new staff, guards the front door, although is not the high-ranking assignment, is actually the trusted aide of master, otherwise asks for trouble, that also? Now the forehead power struggles intensely, traded has not known that many were the director, loyal important, ability actually in next!” 元育笑道:“一朝天子一朝臣,看守大门,虽然不是什么显贵差事,却得是主人的心腹,不然开门揖盗,那还了得?如今天庭权争激烈,换过了不知多少任主事者,忠心重要,能力却在其次了!” The buddhists do not have the tribulation not to feel right: If so, how could ten palace Yama do tolerate Door Guardian God depressed base?” 梵无劫还是觉得不对:“若是这般,十殿阎罗岂能容忍神荼郁垒?” Yuan Yu Tanshou said: Therefore had not looked that two raised ten palace Yama to come, the anger was big, but I and others went in looked for ten palace Yama troublesome times, they open the door happily we to make the trouble, hacked to death ten palace Yama time, they helped us act as lookout! Which ten palace Yama that do not want to change them, that cannot replace them! „ 元育摊手道:“所以没看那两位提起十殿阎罗来,火气不小,而我等进去找十殿阎罗麻烦的时候,他们俩开门多痛快”我们闹起乱子来,砍死十殿阎罗的时候,他们更是帮着我们把风!十殿阎罗那哪是不想换他们,那是换不掉他们啊!“ The buddhists without the tribulation heard that the word has to launch the insignia, that front flag streamer offered a sacrifice, innumerable auspicious clouds gathers closely together, the immortal puts brilliantly, a lotus flower was in full bloom a piece above Tianhe, the lotus flower picked up dragon Che, started out a path, in the treasured vase, the innate spirit root hiked up mysteriously to fragrant, in the insignia the innumerable day of female music played an instrument and sang, in an instant, spread over Nantianmen. 梵无劫闻言只好展开仪仗,那前头的旗幡被祭起来,无数祥云攒聚,仙光大放,朵朵莲花在天河之上盛开了一片,莲花托起龙车,开出一条道路来,宝瓶之中,先天灵根飘起玄妙至香,仪仗之中无数天女鼓乐弹唱,刹那之间,传遍南天门。 Nantianmen is only the forehead most famous day pass/test, in fact this is located in the Eastern heaven, constructs the top of wood should be eastern Tianmen is. 南天门只是天庭最有名的天关,实际上这座位于东方苍天,建木之顶的应该是东天门才是。 That nine items of Daoist immortals distant notices the dragon car(riage) insignia, he opens nine god eyes careful observations, is he is experienced, like the blood slaughter not fresh two hicks, did not see that the insignia makes much ado about nothing, the forehead Emperor many time the gate turnover, the insignia is only luxuriously vaster henceforth, is not inferior, but so insignia, although cannot compare the forehead Emperor, was actually better than the worst. 那九目神人远远的就注意到龙车仪仗,他张开九只神眼仔细观察,也是他见多识广,并不像血屠无生两个土包子一样,见到仪仗就大惊小怪,天庭帝君多少次从此门进出,仪仗只更浩大豪华,绝不逊色,但这般仪仗虽然比不上天庭帝君,却也比下有余了。 Nine items of Daoist immortals think of the lining say/way: Which god Mr.'s frame is this world of mortals? If the world of mortals god Monarch, why doesn't have from the god subordinate? Moreover this insignia essence, although is high, but is the scene too small? Can it be that god Monarch of Daoism? Quite low-key, is the affection pure?” 九目神人思衬道:“这是下界哪一位神君的车架?若是下界神君,为何没有从神下属?而且这仪仗本质虽高,但场面太小?莫不是玄门的那位神君?比较低调,喜爱清净?” Usually I put him to pass, does not offend also! But just that side the Ziyang emperors transmitted orders, making me tightly guard the gateway, can not put a person of unknown origin to enter the forehead.” “平常我放他过去,不去得罪也就罢了!但刚刚紫阳帝君那边传令,让我严加看守门户,不得放一个来历不明的人进入天庭。” Thinks of here, nine items of Daoist immortals move forward to meet somebody saying: Does not know that is that god Mr.'s frame, whether to show writing Die?” 想到这里,九目神人还是迎上去道:“不知是那位神君的车架,可否出示文牒?” dragon Chenei the buddhist does not have the tribulation Yuan to nurture to look at each other one, secretly thought: Really came!” The buddhists lift the curtain screen without the tribulation, treads the dispatching a vehicle way: I am the young Junior Brother of Li Holy Mother, by invitation of good friend, was harnessed the dragon car(riage) of Senior Sister to rush to the grand meeting of forehead.” 龙车内的梵无劫元育对视一眼,暗道一声:“果然来了!”梵无劫掀开帘子,踏出车门道:“我是骊山圣母的小师弟,受好友之邀,驾了师姐的龙车赶赴天庭的盛会。” Nine items of Daoist immortals saw that is immortal who does not know, brow more difficult show/unfolds, he said scruple: Originally is Li Holy Mother's younger brother......, but god Monarch will seem like in the future the forehead, good friend who where will come? Asked god Monarch to forgive, my responsibility in the body, has to ask two much!” 九目神人看到是一个不认识的仙人,眉头更加难展,他迟疑道:“原来是骊山圣母之弟……但神君似乎未来过天庭,哪里来的好友?请神君恕罪,我职责在身,不得不多问两句!” The buddhist no tribulation nod said with a smile: Should!” 梵无劫点头笑道:“应该的!” He explained: My that good friend is the Donghua Emperor young child, the emperor's children herd is...... I hears his world of mortals to cause trouble, was grasped by the Emperor, then wants to explain that makes peace.” 他解释道:“我那好友是东华帝君幼子,帝子牧便是……我听闻他下界闯了祸,被帝君抓了上来,便想来解释劝和一番。” Unexpectedly is the emperor's children herd!” That nine items of Daoist immortals are shocking. “竟然是帝子牧!”那九目神人更是震惊。 When the emperor's children herd in the great antiquity brings the big trouble, he also heard . Moreover the person who the previous time Ziyang emperors convey a message, suggested him, must block all...... his there not to know with this matter concerned person at this time, present, was the Ziyang emperors the goal that wanted to intercept? But this matter concerns the forehead to engage in factional strife, he is not the person of Ziyang Emperor, usually the Emperor manages some insignificant minor matters, he lifts the hand, goes to the bathroom no? 帝子牧在洪荒闯下大祸之时,他也有所耳闻,而且前番紫阳帝君来传话的人,就暗示他,要拦下所有跟这件事有关的人……这时候他那里不知道,眼前的这位,就是紫阳帝君想要拦截的目标了?但此事关乎天庭倾轧,他又不是紫阳帝君的人,平时帝君办一些无足轻重的小事,他抬抬手,方便一下没有什么? Now the forehead factional strife, where does he dare the ginseng/partake to gather? 如今天庭党争,他哪里敢参合进去? That nine items of Daoist immortals the onset and retreat can not, actually be suddenly difficult...... 那九目神人一时间进退不得,却是两难…… Is complaining of hardship at heart secretly, even more is under discrete, during the spoken languages also hesitated. 心里正暗自叫苦,手下却愈发谨慎,言语间也迟疑了起来。 The buddhists do not have the tribulation and Yuan nurture to look at each other one, all the heart has a heart, secretly thought: Really so!” 梵无劫和元育对视一眼,皆心有所心,暗道一声:“果然如此!” At this time, the side heard one to smile tenderly, was actually another enormity, before the insignia Xuan frame arrived at Nantianmen, a female is riding the phoenix car(riage), lifted the curtain screen, did not have the tribulation to look at one toward the buddhist, saw that powerful four flood dragons, the eye one bright, then examined carefully the frame, suddenly said with a smile: „Isn't this frame of Li Holy Mother?” 这时候,身边传来一声娇笑,却是另外一处声势浩大,仪仗煊赫的车架来到了南天门前,一名女子乘着凤车,掀开帘子,朝着梵无劫这边望了一眼,看到那威武雄壮的四条蛟龙,眼睛一亮,然后细看车架,突然笑道:“这不是骊山圣母的车架吗?” „Were Li Holy Mother and empress usually intimate with the Deity how...... to be defended to close to be awkward?” “骊山圣母与娘娘素来亲近……怎么被守关的神人为难?” Has a look!” “上去看看!” The phoenix car(riage) to the near, she opened the mouth saying: „The crudely-made goods that your guards the door, the embryo of meeting with a disaster, the frame of Holy Mother dares to stop, is the face of Holy Mother is not very big, was the words of our empress no one hear?” 凤车到了近前,她才开口道:“你这看门的粗货,遭殃的胚子,圣母的车架都敢阻拦,是圣母的面子不够大,还是我们娘娘的话没人听了?” Nine items of Daoist immortals see her to go forward, kneels down and bow respect with both hands clasped hastily said: Young god does not dare!” 九目神人看到她上前,连忙下拜道:“小神不敢!” Is only the Ziyang Emperor that side biography assigns/life, making me strictly observe closes! This little brother is unfamiliar, therefore is somewhat scruple, since is the elder sister guarantees, I then put him in the past then am!” “只是紫阳帝君那边传命下来,让我严守关门!这位小兄弟面生,故而有些迟疑,既然是姐姐担保,我便放他过去便是!” The female said with a smile: I actually whose that big power and prestige, is the Ziyang emperors......” 那女子笑道:“我倒是谁那么大威风,原来是紫阳帝君……” You do not need to put on a long face with me, he blames, I help you take on am being...... have the face of empress, that side the Ziyang emperors could not say what cynical remark to come!” “你也不用跟我哭丧着脸,他怪罪下来,我帮你担着就是……有娘娘的面子在,紫阳帝君那边说不出什么怪话来!” Then, she turns the head not to have the tribulation to the buddhist to smile, the phoenix car(riage) got them to enter the Nantianmen pass/test. 说罢,她转头对梵无劫一笑,凤车领着他们进了南天门关。 The buddhists do not have the tribulation to have doubts at heart in every possible way: Senior Sister the face greatly is real, but can have the friendship with the Senior Sister, does not sell the face of Ziyang Emperor, making the god of guarding a gate so respect, actually will this female be what origin? The empress in her mouth, seems enormously authoritative in the forehead, but must exceed the appearance that the Ziyang emperors plan. Does not know how compares with the Donghua emperors?” 梵无劫心里百般疑惑:“师姐这边面子大是真,但能和师姐有交情,不卖紫阳帝君的面子,让守门的神将如此尊重,这女子究竟是何来历?她口中的娘娘,在天庭之中似乎权威极大,还要胜过紫阳帝君一筹的样子。不知和东华帝君比起来如何?” That empress, what background is also?” “那位娘娘,又是什么来头?”
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