ESA :: Volume #8

#764: Nana universe ancient Fujin

The destroying evil and eliminating fiends matter, in 99% the people regarding the world has no feeling, people only know that once some day of disaster, the tsunami earthquake came everywhere nothing which is not, is the end is simply toppling, the world disaster is serious. 破邪除煞的事情,对于世上百分之九十九的人没有什么感觉,人们只知道曾经某一天四处天灾,海啸地震无所不来,简直是末日倾颓,世人受灾惨重。 But after that the royal government and various Righteous Dao, as well as Star and Moon Sect leads Six Paths Alliance, started the world-wide reconstruction and development. The royal government under sovereign, initiative of Government Assisting King Xue Mu, encouraging the writing coherence technique to calculate, encouraging Divine Machine to forge, encourages the business transportation, under the strength of royal government advocates, finally no longer was everyone sharpens the head to practice martial art, no longer was practices martial art inadequately is waste. 而那之后,朝廷与正道各宗,以及星月宗率领六道之盟,掀起了举世重建和发展。朝廷在皇夫、辅政王薛牧的倡导之下,鼓励文理术算,鼓励神机锻冶,鼓励商贸交通,在朝廷的一力倡导之下,终于不再是所有人削尖了脑袋去习武,不再是“习武不成便是废物”。 In fact so-called initiative, adroitly guides action according to circumstances. Some countless people have been weary bled the fight, particularly returned to normal with great difficulty development Yi State by the world of chaos. 事实上所谓的倡导,也不过是因势利导。早就有无数人厌倦了流血战斗,尤其是由大乱之世好不容易平复发展的沂州 People are yearning for stability, this is all foundations. 人心思定,这才是一切的基础。 However 2-3 years, the whole world changed an appearance. 不过2-3年,整个世界就变了个模样。 If from in the air overlooks, the golden yellow rough rice pile full Luman Warehouse, the building of magnificently decorated building is found in all sea, such as the spider web railway rail links up across divine land, the train speeds along, like bloodlines of flowing rapidly. 若从空中俯瞰,金黄的稻谷堆得满路满仓,雕梁画栋的楼宇遍布四海,如蛛网般的铁轨贯通神州各地,列车飞驰,如同奔流的血脉。 The population rises suddenly by the multiple, the beast of burden all over, the land tax piles up. 人口以倍数暴涨,牛马漫山遍野,钱粮堆积如山。 The royal government had official compiling a history, is responsible for recording from ancient to present change, as well as today's grand occasion. 朝廷有了官方修史者,负责记录从古至今的变迁,以及今日的盛况。 „Since...... governing of Jianyuan , has not had from ancient times.” “……建元之治,振古以来,未之有也。” Empress Jianyuan the heroic bearing is only unparalleled, Wuding four directions, type illustrious Wende, this its one. Government Assisting King Xue Mu, along the say/way of person, provides relief Kang people, the saints and sages is less. The couple said gathers, civil and military aid, universe apparently, therefore there is the splendor of prosperous times......” “唯建元女帝英姿盖世,武定四方,式昭文德,此其一也。辅政王薛牧者,顺人之道,济世康民,古之圣贤不及也。夫妇道合,文武相济,乾坤昭然,故有盛世之辉……” Actually Xue Mu does not have them to boast that well. 其实薛牧是没有他们吹嘘得那么好的。 He is also very corrupt, mainly displays, around Cauldron Seeking Pool built on a large scale finally, built a true Wei Yang palace, encircled Cauldron Seeking Pool in inside, turned into the back garden the pond. 他也挺腐败,主要表现在,问鼎潭四周终于大兴土木,盖了一座真正的未央宫,把问鼎潭都围在里面,变成了后花园内池塘。 Having Xiahou Di Mo Xuexin Mu Jianli wait/etc. with Star and Moon Sect is not a younger sister, he is inappropriate lives in the Star and Moon Sect entrance daily, therefore another royal palace, is this place. 夏侯荻莫雪心慕剑璃等等与星月宗不是一茬的妹子在,他也不合适天天住在星月宗山门,于是另起王宫,便是此地。 But also wants to have an audience with the emperor besides Xiahou Di every day beside, Mu Jianli Mo Xuexin Zhu Chenyao Qin Wuye Ye Guying and the others were admitted to Wei Yang palace completely, the younger sisters of Star and Moon sequence did not live in the entrance, lived completely, but returned to sect to inquire about the condition occasionally regularly, everyone with partly went into seclusion similarly. 而除了夏侯荻还要每天上朝之外,慕剑璃莫雪心祝辰瑶秦无夜叶孤影等人全部住进了未央宫,就连星月序列的妹子都不住山门了,全部住了进来,只是偶尔隔三差五回宗门过问一下状况,大家都跟半隐退差不多了。 The present condition, truly does not need everyone to spend what heart. 如今的状况,确实已经不需要大家费什么心。 In Wei Yang palace waits on to guard the door from, without exception uniform Star and Moon Sect and Joyous Union Sect younger sister, in ten li (0.5 km), the male was close not to be approaches continually, fly estimate female. 未央宫里从内侍到看门的,无一例外清一色的星月宗合欢宗的妹子,十里之内,男性连接近都接近不了,连个苍蝇估计都是雌的。 The male who has only only has Xue Mu. 唯一存在的男性只有薛牧 Because in the inner palace part, frequently is everyone only the fine gauze, faintly, the spring scenery walks back and forth confused. At first was only Qin Wuye leads the younger sisters of Joyous Union sequence not to say intentionally acts with constraint to gang up, making Xue Mu come the interest that anything...... the Star and Moon Sect younger sister all is not then convinced anytime and anywhere studies, finally in such atmosphere, Mu Jianli Mo Xuexin was even affected, everyone such, only then they wrapped are solid strange...... 因为在内宫部分,经常是人人都只着轻纱,半遮半掩,春光缭乱地走来走去。起初只是秦无夜带着合欢序列的妹子们故意不讲矜持勾勾搭搭,让薛牧随时随地来了兴致都可以那啥……然后星月宗的妹子全都不服气地学习,最后在这样的氛围里,连慕剑璃莫雪心都受了影响,大家都那样,只有她们包得严严实实很怪异嘛…… Xue Mu is joyful in prosopalgia, felt that the nutrition express cannot follow. 薛牧在里面痛并快乐着,感觉营养快线跟不上。 Recently in this year, in the whole world promoted in the environment of Jianyuan prosperous times, he instead rarely made an appearance before the world, almost hid in Wei Yang palace, gave the euphemistic name lets everyone Dao Fusion through dual cultivation, was actually corrupt the bystander unable to imagine. 最近这一年,在举世鼓吹建元盛世的环境里,他反而在世人面前露面得很少了,几乎都躲在未央宫里,美其名曰通过双修让大家都合道,实则腐败得外人无法想象。 Xiahou Di dispersed toward, Jane/simple line/traverse arrived at this obscene palace with light packs. 夏侯荻散了朝,轻装简行来到了这座淫宫。 Entered the inner palace, has Xue Mu personal guard to call in the entrance grinningly: Your majesty.” 进了内殿,就有薛牧亲卫笑嘻嘻地在门口招呼:“陛下。” Xiahou Di curls the lip to ask: What pattern today is playing?” 夏侯荻撇嘴问:“今天又在玩什么花样?” personal guard said grinningly: Today young master went to Capital, hasn't run into your majesty?” 亲卫笑嘻嘻道:“今天公子去京了,没遇到陛下?” Xiahou Di stares: „Does his dwelling, remember to go out for a long time today suddenly? Moreover he goes out your also non- attendant......” 夏侯荻一愣:“他宅了好久了吧,今天怎么忽然想起要出去?而且他出去你们也不随侍……” Where has a need for our attendants, following of one crowd of Insightful Emptiness Dao Fusion in side, our perception is not good, dual cultivation both years did not have Insightful Emptiness,......” younger sister is very moved. “哪里用得着我们随侍,一群洞虚合道的跟在身边,我们悟性不好,双修了两年都还没洞虚,呜……”妹子很是伤感。 Xiahou Di is speechless: „Does he go out to do?” 夏侯荻无语:“那他出去干啥?” sect master is pregnant, they said that must take a stroll, is favorable for the embryo.” 宗主有孕,她们说要出去散散步,对胎儿有利。” Xiahou Di straight eye, suddenly turned around to pursue not silently. 夏侯荻直了直眼睛,忽然一言不发地转身追了出去。 We have not cherished on, smelly Xue Mu! Tonight must press out you! 朕还没怀上呢,臭薛牧!今晚非榨死你不可! Today's Xue Mu is entire family goes for a walk greatly, side Yingying Yanyan more than ten, a veil does not wear, the hundred flowers confused causing the downfall of the nation beautiful color lets national capital street crowd, has not been off their feet on the difference. 今天的薛牧是全家大踏青,身边莺莺燕燕十几个,连个面纱都不戴,百花缭乱的倾国丽色让京师街道一片拥堵,就差没人仰马翻了。 What side Xue Mu is Xue Qingqiu, the lower abdomen has stuck out slightly, on the face has the happy gentle facial expression, the brilliance that shines with makes people unable to watch intently. 薛牧身边的是薛清秋,小腹已经微微隆起,脸上带着甜蜜温柔的神情,焕发的光彩让人无法逼视。 A little girl is eating the candied fruit, pulls her lower hem corner to follow in side, muttered unclearly: Yinye also wants a little darling......” 一个小女孩吃着糖葫芦,牵着她的衣角跟在旁边,含糊不清地咕哝:“夤夜也想要个小宝宝……” Xue Qingqiu shows the whites of the eyes, you are all right to turn into the child to be upon the jump day in day out, feel all right to want the little darling...... to mention also strangely, you were thinking growing up before daily, to really grew up was all right to turn into the child daily, is very fun? 薛清秋翻了个白眼,你自己一天到晚没事变成小孩子跑来跑去,好意思要小宝宝……说来也怪,你以前天天想着长大,到了真长大了又天天没事变成小孩子,很好玩吗? What is most speechless, this teases compared with after the infection, Meng Huanzhen that another knows well Yinye divine art, often starts to turn into the child since then, tics is drawing Xue Mu another side lower hem corner anxiously: Xue Mu, I also want the baby......” 最无语的是,被这个逗比传染之后,另有一个深通夤夜神功孟还真,从此也动不动开始变成小孩子,抽抽巴巴地拉着薛牧的另一边衣角:“薛牧,我也要宝宝……” Xue Mu, sells to sprout/moe about hugs two on the shoulder sits, said with a smile: Okay, we go back to live.” 薛牧一手一个,将两个卖萌的左右抱在肩膀上坐着,一路笑道:“好好,我们回去生。” Did you make them first increase speak this saying again? The Xue Qingqiu air/Qi results in the liver to hurt. 你让她们都先变大再说这话行吗?薛清秋气得肝疼。 Yue Xiaochan smiles in the side: Several years ago I know, he likes being young.” 岳小婵在身边笑:“几年前我就知道,他喜欢小的。” This saying said that somewhat is quite regrettable. This year's Yue Xiaochan 19, the truly slim and graceful big miss, is uneven as the spot of plate acting, the figure is perfect, making everyone judge is the curve that to let the person admires. May in Yue Xiaochan at heart, probably be the initial appearance good...... 这话说得,颇有几分遗憾。今年的岳小婵十九了,真正亭亭玉立的大姑娘,原先作为平板担当的部位也已经不平了,身形完美无瑕,让所有人来评判都是让人艳羡的曲线。可在岳小婵心里,好像还是当初的样子好一点…… Near the say/way hears the noise sound suddenly, one group of bystanders clap the hands and shout praise. 道边忽然传来喧嚣声,一群围观者拍手叫好。 The people turn the head to look, is an arena. 众人转头看去,是一个擂台。 But is not the arena that the martial arts contest uses...... in this arena was performing the living theater, the content of performance is very interesting: Lin Wuya cuts the ghost at the point of death. 可已经不是比武用的擂台了……这个擂台上正在表演舞台剧,表演的内容很有趣:蔺无涯临死斩煞。 All kinds of dance performances, have become common practice now, Xue Mu several work tossed about various deduction, that unearths not the treasure forever. But beside this, the stories of these heroes was also spread the reorganization, turned into the stage the exciting deduction. 各种各样的歌舞演艺,如今早已蔚然成风,薛牧的几本巨著更是被人翻来覆去各种演绎,那是永远挖掘不尽的瑰宝。而在此之外,这些英雄们的故事也被人们传扬改编,变成了舞台上激动人心的演绎。 Mu Jianli stops to look, looks on the stage the white clothing such as the scene of sword, in the eye quite somewhat recalls. 慕剑璃驻足而望,看着台上白衣如剑的景象,眼里颇有几分缅怀。 Xue Mu and Yue Xiaochan also looked at each other one, two people remember enter national capital that initially, at arena martial arts contest that the street sees. 薛牧岳小婵也对视了一眼,两人都想起初入京师那一回,在街边看见的擂台比武。 The scenery of contrast today, is really as if in a dream. 对比今日之景,真的恍然如梦。 Yue Xiaochan cannot bear ask: „Was your song, really the final work?” 岳小婵忍不住问:“你那首歌,真的是最后的作品了吗?” Xue Mu smiles: Really, does not want to write. You know before me, writes for anything, but now has not needed. Actually now in all directions is the story legends of your heroes, looks oneself become in the play the person, is what feels?” 薛牧笑笑:“真的,不想写了。你知道我之前是为了什么而写,而现在早已没有必要。倒是如今四处都是你们这些英雄的故事传说,看着自己成为戏中人,是什么感受?” Yue Xiaochan said: I felt each time, develops our insufficient attractively......” 岳小婵道:“每次我都觉得,演我们的不够漂亮……” Xue Mu said: Agree, I also thought that developed my is very ugly...... this even, developed the whole body to be bathed in blood each time the fight me is what ghost, which my was such......” 薛牧道:“同感,我也觉得演我的都很丑……这就算了,每次把我演得浑身浴血地战斗是什么鬼,我哪是那样的……” The people smile, Mu Jianli originally somewhat disconsolate, hearing this could not bear smile. 众人都笑,慕剑璃本来正有些惆怅,闻言也忍不住笑了。 Has wanted to instigate the master to write the recent work Xiao Qingwu finally to find the opportunity: Master write these stories, from beginning to end returns to original state, reforms radically.” 一直想怂恿师父写新作的萧轻芜终于找到了机会:“那师父自己写这些故事呀,原原本本还原出来,正本清源。” Mu Jianli nods said: Now the royal government writes a history, actually to your places of some idea many misunderstandings, you did not consider do oneself write an autobiography?” 慕剑璃颔首道:“如今朝廷写史,其实对你的想法也有很多误解之处,你不考虑自己写个自传?” Yinye said: Yes, the unofficial history writes the father with erotomania......, although is also similar.” 夤夜道:“就是,还有野史把爸爸写得跟个色情狂似的……虽然也差不多。” The younger sisters threw smile. 妹子们都扑哧笑了。 Mo Xuexin said suddenly: Some people criticize you, having a bad effect on the world was ostentatious. Was similar to the idea of Shi Lei initially, whether you debated 12 quite well......” 莫雪心忽然道:“还是有人批判你,带坏了世人浮华。和当初石磊的想法差不多,你是否自辩一二比较好……” This saying, everyone somewhat is serious, turns the head to look at the Xue Mu expression. 这话一出,大家都有些严肃,转头去看薛牧的表情。 Xue Mu thinks lost, shakes the head: My this life...... the merit was difficult saying that did not need spending many words, waited the time to judge.” 薛牧出神地想了一阵,摇了摇头:“我这一生……功过难说,无需多费笔墨,留待光阴来评判吧。” Meng Huanzhen purses the lips saying: Xue Mu, I have not visited you to write the work.” 孟还真噘嘴道:“薛牧,我都没看你写过作品。” Xue Mu favors to drown rubs her head: If wants, I keep a poem.” 薛牧宠溺地揉揉她的脑袋:“如果一定要,我就留一首诗吧。” During the speeches, the people arrived at Treasure Pavilion exactly. 说话间,众人恰好走到了奇珍阁 The Lin Dongsheng as if mouse sees the meter/rice, incited to slide one to flee: „Can alliance master compose a poem? My Treasure Pavilion has the best four treasures......, so long as sends to hang in my three days well......” 林东生仿佛老鼠看到米,滋溜一声窜了出来:“盟主要写诗?我奇珍阁有最好的四宝……只要寄挂在我这儿三天就好……” Profiteer.” Xue Mu ridicules, has not actually rejected. “奸商。”薛牧笑骂,却也没有拒绝。 He received the writing brush that Lin Dongsheng double hands over, looks scroll that unfolds, hesitated for a long time. 他接过林东生双手递来的毛笔,看着铺开的卷轴,沉吟了好久。 Did this life, what make? 这一生,做了些什么? He laughs in spite of trying not to suddenly, finally started to write to write down four: Sends to be popular about poor Loin de l'Oeil, writes books to chat sends hundred years of heart. Who is shifty to ask? Nana universe ancient Fu now.” 他忽然失笑,终于落笔写下了四句:“发兴合穷千里目,著书聊寄百年心。翻云覆雨谁能问?纳纳乾坤古复今。” 【The book ends 【全书完】
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