EPHSDXD :: Volume #7

#669: angel's master

Chapter 0669 第0669章 angel's master 天使的主人 Heaven's Seventh Heaven is huge incomparable floating island, entire floating island hold-up was being set up by wing of the pair of similarly huge angel dangerous above the sea of clouds, but is also establishing temples that on floating island are covering the innumerable sacred halos. 天界的第七天就是一座巨大无比的空岛,整个空岛被一对同样巨大的天使之翼托浮着悬立在云海之上,而在空岛上还建立着一座笼罩着无数神圣光晕的神殿。 What is especially mysterious, so long as stands on this floating island can receive the eyeground below several heavy day of scenes unexpectedly, even Ravel they are playing scene Tenraku that creates a disturbance they to look at this time clear in Garden of Eden! 尤为神奇的是,只要站在这座空岛上竟然就可以将下面几重天的景象都直收眼底,甚至连蕾薇儿她们此时正在伊甸园中嬉戏打闹的场景天落他们都看得一清二楚! However 不过 Holy Lord-sama, to prevent initially Qlippoth The invasion, Michael our Four Great Seraphs gave here to exert barrier jointly, now did not have Michael their I alone unable to relieve.” 圣主大人,当初了为防止【邪恶之树】的入侵,米迦勒我们四大炽天使联手给这里施加了结界,现在没有了米迦勒他们我一个人也无法解除。” Stands side Tenraku's, a look of Gabriel face apology. 站在天落的身旁,加百列一脸歉意的神色。 Tenraku and Grayfia females have naturally also discovered, on entire floating island was exerted barrier of unusual powerful, they stand in the floating island edge now, but the further words will be blocked by a solid barrier. 天落古蕾菲亚众女自然也早就发现了,整个空岛上都被施加了一层非常强力的结界,他们现在只是站在空岛的边缘,但再进一步的话就会被一层坚实的屏障挡住。 This barrier can say that condensed the essence of Heaven all barrier technologies, does not keep the ample force to display by Four Great Seraphs jointly, even the powerhouse of transcender level is still very difficult to break. 这层结界可以说凝聚了天界所有结界技术的精华,更是由四大炽天使不留余力地联手施展,即使超越者层次的强者也很难打破。 However, regarding present Tenraku also such. 不过,对于如今的天落来说也就那样。 Doesn't matter, gives me.” “没关系,交给我吧。” Did not care said that then Tenraku lifted a hand to paste above barrier. 不在意地说了一声,然后天落抬起一只手贴到了结界之上。 scatter! 散! In the eye the sharp glow flashes, Tenraku drinks lightly, but in the females had not responded when had anything, covered entire floating island solid barrier then to dissipate with a crash! 眼中锐芒一闪,天落一声轻喝,而就在众女还未反应过来发生了什么时,笼罩着整个空岛的坚实结界便砰然消散了! Ok, can lead us to go in now.” “好了,现在可以带我们进去了。” Caressed the cheeks of some Gabriel that also delay, Tenraku said with a smile. 抚了抚加百列那还有些呆滞的脸颊,天落笑道。 „, Yes, Holy Lord-sama.” “啊,是,圣主大人。” Recovers finally, Gabriel cheek one red, hurries to say. 总算回过神来,加百列脸蛋儿一红,赶紧回道。 Under the heart the secret shock is flabbergasted, most barrier that their Four Great Seraphs displays jointly was so easily eradicated unexpectedly, is Holy Lord-sama, under the Gabriel heart is worthily reverent to own Holy Lord-sama also worship even more. 心下暗暗的震惊咋舌,他们四大炽天使联手施展的最结界竟然如此轻易地就被破除了,不愧是圣主大人,加百列心下对自己圣主大人也愈发的崇拜虔诚。 Under Gabriel's leads, the group then entered in the temple quickly. 加百列的带领之下,一行人很快便进入到了神殿之中。 Entire temple exceptionally broad sacred, although for a long time does not have the person to live very much, but is actually maintaining spotless. 整个神殿异常的恢宏神圣,虽然已经很久没有人居住,但是却保持着一尘不染。 Although already very good, but after own with the temporary palace paradise of numerous female housing, Tenraku is some is not quite satisfied. 尽管已经非常的不错,不过作为自己以后和众女居住的行宫乐园,天落却是有些不大满意。 From now on here again renovate and fix up.” “过后将这里重新装修布置一下。” Is walking Tenraku while said. 一边走着天落一边说道。 Good, Holy Lord-sama.” “好的,圣主大人。” Stares slightly, Gabriel hurries to say. 微微一愣,加百列赶紧回道。 The Seventh Heaven temple is entire Heaven is most important, but sacred place, if before is, Gabriel does not dare easily to modify here arrangement, but Heaven all belongs to Holy Lord-sama now, since Holy Lord-sama wants again renovate and fix up that again renovate and fix up. 第七天的神殿是整个天界最重要而神圣的地方,如果是以前加百列绝不敢轻易地改动这里的布置,不过现在天界所有的一切都是属于圣主大人的,既然圣主大人想要重新装修布置那就重新装修布置吧。 Under the Gabriel's introduction everyone also knows that in the Seventh Heaven temple has three most important places, is angel's Pond of Reincarnation, runs miracle to operate respectively System And runs Artifact - Sacred Gear to operate System. 加百列的介绍之下大家也知道第七天的神殿中有三处最重要的地方,分别是天使的转生之池、掌管奇迹运行的【系统】以及掌管神器运行的【系统】。 Under Gabriel's leads, the people first arrive is angel's Pond of Reincarnation. 加百列的带领之下,众人最先来到的便是天使的转生之池 Our all pure angel are born in this Pond of Reincarnation, just since the god disappears, Pond of Reincarnation was also dry, Heaven is unable to increase pure angel again.” “我们所有纯正的天使都是在这个转生之池中诞生的,只不过自从神消失后转生之池也干涸了,天界也再也无法增加纯正的天使。” So-called Pond of Reincarnation seemed like dry giant swimming pool, introduced for everyone simply, a complex color of Gabriel face. 所谓的转生之池看上去就像是个干涸了的巨大泳池,为大家简单的介绍了一下,加百列一脸的复杂之色。 Pond of Reincarnation is dry, Heaven is unable to increase pure angel again, this is Gabriel and Michael several big Seraphim - Burning Angel regrets. 转生之池干涸,天界也无法再增加纯正的天使,这一直是加百列以及米迦勒几大炽天使的遗憾。 Although they also profited from Devil's Pieces - Evil Pieces as well as fallen angel that side technology development one set of reincarnation System, can transform angel human, but that reincarnation angel cannot compare truly pure angel eventually . Moreover the quantity is also limited. 虽然他们也借鉴了恶魔棋子以及堕天使那边的技术开发出了一套转生系统,可以将人类转化成天使,但那种转生天使终究还是比不上真正纯正的天使,而且数量也非常有限。 The females zé zé exclamation is sizing up everywhere, Tenraku also caressed on Pond of Reincarnation these mysterious beautiful patterns, in the eye the unusual look flashed as if discovered anything. 众女都啧啧惊叹地四处打量着,天落也抚了抚转生之池上那些神秘美丽的花纹,眼中异色一闪似乎发现了什么。 Interesting......” “有趣……” Muttered whispered, Tenraku pasted the hand on Pond of Reincarnation, then transferred own within the body that vast Power of Belief came out. 喃喃低语了一声,天落将手贴在了转生之池上,然后将自己体内那浩瀚的信仰之力调动了一些出来。 Under Gabriel and Yubelluna numerous female that astonished vision, in dry Pond of Reincarnation quick was then filled up by a radiant transparent liquid, is the concentration to pinnacle Power of Belief. 加百列优贝露娜众女那惊愕的目光下,原本干涸的转生之池中很快便被一种璀璨透明的液体填满,正是浓缩到极致的信仰之力 Really so!” “果然如此!” Saw on entire Pond of Reincarnation to start to send out the dazzling brilliance, the Tenraku's corners of the mouth raised a curve. 见整个转生之池上都开始散发出耀眼的光辉,天落的嘴角扬起了一道弧度。 Then saw the principle of this Pond of Reincarnation by the Tenraku present eyesight nature quickly, understands truth that angel is born. So-called angel's is born to invest the soul into Pond of Reincarnation, then with Pond of Reincarnation Power of Belief is its mold body, thus the reincarnation resurrects to become true angel! 天落如今的眼力自然很快便看出了这个转生之池的原理,也明白了天使诞生的真相。所谓天使的诞生应该就是将灵魂投入到转生之池中,然后用转生之池信仰之力为其塑造身躯,从而转生复活变为真正的天使 No wonder initially God of the Bible can they all treat as the strength absorption use Michael, originally the angel's body is concentration from now on Power of Belief! 难怪当初圣经之神能够将米迦勒他们全都当作力量吸收使用,原来天使的身躯就是浓缩过后的信仰之力 The eyes shine, this actually good discovery to Tenraku. 双眼放光,这对天落来说倒是个不错的发现。 After becoming matchless king, matter that Tenraku was also considering some concerned own these believer young girls recently. 成为了举世无敌的王者之后,天落最近也在考虑一些有关自己那些信徒少女们的事情。 He and Rias females have nearly the infinity life, however his these believer young girls majority are only ordinary human, but only dozens years of lives. 他和莉雅丝众女都拥有着近乎无限的生命,然而他的那些信徒少女们大多数都只是普通的人类,只不过区区数十年的寿命罢了。 At his present strength, although can grant them to guarantee the youth forever, but must make each have the glorious life span is actually somewhat difficult. 以他如今的力量虽然可以赐予她们永保青春,但是要让她们每一个也拥有悠久的寿命却是有些困难。 own these believer young girls their all offer their bodies, souls and belief to own, provided the strength to help him defeat the most powerful fearful enemy for him, Tenraku naturally does not want to see that in the future they, because the life span exhausted, but in his present dying. For this issue some of his also quite worries, but has this angel's Pond of Reincarnation now is to make all issues be easily solved! 自己的那些信徒少女们将她们的身体、灵魂、信仰将她们所有的一切都奉献给自己,更是为他提供力量帮助他打败了最强大可怕的敌人,天落自然也不想看到将来她们一个个因为寿命耗尽而在他的眼前死去。为了这个问题他还颇有些烦恼,但如今有了这个天使的转生之池却是让所有的问题都迎刃而解! In the future his these believer young girls, because after the life span exhausts or other reasons died, own their souls puts in Pond of Reincarnation to make their reincarnations become angel, like this they then also had the glorious life span, can belief serve in him forever! 等将来他的那些信徒少女们因为寿命耗尽或者其他的一些原因死亡后,自己就将她们的灵魂放入转生之池中让她们转生成天使,这样她们便也拥有了悠久的寿命,可以永永远远地信仰侍奉于他了! Good good, thinks that under here Tenraku cannot help but heart greatly is also quick. 不错不错,想到这里天落也不由得心下大快。 When Tenraku recovers, is actually discovers in the Gabriel eye to hold the tears incomparably to look at own excitedly. 天落回过神来时,却是发现加百列眼中噙泪正无比激动地看着自己 What's wrong, Gabriel?” “怎么了,加百列?” Holy Lord-sama, I...... I......” 圣主大人,我……我……” Tenraku asked that but Gabriel was excited is hard from already. 天落问道,而加百列则是激动得难以自已。 Just was makes Pond of Reincarnation regain the function, was this moved?” “只不过是让转生之池恢复了功能而已,这就被感动到了?” Also understands quickly Gabriel will be why excited, Tenraku cannot help but funny. 很快也明白了加百列为何会如此激动,天落不由得好笑。 Although regarding Tenraku perhaps a moment ago conveniently for it, but the restoration of Pond of Reincarnation regarding Gabriel has the incomparably great significance! 虽然对于天落来说或许刚才只是随手为之,但是对于加百列来说转生之池的恢复却是有着无比重大的意义! So long as Pond of Reincarnation can restore, they can supplement that new angel, they can continue the inheritance, they this chilly Heaven can also resume the past prosperity now! 只要转生之池能够恢复,她们就可以补充新的天使,她们就可以延续传承,她们如今这个清冷的天界也能恢复往日的繁荣! Moreover what is more important, they do not need to worry that angel's exterminates! 而且更重要的是,她们再也不用担心天使的灭绝! If you are so affected, later serves me well attentively.” “如果你真这么感动的话,以后就更加好好用心的侍奉我吧。” Bends down near the Gabriel's ear, the Tenraku light language said evilly. 俯到加百列的耳边,天落邪邪地轻语道。 Yes, Holy Lord-sama......” “是,圣主大人……” Bends down in the Tenraku's bosom, Gabriel returns crazily said. 俯到天落的怀中,加百列痴痴地回道。 At this moment, Gabriel thorough understanding, from now henceforth at present this man is their all angel's Holy Lord, is their all angel's Gods, is their all angel's masters...... 这一刻,加百列已经彻底的明白,从今以后眼前这个男人就是她们所有天使的圣主,就是她们所有天使的神明,也是她们所有天使的主人…… To be continued...... 未完待续……
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