EPHSDXD :: Volume #7

#668: Lord of Heaven

Chapter 0668 第0668章 Lord of Heaven 天界之主 Although Sona and Serafall submitted, but that also temporary submitting under somebody's overbearing, after regaining consciousness restores , a Sona hidden bitterness, Serafall is quite not convinced. 虽然苍娜赛拉芙露都屈服了,不过那也是在某人的霸道之下暂时的屈服而已,待苏醒恢复后苍娜一片的幽怨,赛拉芙露也颇不服气。 However without the relations, a time is not good ten times, ten times are not good hundred times, in any case Tenraku some are the time and patience. 不过没关系,一次不行就十次,十次不行就百次,反正天落有的是时间和耐心。 Therefore then Tenraku also temporarily resided in House of Sitri, every day with House of Sitri two Your Highness princess is crossing being inseparable the life, moreover every day must feed full full to support the brace two sisters. 于是接下来天落也在西迪家暂住了下来,每天都和西迪家的两位公主殿下过着“如胶似漆”的生活,而且每天都要将姐妹两喂得饱饱的撑撑的。 For several days, two sisters finally thorough accepting fate. 一连数日,姐妹两终于彻底的认命了。 It is not they are not very strong, words that but does not accept fate, they really by some bastard making break ah! 不是她们不够坚强,而是再不认命的话,她们真的会被某个混蛋给弄坏掉啊! In Tenraku when House of Sitri is living the too happy to think of home and duty life, Grayfia also caught up from House of Gremory. According to the Grayfia's view, that side House of Gremory has not needed her help, the following matter gave Rias and Venelana they are enough. 就在天落西迪家过着乐不思蜀的生活时,古蕾菲亚也从葛雷摩利家那边赶了过来。按照古蕾菲亚的说法,葛蕾摩利家那边已经无需她的帮助,接下来的事交给莉雅丝维妮拉娜她们就足够了。 Since that side House of Gremory has no issue, Sona and Serafall have also handled, Tenraku then also planned that must leave Underworld. 既然葛雷摩利家那边已经没有什么问题,苍娜赛拉芙露这边也已经搞定,天落便也打算要离开冥界了。 Initially war when Isolation Barrier Domain, God of the Bible to resist him spared no sacrifice own all angel and believer, and other numerous had been transformed female angel and nun who saintess subdued besides Gabriel by Tenraku in secret, all masculine angel vanished completely, believer also casualty several thousands, the person still belief collapse body and mind that even if lived suffered the heavy losses. 当初在隔离结界领域中大战时,圣经之神为了对抗他不惜牺牲掉自己所有的天使信徒,除了加百列等一众早已被天落暗中转化收服的女性天使和修女圣女外,所有的男性天使全部消失,信徒也死伤数万,即使活下来的人也信仰崩溃身心遭受了重创。 Heaven and church that the entire holy bible system establishes have perished thoroughly, now Gabriel gathers female angel and Sister church's who all fortunately survived saintess defends stubbornly Heaven, openly announced belief Tenraku to the outside. 整个圣经体系所建立起的天界教会已经彻底灭亡,现在加百列聚集了所有幸存下来的女性天使教会的修女圣女固守天界,更是对外公开宣布信仰天落 In other words, now entire Heaven belongs to Tenraku's! 也就是说,现在整个天界都是属于天落的了! Since Underworld here matter had ended, Tenraku naturally also plans that side Heaven to look, takes over control of these to be his thing. 既然冥界这边的事情已经结束,天落自然也打算去天界那边看一看,接管一下那些已经属于他的东西。 Because of the respective family's matter, Rias and Sona they must in Underworld dull previous some time, therefore Tenraku then brings Grayfia, Frayfia and Yubelluna females returned to Human World in advance. 因为各自家族的事情,莉雅丝苍娜她们都还要在冥界呆上一段时间,于是天落便带着古蕾菲亚芙蕾菲亚以及优贝露娜众女先行回到了人间界 Lavinia had the matter to return to that side Magician Association to go temporarily, only then Raynare, Walburga and Ravel females also kept in the home, but heard after Tenraku must go to Heaven, family's females also wanted to follow to go together. 拉维妮亚有事暂时回到魔法使协会那边去了,只有雷娜蕾华波加蕾薇儿众女还留在家中,不过听说天落要去天界之后,家里的众女也想要跟着一起去。 When previous time goes to the Heaven visit to play is broken by Rizevim that fellow, they have not played enough also want to play again. 上次去天界参观游玩时被列泽维姆那个家伙打断,她们都还没有玩够还想再去玩一玩呢。 Since the young girls want to go to that to go together, under Griselda's receives and instructs, the group ride is going directly to Heaven's special-purpose elevator then enormously and powerful set off. 既然少女们想去那就一起去吧,在葛莉赛达的接引下,一行人乘坐着直达天界的专用电梯便浩浩荡荡地出发 Heaven, First Heaven 天界,第一天 Welcomed Holy Lord-sama.” “恭迎圣主大人。” Saw after Tenraku they arrive, leads numerous female angel and nun saintess in waiting Gabriel welcomes Tenraku's to arrive. 看到天落他们到达后,早已在等候的加百列带着一众女性天使和修女圣女恭迎着天落的到来。 Walks up, Tenraku pulled the Gabriel's waist, then kissed the Gabriel's jade lip directly. 走上前去,天落挽住了加百列的腰肢,然后直接便吻住了加百列的玉唇。 In the beautiful appearance floated off two to wipe the moving sunset glow, but Gabriel was actually gentle incomparably, whatever plundering of own Holy Lord-sama is tasting. 美丽的容颜上浮起了两抹动人的红霞,不过加百列却是温柔无比地任由着自己圣主大人的掠夺品尝。 Sees such a, all angel young girl as well as nun saintesses lowers the head shyly. 看到这样的一幕,所有的天使少女以及修女圣女们都羞涩地垂下了头。 Grayfia and Frayfia raised the corners of the mouth, Raynare and a Walburga face evil, Ravel and Kunou several small young girl cheeks are red, but as Tenraku peerage Yubelluna, although under the heart has also prepared, but still cannot help but is shocking at this time and complex 古蕾菲亚芙蕾菲亚扬起了嘴角,雷娜蕾华波加一脸的邪邪,蕾薇儿九重几个小少女脸蛋儿通红,而作为天落眷属优贝众女虽然心下也早已有所准备,但此时依然不由得震惊而又复杂 Their the master one year ago was also called the Underworld waste material obscure, however short less than one year of time their master has risen to become matchless king crazily, kept aloof Seraphim - Burning Angel Gabriel that needs to look up to become tool believer of their master to once them, whatever their masters are tasting enjoy. 在一年之前她们的主人还只是默默无闻被人称为冥界的废材,然而短短一年不到的时间她们的主人就已经疯狂崛起成为了举世无敌的王者,就连对曾经的她们来说高高在上需要仰望的炽天使加百列都已经成为了她们主人的工具信徒,任由着她们的主人品尝享用。 Really, their masters are inconceivable miracle! 果然,她们的主人就是个不可思议的奇迹 own peerage young girls these complex mood Tenraku naturally do not know, he at this moment is tasting heartily is enjoying the present delicacy, after has been satisfied for a long time finally let off Gabriel. 自己眷属少女们那些复杂的心情天落自然是不知道,此刻的他则是在尽情地品尝享用着眼前的美味,直到许久终于得到满足后才放过了加百列 You do well, Gabriel.” “你做得不错,加百列。” All for Holy Lord-sama......” “一切都是为了圣主大人……” Caresses the cheeks of Gabriel that beautiful, Tenraku was saying, but Gabriel is a face infatuated devout color. 抚着加百列美丽的脸颊,天落称赞道,而加百列则是一脸痴迷的虔诚之色。 Entire Heaven and church had such matter, but Gabriel was calm in time of danger rapidly gathers to control Heaven all female angel and nun saintess for their Holy Lord-sama. 整个天界教会都发生了那样的事情,但是加百列临危不乱迅速地将所有的女性天使和修女圣女都聚集起来为她们的圣主大人掌控了天界 Tenraku has not overpraised, Gabriel's does firmly very well, Tenraku also decided must reward her well. 天落并没有过誉,加百列的确做得非常不错,天落也决定了要好好的奖励一下她。 However can say to the Gabriel's reward from now on, now or proper business important...... 不过对加百列的奖励可以过后再说,现在还是正事要紧…… First leads us to come up.” “先带我们上去吧。” Yes, Holy Lord-sama.” “是,圣主大人。” Under Gabriel's leads, Tenraku and females then turn toward the above several heavy day to set out across First Heaven. 加百列的带领之下,天落和众女穿过第一天然后向着上面的几重天进发。 Has come here one time, but was different from that lively scene initially, now entire Heaven is chillier, could not see masculine angel again or is a male, is responsible for going on patrol and guard also is some female angel. 已经来过这里一次,但是和当初那热闹的景象不同,现在整个天界都清冷了许多,再也看不到一个男性天使或者说是男性,就连负责巡逻和守卫的也全都是些女性天使 The Ravel females are shocking the cruelty of that God of the Bible under the heart, for the so-called victory spares no sacrifice own so many angel and believer unexpectedly, but Tenraku feels this very good. 蕾薇儿众女在心下震惊着那个圣经之神的残忍,为了所谓的胜利竟然都不惜牺牲掉自己那么多的天使信徒,不过天落却是觉得这样非常的不错。 Entire Heaven is belongs from now henceforth his, is his temporary palace paradise, then did not need any other male to appear besides him here! 从今以后整个天界都是属于他的,是他的行宫乐园,那么除了他以外也不需要任何其他的男性出现在这里了! When group after Fourth Heaven Garden of Eden, Ravel was shouting must get down to play, therefore Gabriel then also dispatch two angel young girls bring Ravel, Kunou, Elmen and Le Fay they go to Garden of Eden to play. 当一行人经过第四天伊甸园的时候,蕾薇儿喊着要下去玩,于是加百列便也派谴了两名天使少女带着蕾薇儿九重爱尔梅路菲她们去伊甸园里游玩。 Exhorted two, Tenraku also gave Ravel Ophis and Lilith them, then the remaining people continue to the above several heavy day go forward. 嘱咐了两句,天落奥菲斯莉莉丝也交给了蕾薇儿她们,然后剩下的人则是继续向上面的几重天前进。 Heaven's Fifth Heaven was once fallen angel Watchers of the Children of God Place that is, previous time Qlippoth When invasion also conducts with the Rizevim war here, at that time entire Fifth Heaven became stretch of ruins by destruction, but is almost all has actually reconstructed to complete now. 天界的第五天就是曾经堕天使神子监视者】所在的地方,上次【邪恶之树】入侵时与列泽维姆的大战也就是在这里进行,当时整个第五天都被破坏成了一片废墟,不过现在却是差不多全都已经重建完成。 Heaven's Sixth Heaven is the place of Four Great Seraphs housing and work, now is to only have a Gabriel person lives here, when previous Tenraku they visit visiting here that also first comes. 天界的第六天四大炽天使居住和办公的地方,现在则是只有加百列一个人在这里居住,上次天落他们来参观拜访时也就是先来的这里。 However this Tenraku and females have not actually stopped in Sixth Heaven, but continued to go to Seventh Heaven after Sixth Heaven upwardly. 不过这一次天落和众女却是没有在第六天多作停留,而是经过第六天继续向上前往了第七天 Seventh Heaven is god the institute of housing, yes System Place that is, after god passing goes, only then Four Great Seraphs can enter, is place that entire Heaven most wants, but its also Tenraku their time destinations. 第七天是神的居住之所,亦是【系统】所在的地方,在神“逝”去后只有四大炽天使可以进入,是整个天界最为最要的地方,而它也正是天落他们此次的目的地。 When does not want to be many, as transmits the dissipation of elevator, Tenraku and females appeared above Seventh Heaven...... 不要多时,随着传送电梯的消散,天落和众女出现在了第七天之上…… To be continued...... 未完待续…… ps: Second!...... ps:第二更!……
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