EG :: Volume #6

#9: Pledge

Old Turin is in this world an extremely special city, it is not only the Ingerveig capital, the science and technology first arranges in order, it most special place is, this city was being wrapped by several secret systems. 旧敦灵是这个世界上极为特殊的一座城市,它不仅仅是英尔维格的首都,科技的先列,它最为特殊的地方在于,这座城市本身被数个隐秘的系统包裹着。 Ordinary residential at all not clear these, technical long-time bursting out, made the residents very easy to accept regarding these new things, in like this numb, few person can notice existences of these secrets, do not say that eliminated the mechanism/organization only. 普通的市民根本不清楚这些,科技长久的迸发,也令市民们对于这些新事物很容易接受,在这样的麻木下,少有人能注意到这些秘密的存在,更不要说净除机关了。 As a result of existence of regulations, only in the information except mechanism/organization is not completely open, most soldiers only know existence of mechanical institute, actually not clear in its under convenient will be the pump of mysterious forever moving, do not say Montenegro Hospital, the sincere tope wait/etc. 由于条例的存在,净除机关内的信息也不是完全开放的,大部分士兵都只知晓机械院的存在,却不清楚在其下方便是神秘的永动之泵,更不要说黑山医院、敦灵塔等等了。 With the promotion of level, more secrets toward the future development, until he arrives in the peak. 随着级位的晋升,更多的秘密向着来者开发,直到他抵达顶峰。 But at this time the heart of person because of not knowing all secrets felt joyfully, he will suspect, like present Merring. 可这时人的内心并不会因知晓所有的秘密而感受欣喜,他会怀疑,就像现在的梅林。 „After becoming forever the technical Chief Head of pump of moving, I think that I enough understood only except the mechanism/organization, but no one has thought, also had mysterious building country above us.” “成为永动之泵的技术总长后,我以为我足够了解净除机关了,但谁也没想到,在我们之上还有神秘的筑国者。” Merring and Arthur walk in the underground huge factory, the molten iron of melting spreads along the flow channel, under the processing of technicians, turns into the fatal weapons. 梅林和亚瑟行走在地下的庞大工厂之中,熔化的铁水沿着流道蔓延,在技师们的加工下,变成一具又一具致命的武器。 These are the Saint silver of melting, the mechanical institute has taken over control of the excavation of Saint silver ore comprehensively, the train was transporting in the furnace the Saint silver unceasingly, the factory day and night does not sleep, is manufacturing the weapon urgently, the weapon that shortly after the Saint silver matches will arm completely net eliminates the mechanism/organization. 这些都是熔化的圣银,机械院已经全面接管了圣银矿的挖掘,列车正不断地将圣银运输进熔炉之中,工厂昼夜不眠,加急制造着武器,在不久后圣银装配的武器将完全武装净除机关。 Sometimes Arthur, I will suspect, since builds country to exist, then except the mechanism/organization, can have we not clear department only, or system?” Meilin suspects to say. 亚瑟,有时候我就会怀疑,既然筑国者都存在,那么净除机关内,会不会还有着我们也不清楚的部门,亦或是系统?”梅林怀疑道。 I do not know, remembering a point is good, Merring, if something you do not know, then represents you should not know.” Arthur replied. “我不知道,记住一点就好,梅林,如果有些事你不知道,那么就代表你不该知道。”亚瑟回答。 Merring's corners of the mouth shoulder stiffly, he is a facial paralysis, to Merring this could have been the smile. 梅林的嘴角僵硬地挑起,他是个面瘫,对于梅林而言这已经算得上是微笑了。 Sometimes Arthur, I really do not know that you are loyal to the regulations, said stupidly stubborn?” 亚瑟,有时候我真不知道你这是忠于条例,还是说愚笨的固执呢?” I believe me, as well as believes that eliminates the mechanism/organization only, person who as well as sets the regulations.” Arthur said. “我只是相信我自己,以及相信净除机关,以及定下条例的人。”亚瑟说。 Suspicion can make us vacillate, the foe will be seizing the opportunity to sneak at this moment.” “怀疑会令我们动摇,仇敌将在此刻乘虚而入。” Good.” “好吧。” All around temperature of ignition becomes blazing, restarts nears, forever the pump of moving and even entire will eliminate the mechanism/organization fully to start only, all unnecessary projects were temporarily put aside, the present foe will regard as the highest priority. 四周的温度开始变得炽热,重启在即,永动之泵乃至整个净除机关都全面启动,所有不必要的项目都被暂时搁置,将眼下的仇敌视为最高优先级。 The ground sways slightly, the big original sin mail-armor and helmet starting to walk step, will guard forever in the pump of moving, this model will also be anti-riot, but from the equipment disposition, in anti-riot of Old Turin street patrol, completely will be two scales. 地面微微摇晃,高大的原罪甲胄迈开步伐,守卫在永动之泵中,这个型号也是镇暴者,但从装备配置来看,与在旧敦灵街头巡逻的镇暴者,完全是两个档次。 Old Turin was being wrapped by several huge systems, wanders in the horizon iron whale, proliferates the railway rail in city corner, sincere tope, the column of furnace...... 旧敦灵被数个庞大的系统包裹着,游荡于天际的铁鲸,遍布城市角落的铁轨,敦灵塔,熔炉之柱…… We prepare in the column of furnace most, constructs a refuge shelter, it completely by the Saint silver casting, will be being been protecting by entire Old Turin. ” 我们准备在熔炉之柱的最下方,建造一个避难所,它会完全由圣银铸造,被整个旧敦灵保护着。” Meilin told the embryonic form of plan to Arthur. 梅林对亚瑟讲述起了计划的雏形。 Old Turin will become a war fortress, is the place that in the end falls to the enemy finally.” 旧敦灵会成为一处战争堡垒,将会是末日中最后沦陷的地方。” What did this plan call?” Arthur asked. “这个计划叫什么?”亚瑟问。 Dies, this is Lorenzo takes, I was not clear why he must give such name for the refuge shelter, I asked him, he also said does not know, took at will.” Merring said. “‘死牢’,这是洛伦佐取的,我也不清楚他为什么要为避难所起这么个名字,我问他,他也说不知道,是随意取的。”梅林说。 Dies...... actually also well, if we defeat, the refuge shelter in fact could not insist how long, it will turn into the death that imprisons the survivor to be firm, everyone can only advance to the death in the darkness.” “死牢吗……其实也不错,如果我们战败,避难所实际上也坚持不了多久,它会变成囚禁幸存者的死牢,大家只能在黑暗里迈向死亡。” Arthur appears loses very much, he is muttering. 亚瑟显得很是失落,他喃喃自语着。 I actually thought refuge shelter type of thing, is not meaningful, according to the Lorenzo information, did not state regains consciousness thoroughly, human did not have the opportunity of counter-attack again, most barely managed to maintain a feeble existence, chronic death.” “我其实觉得避难所这种东西,没有任何意义,按照洛伦佐的情报,不可言述彻底苏醒,人类再无反击的机会,最多是苟延残喘,慢性死亡。” But he insists on being...... me more accidental/surprised than you like this, Lorenzo also has one day of retreating unexpectedly, but he said, we must complete the worst plan, at least needs to leave behind some hopes. “但他执意这样做……我比你还要意外,洛伦佐居然还有退却的一天,但他说,我们要做好最糟的打算,至少要留下些许的希望。 As for barely managing to maintain a feeble existence...... ” 至于苟延残喘……” Merring hesitant, often remembers is heavy and depressing because of this dim truth feeling. 梅林犹豫了一下,每每想起都因这昏暗的真相感受沉重与压抑。 In his words, human has been barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, these for a lot of years the history, is in fact barely managing to maintain a feeble existence, the war never ended.” “用他的话讲,人类一直在苟延残喘,这千百年来的历史,实际上都是在苟延残喘,战争从未结束。” Two people stopped, the movement looked consistently to the one side. 两人停了下来,动作一致地看向了一旁。 Rail track process, what above slings is broken He Tianshi, like a hung to death monster, lost all fierce meanings, was only left over the severe coldness of death. 滑轨经过,上面吊起的是残破的黑天使,就像一头被吊死的怪物,丧失了所有凶恶之意,只剩下了死亡的严寒。 The fragmentary metal residual falls off from above, dingdong fell place, bound makes the sound of warning above geiger counter, the symbol of caution is also pasted completely its body, as if by the iron coffin of incantation seal, was being rejected the recovery of ghost. 零零碎碎的金属残渣从其上脱落,叮叮当当地落了一地,绑定在其上的盖革计数器发出警告的声响,警示的标志也被贴满了它的身体,仿佛一具被咒文封印的铁棺,拒绝着其中亡魂的复苏。 In fact does not have Duke Stuart's request, forever the pump of moving first will also repair He Tianshi, it after all is the Lorenzo weapon, but this fellow now was the trump card of human. 实际上没有斯图亚特公爵的要求,永动之泵也将优先修复黑天使,它毕竟是洛伦佐的武器,而这个家伙现在是人类的王牌了。 This like a grand gambling house, we is not only a gambler, bets the chip on table.” Arthur has looked back to Merring, I may press all chips on the body of Lorenzo.” “这就像一场盛大的赌局,我们既是赌徒,也是赌桌上的筹码。”亚瑟回过头看向了梅林,“我可把所有的筹码都压在了洛伦佐的身上。” „Do we have other person to gamble?” Merring responded, he and Arthur were the same. “我们还有别的人可以押注吗?”梅林回应,他与亚瑟一样。 About dies, Lorenzo also has another reason.” “关于‘死牢’,洛伦佐还有另一个理由。” Merring looks serious, in the eye pupil of no light is ascending the darkness. 梅林神情严肃,无光的眼瞳里升腾着黑暗。 Now two may become path sublimation is loafing, they lived do not know how long monster, almost must arrive in existence of sublimation end, the most important thing is they had the reason. “现在有两个极有可能成为‘道路’的升华者在游荡,他们都是活了不知道多久的怪物,几乎要抵达升华尽头的存在,最为重要的是他们都有理智。 They no longer are the evil spirit that we are familiar with, they have the reason foe, in other words we cannot judge by the common sense again. 他们不再是我们熟悉的妖魔,他们是有理智的仇敌,也就是说我们不能再以常理来判断。 Erdlen is the initial towerman, can say that he is actually and we in the similar standpoint, but continues to subdivide, the way that he chooses is different from us, perhaps among us has the possibility of cooperation, but will be doomed to draw a sword to quarrel. 艾德伦便是最初的守望者,可以说他其实是和我们处于同样的立场,但继续细分下去,他选择的方式与我们不同,我们之间或许有合作的可能,但注定将拔剑相向。 Roger by the lunatic of station corrosion, he is not now only wanted to open path to make not to say station to regain consciousness, ended human long resistance, completes the great sublimation. ” 罗杰则是被不可言述者侵蚀的疯子,他现在只想打开‘道路’令不言述者苏醒,结束人类这漫长的抗争,完成伟大的升华。” Merring's vision is upward along the wall of factory, as if must penetrate this heavy mudstone, witnesses grand of Old Turin. 梅林的目光沿着工厂的墙壁向上,仿佛要透过这沉重的泥石,目睹旧敦灵的宏伟。 To Roger, his foe is not only battue his Erdlen, we, eliminate the mechanism/organization, Old Turin and Ingerveig only, all possibly existence that prevents him to act.” “对于罗杰而言,他的仇敌不仅仅是追猎他的艾德伦,还有我们、净除机关、旧敦灵英尔维格,所有可能阻止他行动的存在。” Perhaps Roger is unable to beat Erdlen, but once he arrives at Old Turin, the choice first destroys us, this will be a disaster.” “罗杰或许无法击败艾德伦,可一旦他降临旧敦灵,选择先摧毁我们,这将是一场灾难。” The Arthur look is dignified, this is dies to have the significance, future really occurrence that once Merring estimates, no one can forecast the trend of war. 亚瑟眼神凝重,这便是“死牢”存在意义,一旦梅林所预想的未来真的发生,没有人能预测到战争的走向。 If Roger succeeded, turned into the ruins Old Turin, then dies is the hope of counter-attack. 如果罗杰成功了,将旧敦灵变成了废墟,那么“死牢”便是反击的希望。 Facing such monster, where regardless of hides not to be unsafe . Moreover, I thought that was threatened like this, incessantly is we.” “面对这样的怪物,无论躲到哪里都不安全,况且,我觉得受到这样威胁的,不止是我们。” Arthur pondered, he recalled powerful enemies, in the mind raised a new idea. 亚瑟思考了一阵,他回忆起了一个又一个的强敌,脑海里升起了一个新的想法。 Roger's goal has us incessantly, I guess the gospel church also in his hunting range.” “罗杰的目标不止有我们,我猜福音教会也在他的狩猎范围内。” Right, moreover Erdlen regained consciousness evidently already sometime, when Lorenzo went to the lonesome sea, seven earthen mounds then blocked completely, in no one knew had anything, all sacred hall knights rolled are assembled there, the new mission did not have the slight news. “没错,而且看样子艾德伦苏醒已经有段时间了,在洛伦佐前往寂海时,七丘之所便完全封锁,没人知晓里面发生了什么,所有的圣堂骑士团都被调集在那里,新教团也没有丝毫的消息。 The gospel church stations troops in the institutes of seven mound, there is Erdlen's supreme headquarters, they knew the arrival of foe. ” 福音教会屯兵在七丘之所,那里是艾德伦的大本营,他们知晓了仇敌的到来。” Then Roger will first attack the institutes of seven mound?” “那么罗杰会优先攻击七丘之所?” I am not clear, but Lorenzo thought that we can attempt to use Erdlen, for this reason he chooses to conform with these information, gives the new Pope, looked that what resolution he will make.” “我不清楚,但洛伦佐觉得我们可以尝试利用艾德伦,为此他选择将这些情报整合起来,交给新教皇,看他会做出什么样的决断。” Meilin continues to say. 梅林继续说道。 But Lorenzo also said, the new Pope had possibly died, at that time the situation had not become this seriously, he said that the new Pope has possibly been under Erdlen's attack, life and death unknown.” “但洛伦佐又说,新教皇可能已经死了,那时事态还没有严重成这样,他说新教皇可能早就遭遇了艾德伦的袭击,生死不明。” „Can that also continue the reporting?” Arthur asked. “那还要继续发送情报吗?”亚瑟问。 „The meaning of Lorenzo continues, the new Pope, is Erdlen, before all these rounds, among us opposes mutually, we must try to win over the same place them now, nothing but is the size of risk is different.” 洛伦佐的意思是继续,无论是新教皇,还是艾德伦,在这一切发前,我们之间都是相互对立的,我们现在要试着将他们拉拢到一起,无非是风险的大小不同。” This is in the gambling.” Arthur only feels disturbed. “这是在赌。”亚瑟只觉得不安。 This is an unequal war, we have to need some luck...... I to think that Lorenzo transports/fortunes good.” Merring tranquil say/way. “这是场实力悬殊的战争,我们不得不需要些运气……我觉得洛伦佐蛮好运的。”梅林平静道。 If the new Pope is also living, that makes him know the truth, moreover this information cannot hide the truth from Erdlen, told Erdlen, we want to do, by his responsibility, he should be glad to hunt and kill Roger with us very much together. “如果新教皇还活着,那就让他知晓真相,而且这段情报瞒不住艾德伦的,告诉艾德伦,我们想做的,以他的职责来看,他应该很乐意于与我们一同猎杀罗杰。 As for the later matter, later was saying. ” 至于之后的事,之后在说。” Meilin long shouted the one breath, the destiny of the world paced back and forth in these people of hands, in the innumerable dark branches, looked to hit by the path that the light shone. 梅林长呼了一口气,世界的命运就在这几人的手中徘徊,在无数黑暗的分支之中,找打被光照耀的道路。 These matters concerned then gave Queen Victoria several days ago, as well as other build the country resolution, now in fact they can do also only then trusts us completely, after all with the war of evil spirit, our very familiar these.” Merring is inquiring Arthur, how do you feel?” “这些事宜在几天前便交给了维多利亚女王,以及其他筑国者决断,实际上他们现在能做的也只有完全信任我们,毕竟与妖魔的战争,我们很熟悉这些。”梅林询问着亚瑟,“你觉得如何?” I can also say anything, can only agree,” Arthur, helpless said, we are familiar with these, but Lorenzo is an expert, the specialized matter, gives the specialized person to do.” “我还能说什么,只能同意了,”亚瑟无奈道,“我们熟悉这些,但洛伦佐是专家,专业的事,就交给专业的人去做。” Arthur is the ponder, more is afraid, this mood is not strong, but like the mosquito encirclement you, driving is not loose. 亚瑟越是思考,越是感到恐惧,这种情绪并不强烈,但就像蚊虫般环绕着你,驱之不散。 How...... wants is very crazy using Erdlen.” “利用艾德伦……怎么想都很疯狂。” So, Lorenzo also wants to use more people incessantly, but about this part, he also very hesitates.” “不止如此,洛伦佐还想利用更多的人,但关于这部分,他也很犹豫。” What to hesitate?” “犹豫什么?” Lorenzo also wants to use another person, if successful, will increase more opportunities for our wars. 洛伦佐还想利用另一个人,如果成功,将会为我们的战争增加更多的机会。 This person is very complex, said with the Lorenzo words, he was a guilty of the most heinous crime lunatic, but from his first thought, he is also truly saving the world. 这个人很复杂,用洛伦佐的话讲,他是个罪大恶极的疯子,但从他的初心去看,他也确实在拯救世界。 Perhaps using, really can play greatly role, uses not well, instead will speed up our demise. ” 利用好了,或许真的能起大作用,利用不好,反而会加快我们的灭亡。” Thinks of here, Merring also feels alarmed and afraid, although that person does not have Erdlen is so powerful, but possibly is reason that because has had to do, Merring instead thought that he wants Erdlen more fearful. 想到这里,梅林也觉得惊惧,虽然那个人没有艾德伦那样强大,但可能是因为打过交道的原因,梅林反而觉得他要比艾德伦更加可怕。 Who?” “谁?” Lawrence.” “劳伦斯。” Looks at Arthur that stunned expression, Merring shakes the head, said slowly. 看着亚瑟那错愕的表情,梅林摇了摇头,缓缓道。 I know when this name, I and you are the same expressions, I thought that the tour of this lonesome sea, truly attacks big regarding Lorenzo, made him insanely, even Lawrence wants to use.” “我知道这个名字时,我和你是一样的表情,我觉得这趟寂海之行,对于洛伦佐确实冲击不小,都把他弄疯了,连劳伦斯都想利用。” What does Lorenzo want to make?” Arthur lowered the sound, in order to avoid oneself roar. 洛伦佐到底想要做什么?”亚瑟压低了声音,以免自己吼出来。 Saves the world, he himself said that” Merring said that saves the world resourcefully, even if trades with the devil are not related, so long as can end this dark destiny, breaks the samsara.” “拯救世界,他自己说的,”梅林说,“不择手段地拯救世界,哪怕与魔鬼交易也没关系,只要能终结这黑暗的命运,打破轮回。” He was really insane.” “他果然疯了。” Almost, Lorenzo said that he has seen Lawrence Gap, He continually expands the regiment, then for him predicted that war, but now the war must come. “差不多吧,洛伦佐说他见过劳伦斯的【间隙】,他不断地扩充军团,便是为了他预言中的战争,而现在战争就要来了。 The matter that we must handle is very simple, will not cause the conflict with Lawrence. ” 我们要做的事情很简单,甚至不会引发与劳伦斯的冲突。” What matter?” “什么事?” With to the method of new Pope, told him the truth of the world, who told his foe is, making his regiment be have the goal, as for will have anything, Lorenzo said that he was not clear. “与对新教皇的手段一样,告诉他世界的真相,告诉他的仇敌是谁,令他的军团得以拥有目标,至于会发生什么,洛伦佐说他也不清楚。 Possibly next day Lawrence brings the regiment to go to the institutes of surprise attack seven mound, the Ioki of sublimation in raging fire, possibly falls into thoroughly crazily, completes the great sublimation, turns into one of our foes. ” 可能第二天劳伦斯就带着军团去奇袭七丘之所,将升华之井置于烈火之中,也可能是彻底陷入疯狂,完成伟大的升华,变成我们的仇敌之一。” Merring beckons with the hand. 梅林摆摆手。 Who knows? Lorenzo were not clear that Lawrence will do to have an accident, therefore he very hesitates, does not know that should use this lunatic.” “谁知道呢?洛伦佐自己也不清楚劳伦斯到底会做出什么事,所以他很犹豫,不知道该不该利用这个疯子。” I felt when Lorenzo has this idea, then should realize this behavior the mistake.” Arthur said. “我觉得洛伦佐有这个想法时,便该意识到这个行为的错误。”亚瑟说。 Lorenzo holds a strange hope, was this hope urges him to use the new Pope, Erdlen and even Lawrence. 洛伦佐抱有一种奇怪的希望,便是这个希望促使了他利用新教皇、艾德伦乃至劳伦斯。 He thought that uses these devils, perhaps finished the correct means of samsara. ” 他觉得利用这些恶魔,或许才是结束轮回的正确办法。” Why does he affirm these? Because of this strange hope?” “他凭什么肯定这些?就因为这奇怪的希望?” Arthur is unable to accept, he has experienced Lawrence's terrifying, his fear takes root in the heart of everyone. 亚瑟无法接受,他见识过劳伦斯的恐怖,他的恐惧扎根于每个人的心中。 Still remembers that I just said to you? Arthur, why you slightly will trust the so-called regulations like this stupidly and blindly.” Merring said. “还记得我刚刚对你说的吗?亚瑟,你为什么会这样略显愚笨、盲目地信任所谓的条例。”梅林说道。 You believe the person who sets the regulations, believes eliminates the mechanism/organization only, believes yourself.” “你相信定下条例的人,相信净除机关,相信你自己。” What do you want to say?” Arthur asked. “你想说什么?”亚瑟问。 A Merring words revolution, said suddenly other. 梅林话语一转,突然讲起了别的。 Lorenzo said that he will have an absent-minded feeling sometimes, does not have to think oneself lived in Old Turin was so long, forgot the long time to him sometimes the jade cold emerald life, reviewed the past, that experience seemed another person.” 洛伦佐说他有时会有一种恍惚感,没想到自己在旧敦灵生活了这么久,久到有时他都忘记了翡冷翠的生活,回顾过去,那段经历仿佛是另一个人的。” Before this is Lorenzo , when forever the pump of moving , at that time they who Meilin said like the present, walked in the factory in this underground deep place, looks machine that these bang are making noise, is feeling the iron and fire. 这是洛伦佐之前在永动之泵时,对梅林所讲的,那时他们就像现在一样,行走在这地下深处的工厂中,望着这些轰隆作响的机器,感受着铁与火。 Lorenzo said that he likes to believe these lunatics, as, his reason with your is why same.” 洛伦佐说他愿意相信这些疯子,至于为什么,他的理由和你的一样。” What reason?” “什么理由?” He believes to become when hunts for the demon person pledge that makes.” “他相信成为猎魔人时所立下的誓言。” Arthur was shocked, he thought that had anything to grip oneself heart, with slight effort, the blood galloped in the body. 亚瑟愣住了,他觉得有什么东西握住了自己心脏,随着轻微的用力,血液在身体内奔腾。 Merring is unemotional, solemn and respectful pastor who disseminates like the church. 梅林面无表情,肃穆的就像教堂内弥散的牧师。 Regardless of the standpoint, regardless of the goal and regardless of the actions, they once was one of the gospel church, hunted for one of the demon mission.” “无论立场、无论目的、无论所作所为,他们都曾是福音教会的一员,猎魔教团的一员。” Eradicates the evil spirit. “根除妖魔。 This hunts for the significance that the demon mission has, hunts for the demon person's pledge. ” 这是猎魔教团存在的意义,也是猎魔人的誓言。”
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