EG :: Volume #6

#11: Meeting

New day arrives, shoves open the window, Old Turin is in in fog misty water vapor, there is a breeze to stroke, brings the bone-chilling cold chill in the air. 新的一天就此到来,推开窗,旧敦灵正处于一片雾蒙蒙的水汽之中,有微风拂过,带来凛冽的寒意。 Lorenzo by near window, whatever the cold wind hits on the body, making the sleepy consciousness sober. 洛伦佐靠在窗边,任由寒风打在身上,让困倦的意识清醒起来。 The cold winter must arrive , not clear before the cold frost arrives, Old Turin also meets the next several icy rains. 寒冷的冬日又要到来了,也不清楚在寒霜降临前,旧敦灵还会下几场冷雨。 The carriage stopped very early in the morning in the entrance, eliminated the jet black carriage of mechanism/organization only, was printed with emblem seal of Stuart family/home, two groups of people were surprised because of existence of opposite party, can see that the kestrel is going down the carriage, said anything toward the carriage of Stuart family/home. 马车一大早地就停在了门口,一辆是净除机关的漆黑马车,一辆则印有斯图亚特家的徽印,两拨人都因对方的存在而感到意外,能看到红隼正走下马车,向着斯图亚特家的马车说些什么。 No one has thought, Lorenzo will also become the marketable sweetie pie unexpectedly, today with the meeting that nine summers cause, these two groups of people want to lead to go, actually then oneself should board which carriage? 谁也没想到,洛伦佐居然也会成为抢手的香饽饽,今天是与九夏来使的会面,这两拨人都想带着自己去,那么自己究竟该上哪辆马车呢? He does not have the consideration is too long, gets up to wear the clothes, put out a hand just to take up the sword bag, but thinks that today's meeting, Lorenzo somewhat hesitated, finally only had to hold a sword to leave. 他没有考虑太久,起身穿好衣服,伸出手刚想拿起剑袋,但想到今天的会面,洛伦佐有些犹豫,最后只带着一把仗剑离开。 Also without opened the front door of office, then can hear cursing angrily of kestrel. 还没等推开事务所的大门,便能听到红隼的怒骂。 Lorenzo you are doing anything!” 洛伦佐你在搞什么!” The kestrel stands in the entrance, an indignation of face, he of reaching an agreement is responsible for bringing Lorenzo to go, finally comes out to snatch the person halfway, the average person he can also send, what finally this comes is the carriage of Stuart family/home. 红隼站在门口,一脸的气愤,说好的他负责带洛伦佐去,结果半路出来个抢人的,一般人他还能打发一下,结果这来的是斯图亚特家的马车。 Casualty wound that because the colleagues of kestrel die, in situation that in the manpower lacks extremely, they start to make good use of the kestrel, in addition he outstanding performance, Arthur will as if intend to give him to be promoted in the near future. 由于红隼的同事们死的死伤的伤,在人手极缺的情况下,他们开始重用红隼,再加上他近期优秀的表现,亚瑟似乎有意给他升职。 Based on these situations, the kestrel also knew, news that he should not learn, for example the vigorous support of Stuart family/home, why although he does not understand Stuart family/home to invest the fund suddenly, does not understand why Queen Victoria will agree with these, but donor investor and so on thing, the kestrel is clear. 基于这些情况,红隼也得知了一些,他本不该得知的消息,比如斯图亚特家的大力赞助,虽然他不懂为什么斯图亚特家会突然投入资金,也不明白为什么维多利亚女王会同意这些,但金主投资人之类的东西,红隼还是清楚的。 These fellows do not have the right intervention to eliminate the operation of mechanism/organization only, but should also have its respect, the kestrel thought that wants to send to make circuit with troupe these people becomes very difficult. 这些家伙没有权利干预净除机关的运行,但也应有其的尊重,红隼觉得想要把这些人打发走会变得很困难。 Price high results.” “价高者得。” Facing cursing angrily of kestrel, a Lorenzo indifferent appearance. 面对红隼的怒骂,洛伦佐一副无所谓的样子。 You thought that you are very valuable?” “你觉得你很值钱吗?” Is unworthy?” “难道不值吗?” The kestrel looked angrily at Lorenzo one, he also really has no good way facing this fellow, can only turn around, walks toward the carriage of Stuart family/home. 红隼怒视了洛伦佐一眼,面对这个家伙他还真没有什么太好的办法,只能转过身,朝着斯图亚特家的马车走去。 He has also mixed in lower city district, blustered, pretended the evil person, too proficiently. 他好歹也是在下城区混过的,虚张声势,装作恶人,太熟练不过了。 The horse cart drivers look at the angry kestrel, is being disinclined manages him evidently, referred to behind compartment directly, hints the kestrel not to come to trouble him. 马车夫看着怒气冲冲的红隼,看样子是懒得理他,直接指了指身后的车厢,示意红隼别来麻烦他。 The kestrel opens the vehicle door, is preparing to throw what aggressive statement, anything could not say. 红隼一把拉开车门,正准备抛什么狠话,却什么也说不出了。 Good morning, does the kestrel, what matter have?” “早上好,红隼,有什么事吗?” The stops up colored glaze puts down the book, looks up this stunned fellow. 塞琉把书放下,抬起头看着这个一脸错愕的家伙。 „...... It‘s nothing, on has not passed each other.” “没……没什么,上错车了。” The kestrel is saying dry. 红隼干巴巴地说着。 Hello! Bye!” “您好!再见!” He closes the vehicle door rapidly, did not return leaves, squinted Lorenzo, climbed up the jet black carriage not silently. 他迅速地关上车门,头也不回地离开,斜视了洛伦佐一眼,一言不发地爬上了漆黑的马车。 Sees kestrel that distressed form, Lorenzo nearly smiles to make noise, they will arrive in the same place in any case finally, walks same unlike whom...... also somewhat. 看着红隼那狼狈的身影,洛伦佐险些笑出了声,反正他们终会抵达同一个地方,跟谁走都一样……也有些不一样。 Everyone is in the same camp, but under segmentation, subordinates under the different flags. 大家都属于同一个阵营之中,但细分之下,又隶属于不同的旗帜下。 Boards the carriage, Lorenzo is somewhat surprised, he asked. 登上马车,洛伦佐有些意外,他问道。 Oscar?” “奥斯卡呢?” In the impression, this old thing since hugging the thigh of stopper colored glaze, had never left, probably was for fear that abandoned to be the same. 印象里,这个老东西自从抱上了塞琉的大腿,就从未离开过,好像生怕被抛弃一样。 He does not build country, does not need to take on these responsibility, in Oscar's words, he retired, now he is immersing during the writing.” “他已经不是筑国者了,没必要承担这些职责了,用奥斯卡的话说,他退休了,现在他正沉浸于写作之中。” The stops up colored glaze to appropriateness that very Oscar arranges. 塞琉给奥斯卡安排的十分妥当。 Complies with his request, I also the editions several publishing houses invited.” “顺应他的要求,我还把几个出版社的编辑请了过来。” „, What's wrong, did Oscar really take a book to be astonishing?” A Lorenzo pleasant surprise, this arrangement simply intimate is not good. “哦哦哦,怎么,奥斯卡真的要一书惊人了吗?”洛伦佐一阵惊喜,这安排简直贴心的不行。 No, he tied up these editors.” “没,他把那些编辑绑了起来。” Ha?” “哈?” The stops up colored glaze settles the throat clear, studied the voice of Oscar. 塞琉清了清嗓,学起了奥斯卡的语态。 These sons of bitches do not understand the appreciation, I must rectify their aesthetic appreciation.” “这些狗东西不懂欣赏,我必须矫正他们的审美。” The Lorenzo expression is awkward, Oscar this quite some feelings of revenge, these editors reject his draft evidently a lot. 洛伦佐的表情尴尬,奥斯卡这颇有复仇的感觉,看样子这几个编辑没少拒绝他的稿子。 Later?” Lorenzo asked. “之后呢?”洛伦佐问。 I do not know, he closed the door.” “我不知道,他把门关上了。” The stops up colored glaze shrugs, she then said. 塞琉耸了耸肩,她接着说道。 But Oscar ensure he will not violate the law, the family/home puts to trouble to Stuart.” “但奥斯卡保证他不会犯法,给斯图亚特家添麻烦的。” That's good.” Lorenzo relaxes. “那还好。”洛伦佐松了口气。 Naturally presents the unexpected words, he will also process cleanly.” “当然出现意外的话,他也会处理干净的。” Lorenzo was almost choked by the saliva, he looks earnestly to the stops up colored glaze, the stopper colored glaze also nods earnestly, she does not have to crack a joke. 洛伦佐差点被口水呛到,他认真地看向塞琉,塞琉也认真地点点头,她没在开玩笑。 Never expected that Oscar also has such side.” Lorenzo said. “没想到奥斯卡还有这样的一面。”洛伦佐道。 His status are many, actually he is the outstanding captain and pirate, even has also worked as a bandit.” The stops up colored glaze said. “他的身份还蛮多的,其实他还是个优秀的船长兼海盗,甚至还当过一阵的土匪。”塞琉说。 „?” “啊?” The stops up colored glaze is surprised about Lorenzo this surprised expression, I think that you have long known these, isn't he your teacher?” 塞琉对洛伦佐这吃惊的表情感到意外,“我以为你早就知道这些的了,他不是你老师吗?” But...... this......” “可……这个……” Lorenzo somewhat speaks incoherently suddenly, writer who in his mind, Oscar is a failure, finally first half of life unexpectedly this of this fellow...... splendid? 洛伦佐一时间有些语无伦次,在他的印象里,奥斯卡就是个失败的作家,结果这个家伙的前半生居然这样……精彩? „Haven't you read his book? In has to write on that «Oscar Wilde Biography».” “你没看他的书吗?就那本《奥斯卡・王尔德传》里面都有写的。” I think that is to make up wild stories!” “我以为那是胡诌!” Said accurately is the reality experience adds on part of artistic processing.” The stops up colored glaze answered accurately. “准确说是现实经历加上一部分的艺术加工。”塞琉准确地解释道。 Lorenzo is somewhat ignorant, he rarely like this, but this truly happened, can feel some funny thing to collapse in his heart explicitly, then becomes stranger. 洛伦佐有些懵,他很少会这样,但这确实发生了,能明确地感受到某个滑稽的东西在他心中坍塌了,然后变得更加奇怪。 Among the chaotic trains of thought that the big construction appeared in the field of vision. 混乱的思绪间,高大的建筑出现在了视野之中。 Old Turin, central train station. 旧敦灵,中央火车站。 As the Old Turin transportation core, here is always very crowded, but now this crowded became worse, the soldier walked in the street is maintaining the order, big anti-riot towered in the crowds. 作为旧敦灵的交通核心,这里总是十分拥挤,而如今这股拥挤变得更加恶劣了,士兵行走在街头维护着秩序,高大的镇暴者耸立在人群间。 The shiny metallic plate is producing an inverted image the crowd like the mirror surface, the terrifying stance made the scene peaceful many, but is unable to contain the mood of crowd as before. 锃亮的金属装甲如同镜面般倒映着人群,恐怖的姿态令现场安静了不少,但依旧无法遏制人群的情绪。 Carries the train of nine summer envoy then to arrive after several minutes probably, this is many person's first experience to this stranger from Far East. 大概在几分钟后载有九夏使者的列车便会抵达,这将是很多人第一次见识到这来自远东的异乡人。 Not clear is to the Eastern curiosity, regards the rare and precious species the mentality, crowded, encircled watertight here. 不清楚是对东方的好奇,还是看待珍稀物种的心态,人来人往,将这里围了个水泄不通。 Lorenzo pulls open the glass, looked here from afar, later the carriage takes to another them. 洛伦佐拉开车窗,远远地看了一眼这里,随后马车将他们带往另一处。 This is only conceals, the true envoy has arrived, the meeting place is not here, but is a that more secret place. 这只是掩饰,真正的使者早已抵达,会面的场所也不是这里,而是那更为隐秘的地方。 Lorenzo raised the head, looks to the dreariness of sky, in loafing of iron whales, a high tower pricks the cloud layer deep place. 洛伦佐抬起头,看向天空的阴郁,在铁鲸们的游荡间,一座高塔刺入云层深处。 Sincere tope.” “敦灵塔。” Lorenzo light language, core of sincere spirit plan, is the present eliminates the core of mechanism/organization only, whereabouts of shatter vault. 洛伦佐轻语着,敦灵计划的核心,也是如今净除机关的核心,破碎穹顶的所在之处。 This meeting will launch there. 这次会面将在那里展开。 Went through so many stormy times, Lorenzo felt oneself have realized the self-poise mentality, may to the present, he also feel some excitements. 经历了这么多风风雨雨,洛伦佐觉得自己早已练成镇定自若的心态,可到了现在,他也不禁感到些许的激动。 He must see right in front of one is not only the mysterious nine summers, this war variable, he anticipated what pleasant surprise very much these nine summer people will bring. 他要去面见的不仅仅是神秘的九夏,还有这场战争的“变数”,他很期待这些九夏人会带来什么样的惊喜。 Whether can be that turns around the situation the pleasant surprise. 是否会是那扭转战局的惊喜。 ...... …… Sincere tope, shatter vault. 敦灵塔,破碎穹顶。 Removes outside iron whale that these hover, here was the Old Turin highest place, was wrapped by the advanced science and technology, is coordinating the operations between entire Old Turin different systems. 排除那些游动的铁鲸外,这里便是旧敦灵的最高处了,被先进的科技所包裹,协调着整个旧敦灵不同系统间的运行。 Arthur sits in the corner of round table, arranges in order the position in his left side in turn tall writing, Percivall, Gareth. 亚瑟坐在圆桌的一角,在他的身旁的左侧依次列位着高文、珀西瓦尔、加雷斯。 In the long war, has stayed at a high level except the mortality rate of mechanism/organization only, even if the knight long is also so, this was eliminates the mechanism/organization only knights to grow at present only, the positions of other vacancies still no one replaced. 漫长的战争中,净除机关的死亡率一直居高不下,哪怕骑士长也是如此,这是目前净除机关仅有的骑士长了,其余空缺的位置尚没有人接替。 In his right side is the head of each department, Merring, Abigail, to train the successor probably, this meeting, Nicola and Eve also presents, but their positions are very near the bottom, almost must integrate in the shadow. 在他的右侧便是各个部门的负责人,梅林、阿比盖尔,大概是为了培养继任者,这一次的会面,尼古拉与伊芙也在场,但他们的位置很靠后,几乎要融入阴影之中。 In another semicircle of round table, is taking a seat lost names headed by Zuo Town, in their behind, Luo De stood in constrained same place, flowed off the sweat anxiously. 在圆桌的另一个半圆上,便落座着以左镇为首的佚名们,在他们的身后,罗德拘束地站在原地,紧张地流下了汗水。 He did not have the qualifications to participate in such conference, because of the status of interpreter, he was joined, the line of sight institute and person, is eliminates the great people of mechanism/organization only, but now Rhode is coexisting one room with them. 他本没有资格参与这样的会议,但因为翻译官的身份,他被加入了进来,视线所及之人,都算是净除机关的大人物们,而现在罗德正和他们共处一室。 This feeling is marvelous, in addition these person of Western languages are very good, Luo De felt own likely guard, but the guard continues he. 这种感觉蛮奇妙的,加上这些人西方语都很不错,罗德觉得自己更像个侍卫,但侍卫不止他一人。 Rhode turns head slightly, peeping stands to he not far Cai, he noticed Rhode's line of sight keenly, looked, before such as was the same, does not say a word, then showed the smile. 罗德微微扭头,偷看站在离他不远的蔡公,他敏锐地注意到了罗德的视线,也看了过去,就如之前一样,一言不发,然后露出微笑。 He probably is really a mute. 他好像真是个哑巴。 Due to the reason of your majesty body, these matters concerned will be under the charge to me.” Arthur broke the long tranquility. “由于陛下身体的原因,这些事宜都将由我负责。”亚瑟打破了漫长的平静。 Un, understanding.” Zuo Town response. “嗯,了解。”左镇回应。 In dozens years ago meetings, the taking office queen then revealed these, to Zuo Town this is not secret. 在几十年前的会面中,上任女王便袒露了这些,对于左镇而言这并不是什么秘密。 But, hasn't started?” “不过,还不开始吗?” Zuo Town looked, the round table is very big, therefore still had many vacancies, he thought that the person should be uneven, was the time starts. 左镇看了一圈,圆桌很大,所以仍有很多空位,他觉得人应该齐了,是时候开始了。 We had building country of new promote, she also has the power participation, but I do not know that she why so late, Mr. Hall Moss.” “我们有了一位新晋的筑国者,她也有权力参与,只是我也不知道她为什么这么晚,还有霍尔莫斯先生。” Arthur looked at a watch, the strict sense, they have not been late, from starting also several minutes, solemnity that but defers to this conference, they should very be ahead of time long then arrive are right. 亚瑟看了一眼手表,严格意义上来讲,他们没有迟到,距离开始还有几分钟,只是按照这场会议的严肃性,他们应该提前很久便抵达才对。 He remembered Duke Stuart and Lorenzo relations, he has a bad idea. 他想起了斯图亚特公爵与洛伦佐的关系,他有着一个糟糕的想法。 This...... first chats that Mr. Hall Moss would rather, can complete the tour of lonesome sea, returns from the end of the world, I am interested in him very much.” “这样吗……倒不如先聊聊那位霍尔莫斯先生,能完成寂海之行,从世界尽头归还,我对他可是很感兴趣。” The limpid sunlight falls from the vault, shines on the face of Zuo Town, outlined the fierce shadow in the old folds. 清澈的日光从穹顶之上落下,映照在左镇的脸上,在苍老的褶皱间勾勒出凶恶的阴影。 Arthur pondered, then asked. 亚瑟思考了一下,然后问道。 What do you want to know?” “你想知道些什么呢?” What person is he......?” Zuo Town asked. “他是个……什么样的人呢?”左镇问。 This issue seemed like perplexed Arthur, his expression suddenly became somewhat stiff, the look drifted away one, looked to colleagues, seeming like wants to get what answer from their. 这个问题似乎是难住了亚瑟,他的表情一时间变得有些僵硬,眼神游离了一阵,看向身旁的同僚们,似乎是想从他们那里得到什么答案。 All these have not escaped the observation of Zuo Town, he smiled. 这一切没有逃过左镇的观察,他笑了起来。 Seeming like to be a very interesting person.” “看起来会是个很有趣的人。” Interesting...... probably, I thought that he is a very complex person, is unreadable, the time is camouflaging, few people can see clearly his true colors.” Arthur thought deeply about good one, said. “有趣……大概吧,我觉得他是个很复杂的人,难以理解,时刻都在伪装,很少有人能看清他的真面目。”亚瑟思索了好一阵,说道。 „Did you see clearly?” Zuo Town asked. “那你看清了吗?”左镇问。 This Arthur hesitant is not long, at present appears this course, life and death time and time again, he definitely said. 这一次亚瑟没有犹豫太久,眼前浮现了这一路的历程,一次又一次的生死,他肯定地说道。 Saw clearly, at this matter, his expert, trustworthy.” “看清了,在这种事上,他的专家,值得信任。” That is good, we need expert like this,” Zuo Town smile, so-called Finally echo Now is also taken care by him, right?” “那就好,我们需要这样的专家,”左镇微笑,“所谓的【终焉回响】现在也由他保管,是吗?” Right, whom I cannot find out more suitable to control this thing.” “没错,我想不出谁更适合掌控这个东西。” This...... we are also very interested regarding that thing, if possible, we want to bring back to nine summers to study it well, after all the counter mold because of being our specialties.” “这样吗……我们对于那个东西也很有兴趣,如果可以的话,我们都想把它带回九夏好好研究一下,毕竟逆模因是我们的专长。” Zuo Town smiles, did not wait for Arthur to continue anything, he then denied oneself words. 左镇笑了笑,不等亚瑟继续说什么,他便否定了自己话。 But is very regrettable, this is impossible, this thing should be used to prevent to restart, we do not have the time to study, does not have the ability to study.” “但很遗憾,这是不可能的,这东西应该用来阻止重启,我们没有时间去研究,也没有能力去研究。” secret blood, hunts for the demon person, in the different environment, under the different influences, we took the different paths, but now the path connects at a point, waits for us to continue to go forward.” “秘血、猎魔人,在不同的环境下,不同的影响下,我们都走出了不同的道路,而如今道路都交汇在了一点,等待着我们继续前进。” Zuo Town is sighing, is gazing at round table another end people, what the time passes is such rapidness, never expected that all have changed so the appearance. 左镇叹息着,注视着圆桌另一端的人们,时间过的是如此之快,没想到一切已经变化成了这般样子。 We are prosperous, the foe is even more powerful.” “我们越是繁盛,仇敌越发强大。” Like these that «Gospel» in writes,” this time Meilin opened the mouth saying that evil different multiplied in in God the shadow, the god was big, the shadow was profound.” “就像《福音书》里所写的那些,”这时梅林开口道,“邪异滋生于神的影子之中,神越是高大,阴影越是深邃。” But currently we have ended all these possibilities, although hopes uncertainly, but is worth trying.” “但现在我们有了终结这一切的可能,虽然希望渺茫,但值得一试。” The Zuo Town slight nod, is approving of Merring words. 左镇微微点头,赞同着梅林话。 This will sweep across the disaster of the world, no one escapes by luck, even if nine summers have are forgetting the Great Wall, are so, everyone's destiny tied up by this fearful foe in one, thunders the advance. 这将是席卷世界的灾难,无人幸免,哪怕九夏拥有着遗忘长城,也是如此,所有人的命运都被这可怕的仇敌绑在了一起,轰鸣前进。 But, Mr. Hall Moss hunts for the demon person, right?” Zuo Town asked. “不过,霍尔莫斯先生是猎魔人,是吗?”左镇问。 Un.” “嗯。” Arthur responded, he felt some anxieties faintly. 亚瑟回应,他隐隐感到了些许的不安。 Treads the hunting for demon person of road of sublimation again, in other words he may also turn newly path, right?” “重踏升华之路的猎魔人,也就是说他也有可能变成新的‘道路’,对吗?” Look of Zuo Town fierce, wants to escape this dark destiny, will want the root to break all relations inevitably, Lorenzo is also so. 左镇的眼神凶恶了起来,想要摆脱这黑暗的命运,势必要根断所有的联系,洛伦佐也是如此。 I know that you are worried about anything, Mr. Hall Moss also understands this point, about these, you do not need to be worried, perfect that very he can process.” Arthur said. “我知道你在担心什么,霍尔莫斯先生也明白这一点,关于这些,你不用担心,他会处理的很完美。”亚瑟说。 Real?” “真的吗?” Zuo Town is suspecting, his mission is extraordinary, he must guarantee that will not have any accident/surprise to happen, all these ends in this. 左镇怀疑着,他的使命非凡,他必须确保不会有任何意外发生,将这一切终结于此。 Arthur nods firmly, he is guaranteeing for Lorenzo. 亚瑟坚定地点头,他为洛伦佐担保着。 I am also and Mr. Hall Moss work together as colleagues for a long time, although I still felt oneself have not understood him truly, but when at least I can be clear, what decision he will make.” “我也算是和霍尔莫斯先生共事已久,我虽然仍觉得自己没有真正地了解他,但至少我能清楚在什么时候,他会做出什么样的决定。” He will eradicate all these, he hunts for the demon person, final hunting for demon person.” “他会根除这一切,他是猎魔人,最后的猎魔人。” Out of the door resounds the sound of footsteps, had anyone to come, his step fast, opened the front door. 门外响起脚步声,有什么人来了,他步伐飞快,推开了大门。
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