DF :: Volume #7

#615: Chapter locking

About 7 : 00 am. 早上 7 点左右。 ding ling ling......” 叮铃铃……” Cell phone ring tone resounds, awakens Han Bin in sleep. 一阵手机铃声响起,将睡梦中的韩彬惊醒。 Han Bin has not opened eyes, routine putting out a hand has traced to the right side of bedhead, takes up the cell phone to press the answering key, feeds.” 韩彬还没睁开眼,已经习惯性的伸手摸向床头的右侧,拿起手机摁下接听键,“喂。” Squadron Chief Han, I am Technical Division Marsch, you delivered to the Technical Division DNA sample intercomparison result to come out, with DNA completely match up that the crime scene left behind.” 韩组长,我是技术科的马希文,你送到技术科的DNA样本比对结果出来了,跟犯罪现场留下的DNA完全吻合。” I feared that affects your investigation, first told you this news, hopes that has not disturbed you to rest.” “我怕影响到您的调查,第一时间就把这个消息告诉您了,希望没打扰到你休息。” No, I, I will thank you ask you to eat meal without enough time another day.” “没有,我谢谢您还来不及呢,改天我请您吃饭。” You're welcome, this is also my duty-bound work. Did not tell you, I tidied up also this/should changing shifts.” “不用客气,这也是我份内的工作。得,不跟您说了,我收拾一下也该换班了。” You are busy.” After hanging up the cell phone, Han Bin fierce sits to set out, disturbs itself not to sleep the slight complaint regarding Marsch. “您忙。”挂断手机后,韩彬猛的坐起身来,对于马希文打扰自己睡觉没有丝毫的抱怨。 This case investigated was so long, had arrived at the shooting, was blocked leave alone by the opposite party goalkeeper, was snatched the opportunity of shooting by the teammates is not Han Bin is willing to see. 这个案子调查了这么久,已经到了临门一脚了,别管是被对方守门员拦下,还是被己方队友抢了射门的机会都不是韩彬愿意看到的。 Han Bin reports the situation with horse Jing Bo immediately, then lets the team member emergency muster hand/subordinate. 韩彬立刻跟马景波汇报情况,而后让手下的队员紧急集合。 ...... …… Xinhua District, Lyan neighborhood. 新华区,利安小区 This is upscale neighborhood, entire neighborhood is underlying bed building household, each level one household and Daping level and direct elevator residence. 这是一个高档小区,整个小区都是低层板楼户型,每层只有一户、大平层、直接电梯入户。 The house is good, the landscaping percentage is high, the house price is not naturally cheap, lives here non- rich is expensive. 房子好,绿化率高,房价自然也不便宜,住在这里的非富即贵。 After collecting DNA, Han Bin was worried that the opposite party vigilance sends Wang Xiao to stare. 采集了施达的DNA后,韩彬担心对方警觉就派王霄盯着。 According to Wang Xiao, got off work to return to Lyan neighborhood not to go out yesterday again. 据王霄说,昨天下班施达回到了利安小区就再也没有出去。 Han Bin and horse Jingbo discussed that will seize the place to place the neighborhood entrance. 韩彬和马景波商量了一番,将抓捕地点放在了小区门口。 Han Bin first drove to rush to Lyan neighborhood. 韩彬第一时间开车赶到了利安小区 Han Bin just stopped the car(riage) in neighborhood entrance not far away, which corner v60377018 angular bit Wang Xiao did not know from, on Han Bin car(riage). 韩彬刚把车停在小区门口不远处,王霄不知从哪个旮旯角钻了出来,上了韩彬的车里。 Han Bin turned head to look at opposite party one eyes, except that the eye socket was somewhat black, smoke was somewhat big, the state of mind was good, can determine that hasn't left?” 韩彬扭头看了对方一眼,除了眼圈有些黑,身上的烟味有些大,精神状态还是挺好的,“能确定施达没有离开吗?” Ok.” Wang Xiao tone is assured, this neighborhood has the east, south, west, and north four gates, since having the epidemic situation, other gates closed/pass, only left behind the east gate turnover. Moreover the exit|to speak of east gate or automobile, so long as stares at unable to be inescapable in this.” “可以。”王霄语气笃定,“这个小区有东南西北四个门,自从发生疫情后,其他的门都关了,只留下了东门进出。而且东门还是汽车的出口,只要在这盯着施达就跑不了。” The Han Bin right hand index finger rapped on the steering wheel, some are not at heart steadfast, if no vigilance to be good, what to do if really vigilant made others car(riage) to run. 韩彬右手食指在方向盘上敲击了一下,心里还是有些不踏实,施达如果没有警觉还好,万一真的警觉了做别人车跑了咋办。 Wang Xiao looks again tight, is impossible to observe closely each car(riage). 王霄看的再紧,也不可能盯住每一辆车。 In the meantime, hold/container Xing and river Yang walked one on the left and other on the right, opens the vehicle door, seated the back row of automobile. 就在此时,包星和江扬一左一右走了过来,打开车门,坐进了汽车的后排。 hold/container Xing is ready to fight saying that Squadron Chief, when we begin to make an arrest.” 包星摩拳擦掌道,“组长,咱们什么时候动手抓人。” Han Bin irrelevantly replied, „ in the world Angola Food Company how many points? „ 韩彬答非所问,“世安食品公司几点上吧?“ hold/container Xing thinks, I remember should be nine points.” 包星想了想,“我记得应该是九点。” Han Bin looked at a cell phone, present already 8:05, if within 20 minutes has not come out, we enter neighborhood seizing.” 韩彬看了一眼手机,“现在已经八点五分了,如果二十分钟之内施达没有出来,咱们就进小区抓捕。” river Yang craned one's neck and look around, why this wants sarin neurotoxin compound autumn saying that what gratitude and grudges among them has?” 江扬探头张望了一番,“这个施达为什么要杀林秋云,他们之间到底有什么恩怨?” I also a little wonder, among them has what bitter hatred, under actually wants this cruel methods.” hold/container Xingza pounded the mouth. “我也有点纳闷,他们之间有什么深仇大恨,施达竟然要下这种狠手。”包星砸吧了砸吧嘴。 Before, he has thought Guo Xiaoshan's suspicion was bigger, forest autumn who after all, Guo Xiaoshan harmed in the past clouds the miscarriage, but he who forest Qiuyun harmed went bankrupt, gratitude and grudges between two people were very obvious. 之前,他一直觉得郭晓山的嫌疑更大,毕竟,当年郭晓山害的林秋云流产,而林秋云害的他破产,两个人之间的恩怨十分明显。 Han Bin has not said that he will suspect, detected that from journey Jiwen and Guo Xiaoshan's record the traces, he also thought the opposite party has the suspicion, he is unable to determine as for the motive of murder. 韩彬没有接话,他之所以会怀疑施达,是从程继文和郭晓山的笔录中察觉到了蛛丝马迹,他也只是觉得对方有嫌疑,至于杀人的动机他也无法确定。 Includes the star bold guess, you said, this forest autumn clouds can not be ordinary with relations, this passing of explanation, forest Qiuyun after the miscarriage, uses/gives Dakao ponders the physical condition of opposite party, adjusted the marketing department from the food products factory her, was a compensation in disguised form.” 包星大胆的猜测,“你们说,这个林秋云会不会和施达的关系不一般,这样的话就解释的通,林秋云在流产之后,施达考虑到对方的身体状况,才将她从食品厂调到了营销部门,也算是一种变相的补偿。” river Yang asked back,how a non- common law, you thought forest Qiuyun and have the affair, 江扬反问,“怎么个不一般法,你觉得林秋云和施达有不正当关系, forest Qiuyun belly the child possibly is? ” hold/container Xing replied, this was only my guess, but also without finding enough evidence, but, if were really guessed by me, I thought that this likely was the motive that killed people.” 林秋云肚子里的孩子可能是施达的?”包星答道,“这只是我的猜测,还没有找到足够的证据,不过,如果真被我猜中了,我觉得这很可能就是施达杀人的动机。” Wang Xiao inserted one, „, even if two people have the affair, does not need to kill people.” 王霄插了一句,“就算两人有不正当关系,施达也没有必要杀人呀。” hold/container Xing feels the chin, said looking pensive, perhaps forest Qiuyun wants are more, a manager of marketing department could not satisfy her appetite. However does not want to pay too, is afraid forest Qiuyun to continue to pester, therefore asked people to solve her.” 包星摸着下巴,若有所思道,“也许林秋云想要的更多,一个营销部的经理根本满足不了她的胃口。但是施达又不想付出太多,害怕林秋云继续纠缠,所以就找人把她解决了。” Although hold/container Xing the speculation does not have the real diagnosis, but establishes from the inference, Han Bin recalled carefully, we give forest Qiuyun husband journey Jiwen who makes the record, he has not asked the issue in this aspect. I felt, if the woman really went off track, the man is impossible not to have a point to detect.” 包星的推测虽然没有实证,但是从推理上来说还是成立的,韩彬仔细回想了一番,“咱们给林秋云的丈夫程继文做笔录时,他并没有提出这方面的问题。我个人感觉,如果女人真的出轨了,男人不可能没有一点察觉。” hold/container Xing smiles, Squadron Chief, you think that who with your same vigilance, you are police, they are not. Worked as father's news is too many like this type happily, so long as you looked at one, can give you to push ten.” 包星嘿嘿一笑,“组长,您以为谁都跟您一样警觉,您是警察,他们可不是。像这种喜当爹的新闻太多了,您只要看一条,就能给您推送十条。” Said again, is forest Qiuyun the boss, two people go to work, wants the appointment the time in the same company, looks for casually by the head on the line. When the time comes the normal point gets off work, how without were caught red-handed to be discovered?” “再说了,施达是林秋云的上司,两个人在同一家公司上班,想要约会的时候,随便找个由头就行。到时候还是正常点下班,只要没被逮个正着怎么就被发现了?” Although hold/container Xing some speculation dog blood, pour passing that also explained. 虽然包星的推测有些狗血,倒也解释的通。 Wang Xiao also raised another person, actually, I have thought journey Jiwen is quite suspicious, he bought the safe time is too accurate for Li Qiuyue, very difficult is not doubtable.” 王霄又提起了另一个人,“其实,我一直觉得程继文比较可疑,他给李秋月买保险的时间太准了,很难不让人怀疑。” hold/container Xing shrugs the arm, „before me, suspects the process following the article, but the present DNA intercomparison result had come out, the murderer who kills vermilion Weichao is.” 包星耸了耸肩膀,“我之前也怀疑过程继文,但现在的DNA比对结果已经出来了,杀死朱为超的凶手就是施达。” Wang Xiao thought journey Jiwen is quite suspicious, according to him the investigation experience, killed the wife to deceive to guarantee this matter in the past to be by no means coincidental, can be journey Jiwen commits a crime jointly?” 王霄还是觉得程继文比较可疑,根据他以往的调查经验,杀妻骗保这种事绝非偶然,“有没有可能是施达和程继文联手作案?” Han Bin thought that some are far-fetched, how more infers, the more dog blood, „, if really looks like hold/container Xing to guess that kills forest Qiuyun is because among two people has the affair. And between does the relational absolute potential journey Jiwen with the water and fire, they also hold true by kills people jointly.” 韩彬觉得有些不靠谱,怎么越推理、越狗血,“如果真像包星猜测的,施达杀死林秋云是因为两人之间有不正当关系。那施达和程继文之间的关系绝对势同水火,他们又有什么理由联手杀人。” Do not guess randomly, since attained the evidence of determining guilt, will definitely confess when the time comes asked he was good.” “别乱猜了,既然拿到了定罪的证据,施达肯定会交代,到时候问他就行了。” I confess process that now seizes, if he drives, wants to seize some difficulties, therefore, must ask he himself to leave from the car(riage). Everyone has any good idea saying that profits by opinions from various sources......” “我现在交代一下抓捕的过程,他如果开车出来,想要抓捕还是有一些难度的,所以,必须让他自己从车里走下来。大家有什么好的想法都可以说出来,集思广益……” Han Bin discussed with the team members a bit, confession similar time, a car(riage) started. 韩彬跟队员们商量了一会,交代的差不多的时候,一辆车开了过来。 Wū wū......” “呜呜……” Han Bin has been observing all around, this car(riage) naturally cannot escape from his line of sight. 韩彬一直观察着四周,这辆车自然也逃不出他的视线。 Should be the horse caravan came, I get out to have a look, you continue to stare at and other orders.” Han Bin says a few words, later in side that car(riage), in the car(riage) in the car(riage) besides horse Jing wave, Ding Xifeng also came. “应该是马队来了,我下车看看,你们继续盯着等命令。”韩彬撂下一句话,随后就上了旁边那辆车,车里车里除了马景波之外,丁锡锋也来了。 Ding Xifeng had a yawn, situation how?” 丁锡锋打了个哈欠,“情况怎么样?” Lives in this neighborhood, yesterday I sent people to stare, had not discovered that the opposite party leaves neighborhood. If after 8.2 15, has not come out, goes to home to seize again.” “施达就住在这个小区,昨天我就派人盯着,还没有发现对方离开小区。如果八点二十五之后施达还没有出来,再去施达家里进行抓捕。” horse Jingbo asked that „the present waits for him to go to work?” 马景波问道,“现在等他上班?” Yes.” “是。” Why doesn't go to the home to seize directly?” “为什么不直接去家里抓捕?” According to the property company, many house-owners installed the private monitoring, considering security in order, seizes outside neighborhood is safer.” “据物业公司说,很多房主都安装了私人监控,考虑到安全起见,还是在小区外面抓捕更稳妥。” How does he go to work?” “他怎么上班?” Should be drives to go to work.” “应该是开车上班。” Thinks how was good to intercept?” “想好怎么拦截了吗?” Han Bin smiles, the confident say/way, after yesterday collected fingerprint, I made Wang Xiao follow closely in this, he has greeted with the property, I also did arranged beforehand, two looked.” 韩彬笑了笑,信心十足道,“昨天采集了施达的指纹后,我就让王霄在这盯梢了,他已经跟物业打过招呼,我也做了事先安排,两位就瞧好吧。” horse Jingbo turned head, stared Han Bin one, your boy takes responsibility on oneself now, is striking one's chest bang bang the sound, the critical moment do not fall the chain.” 马景波扭头,瞪了韩彬一眼,“你小子现在大包大揽,拍着胸脯砰砰响,可别关键时刻掉链子。”
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