DF :: Volume #6

#518: Appearing before court

This news makes Han Bin somewhat accidental/surprised actually, the older female cousin and biological elder sister have a big disparity. 这个消息倒是让韩彬有些意外,堂姐和亲姐还是有不小差距的。 Ms. Hong, what unusuality did you recently have periphery the feeling to have?” “洪女士,你最近有没有感觉周围有什么异常?” Exceptionally?” Hong Xin knits the brows, what do you mean?” “异常?”洪欣皱了皱眉,“什么意思呀?” For example, do you have by the stranger is staring at the feeling?” “比如说,你有没有被陌生人盯着的感觉?” Hong Xin reveals the surprise the look, you were said that some people did track me?” 洪欣露出诧异的神色,“你是说有人跟踪我?” Han Bin comforting said, you do not use anxiously, I draw an analogy.” 韩彬安抚道,“你不用紧张,我只是打个比方。” Hong Xin swallows the saliva, Li Yuan died, Jiang cold also dead, said I might also be killed with another child.” 洪欣咽了咽口水,“李苑死了、姜寒也死了,是不是说我跟另外一个小孩也有可能被杀。” You and Li Yuan, Jiang cold the situation is obviously different, I was saying these reminded to you, provide against contingencies.” “你和李苑、姜寒的情况显然是不同的,我说着这些只是给你提个醒,以防万一。” What to do that...... should that I, what to do?” “那……那我该怎么办,怎么办?” Recently do not go to person few places, do not go to not the familiar place, too do not go home late, does not give the opportunity that the suspect commits a crime as far as possible.” Han Bin said. “最近一段时间不要去人少的地方,不要去不熟悉的地方,不要太晚回家,尽量不给嫌疑人作案的机会。”韩彬道。 Hong Xinca the sweat that scratches the forehead, Officer Han, listened to your such saying, I lacked self-confidence.” 洪欣擦了擦额头的汗水,“韩警官,听您这么一说,我心里更没底了。” Like this, if you need, we can send the police officer to protect in secret.” Han Bin said. “这样,如果你需要的话,我们可以派警员暗中保护。”韩彬道。 How to protect me, has followed I?” “怎么保护我,一直跟着我吗?” This you do not need to manage, and before , the equally normal life was OK.” “这个你不用管,跟之前一样正常生活就可以了。” Hong Xinshen inspires, „can that I know that is who protects me, really must have what accident/surprise, how I contact with you.” 洪欣深吸了一口气,“那我能不能知道是谁保护我,真要有什么意外,我怎么联系你们。” Han Bin turned head to forget Li zither | Jean. 韩彬扭头忘了一眼李琴。 Li zither | Jean is understanding, opens the mouth saying that Ms. Hong, this is my name card, later has what situation, can contact with me directly.” 李琴会意,开口道,“洪女士,这是我的名片,以后有什么情况,可以直接联系我。” Good, like this I also steadfastly.” Hong Xin received the name card to put in the yellow backpack. “好,这样我心里还踏实点。”洪欣接过名片放到黄色背包里。 Ms. Hong, you can first return to the personnel, before getting off work , my person will contact with you.” “洪女士,你可以先回单位工作,下班前我的人会联系你。” What danger during the daytime won't have?” “白天不会有什么危险吧?” Remembers several that just I said a moment ago, will not have the issue.” Han Bin said. “记住刚我刚才说的几条,不会有问题。”韩彬道。 From the modus operandi of suspect, he not crazed kills people under big crowd of people, so long as following the commission of Han Bin the person few places, Hong Xin will basically not have what danger. 从嫌疑人的作案手法来看,他并没有丧心病狂的在大庭广众之下杀人,只要遵照韩彬的嘱托不去人少的地方,洪欣基本上不会有什么危险。 After Hong Xin leaves, Han Bin with Li Qinhe hold/container Xingkai a small meeting, kept the urban district to be responsible for protecting Hong Xin safety two people, simultaneously verifies the Hong Xin alibi, the necessary time can seek the local police station to assist. 洪欣离开之后,韩彬跟李琴和包星开了个小会,将两人留在了市区负责保护洪欣的安全,同时核实洪欣的不在场证明,必要时候可以寻求当地派出所协助。 After arranging the duty, Han Bin went to a big Section Chief office, reported to work with Ding Xifeng. 安排完任务后,韩彬又去了一趟大队长办公室,跟丁锡锋汇报了一下工作。 11 : 30 am, Han Bin had hot pot young food in the , 12 points drive to rush to the high city from the water conservancy bureau. 上午11点半,韩彬在附近吃了一份煲仔饭,十二点从水利局附近开车赶往高城市。 Noon car(riage) are quite many, not only crosses the traffic light to be slow, the speed cannot raise, 11.5 about 13 stabilized the elementary school family member building, on the road Han Bin used for 53 minutes, supposed that the return trip also uses the same time, wants to hurry back to the water conservancy bureau before 2 : 00, commits a crime the short time insufficient quarter of an hour. 中午的车比较多,不光过红绿灯慢,速度也提不起来,十一点五十三分左右到了安定小学家属楼,路上韩彬用了五十三分钟,假设返程也用相同的时间,想要在两点之前赶回水利局,作案短时间不足一刻钟。 Hong Xin must deceive the door in the quarter of an hour, electronics corona dead, and goner drags the bedroom, the bundle, opens the gas valve, then calm departure neighborhood. 洪欣要在一刻钟内骗开房门,电晕死者,并且将死者拖到卧室,捆绑,打开煤气阀门,而后从容的离开小区 With the experience of Han Bin, is almost is impossible to complete. 韩彬的经验来看,几乎是不可能完成的。 Wants with doing is completely two matters, implements the crime truly time, will definitely come across some things of imagination. 想和做完全是两码事,真正实施犯罪的时候,肯定会遇到一些想象不到的事情。 After several minutes, Han Bin drove to rush to the high city police station. 几分钟后,韩彬开车赶到了高城市公安局。 Saw horse Jingbo and the others in the Criminal Investigation conference room. 刑侦会议室看到了马景波等人。 horse Jing the peak two dark pouches, in the hand take a teacup, the spirit looks somewhat thin and pale. 马景波顶着两个黑眼圈,手里拿着一个茶杯,精神看起来有些憔悴。 Han first situation in urban district, reported to horse Jingbo. 韩家先将市区的情况,给马景波汇报了一番。 Then, horse Jingbo high city situation, narrated simply. 而后,马景波将高城市这边的情况,也简单的叙述了一下。 After the Han Bin belt/bring person leaves, the high city Jing to Chen Shaohuan and Cai launches to trace at the same night. 韩彬带人离开后,高城市这边对陈少欢和蔡菁连夜展开追查。 The police first contacted with Chen Shaohuan, knows the opposite party now not in the high city, but the following husband returned to the husband's family's home, the high City Police had conducted oral summon to her, she will comply to come police station to make the record as soon as possible, but has not made an appearance in the morning, the high city Criminal Investigation Division person is still contacting with the opposite party. 警方先联系上了陈少欢,得知对方现在不在高城市,而是跟着丈夫回了婆家,高城市警方已经对她进行了口头传唤,她答应了会尽快来警局做笔录,但是上午并没有露面,高城市刑侦队的人还在联系对方。 As for Cai Jing, the police had not found her whereabouts, she does not have the cell phone, Chen Shaohuan and Chen Baifeng was not clear that which she is, that side the maternal home relative was also very long had not related, the difficulty of investigation wanted to be bigger. 至于蔡菁,警方没有找到她的行踪,她没有手机,陈少欢和陈柏峰都不清楚她在哪,娘家那边的亲戚也很久没有联系了,调查的难度要大一些。 Technical team that side DNA appraisal result had come out, the dead reaches as high as 99.98 with Jiang Kun mountain DNA similarity, but Jiang Kun mountain wants this son, can determine the dead ginger Chinese. 技术队那边的DNA鉴定结果已经出来了,死者跟姜坤山的DNA相似度高达99.98,而姜坤山只要这一个儿子,可以确定死者正是姜华文。 Creak......”, Li Cunrong entered the office hurriedly. “咯吱……”一声,李存荣风风火火的走进了办公室。 Horse Section Chief, Brother Han also came back.” “马队长,韩老弟也回来了。” Looks at your strength, checked the recent clue.” Han Bin said with a smile. “看你这劲头,是不是查到新线索了。”韩彬笑道。 Guessed good.” Li Cunrong smiles, pulls a chair to sit down, I just obtained a news, the inhabitant in stable elementary school family member building provided a clue.” “猜的不错。”李存荣笑了笑,拉了一把椅子坐下,“我刚得到了一个消息,安定小学家属楼的住户提供了一个线索。” „The person of provides the clue name was Zhang Bo to use, he lived in the building of Jiang magnificence Wen, according to his confessions about 3 : 00 pm, he went downstairs, saw a strange man in the first floor corridor, at that time did not have to care, now thinks that thought that man was somewhat suspicious.” “提供线索的人叫张博用,他就住在姜华文家的楼上,据他交代昨天下午三点左右,他下楼的时候,在一楼楼道里看到了一个陌生的男子,当时还没太在意,现在想想觉得那个男子有些可疑。” horse Jingbo asked that that male what to be long?” 马景波问道,“那个男的长什么样?” Zhang Bo with saying that man wears the duckbill cap and mask, this year wears the mask is not the unusual matter, he has not cared, that male what has length of body, he cannot say, the general impression is medium, at the back of a black package.” “张博用说那个男子戴着鸭舌帽和口罩,这年头戴口罩也不是啥稀奇事,他也就没有在意,那男的具体长什么样,他也说不上来,大概的印象就是中等个,背着一个黑色的包。” Wang Xiao puts out a cigarette from the cigarette case, according to our beforehand judgments, the suspect is very possible is a female surname, is difficult to be inadequate is gang committing a crime.” 王霄从烟盒里拿出一根香烟,“根据咱们之前的判断,嫌疑人很可能是个女姓,难不成是团伙作案。” river Yangdao, key was the clue were too few, depended on the duckbill cap and black backpack these two points, must find this suspicion man is not perhaps easy.” 江扬道,“关键是线索太少了,就凭鸭舌帽和黑色背包这两点,要找到这个嫌疑男子恐怕不容易。” horse Jingbo knocked the table, old means that check the monitoring.” 马景波敲了敲桌子,“老办法,查监控。” Li Cunrong nods, „my arranges.” 李存荣点点头,“我这就去安排。” Afterward, Li Cunrong left the conference room. 随后,李存荣离开了会议室。 horse Jingbo gave Han Bin cigarette, how you to see regarding this clue?” 马景波递给了韩彬一支烟,“对于这个线索你怎么看?” Han Bin is pinching the smoke, knocked knocking on the table, from the current clue, several suspicion big people are the female surname, but I thought that does not rule out the possibility of male surname committing a crime.” 韩彬掐着烟,在桌子上敲了敲,“从目前的线索来看,几个嫌疑较大的人都是女姓,但是我觉得也不排除男姓作案的可能。” „The body of dead in the bedroom discovered, if the acquaintance commits a crime, can convince actually. If the stranger commits a crime, likely in opening the door the dead of flash electronics corona , the dead should pour in the entrance in this case, rather than pours in the bedroom.” “死者的尸体是在卧室发现的,如果是熟人作案的话,倒是能说得通。如果是陌生人作案,很可能是在开门的一刹那电晕的死者,这样的话,死者应该是倒在门口,而不是倒在卧室。” „The dead is a grown male surname, the body weight about 160 jin (0.5 kg), the female surname suspect drags to entrain is not easy, from this point male surname committing a crime possibly is bigger.” The Han Bin analysis said. “死者是一名成年男姓,体重在一百六十斤左右,女姓嫌疑人拖拽起来不容易,从这一点看男姓作案的可能更大一些。”韩彬分析道。 Creak......”, the gate of conference room opened, Li Cunrong stride walked. “咯吱……”一声,会议室的门又开了,李存荣大步走了进来。 Sees hurried that the opposite party walks, horse Jingbo knits the brows saying that how?” 看到对方走的匆忙,马景波皱眉道,“怎么了?” Chen Baifeng comes police station to voluntarily surrender to the authorities, acknowledged oneself are the murderer who kill the ginger Chinese.” “陈柏峰来警局投案自首,承认自己是杀死姜华文的凶手。”
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