DF :: Volume #4

#384: Video

Squadron Chief, do you and Zhao Ming do excitedly?” Tian Li is somewhat puzzled. 组长,你和赵明那么激动干啥?”田丽有些不解。 Han Bin has not concealed, the forced smile said: That Honda car(riage) that explodes cheats, behind us, surpassed the past from other right traffic lane car(riage) finally.” 韩彬也没隐瞒,苦笑道:“那辆爆诈的本田车,原本是在我们后面,结果从右车道别车超了过去。” Other malicious car(riage) matter, so long as has driven understands, the uncle can endure, the aunt cannot endure. 恶意别车这种事,只要开过车的都明白,叔叔能忍,婶婶也不能忍。 Quality good person, must have complains several. 素质再好的人,也少不了抱怨几句。 The temperament not good direct country scolded. 脾气不好的直接一顿国骂。 Du Qi, Tian Li and Sun Xiaopeng three people are an appearance so that's how it is. 杜奇田丽孙晓鹏三人都是一副原来如此的模样。 If before were Han Bin and Zhao Ming regards the crow mouth Li Hui. 如果说之前是韩彬赵明李辉当成乌鸦嘴。 Then, three people are regarded the crow mouth now. 那么,现在三人一齐被当成了乌鸦嘴。 Coughed......” Han Bin to cough lightly, greeted the people: Sits, we compile the case.” “咳……”韩彬轻咳了一声,招呼众人:“都坐过来,咱们汇总一下案情。” Sun Xiaopeng put out one box of chewing gum to send. 孙晓鹏拿出一盒口香糖发了一圈。 If were seen by the bystander, may feel strange, however has become accustomed to 2nd Squad. 如果被外人看到,可能会觉得怪异,但是在二组已经习以为常。 In the public area of enclosed compartment, try not to smoke, this is one respect to others, you respect others, others will respect you. 在密闭空间的公共场合内,尽量不要抽烟,这是对别人的一种尊重,你尊重人家,人家才会尊重你。 Han Weidong and Han Bin smoke, only but if came the guest, otherwise rarely smokes at home. 韩卫东韩彬都抽烟,但除非来了客人,否则很少在家里抽烟。 Naturally, only if everyone smokes, this did not matter. 当然,除非大家都抽烟,这就无所谓了。 Han Bin opens the notebook, looks to nearby Tian Li: Xia Bin hai how?” 韩彬翻开笔记本,望向一旁的田丽:“夏斌海查的怎么样了?” This morning, tender Beauty shop sent in Xia Bin hai ID card copy, I in public security system, Xia Bin hai ID card was fake.” “今天上午,娇娇美容院发来了夏斌海的身份证复印件,我在公安系统里查了一下,夏斌海的身份证是假的。” False?” Some Li Hui surprise: This also is really the unexpected benefit.” “假的?”李辉有些诧异:“这还真是意外收获。” Bankcard? Must pay out the wages.” “银行卡呢?总得发工资吧。” I have asked that tender Beauty shop sends the cash.” “我问过了,娇娇美容院都是发现金。” Han Bin knits the brows: „A that five dangerous gold/metal?” 韩彬皱了皱眉:“那五险一金呢?” Tian Li shrugs: No.” 田丽耸了耸肩:“没有。” Zhao Ming rubbed the nose: It seems like this tender Beauty shop, without imagination is so regular.” 赵明揉了揉鼻子:“看来这个娇娇美容院,没有想象的那么正规嘛。” Xia Bin hai with the false status information, he likely has the criminal record, this it seems like his suspicion is very big.” Du Qi said. “夏斌海用虚假身份信息,他很可能有前科,这样看来他的嫌疑很大。”杜奇道。 Han Bin carries the teacup, said looking pensive: His mobile number?” 韩彬端起茶杯,若有所思道:“他的手机号呢?” „The mobile number that he uses, has stopped using, did not have the communications company to check the registration information with enough time.” Tian Li said. “他使用的手机号,已经暂停使用了,还没来得及去通信公司查登记信息。”田丽道。 Han Bin puts down the teacup: „After meeting, immediately checks to register the information.” 韩彬放下茶杯:“开完会之后,立刻查一下登记信息。” Yes.” “是。” Brother Bin, will the snowman case jointly also handle a case with the city Criminal Investigation brigade?” Zhao Ming curious say/way. 彬哥,雪人案还会跟市刑侦大队联合办案吗?”赵明好奇道。 Hehe, this issue does not need Bin to reply, I can tell you, the city Criminal Investigation brigade definitely reassigns a large group police forces to investigate to explode now cheats the case, so long as we did not request that on own initiative the city bureau directors investigate, I felt the possibility that jointly handles a case is not big.” Li Hui analysis. “嘿嘿,这问题不用彬子回答,我就能告诉你,市刑侦大队现在肯定抽调了大量的警力调查爆诈案,只要咱们不主动请求市局指导查案,我觉得联合办案的可能性不大。”李辉分析。 Regarding this analysis, Han Bin quite approves of: Everyone be not pointing at the city Criminal Investigation brigade, asking others for help to might as well ask oneself.” 对于这个分析,韩彬还是比较赞同的:“大家就别指着市刑侦大队了,求人不如求己。” Han Bin arrived by the blank slate, wrote the evidence two characters: „The evidence that now we can have is the genetic material of suspect, but in the database has not compared successfully, must do discovers the suspicion object, so long as DNA compared successfully, this case tied even.” 韩彬走到了白板旁,写了证据两个字:“现在咱们能够掌握的证据就是嫌疑人的遗传物质,但是数据库里并没有比对成功,现在要做的就是找出嫌疑对象,只要DNA比对成功了,这个案子就算是结了。” Wanted me saying that we searched Xia Bin hai full power, he and between Xue Mengjiao had the conflict, there is a motive . Moreover, forest moon/month Yao Chuang said tenderly, Xia Bin hai tracked Xue dream to be tender.” Zhao Ming said. “要我说,咱们就全力查找夏斌海,他和薛梦娇之间有冲突,也有动机,而且,无论是林月娇还是姚闯都说过来,夏斌海曾经跟踪过薛梦娇。”赵明说道。 Li Hui glanced through to write down: I remember that Yao Chuang has added that Xue Lipeng also feels emotion ren, Xue Mengjiao likely also has the conflict with Xue Lipeng sweetheart, can be used as the suspicion object to investigate.” 李辉翻阅了一下笔记:“我记得姚闯还说过,薛立鹏也有情ren,薛梦娇很可能跟薛立鹏的情人也有冲突,也可以作为嫌疑对象调查一下。” Tian Li nods: These two suit the situation that the acquaintance commits a crime.” 田丽点点头:“这两人都符合熟人作案的情况。” That side Xue Lipeng informed?” “薛立鹏那边通知了吗?” Tian Li responded: I have contacted with him, he is catching up in the round trip, it is estimated that today can.” 田丽回应道:“我已经联系上他了,他正在往回赶,估计今天就能到。” To know that who Xue Lipeng sentiment ren is, the simplest way, naturally inquires him. 想要知道薛立鹏的情ren是谁,最简单的办法,自然是询问他本人。 Husband who Li Hui, you contact with Gu Yuwen, Leppin must go to one.” Han Bin said. 李辉,你联系一下顾玉文的丈夫,莱平市还是要去一趟的。”韩彬道。 I knew.” “我知道了。” „Others, continue to examine nearby the Audi car(riage) monitoring, besides examination suspicious person, but must investigate the suspicious vehicle, simultaneously expands the time of investigation.” “其他人,继续查看奥迪车现场附近的监控,除了查看可疑人物之外,还要核查可疑车辆,同时扩大排查的时间。” Yes.” The people complied with one, separately action. “是。”众人应了一声,分头行动。 ...... …… Leaves for on the Qindao High Speed Rail from Quancheng. 一辆从泉城开往琴岛的高铁上。 As soon as in compartment. 一等车厢内。 A middle-aged man sits in the compartment front, the eyes are red, some look delay on face. 一个中年男子坐在车厢前排,双眼通红,脸上的神色有些呆滞。 This middle-aged man Xue Mengjiao father Xue Lipeng. 这个中年男子正是薛梦娇的父亲薛立鹏。 Knew after daughter possibly killed news, he makes one purchase the High Speed Rail ticket to return to Qindao ahead of time, at this time the temporary order form was very difficult, he plied the connections, got so far as a ticket of first-grade place. 得知女儿可能被杀害的消息后,他让人提前购买高铁票返回琴岛,这个时候临时订票是很困难的,他托了关系,才弄到一张一等座的车票。 In front of Xue Lipeng is putting one bottle of Maotai, often drinking, does not have any food that goes well with wine, does to drink. 薛立鹏面前放着一瓶茅台,不时的喝上一口,没有任何下酒菜,就这么干喝。 So long as is a discerning person, understood at a glance, he should experiences the worrying matter. 只要是明眼人,一看就知道,他应该是遇到烦心事了。 However, this year the headmen do not pry, as soon as in addition the person of compartment are few, is quite spacious, whose matter no one obstructs, no one spoke to persuade actually. 不过,这年头人们都不爱管闲事,加上一等车厢的人少,也比较宽敞,谁也不碍谁的事,倒是没人出言相劝。 Xue Lipeng took off the gold-edged eyeglasses, drinks, while wiping tears secretly. 薛立鹏摘下了金边眼镜,一边喝酒,一边偷偷的抹眼泪。 His beloved daughter, his small cotton-wadded jacket was killed. 他心爱的女儿,他的小棉袄被人杀了。 He does not like to believe to the present, a how good person, why must encounter this matter. 他到现在都不愿意相信,多么善良的一个人,为什么要遭遇这种事。 The God, you were blind. 老天爷,你是不是瞎了。 Why! 为什么! Xue Lipeng felt that oneself heart, took the blade to hold probably generally. He and wife's marriage has survived in name only, his parents had also passed away, he only has a daughter now. 薛立鹏感觉自己的心,像是被人拿刀捅了一般。他和自己老婆的婚姻已经名存实亡,他的父母也已经去世了,他现在只有一个女儿。 Some people felt, the parents are the dependences of child. Actually is also in turn same, the child similarly is the dependence of parents. 有些人觉得,父母是孩子的依靠。其实反过来也一样,孩子同样是父母的依靠。 This dependence is not on the material, but is spiritually, so long as there are daughter, he will not feel lonely. 这种依靠并不是物质上的,而是精神上的,只要有女儿,他就不会觉得孤单。 Arrived his age, mostly the matter saw through, the wife did not have also to look again. Only cannot give is a daughter. 到了他这个年纪,大多事情都看开了,老婆没了还能再找。唯一割舍不下的就是女儿。 What he rather dies is oneself, does not hope that the daughter encounters this matter in the excellent time passage. 他宁愿死的是自己,也不希望女儿在大好的年华遭遇这种事情。 He really regretted, if oneself have not left Qindao, perhaps this matter will not happen. 他真后悔,如果自己没有离开琴岛,或许这种事情就不会发生了。 Thinks of this, Xue Lipeng is covering the face, shed silent tears. 想到这,薛立鹏捂着脸,落下了无声的泪水。 Buzz......” a cell phone vibration sound. “嗡……”一阵手机震动声。 If were in the past, Xue Lipeng definitely meets first examines is the work information. 如果是往常,薛立鹏肯定会第一时间查看是不是工作信息。 However, today he did not have to examine immediately, crosses took up the cell phone some little time, shot a look at one. 但是,今天他没有立刻查看,过了好一会才拿起手机,瞥了一眼。 Xue Lipeng sees the information on cell phone, the eye circle opens the eyes, this is a WeChat information, is his daughter Xue Mengjiao sends. 薛立鹏看到手机上的信息,眼睛圆睁,这是一条微信信息,是他女儿薛梦娇发来的。 Xue Mengjiao has two WeChat, those who send WeChat is a trumpet, is with Xue Lipeng cell phone registration. 薛梦娇有两个微信号,发微信的是小号,还是用薛立鹏的手机注册的。 Xue Lipeng reveals the wild with joy color, that group of smelly police made a mistake, oneself daughter is also living. 薛立鹏露出狂喜之色,难道那群臭警察搞错了,自己女儿还活着。 Xue Lipeng right hand is shivering, selected the cell phone. 薛立鹏右手颤抖着,点开了手机。 Xue Mengjiao WeChat sent in a video. 薛梦娇的微信发来了一个视频。 Xue Lipeng selected to open the video content, in the video spread a cry of woman, was similar to the island SM movie...... 薛立鹏点开视频内容,视频里传出了一个女人的叫声,类似于岛国SM电影…… Hears the familiar sound, sees the content in video, Xue Lipeng complexion is red, the blue vein sticks out suddenly, in the mouth exudes one to angrily roar: „......” 听到熟悉的声音,看到视频里的内容,薛立鹏脸色通红,青筋暴起,口中发出一声怒吼:“啊……” Bang!” Xue Lipeng fell the cell phone on the ground, stepped on several feet ruthlessly. “砰!”薛立鹏将手机摔在了地上,又狠狠的踩了几脚。 The surrounding passenger had a scare. 周围的乘客被吓了一跳。 The sound of video, caused looking askance of many a moment ago, Xue Lipeng displayed crazily, was lets the people surprise. 刚才视频的声音,就引起了很多人的侧目,薛立鹏疯狂的表现,更是让众人诧异不已。 At this time, Xue Lipeng look twists, the breathing rapidly, both hands are holding the head, the body one crookedly, falls to directly on the ground. 此时,薛立鹏神色扭曲,呼吸急促,双手抱着头,身体一歪,直接摔到在地上。 The train attendants hurry to run over: Mister, Mister, you? Where is uncomfortable.” 乘务员赶紧跑了过来:“先生,先生,您怎么了?哪里不舒服。” Saw that Xue Lipeng has not responded, the train attendant puts out the intercom: „No. 3 compartment, has the passenger to faint, needs to administer first aid!” 看到薛立鹏没有回应,乘务员拿出对讲机:“三号车厢,有乘客晕倒,需要急救!” ...... …… Around 5 : 00 pm. 下午 5 点多。 Yuhua Branch Station 3rd Criminal Investigation Corps, 2nd Squad office. 玉华分局刑侦三队,二组办公室。 Han Bin is taking care of Yuwen the material of murder case, Zhao Ming and the others in the examination video surveillance. 韩彬正在看顾玉文被杀案的资料,赵明等人在查看视频监控。 The Tian Li half step entered the office: Squadron Chief, had an accident.” 田丽快步走进了办公室:“组长,出事了。” What's wrong?” “怎么了?” I just received forest Yuejiao the call, said that Xue Lipeng on returning to the Qindao road fainted, likely is the brain extravasated blood, the situation very serious.” Tian Li is serious. “我刚刚接到了林月娇的电话,说薛立鹏在返回琴岛的路上晕倒了,很可能是脑淤血,情况十分的严重。”田丽面色凝重。 His ordinary body how? Before had the related symptom.” “他平常身体怎么样?之前有没有相关的症状。” Regarding Xue Lipeng physical condition, forest Yuejiao is not very clear, but said that his is healthy, before had not heard that he has what big sickness.” “对于薛立鹏的身体状况,林月娇也不是很清楚,只是说他身体还不错,以前没听说他有什么大病。” Couple also with hearing this word, no wonder will make to this step.” Li Hui sighs. “夫妻俩还用听说这个词,难怪会闹到这一步。”李辉叹了一口气。 Why will he have the accident/surprise? Is artificial?” “那他为什么会发生意外?是不是人为的?” According to the passenger, Xue Lipeng before fainting, broadcast a video, looked, Xue Lipeng seems very excited, is very angry, then fainted.” Tian Li said. “据同车的乘客说,薛立鹏在晕倒之前,播放了一个视频,看完之后薛立鹏显得很激动,很愤怒,接着就晕倒了。”田丽说道。 What video?” “什么视频?” His cell phone has locked, others could not solve the lock, but, in the video spread a cry of woman it is said that although listened was not very clear, did not seem like what healthy video.” “他的手机已经锁了,其他人解不了锁,不过,据说视频里传出一个女人的叫声,虽然听的不是很清楚,不像是什么健康视频。” Han Bin pinched the forehead, he must wait to make the record to Xue Lipeng, inquired about the relevant questions of some cases, but Xue Lipeng faints now, temporarily was not suitable to make the record. 韩彬掐了掐额头,他原本还得等着给薛立鹏做笔录,询问一些案件的相关问题,但薛立鹏现在晕倒了,暂时不适合做笔录了。 Xue Lipeng looked at anything, can change is so excited, unexpectedly was mad dizzy.” Zhao Ming astonished said. “薛立鹏看了什么,会变的那么激动,居然被气晕了。”赵明诧异道 Exactly said, should be excited and angry, initiated the brain extravasated blood, will therefore faint.” Tian Li corrects. “确切的说,应该是过于激动和愤怒,引发了脑淤血,所以才会晕倒。”田丽纠正。 Han Bin guessed correctly anything faintly: Tian Li, you contact with forest Yuejiao, when having a look at Xue Lipeng to arrive at Qindao, is best the hospital to look at the Xue Lipeng special details. Also a little, takes carry back Xue Lipeng cell phone, delivers to the technical team to crack the password.” 韩彬隐隐猜到了什么:“田丽,你联系一下林月娇,看看薛立鹏什么时候能到琴岛,最好去医院看一下薛立鹏的具体情况。还有一点,把薛立鹏的手机拿回来,送到技术队破解密码。” Squadron Chief, I, if went to the hospital, Xia Bin hai mobile number, who investigates?” 组长,我要是去了医院,那夏斌海的手机号,谁去调查?” Du Qi, you investigate Xia Bin hai mobile number.” 杜奇,你去调查夏斌海的手机号。” Yes.” “是。” After the people leave, in the room is only left over Han Bin and Li Hui two people. 众人离开后,屋子里只剩下韩彬李辉二人。 Li Hui one cup of tea, arrived by the Han Bin table: Bin, the driving recording instrument in white Audi car(riage) was taken, you did not say that goes through another firm as a middleman the car(riage) recording instrument lens to transfer, likely made the automobile internal committing a crime process, Xue Lipeng in the video on the cell phone seeing, can be the scene that Xue Mengjiao was killed.” 李辉倒了一杯茶水,走到了韩彬的桌子旁:“彬子,白色奥迪车里的行车记录仪被取走了,你不是说过行车记录仪镜头调转,很可能拍到了汽车内部的作案经过,薛立鹏在手机上看到的视频,会不会就是薛梦娇被害的情景。” Han Bin nods, he also thought that has this possibility, will cause Xue Lipeng to receive that big thorn ji. 韩彬点点头,他也觉得有这种可能,才会导致薛立鹏受到了那么大的刺ji。 However, is the goal that the murderer does that what? 但是,凶手这么做的目的又是什么? Dear, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer station synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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