DF :: Volume #11

#1065: Chapter trail

From the future detective()”! “来自未来的神探()”! Thump thump......” “咚咚……” Knock transmits. 一阵敲门声传来。 Enters.” “进。” Zhu Jia Xu, Wang Xiao, the package magnitude person pushed the door to walk. 朱家旭、王霄、包星等人推门走了进来。 Han Bin greeting said, sits, I introduced to you, when this was yellow Kuang of office important law case crew big Section Chief.” 韩彬招呼道,“都坐吧,我给你们介绍一下,这位是省厅重案支队的黄匡时大队长。” Han Bin is pointing at Wang Xiao and Zhu Jia Xu, this is two squadron 1st Squad Squadron Chief Wang Xiao, this is 2nd Squad Squadron Chief Zhu Jia Xu.” 韩彬又指着王霄和朱家旭,“这位是二中队一组组长王霄,这位是二组组长朱家旭。” Yellow Section Chief.” “黄队长。” Yellow Section Chief is good.” “黄队长好。” When yellow Kuang signals by nodding, was the understanding. 黄匡时点头示意,算是认识了。 Han Bin said, yellow Section Chief, you said several.” 韩彬道,“黄队长,您说几句吧。” When yellow Kuang looked under three masters who oneself bring, I also make a brief.” 黄匡时看了看自己带来的三名手下,“我也做个简单介绍吧。” When yellow Kuang is pointing at a tall man, this is king Chang of important law case crew.” 黄匡时指着一名身材高大的男子,“这是重案支队的王畅。” When yellow Kuang is pointing at a skin black man, „ this is Tao Yuanliang. hold/container Xing did not need me to introduce, you should very be familiar. 黄匡时又指着一名皮肤较黑的男子,“这个是陶元亮。包星就不用我介绍了,你们应该都很熟悉。 I the first time am came to the Qindao City police station, we are also first meeting, the following some time must work together, investigates together, hopes that everyone can the generous support, have what opinion also to raise promptly. Wishes us to cooperate happily, will soon solve a case. ” 我是第一次来琴岛市公安局,咱们也是第一次见面,接下来的一段时间要一起工作,一起查案,希望大家可以多多支持,有什么意见也可以及时提。预祝咱们合作愉快,早日破案。” „......” “啪啪……” The people applaud. 众人鼓起一阵掌声。 After a while, when yellow Kuang continues saying that king Chang, you narrated the situation of case, making everyone has an understanding of the case.” 过了一会,黄匡时继续说道,“王畅,你将案件的情况叙述一遍,让大家对案情有个了解。” king Chang is confident, does not read the material and note, starts to narrate the case directly. 王畅成竹在胸,也不看资料和笔记,直接开始叙述案情。 When the king harmonious yellow Kuang introduction is somewhat different, his narration direction centralism is seizing the suspect Sun Youguo's body, to the detail and progress description of Quancheng kidnapping case are not many. 王畅和黄匡时的介绍有些不同,他的叙述方向集中在抓捕嫌犯孙友国的身上,对泉城绑架案的细节和进展描述的并不多。 After narrating, king Changwang to Officer Qindao of opposite sitting, Sun Youguo's basic situation was these, everyone had what issue, can raise.” 叙述完后,王畅望向对面坐着的琴岛警员,“孙友国的基本情况就是这些,大家有什么问题,可以提。” Zhu Jia Xu asked that „the Sun Youguo's actor what role in this kidnapping case? That two were bound the child whether also arrived at Qindao?” 朱家旭问道,“孙友国在这起绑架案中扮演者什么角色?那两个被绑定孩子是否也到了琴岛?” king Changdao, „ Sun Youguo has the kidnapping criminal record, this time kidnaps him at least one to two partners, as for him in the case is the principal offender, or the accessory culprit, at present was unable to judge. 王畅道,“孙友国有绑架前科,这次绑架他至少有一到两名的同伙,至于他在案件中是主犯、还是从犯,目前还无法判断。 As for that two tied up child, had not discovered temporarily their whereabouts, Quancheng Police have been investigating, did not remove through other channels is delivered to Qindao by the secret, the current urgent matter found Sun Youguo, so long as caught him, can follow up a clue to find two children's whereabouts. ” 至于那两个被绑的孩子,暂时还没有发现他们的行踪,泉城警方在一直调查,也不排除通过其他渠道被秘密送到了琴岛,目前的当务之急还是找到孙友国,只要抓到了他,就能顺藤摸瓜找到两个孩子的下落。” Zhu Jia Xu also listened to the implication, in other words, our duties were to assist to arrest Sun Youguo.” 朱家旭也听出了言外之意,“也就是说,我们的任务就是协助抓捕孙友国。” yellow Kuang Shidao, „the region span of robber is quite big, therefore best is division of labor and cooperation, Qindao here clue is cooperated the investigation by us, the clue local police of Quancheng is responsible for investigating.” 黄匡时道,“劫匪的地域跨度比较大,所以最好是分工合作,琴岛这边的线索由咱们合作调查,泉城的线索当地警方负责调查。” Wang Xiao closely examines, division of labor and cooperation I do not have the opinion, but we did not understand that side Quancheng progress, Quancheng Police did not understand my situation, the both sides information communication is not prompt, can affect the investigation of case.” 王霄追问,“分工合作我没有意见,但我们不了解泉城那边的进展,泉城警方也不了解我的的情况,双方信息沟通不及时,会不会影响到案件的调查。” yellow Kuang Shidao, this does not need to worry, our office will understand timely the investigation progress in various aspects, make to compile the clue of case, will not present the delay of information absolutely.” 黄匡时道,“这个不用担心,我们省厅会及时了解各方面的调查进展,将案件的线索做一个汇总,绝对不会出现信息的延误。” Wang Xiao understood what is heard, the office in this case is having the absolute leading power, only then they understand the entire case the complete clue. 王霄听明白了,在这个案件中省厅掌握着绝对主导权,只有他们才了解整个案情的全部线索。 Said objectively the approach of office does not have the issue, if he as an observer, will approve of such decision, will be acted to coordinate each department efficiency by the office to be higher. 客观的说省厅的做法没问题,如果他作为一名旁观者,也会赞同这样的决定,由省厅出面协调各个部门效率会更高。 But he is not an observer, but is experience, many somewhat is at heart aggrieved. 但他不是旁观者,而是经历者,心里多少有些憋屈。 Runs into a conscientious office leader to be good, if met a heart to be black, was busy at for quite a while, shared benefit less than many merit, that was scared. 遇到一个有良心的省厅领导还好,要是遇到了一个心黑的,忙了半天,分润不到多少功劳,那就傻眼了。 Han Bin is astute a person, immediately feels the mood of team members responded, although idea of he and team members is the same, but you at this position, must obey the arrangement of higher authority, escape is useless, doing against is not better. 韩彬多精明一个人,立刻感觉到了队员们的情绪反应,虽然他和队员们的想法是一样的,但你处在这个位置,就要服从上级的安排,逃避是没用的,对着干更不行。 „......” Han Bin clapped the palm of the hand, „does everyone have the issue? Without the issue makes yellow Section Chief arrange to work to us.” “啪啪……”韩彬拍了拍巴掌,“大家还有问题吗?如果没有问题就让黄队长给咱们安排一下工作。” Saw that the people have not spoken, when yellow Kuang clears throat, „, since everyone knew the situation, I arrange the duty. 看到众人没说话,黄匡时清了清喉咙,“既然大家都了解了情况,那我就安排一下任务。 I and Han Section Chief discussed that the duty is mainly divided into three aspects. 我和韩队长商量了一下,任务主要分为三个方面。 The first aspect is centered on the train station searches the surrounding hotel, if Sun Youguo will not have the fixed stopping over place likely to choose the hotel, vermilion Squadron Chief, this duty gave you, had the issue? ” 第一个方面是以火车站为中心搜查周围的酒店,如果孙友国没有固定落脚地点很可能会选择住酒店,朱组长,这个任务就交给你了,有问题吗?” No.” “没有。” When yellow Kuang continues saying that king Chang, you are responsible for assisting vermilion Squadron Chief, has any situation to report to me promptly.” 黄匡时继续说道,“王畅,你负责协助朱组长,有什么突发情况可以及时向我汇报。” Yes.” “是。” Wang Xiao Squadron Chief, you lead the person to go to the taxi company to investigate, whether yesterday had the staff to draw the passenger of doubtful suspect around the train station, has the issue?” “王霄组长,你带人去出租车公司调查,昨天是否有员工在火车站周围拉过疑似嫌疑人的乘客,有问题吗?” No.” “没有。” Tao Yuanliang, you are responsible for assisting king Squadron Chief, has what need to call me directly.” “陶元亮,你负责协助王组长,有什么需要可以直接给我打电话。” Yes.” “是。” I and Han Section Chief and hold/container Xing are responsible for examining train station's monitoring, whether can trace the whereabouts of suspect.” When yellow Kuang said, looks to opposite Han Bin, Han Section Chief, you thought how this does arrange? Having the opinion can raise.” “我、韩队长和包星负责查看火车站的监控,是否能重新追踪到嫌犯的行踪。”黄匡时说完,望向对面的韩彬,“韩队长,你觉得这个安排怎么样?有意见可以提。” No.” “没有。” That line , we are relating promptly, the communication, has what issue or the idea much in private, can tell me. „ When yellow Kuang said, referred to nearby package star, „ packet, you issue everyone Sun Youguo's detail.” “那行,就这么着,咱们及时联系,多沟通,私下有什么问题或想法,也都可以跟我说。“黄匡时说完,指了指一旁的包星,“小包,你把孙友国的详细资料发给大家。” Yes.” “是。” Han Bin delivers to the entrance the team members, urged several to return to the conference room. 韩彬将队员们送到门口,又叮嘱了几句才返回会议室。 When Han Bin and yellow Kuang chatted several, later he asked hold/container Xing to examine train station's monitoring together. 韩彬和黄匡时聊了几句,随后他叫上包星一起查看火车站的监控。 hold/container Xing and Han Bin sit in one row, in front of two people had a computer respectively, hold/container Xingpie a nearby computer screen, Han Bin monitored in the examination at the inhuman speed as before. 包星和韩彬坐在一排,两个人面前各有一台电脑,包星瞥了一眼旁边的电脑屏幕,韩彬依旧是以非人的速度在查看监控。 hold/container Xing has a familiarity, recalled that in experience of municipal public security bureau work, is only...... a lot already the people are no longer the same. 包星有一种熟悉感,回想起在市公安局工作的经历,只是……很多事情都已经物是人非。 yellow Qianqian is not the dregs female, has not intentionally concealed with the matter of Zhao Ming contact, hold/container Xing as a policeman, impossible not to have detected beforehand, can only say his subconscious evasion is not or willing to accept this result. 黄倩倩不是渣女,也没有刻意隐瞒和赵明交往的事,包星作为一名警察,事先不可能没有丝毫察觉,只能说他下意识的回避或者说不愿意接受这种结果。 Now the careful recollection, yellow Qianqian associates the boyfriend to have the sign early, hold/container Xing moved relaxed feelings. 现在仔细回想,黄倩倩交往男朋友早有迹象,包星怅然若失又有一种轻松的感觉。 „!” Han Bin knocked a space bar, the computer screen stopped. “啪!”韩彬敲了一下空格键,电脑屏幕停止了下来。 Wraps the star to get back one's composure, turns head to look to nearby computer screen, South Korea team, did you have the discovery?” 包星回过神,扭头望向旁边的电脑屏幕,“韩队,您有发现了?” Han Bin is pointing at the man on computer screen, looked that his build doesn't look like like Sun Youguo?” 韩彬指着电脑屏幕上的男子,“看他的体型像不像孙友国?” By hold/container Xing the gathering screen, takes a look carefully, also really looks like.” 包星凑到屏幕旁,仔细瞅了瞅,“还真像。” The man in video wears the blue mask and sunglasses, the hair was long, wore a gray T-shirt and jeans, the body also carried a dark blue package, this appearance with compartment in entirely different. 视频中的男子戴着蓝色口罩和墨镜,头发偏长,穿了一身灰色T恤和牛仔裤,身上还背着一个深蓝色的包,这副打扮跟车厢里截然不同。 When yellow Kuang walked, found the clue?” 黄匡时走了过来,“找到线索了?” Han Bin is pointing at the computer screen, yellow Section Chief, you looked that this person image doesn't seem like Sun Youguo?” 韩彬指着电脑屏幕,“黄队长,您看这个人像不像是孙友国?” When yellow Kuang is narrowing the eye, knocked a space bar, the monitoring video broadcast again, the doubtful Sun Youguo's man continued to proceed, when the opposite party slid out of the line of sight quickly, when yellow Kuang pressed the space bar again. 黄匡时眯着眼睛,敲了一下空格键,监控视频再次播放,疑似孙友国的男子继续往前走,等对方快脱离视线时,黄匡时再次摁下空格键。 „The build and some of Sun Youguo of shapes this man, but the attire and appearance are different, the hair is long, wears the mask and sunglasses, difficult is very determination a person.” “这个男子的体型和孙友国有些像,但衣着和打扮不同,头发偏长,戴着口罩和墨镜,很难确定是不是一个人。” Han Bin said, I thought this very possible is Sun Youguo after replacement.” 韩彬道,“我觉得这很可能是换装后的孙友国。” How do you judge?” “你怎么判断的?” I have studied Footprint Identification, can speculates the footprint characteristics through the physique and walking posture, the footprint characteristics of everyone are different, the physique and walking posture have the difference respectively, a person can change own makeup to accommodate with the attire, but is very difficult to change the physique and walking posture. “我学过足迹鉴定,可以通过体态和走路姿势推测足迹特征,每个人的足迹特征不同,体态和走路姿势也各有差别,一个人可以改变自己的妆容和衣着,但很难改变体态和走路姿势。 The physique, the walking posture and Sun Youguo this man are almost same. ” 这名男子的体态、走路姿势和孙友国几乎完全相同。” When yellow Kuang also has studied Footprint Identification, can understand that actually Han Bin said that you do have the big assurance?” 黄匡时也研究过足迹鉴定,倒是能够理解韩彬说的,“你有多大把握?” 70-80%.” Han Bin has not spoken the words fully. “七八成。”韩彬没把话说满了。 „It is not low, continued to trace, which having a look at him to go.” “不低了,继续追踪,看看他去哪了。” A whereabouts of person can also find out some clue. 一个人的行踪也可以查出一些端倪。 Determined when this person doubtful Sun Youguo, yellow Kuang also joined the formation of examination monitoring. 确定了这个人疑似孙友国,黄匡时也加入了查看监控的队列。 The train station area is big, the monitoring video is not a mirror, replacement video document that needs to keep. 火车站面积较大,监控视频不是一镜到底,需要不停的更换视频文件。 Because the monitoring is continuous, three people will examine each other monitoring, when yellow Kuang will look at one to feel somewhat depressed, the speed of Han Bin examination monitoring video was too fast, could not see clearly the picture to him quickly, he suspected whether Han Bin can distinguish the video content. 因为监控是连贯性的,三人都会查看彼此的监控,黄匡时看了一会就觉得有些郁闷,韩彬查看监控视频的速度太快了,快到他根本看不清画面,他都怀疑韩彬是否能分辨视频内容。 From the beginning, he suspected that Han Bin deceives the matter, displays before him intentionally, but he also denied this guess quickly, if Han Bin cannot see clearly the video content, person who is unable to discover this doubtful Sun Youguo. 一开始,他怀疑韩彬是不是糊弄事,故意在他面前表现,但他很快又否定了这种猜测,如果韩彬看不清视频内容,根本无法发现这个疑似孙友国的人。 When yellow Kuang pays attention, he more looked that more heart is startled. 黄匡时留了心,他越看越心惊。 Thinks this examination video speed Han Bin ultra-fast cannot maintain is too long, but he made a mistake, Han Bin from beginning to end is this speed, explained that this is the Han Bin normal speed. 原本以为这种超快的查看视频速度韩彬保持不了太久,但他错了,韩彬自始至终是这种速度,说明这是韩彬的正常速度。 When yellow Kuang is old criminal police, the experience or the vision surpass Han Bin, he has seen many outstanding police officers, Han Bin is the examination monitors a quickest person absolutely, this explained his power of observation far supernormal person. 黄匡时是一个老刑警,无论是经验还是眼界都超过韩彬,他见过很多优秀的警员,韩彬绝对是查看监控最快的一个人,这说明他的观察力远超常人。 When yellow Kuang has also had exercise own power of observation of consciousness since the police, he is very confident to oneself power of observation, but he is unable to follow Han Bin to examine the speed of video. 黄匡时从警以来也有意识的锻炼自己的观察力,他对自己的观察力很有信心,但他也无法跟上韩彬查看视频的速度。 The difference are many. 差很多。 Han Bin knocked a space bar, standing up moved, pulled out cigarette from the pocket, but has not ignited. 韩彬敲了一下空格键,站起身活动了一下,从兜里掏出一根烟,但并没有点着。 When yellow Kuang asked that Han did Section Chief, have the discovery?” 黄匡时问道,“韩队长,有发现吗?” Han Bin said that person with losing.” 韩彬道,“人跟丢了。” hold/container Xingdao, my here video has not seen Sun Youguo.” 包星道,“我这边的视频也没看到孙友国。” When yellow Kuang is quick video that entered itself to examine, had not discovered. Had the possibility, the suspect the zone.” 黄匡时快进了自己查看的视频,也没有发现。“有没有可能,嫌犯又变装了。” Has the possibility.” The Han Bin mouth is holding in the mouth the smoke, rushes to one side hold/container Xing, starts to examine his video surveillance. “有可能。”韩彬嘴里叼着烟,将包星赶到一边,开始查看他的那份视频监控。 Before long, Han Bin knocked the space bar, is pointing at a man on screen, was he.” 不一会,韩彬敲下了空格键,指着屏幕上的一名男子,“是他。” When yellow Kuang looks to the screen, the man in video wears the dark blue hat, has not worn the eyeglasses, wears the black mask, the lower part of the body jeans, above throws over a check shirt, in the hand is taking a check woven bag. 黄匡时看向屏幕,视频中的男子戴着深蓝色的帽子,没有戴眼镜,戴着黑色的口罩,下身牛仔裤,上面披着一个格子衬衫,手里提着一个格子编织袋。 When yellow Kuang was also old criminal police, although the appearance of these two people were different, but he saw some clue, for example two people put on was jeans, throws over is also the gray inside lining that in the person of check shirt is putting on, but could not see clearly the concrete design. 黄匡时也是老刑警了,虽然这两个人的打扮不同,但他还是看出了一些端倪,比如说两个人穿的都是牛仔裤,披着格子衬衫的人里面穿的也是灰色内衬,只是看不清具体款式。 Baggage that also took, the former was the black backpack, the latter was the large-scale woven bag, the woven bag folds to admit the black backpack, opened the woven bag definitely to install the black backpack. 再说拿的行李,前者是黑色背包,后者是大型编织袋,编织袋折叠起来可以放进黑色背包,打开编织袋完全可以装下黑色背包。 The experienced people can see, the former can camouflage the latter, is different as for the hairstyle, likely is a wig. 有经验的人都可以看出,前者可以伪装成后者,至于发型不同,很可能是假发。 When through this point, yellow Kuang also thought that the opposite party is quite suspicious, the side was subject to duty the guess of Han Bin. 通过这一点,黄匡时也觉得对方比较可疑,侧面应征了韩彬的猜测。 Han Bin continues to trace the man in monitoring video, discovered that he left the train station, took taxi to leave. 韩彬继续追踪监控视频中的男子,发现他出了火车站,打车离开了。 What the men ride is a taxi, license number Lu B38dg4. 男子乘坐的是一辆出租车,车牌号鲁B38dg4. Had this clue, the following investigation was easier. 有了这条线索,接下来的调查就容易了很多。 Han Bin contacted with Wang Xiao, told him this clue, Wang Xiao found this car(riage) through the taxi company, and determined place that the travel path of automobile, as well as suspect Sun Youguo gets out. 韩彬联系了王霄,将这条线索告诉了他,王霄通过出租车公司找到了这辆车,并且确定了汽车的行驶轨迹,以及嫌犯孙友国下车的地点。 ...... …… China Resources neighborhood, east gate. 华润小区,东门。 When Han Bin and yellow Kuang, Wang Xiao, Tao Yuanliang and the others rushed to the east entrance. 韩彬、黄匡时、王霄、陶元亮等人赶到了东门口。 Wang Xiao jie introduced, according to taxi driver's description, the suspect gets out from here, should enter China Resources neighborhood.” 王霄介绍道,“根据出租车司机的描述,嫌犯就是从这里下车的,应该是进入了华润小区。” Han Bin said, yellow Section Chief, you arrange the duty.” 韩彬道,“黄队长,您安排任务吧。” When yellow Kuang slightly a thinking, is divided into two teams the team member, one team of people go to the property examination monitoring, the definite suspect concrete room number. Another team of people are watching the neighborhood front door, if the suspect passes in and out neighborhood, can the earliest possible time discover the opposite party.” 黄匡时略一思索,将队员分成两队,“一队人去物业查看监控,确定嫌犯具体的房间号。另一队人守着小区的大门,如果嫌犯进出小区,就能第一时间发现对方。” 2 : 00 pm, the police located the exact location of suspect, China Resources neighborhood Building 3 Room 1802. 下午 2 点,警方确定了嫌犯的具体位置,华润小区3号楼1802房间。 If were the general case can begin to make an arrest at this time, but this case was different, when yellow Kuang somewhat worried. 如果是一般的案子这个时候就可以动手抓人了,但这个案子不同,黄匡时有些犯难了。 If the success arrests Sun Youguo, the police may ask two children's hiding places from his mouth, and successfully rescues two children. 如果成功抓捕孙友国,警方有可能从他口中问出两个孩子的藏身地点,并且将两个孩子成功解救。 Otherwise, if the arrest does not succeed or is unable to pry open the mouth of suspect, lets suspect's partner discovery, might kill one held for ransom ahead of time. 反之,如果抓捕行动不成功或者迟迟无法撬开嫌犯的嘴,让嫌犯的同伙发现,很可能会提前撕票。 Grasps with does not grasp, similarly has the risk. 抓与不抓,同样有风险。 Han Section Chief, you thought whether we should arrest Sun Youguo immediately?” “韩队长,你觉得咱们是否应该立刻抓捕孙友国?” Han Bin thinks, the opinion can raise, but the responsibility he does not want to take on, yellow Section Chief, does the suspect have contacts with tied up person parents again?” 韩彬想了想,意见可以提,但责任他不想担,“黄队长,嫌犯有没有再联系被绑人父母?” Currently does not have.” “目前没有。” What this case is most important successfully rescues the hostage, but the hostage is very possible to hide in Quancheng, I felt before beginning to make an arrest, best communicate with Quancheng that side, really must have the accident/surprise when seizing, can recover promptly.” “这个案子最重要的还是成功解救人质,而人质很可能藏在泉城,我觉得在动手抓人前,最好跟泉城那边通个信,真要在抓捕时出现意外,也可以及时补救。” When yellow Kuang knits the brows slightly, the Han Bin words are on first hearing reasonable, think carefully, he had not directly replied. 黄匡时微微皱眉,韩彬的话乍一听有道理,仔细想想,他并没有正面回答。 Han Bin does not shirk the responsibility intentionally, this case is he of office leadership, even if offers an opinion, others still not necessarily listened, to succeed, the main merit was others, a side that they assisted to seize. 韩彬也不是故意推脱责任,这个案子本来就是省厅主导的他即便提了意见,人家也未必听,成功了,主要功劳是人家的,他们只是协助抓捕的一方。 Was defeated, does the suggestion that you make, need to take on the responsibility? 失败了,你提的建议,要不要担责? The heart of injuring someone cannot have, against person's heart must have. 害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 When yellow Kuang somewhat hesitates in making a move, he is also worried to seize to have something go wrong by some chance, will cause the suspect partner to kill one held for ransom. 黄匡时有些举棋不定,他也担心万一抓捕出了岔子,会导致嫌犯同伙撕票。 Two children really must not have, even if catches the whole lot in a dragnet the suspect, is not meaningful as before. 两个孩子真要没了,就算将嫌犯一网打尽,依旧没有任何意义。 Finally, when yellow Kuang chose safe means that first arranges the police officer in neighborhood bringing under control that the suspect occupies, staked the suspect, simultaneously collects more clues, will wait for the good seizing time...... from the future detective latest chapter address: https:// 最终,黄匡时选择了一个稳妥的办法,先安排警员在嫌犯居住的小区布控,将嫌犯盯死了,同时收集更多的线索,等待合适的抓捕时机……来自未来的神探最新章节地址:https:// From the future detective full text reading address: https:// 来自未来的神探全文阅读地址:https:// From the future detective txt downloading address: https:// 来自未来的神探txt下载地址:https:// Reads from the future detective cell phone: https:// 来自未来的神探手机阅读:https:// In order to will read next time, you can click below " collection " minute book time( Chapter 1063 trail) reading record, will turn on the bookshelf then to see next time! 为了方便下次阅读,你可以点击下方的"收藏"记录本次(第1063章踪迹)阅读记录,下次打开书架即可看到! 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