CCG :: Volume #30

#2948: New year's celebration activities that Heavenly Way + Cultivation Chat System holds jointly!

Daozi launches the attack this scene illusion picture, similarly was transmitted in All Heavens and Myriad Realms! 道子发动攻击的这一幕‘幻象画面’,同样被传递到诸天万界中! All Heavens and Myriad Realms' practitioner looks at this scene, the mind shakes greatly. 诸天万界的修炼者看着这一幕,心神巨震。 in the sky, the Daozi illusion attacks toward a position, looks like in All Heavens and Myriad Realms practitioner, actually felt that the Daozi's attack looks like must pound to be the same toward oneself. 虚空中,道子幻象向着一个位置攻击,在诸天万界修炼者看来,却感觉道子的攻击就像是要朝着自己砸来一样。 «Ru Canon» that pounds, making one in as if see a big Ruism man, is wielding his knowledge's iron fist to stick the face! 那砸来的《儒典》,让人在恍惚间仿佛看到一尊高大的儒家男子,正挥动他知识的铁拳糊脸! When practitioner that the strength is insufficient, facing this scene, direct weak in place. 实力不足的修炼者,面对这一幕时,直接瘫软在地。 This is only the retransmission fears illusion picture fortunately, otherwise, absolutely incessantly is weak is so simple in the place. 还好这只是转播怕‘幻象画面’,否则,就绝对不止是瘫软在地这么简单。 However strength enough, and will firm practitioners, can support, is withstanding the pressure on continue to look at the retransmission picture......, if can support, to them is huge disciplining, can greatly increase the dao heart firm value! 不过实力足够、且意志坚定的修炼者们,能强撑着、顶住压力继续望着转播画面……若是能撑过去,对他们而言就是一次巨大的磨练,能大大提升道心坚定值! Meanwhile, doubts appear in everyone's mind. 同时,一个个疑惑浮现在所有人的脑海中。 What is the content of the private words between Tyrant Song big shot and Daozi big shot? Actually made the Daozi big shot get angry suddenly becomes this?】 霸宋大佬和道子大佬讲了什么悄悄话?竟然令道子大佬突然怒成这样?】 【Does the Daozi big shot want to attack to whom? At this time, but also do some people want to challenge Daozi?】 道子大佬要向谁攻击?这个时候,还有人想挑战道子吗?】 ...... …… ...... …… Bang The Daozi's attack bang extinguished that void corner/horn. 道子的攻击轰灭了那虚空一角。 In people opinion, does not have any creature can return alive in Daozi within this strike, this struck is too fearful! 在人们看来,没有任何生物能在道子这一击中生还下来,这一击太可怕了! Even before Tyrant Song big shot, has shown the muscle, was still inferior that this time Daozi big shot is tyrannical. 就算是霸宋大佬之前展现过的肌肉,也不如此时的道子大佬强横。 However at this moment, from the void corner/horn of that collapse, the unexpectedly two forms jumps out one after another. 然而就在这时,从那崩溃的虚空一角中,竟然有两道身影相继跳出。 Under, Song Shuhang both eyes narrows the eyes. 下方,宋书航双眼眯起。 At this time the Shuhang's vision, is similar to is polished the bright as snow bit, is staring at these two forms. 此时书航的目光,就如同被打磨雪亮的刀片,盯着这两道身影。 He knows these two forms name. 他知道这两道身影的‘名字’。 [Void Sun Protector] as well as [Stellar Doomsday Being]. 【虚日守护者】以及【恒星末日者】 In these two, 'Stellar Doomsday Being' comprised of many independent individuals. 这两者中,‘恒星末日者’是由很多独立个体组成。 But 'Void Sun Protector' is seemed like by powerful Eternal Life Being splits innumerable 'Void Sun', but among each 'Void Sun' each other independent, independent Void Sun seemed to be cut to extinguish, does not affect the main body...... status unusually extraordinary! ‘虚日守护者’似乎是由一个强大的长生者分裂成无数的‘虚日’,但每个‘虚日’间似乎又彼此独立,独立的虚日被斩灭,都不影响到本体……状态非常特殊 in the sky, Stellar Doomsday Being and Void Sun Protector distressed incomparable, in their hands should hold one volume respectively books and so on thing. But in Daozi sudden hit, that volume in their hand books was pounded the disintegrating slag. 虚空中,恒星末日者虚日守护者都狼狈无比,它们手中原本应该各捧着一卷‘书籍’之类的东西。但在道子突如其来的一击中,它们手中的那卷‘书籍’就被砸成碎渣。 The books in 'Void Sun Protector' hand only remain to bind the strip. ‘虚日守护者’手中的书籍只剩个装订条。 In 'Stellar Doomsday Being' hand is only left over the final remnant page. ‘恒星末日者’手中的则只剩下最后的残页。 But also has one in their body respectively cloak the thing of shape, under the Daozi's attack, is reduced to ashes books in this cloak and hand, helping them block the Daozi's destruction to strike. 而在它们身上还各有一件‘披风’状的东西,也在道子的攻击下,化为灰烬正是这披风和手中的书籍,帮它们挡住了道子的毁灭一击。 But lost that two volumes books, even if they supported Daozi's first to strike, still lost the significance. 但失去了那两卷‘书籍’,它们就算撑过了道子的第一击,也失去了意义。 Two volumes books are they can affect Daozi proved the way's key equipment. 两卷‘书籍’才是它们能影响到道子证道的关键道具 equipment did not have, do they prevent Daozi with the iron? 道具没了,它们拿头铁去阻止道子 They have also thought must escape, but their thoughts just got up, opposite, Daozi already taken the first step. 它们也想过要逃,但它们的念头刚起,对面,道子已经先一步出手 Daozi puts out a hand to select. 道子伸手一挑。 Has one page examination paper magical item of shape to come by took out in his body, in that page of examination papers, has the innumerable test questions, each topic abstruse incomparable excessive assignments are boundless, the knowledge is boundless! 在他身上有一页‘试卷’状的法器祭出来,那一页试卷上,有着无数的试题,每一题都深奥无比题海无涯,知识无边! This endless excessive assignments depart from the examination paper, change into genuine Xuehai. 这无尽的题海从试卷上飞出,化为真正的‘学海’。 The abstruse incomparable test question, such as the abyss ocean, directly covers Void Sun Protector and Stellar Doomsday Being. 深奥无比的试题,如深渊大洋,直接将虚日守护者恒星末日者笼罩。 In this excessive assignments, the space by the seal, was acted is fixed, the soul falls into the limitless test question, unable extricates oneself. 在这题海之中,空间被封印,行动被固定,魂魄都陷入无边无际的试题中,无法自拔。 Only if can in a short time, test question explain to complete all excessive assignments fast completely, can untie restraint. 除非能在短时间内,飞快将所有‘题海’中的试题全部解答完成,才能解开束缚 academic dregs' shivers! 学渣的颤抖! The learn/study words, do not master the sufficient knowledge well the words, why do you fight with others? 不好好学习的话,不掌握足够知识的话,你凭什么和别人打架? Opposite Void Sun Protector is also very top Eternal Life Being level exists, if it catches up, pours really may explain all excessive assignments in a short time. 对面的虚日守护者同样是非常顶尖的长生者级存在,它如果发力的话,倒真有可能在短时间内解答所有题海。 But nearby Daozi, how also to give them the problem solving the time? 但边上的道子,又岂会给它们解题的时间? After the excessive assignments close off both's escape route, Daozi puts out a hand to make a fist, under the strengthening of 'Heavenly Way information', his fist spans the limit of space, falls on Void Sun Protector and Stellar Doomsday Being body crazily! 题海封锁两者的退路后,道子伸手握拳,在‘天道信息’的强化下,他的拳头跨越空间的限制,疯狂落在虚日守护者恒星末日者身上 The Daozi's fist can rumble every seconds tens of millions fists, the fist quantity are too much, the basic unable statistics suffered many fists in the instantaneous that two fellows. 道子的拳头每一秒就能轰出数千万拳,拳头数量过多,根本无法统计在瞬间那两个家伙挨了多少拳。 However although the Daozi's fist is quick, but the destructive power of each fist was controlled by him. 不过道子的拳头虽快,但每一拳的破坏力都被他控制住。 His leaving fist, to give vent to indignation, rumbles so many fists. 他的出拳,是为了泄愤,才轰出这么多拳。 When All Heavens and Myriad Realms, many top Eternal Life Being big shot see this scene, the old wound spot that the body certain has recovered obviously, suddenly starts to have the faint imaginary pain. 诸天万界中,有很多顶尖的长生者大佬看到这一幕时,身体某些明明已经痊愈的旧伤部位,突然又开始产生隐隐的幻痛来。 In the past, but they were exploded by Ruism Holy Man like this present Daozi opened 'Heavenly Way information' plug-in, was crueler than Ruism Holy Man. 当年,他们也是这样被儒家圣人轰爆的而眼前的道子开了‘天道信息’外挂,比儒家圣人更残忍。 When Ruism Holy Man shakes the fist, at least must open 'space gate', the fist rumbles from the space gate. 儒家圣人挥拳时,至少还得开个‘空间门’,拳头都是从空间门中轰出的。 But the Daozi's fist disregards the space directly restraint. 道子的拳头是直接无视空间的束缚 His fist can appear in All Heavens and Myriad Realms any corner instantaneously willfully, even...... his fist wields, the fist can, or more position synchronizations appears at the same time in two! 他的拳头可以瞬间任意出现在诸天万界任何角落,甚至……他一拳挥出,拳头同一时间可以在两个、或更多个位置同步出现! When each fist rumbles, is pinching the anger of Daozi innermost feelings. 每一拳轰出时,都挟着道子内心的怒意。 The speed that if not for shakes the fist is too quick, Daozi wishes one could to be able for own each fist to dub to vent mood but even him, wants to call in one second several million times, imagines on scalp tingles. 要不是挥拳的速度过快,道子恨不得能为自己的每一拳都配音来发泄情绪但就算是他,想在一秒内叫上几千万次,想象一下就头皮发麻。 after several breaths, Daozi receives the fist. 数息后,道子收拳。 In this period of time, he has rumbled several hundreds of millions fists! 在这段时间里,他已经轰出了数亿拳! Under the assistance of 'Heavenly Way information', his fist strength was restrained extreme, each fist only affects in opposite these two fellow body. ‘天道信息’的辅助下,他的拳头力量被收敛到极致,每一拳都只作用在对面这两个家伙身上 Otherwise, by Daozi this time status, the words that several hundreds of millions fists rumble full power, Myriad Realms plane must be reduced to ashes. 否则,以道子此时的状态,数亿拳全力轰出去的话,一个万界位面都得化为灰烬。 Before Song Shuhang brushed Void Sun that old half genius brushed explodes to protect time various, as well as makes him explode body over 'Stellar Doomsday Being', under the Daozi's fist, withstood several hundreds of millions fists after forcefully, was reduced to ashes! 之前宋书航刷了老半天才刷爆的‘虚日守护诸’、以及让他爆体过一次的‘恒星末日者’,在道子的拳头下,硬生生承受了数亿拳后,才化为灰烬! This may compared with die by explosion to want the painful by a fist many. 这可比被一拳轰死要痛苦的多。 Pitifully......, but, is not anxious.” Daozi receives the fist, said slowly. “可惜了……不过,不急。”道子收拳,缓缓道。 That spectre Song lowered the head gentle language near the Senior Daozi's ear. 身后,那尊幽灵宋又低头在道子前辈的耳边轻语 The anger on Daozi face went pale, nodded slightly. 道子脸上的怒意淡去了一些,微微点头 He ascended to heaven with the Spectre Song, after promotes to certain altitude,...... vanishes does not see. 他带着幽灵宋一起升天,升到一定高度后……消失不见。 immediately afterwards, in 'Cultivation Chat System' client in All Heavens and Myriad Realms' practitioners mind, there is a backstage to prompt the sound to get up. 紧接着,诸天万界的修炼者们脑海中的‘修聊系统’客户端内,有后台提示声响起。 System prompt: At the beginning of the year, here wish All Heavens and Myriad Realms' fellow daoists Happy New Year , the good luck in making money is billowing.】 【系统提示:新年伊始,在这里祝诸天万界的道友们新年快乐,,财运滚滚。】 Is the celebration in the new year, 'Cultivation Chat System' unites 'Heavenly Way' to conduct 'All Heavens and Myriad Realms New Year's Celebration Event'.】 【为庆祝新年,‘修聊系统’联合‘天道’举办一场‘诸天万界过年活动’。】 During new year's celebration, any fellow daoist that can collect two Void Sun Protector and Stellar Doomsday Being head, through the ‘Cultivation Chat System’ can exchange the super reward to 'Heavenly Way'.】 【在过年期间,凡是能凑齐两个‘虚日守护者恒星末日者’头颅的道友,通过‘修聊系统’可以向‘天道’兑换超级奖励。】 Any fellow daoist that can find Void Sun Protector or Stellar Doomsday Being trail, can supply the information to 'Cultivation Chat System', according to information quantity, the reward of exchangeable different rank.】 【凡是能找到‘虚日守护者恒星末日者’踪迹的道友,可以向‘修聊系统’提供信息,按照信息数量,可兑换不同等级的奖励。】 Heavenly Way united Cultivation Chat System to conduct the new year's celebration event, class comes up all of a sudden! 天道联合修聊系统进行过年活动,逼格一下子就上来了!
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