CSR :: Volume #7

#662: The strength of idol

The Demon Race army looks that is spits blood merely flying upside down, but had not been extended Ye Wei that a northern monster god fist extinguishes kills, on the face reveals the accidental/surprised and surprised color. 妖族大军看着仅仅是吐血倒飞,而没有被延北妖神一拳灭杀的叶维,脸上都流露出了意外、惊讶之色。 However, the quick, surprised shock then turned into the taunt of taking pleasure in others' misfortunes! 不过,很快,惊讶震惊便变成了幸灾乐祸的嘲讽! Strong five heavy day of Great Perfection expert, with Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, have the gap that is unable to overstep together, this is the entire Holy Primal Continent recognized highest good, verified for tens of thousands years. 再强的五重天大圆满强者,与六重天大圆满强者之间,都有着一道无法逾越的鸿沟,这是整个圣元大陆公认的至理,印证了几万年了。 Can keep off my fist, even if died, you sufficiently were still proud!” Extends the northern monster god to cross the hands behind the back to stand, is overlooking Ye Wei, at this moment, Ye Wei is flushing away toward the golden ripple ripples that Holy Conservatory blooms at the extremely quick speed. “能挡我一拳,就算死了,你也足以自傲了!”延北妖神负手而立,俯瞰着叶维,此刻,叶维正以极快的速度朝着圣院绽放的金色波纹涟漪冲去。 Ha, I understood finally!” Looks that obviously is intending to charge into the golden ripples ripple Ye Wei, extended in the northern monster god mind to pass over gently and swiftly together miraculous, on the face revealed the smiling face suddenly. “哈哈哈,我终于明白了!”看着显然正有意冲向金色涟漪波纹的叶维,延北妖神脑海中掠过一道灵光,脸上突然流露出了笑容。 How dare he guessed correctly Ye Wei finally is goes out of Holy Conservatory on own initiative! 他终于猜出叶维为何敢主动走出圣院了! This boy, had confidence merely blocks a oneself fist, after blocking a oneself fist, with the strength of counter- shaking, the extreme velocity falls back on the Holy Conservatory defense to print Jinnouchi. 这小子,仅仅是有把握挡住自己一拳而已,挡住自己一拳之后,借着反震之力,极速退到圣院防御印阵之内。 In this case, oneself are unable to chase down him again! 这样的话,自己就无法再追杀了他了! This boy wants to show to the Human Race alliance, I extend the northern monster god not to contend, good to enhance the morale of Human Race alliance!” Extended the northern monster god to smile, smiled very happily, analyzed rationally, thinks he has seen through the plan and goal of Ye Wei completely. “这小子是想向人族联盟证明,我延北妖神并不是不能抗衡的,好借此提高人族联盟的士气!”延北妖神笑了,笑得很开心,分析得头头是道,自认为他已经完全看穿叶维的计划与目的了。 Boy, is very regrettable, has to tell you, you too underestimated Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert was powerful, my speed fundamental is not you can imagine!” “小子,很遗憾,不得不告诉你,你太低估六重天大圆满强者的强大了,我的速度根本不是你能想象的!” Wants before me, to retreat to Holy Conservatory defends in seal? That has a dream!” “想在我面前,退守到圣院防御印阵内?那是做梦!” Dies to me!” Extends the northern monster god to smile cold, the form in a flash, then plundered the Ye Wei body , in an instant. The palm grasps suddenly, pounds ruthlessly to Ye Wei. “给我死吧!”延北妖神冷然一笑,身影一晃,刹那间便掠到了叶维身前。手掌猛然一握,狠狠砸向叶维 At this moment, Ye Wei is only half remote from the golden light ripples ripple of Holy Conservatory sending out! 此时此刻,叶维距离圣院散发的金光涟漪波纹仅有半步之遥! Swallowed the bait!” Pale Ye Wei, the corners of the mouth appear to wipe the indifferent smiling face suddenly, on the mouth are actually whinning. No, does not want, your speed possibly is so how fast, I do not want dead.” “上钩了!”脸色苍白的叶维,嘴角突然浮现出一抹冷漠笑容,嘴上却在哀嚎。“不,不要啊,你的速度怎么可能这么快,我不想死。” A Ye Wei face is panic, camouflages lifelike! 叶维一脸惊慌失措,伪装得惟妙惟肖! Extending the northern monster god is a very caution and care person, if Ye Wei then showed the strength of Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection progression from the beginning. He impossible to defend seal is so near by Holy Conservatory. 延北妖神是一个非常谨慎小心的人,若是一开始叶维便展现出了六重天大圆满级数的实力。他万万不可能靠圣院防御印阵这么近。 Even if knows that now Holy Conservatory does not have Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert to assume personal command, he will not make himself take risk! 就算知道如今圣院没有六重天大圆满强者坐镇,他也不会让自己冒险! But now, to chase down Ye Wei, in addition thinks that sees through the excitement of Ye Wei goal, was vigilant that the heart reduced the extreme. Then will defend seal is so near by Holy Conservatory. 而现在,为了追杀叶维,再加上自以为看穿叶维目的的兴奋,警惕之心降低到了极点。这才会靠圣院防御印阵这么近。 Panic, resembles Ye Wei that willing does not fall from the sky, is clenching teeth, became flushed the face, went all out to pound a fist, forehead blue vein suddenly/violently Tu, seemed drowned the person life-and-death wrestled. 惊慌失措之下,似不甘心陨落的叶维,咬着牙,涨红了脸,拼命砸出了一拳,额头青筋暴突,仿佛溺水中的人的殊死一搏。 Time as if static! 时光仿佛静止了! Void, the fist of Ye Wei, extends the fist of northern monster god to approach slowly. Panic on Ye Wei face, with extending on the northern monster god face is hanging happily laughs wildly to form the extremely sharp contrast. 虚空中,叶维的拳头、延北妖神的拳头正缓缓靠近。叶维脸上的惊慌失措,与延北妖神脸上挂着的得意狂笑形成了极为鲜明的对比。 However- 然而- Next instantly, when the fist of Ye Wei with extending the fist of northern monster god touches the together instance. Two people complexions simultaneously changed, Ye Wei from turned into sneering panic-stricken, but the look of extending northern monster god from self-satisfied turned fiercely in a terrified way, shocking and anxious, the pupil is contracting the pinhole size suddenly, in the eye pupil is surging unbelievable stunned. 下一个刹那,当叶维的拳头与延北妖神的拳头碰触到一起的瞬间。两人的脸色同时变了,叶维从惊慌失措变成了冷笑,而延北妖神的神色则从得意狰狞变成了惶恐、震惊、不安,瞳孔更是在一刹那间收缩成了针孔大小,眼眸中涌动着难以置信的愕然。 No!” “不!” Extends the northern monster god only to feel the vast strength that is inconceivable following own fist, sweeps across the whole body instantaneously. The whole body skeleton crushes in the flash, even the whole body blood suddenly is withered. 延北妖神只觉得一股难以想象的浩瀚力量顺着自己的拳头,瞬间席卷周身。浑身骨骼在一瞬间粉碎,甚至周身血液都在一刹那间干枯了。 demon blood is the Demon Race source of forces! 妖血妖族的力量源泉! demon blood is withered. To Demon Race is the most deathblow, in seal disintegration like Human Race expert dantian space. Repairs to drain. 妖血干枯。对妖族来说是最为致命的打击,如同人族强者丹田空间内的印阵崩碎。一身修为付诸东流。 Naturally, to the extending northern monster god, most fearful has not repaired to abandon, but is...... his body cuns (2.5 cm) annihilation, starts from the sole, changes to the nihility little, thorough natural. 当然,对延北妖神来说,最可怕的还不是修为废了,而是……他的身体正一寸寸湮灭,从脚掌开始,一点点化作虚无,彻彻底底的潇洒。 The time of a blink, extends the northern monster god to fall from the sky, at the same time, Ye Wei takes suddenly half step, stepped into Holy Conservatory to defend an seal covering range. 一眨眼的功夫,延北妖神陨落,与此同时,叶维猛然迈出半步,踏入了圣院防御印阵笼罩的范围。 This too also shocked quickly, the Human Race alliance in Demon Race army and Holy Conservatory was startled completely, stared in a big way the eye, opened the mouth, on the face writes all over the unbelievable astonishment. 这一幕发生的太快也太震撼了,妖族大军以及圣院中的人族联盟全部都怔住了,一个个瞪大了眼睛,张着嘴巴,脸上写满了难以置信的惊愕。 One fist second kills! 一拳秒杀! That person that may fall from the sky, is actually not the boy who Human Race that does not know a day of high ground, extending northern monster god but who has almost in their eyes invincibly. 可陨落的那人,却不是人族那位不知天高地的小子,而是在他们眼中几乎无敌存在的延北妖神。 Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection did expert that solemn Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, fundamental is impossible to fall from the sky, fall from the sky? 堂堂六重天大圆满强者,根本不可能陨落的六重天大圆满强者,就这么陨落了? First!” “第一个!” Next time, perhaps only then exposes void battleship card in a hand, extinguished hopefully kills second Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert.” “下一次,恐怕只有暴露虚空战舰这个底牌,才有希望灭杀第二位六重天大圆满强者了。” Stands in the golden ripples ripple, on the Ye Wei face fluctuates without a mood, the facial expression is quite indifferent, this war, oneself, although extinguished kills extended the northern monster god, but also exposed the true strength, then wanted to extinguish kills Demon Race, beast race's second Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert perhaps would have no is so easy. 站在金色涟漪波纹内,叶维脸上没有一丝情绪波动,神情极为冷漠,这一战,自己虽然灭杀了延北妖神,但也暴露了真正的实力,接下来想要灭杀妖族、蛮兽一族第二位六重天大圆满强者恐怕就没那么容易了。 „!” “啊!” Kills, kills, kills!” “杀,杀,杀!” Revenges for the extending northern monster god!” “为延北妖神报仇!” „The good sly Human Race boy, show the enemy intentionally to weakly, then shameless sneak attack!” “好狡猾的人族小子,故意示敌以弱,然后无耻的偷袭!” Extends being unjust that the northern monster god falls from the sky!” After short silence, the Demon Race army was thoroughly crazy, is red the pupil, in the eye is surging bloodthirsty crazy. “延北妖神陨落的冤枉啊!”短暂的寂静之后,妖族大军彻底疯狂了,一个个红着眸子,眼中涌动着嗜血般的疯狂。 Attack!” “攻击!” Attack!” “攻击!” With the Ye Wei expectation, once the extending northern monster god falls from the sky, the Demon Race army will be definitely crazy, reckless attack, facing life Demon Race army who does not want, even present Ye Wei must yield and withdraw. 叶维料想的一样,一旦延北妖神陨落,妖族大军肯定会疯狂,不顾一切的攻击,面对连命的都不要的妖族大军,即便是现在的叶维也要退避三舍。 However- 不过- Ye Wei has stood in the Holy Conservatory defense now prints Jinnouchi, whatever the Demon Race army is how crazy, before they break open seal again, cannot injure a Ye Wei hair. 叶维现在已经站在圣院防御印阵之内了,任凭妖族大军如何疯狂,再他们破开印阵之前,也伤不到叶维一根头发。 Now knew crazily? What a pity already late!” Is looking at beyond Mystic Rune seal, kills to charge into the Holy Conservatory Demon Race army like the locust densely and numerously, Ye Wei smiles, then turns around, toward shocking dull black Hou, the long razor clam, dark green and falls Chen, Three Ravines day, the Floating Mountain sword dustlessness walks, wind light cloud Dan, indifferent free. Remains unmoved slightly. “现在知道疯狂了?可惜已经晚了!”望着神纹印阵外,如同蝗虫般密密麻麻杀冲向圣院妖族大军,叶维笑了笑,然后转身,朝着震惊呆愣中的乌候、长青子、苍界、降辰、三清洞南天,悬空山剑无尘走去,风轻云淡,淡然自若。丝毫不为所动。 Brother Ye Wei, your strength......” long razor clam and did black wait and hope Ye Wei, in the eye pupil were filling the unbelievable astonishment, the Ye Wei strength strong? 叶维兄弟,你的实力……”长青子、乌候望着叶维,眼眸中充满了难以置信的惊愕,叶维的实力到底有多强? A fist bang kills to extend the northern monster god...... Ye Wei to say by Kunpeng mystic stance card, cultivated to step into the legendary Supreme boundary? 一拳轰杀延北妖神……难道叶维已经以鲲鹏神通证道,修为踏入传奇帝尊境了? Dark green and fall Chen, south the day and sword dustlessness four people are also doubts of face. Looked had/left some awes to the Ye Wei vision, is Ye Wei really legendary Supreme boundary expert? 苍界、降辰、南天、剑无尘四人也是一脸的疑惑。望向叶维的目光中多出了一些敬畏,难道叶维真的已经是传奇帝尊强者了? You misunderstood!” Ye Wei looked at people, as if saw through the thoughts of people, is smiling bitterly shaking the head, if oneself are really legendary Supreme boundary expert, killing one extends the northern monster god so to be why must troublesome? “你们误会了!”叶维看了一眼众人,似乎看穿了众人的心思,苦笑着摇了摇头,若自己真是传奇帝尊强者的话,杀一个延北妖神何须这么麻烦? I am not legendary Supreme boundary expert. The strength exists to be stronger than general Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection, can a fist extinguish kills to extend the northern monster god, the primary cause was he is too negligent.” What Ye Wei said is the truth, if the extending northern monster god had not underestimated that oneself, must kill him. Without is so easy. “我不是传奇帝尊强者。只是实力比一般的六重天大圆满存在强一些而已,能一拳灭杀延北妖神,主要原因是他太大意了。”叶维说的是实话,若是延北妖神没有低估自己的话,要杀他。真没那么容易。 Own strength is fiercer than general Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, but did not have to that degree fiercely! 自己的实力是比一般的六重天大圆满强者厉害,但还没厉害到那个程度! Own source of forces, is mainly in the empty hole that idol phantom, because idol phantom has not stared, Ye Wei is unable to be released externally the strength of idol, can only the strength centralized on the fist. 自己的力量源泉,主要就是虚窍中那一尊神象虚影,因为神象虚影尚未凝视,叶维无法把神象之力外放,只能把力量都集中在拳头上。 Fight that if the extending northern monster god does not meet the tough head-on with toughness with, wants to extinguish kills to extend the northern monster god, decides however must spend greatly flustered. Where so will be relaxed? In that meeting the tough head-on with toughness situation, Ye Wei condensed within the body the strength of idol, swallows to extend the demon blood source of northern monster god by the strength of idol. Then strikes to go well, but Ye Wei do not feel better, extends the strength of northern monster god to break in within the body, tumbles in Ye Wei within the body back and forth, Ye Wei can only think the strength of shape to suppress it temporarily. 若是延北妖神不与自己硬碰硬的交手,想灭杀延北妖神,定然要大费周章。哪里会这么轻松?在那种硬碰硬的情况下,叶维凝聚了体内的神象之力,以神象之力吞噬延北妖神的妖血本源。这才一击得手,不过叶维自己也不好受,延北妖神的力量冲入体内,在叶维体内来回翻滚,叶维只能用神象之力暂时将其压制了下去。 hears sound, black Hou, the long razor clam six people nods silently. Thinks is also, is the legendary Supreme boundary so can it be that easy to step into? 闻声,乌候、长青子六人都默默点了点头。想想也是,传奇帝尊境岂是那么容易就能踏入的? In any event. Ye Wei can extinguish kills Demon Race Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert is accidentally pleasantly surprised! 无论如何。叶维能灭杀妖族一位六重天大圆满强者已经是意外惊喜了! „The Demon Race armies were insane, does not want the life. Whatever if they attack, a defense seal estimate of Holy Conservatory could not support for two months......” 妖族大军都疯了,连命都不要了。若是任由他们这么攻击下去,圣院的防御印阵估计支撑不了两个月……” The silver darkens to wait and hope outside Holy Conservatory the Demon Race army of crazy killing, was somewhat worried slightly said. Although Ye Wei can strike to kill super expert by one's effort, but facing the Demon Race army, is helpless. 银发乌候望着圣院外疯狂扑杀的妖族大军,略微有些担心地说道。叶维虽然能够凭借一己之力击杀一位超级强者,但面对妖族大军,也是无能为力。 Now what to do? Defends stubbornly?” The long razor clam five people also looked to Ye Wei, three big extinct god beast clan are willing with the Human Race alliance, because of Ye Wei, Ye Wei to show the Human Race alliance's first expert strength now, everyone on approved the Ye Wei leader position at heart. “现在怎么办?就这么固守下去?”长青子五人也都望向了叶维,三大神兽遗族愿意与人族联盟,都是因为叶维,如今叶维又展现出了人族联盟第一强者的实力,大家都在心里上认同叶维的领袖位置了。 Before what were more is grateful, now was name will follow reality, the people were sincerely convinced! 以前更多的是感激,现在则是实至名归了,众人都心服口服了! Did not say that Ye Wei to the effort and contribution that the Human Race alliance makes, only relied on the Ye Wei invincible strength, Ye Wei can take on the status of Human Race alliance leader. 不说叶维人族联盟付出的努力、贡献,仅凭叶维的无敌实力,叶维都担得起人族联盟领袖的身份。 Demon Race has known that the Human Race alliance six seniors to the matter of serious famine territory, definitely the arrange/cloth got down the unescapable net, although six seniors will not be in danger, but was stranded ten years eight years is normal.” 妖族已经知道人族联盟六位前辈到大荒域的事情了,肯定布下了天罗地网,虽然六位前辈不会有生命危险,但被困个十年八年的却非常正常。” Overall strength, our Human Race alliance, Demon Race, beast clan bad were too more , to win, can only establish the advantage by top expert.” “论整体实力,咱们人族联盟,比妖族、蛮兽一族差的太多了,若想赢,只能靠顶级强者建立优势。” Therefore, six seniors cannot be stranded in the serious famine territory absolutely!” The Ye Wei brow slightly wrinkle, seriously thinks deeply about the moment, said slowly, the tone is quite dignified. “因此,六位前辈绝对不能被困在大荒域!”叶维眉头微皱,认真思索片刻,缓缓说道,语气颇为凝重。 Un!” “嗯!” Nods of black periods of five days and long razor clam six people of extremely approvals. 乌候、长青子六人都极为赞同的点了点头。 You continue to defend stubbornly, do not go out of Holy Conservatory, how regardless of the Demon Race army provokes, enduring, me must arrive at serious famine territory!” Ye Wei looked at Holy Conservatory to defend beyond seal, the bloodthirsty crazy Demon Race army, the sinking sound said. “你们继续固守,不要走出圣院,无论妖族大军如何挑衅,都忍着,我要到大荒域一趟!”叶维看了一眼圣院防御印阵外,嗜血疯狂的妖族大军,沉声说道。 Has void battleship card in a hand, Ye Wei to the serious famine territory, on more than double-hour, first makes Human Race alliance six Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert withdraw. 有虚空战舰这个底牌,叶维到大荒域,也就一个多时辰,先让人族联盟六位六重天大圆满强者脱身。 The later matter, needs further consideration again! 以后的事情,再从长计议! Demon Race, the high level of beast clan, the Ye Wei imagination is more intelligent , the plan naturally cannot remain unchanged, the water comes to earth to fill, attacks the problem one manifestation at a time, walks one step, is one step, fights steadily. 妖族、蛮兽一族的高层,比叶维想象中的要聪明,计划自然不能一成不变,水来土填,见招拆招,走一步,算一步,稳扎稳打。 Must defeat Demon Race thoroughly, the beast clan, is not ten years and 20 years of matter, can only take your time, it is estimated that at least must engage in fierce battle for hundred years, only if......” “要彻底击败妖族、蛮兽一族,不是十年、二十年的事情,只能慢慢来,估计至少也要鏖战百年,除非……” Only if oneself can say by Kunpeng mystic stance card, steps into the legendary Supreme boundary truly!” “除非自己能以鲲鹏神通证道,真正踏入传奇帝尊境!” Naturally, if can obtain Demon Race, the Saint strength of beast clan, making the idol town/subdues prison merit a level higher, was naturally better!” Ye Wei shakes the head. “当然,若是能得到妖族、蛮兽一族的圣力,令得神象镇狱功更上一层楼,自然更好!”叶维摇了摇头。 Said by Kunpeng mystic stance card, obtains Demon Race, the Saint strength of beast clan, is not the easy matter! 无论是以鲲鹏神通证道,还是得到妖族、蛮兽一族的圣力,都不是容易的事情啊! Remember, certainly cannot go out of Holy Conservatory, I walked!” Ye Wei confesses one, the back golden light wing appears, the form in a flash, the free shuttle is void, then plundered 1000000 miles away instantaneously, then stepped the void battleship, the speed to be inconceivable plundered toward the serious famine territory. ( to be continued ) “记住,一定不能走出圣院,我走了!”叶维交代一句,背后金光羽翼浮现,身影一晃,自由穿梭虚空,瞬间便掠到了1000000里之外,然后踏上虚空战舰,以难以想象的速度朝着大荒域掠去。(未完待续)
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