CSR :: Volume #7

#660: War

I understood, this is the Empty Fortress Stratagem!” Extended the eyes of northern monster god to narrow a slit, the cold light appeared intermittently, „, if I have not guessed that wrong, Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of Human Race alliance should go to the serious famine territory!” “我明白了,这是空城计!”延北妖神的眼睛眯成了一道缝隙,寒光隐现,“若是我没有猜错的话,人族联盟的六重天大圆满强者应该去了大荒域!” Wishful thinking hits is actually good!” Extends the northern monster Shenju corner/horn to bring back wipes the evil intent curve, in the eye pupil surges is completely understanding all brilliant rays. “如意算盘打得倒是很不错!”延北妖神嘴角勾起一抹邪意弧度,眼眸中涌动着看透一切的睿智光芒。 The beast clan is the Demon Race ally, Demon Race is impossible to abandon does not attend, once six Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of Human Race alliance controlled the serious famine territory, the Human Race alliance had the qualifications and Demon Race negotiates. 蛮兽一族是妖族的盟友,妖族不可能弃之不顾,一旦人族联盟的六位六重天大圆满强者控制了大荒域,人族联盟就有资格与妖族谈判了。 „North pitifully, you also looked down on me to extend, I will make your wishful thinking fail completely!” Extended the northern monster god to pinch the fist ruthlessly, then informed Demon Race another seven monster god level expert. Let them rush to the serious famine territory at the maximum speed, collaborates with the two barbarian gods of beast clan, under the arrange/cloth the unescapable net, strikes to Human Race alliance six Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert fatally. “可惜,你们也太小瞧我延北了,我会让你们的如意算盘全部落空!”延北妖神狠狠捏了捏拳头,然后通知妖族的另外七位妖神级强者。让他们以最快的速度赶到大荒域,与蛮兽一族的两位蛮神联手,布下天罗地网,给人族联盟六位六重天大圆满强者致命一击。 The must know, the serious famine territory is the domain of beast clan! 须知,大荒域可是蛮兽一族的地盘! Although the strength of beast clan cannot compare Demon Race, but also three Saint boundary expert assume personal command, haven't three Saint boundary expert rule serious famine territory several tens of thousands years, how possibly left behind some methods? 蛮兽一族的实力虽然比不上妖族,但也有三位圣境强者坐镇,三位圣境强者统治大荒域数万年,怎么可能没有留下一些手段呢? Holy Conservatory, giving me was then enough!” Extending the northern monster god is confident, calm, Holy Conservatory is an empty city, oneself are leading ten ten thousand Great Perfection expert, Supreme boundary expert, used the strength of Demon Race surely, if no Holy Conservatory that Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert assumes unable to break through continually, oneself simple kills to consider as finished. 圣院,交给我自己便足够了!”延北妖神胸有成竹,气定神闲,圣院就是一座空城,自己带领着十万大圆满强者,千万帝尊强者,倾尽了妖族之力,若是连没有六重天大圆满强者坐镇的圣院都无法攻破,自己干脆一头撞死算了。 Quick, extended the northern monster god then to lead the Demon Race enormous and powerful army to arrive at the single layer day, surrounded Holy Conservatory. 很快,延北妖神便带领着妖族浩荡大军来到了第一重天,围住了圣院 Holy Conservatory, Jinding main hall. 圣院,金顶大殿。 The long razor clam, dark green and fall Chen, black Hou as well as south Three Ravines leader the day, Floating Mountain lead concealing a sword in the sleeve dustlessness altogether five to be possible be called five heavy day of complete invincible expert to sit well in the seat of honor with deep veneration. Below head/number of people surges, performing is five heavy day of Great Perfection expert. 长青子、苍界、降辰、乌候以及三清洞领袖南天,悬空山领袖剑无尘一共五位堪称五重天的圆满无敌的强者正肃然端坐在上座上。下方人头涌动,尽皆都是五重天大圆满强者 Human Race complete expert centralized in this main hall! 人族全部的强者都集中在了这座大殿! Whiz!” “嗖!” Exudes the ripples void, wears Ye Wei of clothes suddenly to appear in the main hall. 虚空泛起涟漪,身穿青衫的叶维突然出现在大殿中。 Ye Wei!” 叶维!” Ye Wei came!” The long razor clam, dark green and fall Chen, black Hou, south day and sword dustlessness six person and numerous position expert in main hall looked completely to Ye Wei. 叶维来了!”长青子、苍界、降辰、乌候,南天、剑无尘六人以及大殿中的众位强者全部都望向了叶维 The army who Ye Wei, extends the northern monster god arrived. Demon Race almost used the strength of entire clan, ten ten thousand Great Perfection expert, 1200 million Supreme boundary expert, but was unable to determine that now Demon Race, the beast clan altogether set out several Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, on outwardly on extending northern monster god!” 叶维,延北妖神的大军到了。妖族几乎倾尽了全族之力,十万大圆满强者,一千二百万帝尊强者,但现在还无法确定妖族、蛮兽一族一共出动了几位六重天大圆满强者,明面上就延北妖神一人!” Has black Hou of silver hair, on the face brings the unprecedented dignity. Said every single word or phrase slowly. 有着一头银发的乌候,脸上带着前所未有的凝重。一字一句缓缓说道。 Extends the northern monster spiritual bond to me, starts Holy Conservatory to defend big, is primarily defending!” Ye Wei said lightly, was more powerful than Human Race by overall strength Demon Race were too many, spelled hardly naturally has no chance. “延北妖神交给我,启动圣院防御大阵,以守为主!”叶维淡淡说道,论整体实力妖族人族强大太多了,硬拼自然没有任何希望。 The Ye Wei goal is very simple. This war, is to extinguish kills to extend northern monster god Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert! 叶维的目标很简单。此战,就是要灭杀延北妖神这位六重天大圆满强者 Walks!” “走!” Ye Wei waves, black Hou, the long razor clam, dark green and fell Chen, the sword dustlessness and southern day to walk in the forefront, one crowd of five heavy day of Great Perfection expert, plundered the Jinding main hall enormously and powerful. 叶维一挥手,乌候、长青子、苍界、降辰、剑无尘、南天走在了最前面,身后一群五重天大圆满强者,浩浩荡荡地掠出了金顶大殿。 Stands in the upper air, Ye Wei looks toward , the wild thunder annihilates completely, the big region as if became no war zone. The enormous and powerful Demon Race army occupied the entire region, cannot look at the end. 站在高空中,叶维朝着下方望去,外界狂暴的雷霆全部湮灭,偌大的区域仿佛成了真空地带。浩浩荡荡的妖族大军占据了整个区域,一眼望不到尽头。 Holy Conservatory in Demon Race army surrounding, is blooming the weak ray. In a small boat like violent storm, as if there is possibility destruction anytime. 妖族大军包围中的圣院,绽放着微弱光芒。如同狂风暴雨中的一叶扁舟,似乎随时都有可能覆灭。 This, shocks extremely! 这一幕,极为震撼! Extends the northern monster god!” “延北妖神!” Void above, Ye Wei clothes, cross the hands behind the back to stand, light sound like startling thunderclap. Sweeps across ten thousand li (0.5 km) void, simultaneously resounds in trillion Demon Race ear banks. 虚空之上,叶维一身青衫,负手而立,平淡的声音如同惊雷。席卷万里虚空,同时在亿万妖族耳畔响起。 „An antiquity war. Is the price that your Demon Race pays not very big? Did you forget?” An antiquity war, Human Race and Demon Race, the beast clan was three big extinct god beast clan paid the extremely heavy price. The training lived for several tens of thousands years, has not restored primal energy as before. “上古一战。你妖族付出的代价还不够大吗?难道你们都忘记了吗?”上古一战,无论是人族妖族、蛮兽一族还是三大神兽遗族都付出了极为沉重的代价。修养生息了数万年,依旧没有恢复元气 Like the antiquity period, legendary Supreme boundary expert was born 2-3, Human Race Great Perfection Supreme boundary expert surpassed 200,000 merely. 像上古时期,传奇帝尊强者都诞生了2-3位,仅仅人族大圆满帝尊强者都超过了二十万。 Now? 如今呢? Strongest Demon Race, altogether also ten ten thousand Great Perfection Supreme boundaries, Human Race is only then about ten thousand, fundamental had no way to compare with the antiquity period. 最强的妖族,一共也才十万大圆满帝尊境,人族更是只有万位左右,根本没法与上古时期比。 Saint boundary expert does not dare to start the war of second ethnic group, who gave your courage?” The Ye Wei tone is low and deep, cold sound interrogated. “圣境强者都不敢掀起第二次族群之战,谁给了你们这个胆子?”叶维语气低沉,冷声质问。 Unless it is absolutely essential, Ye Wei really does not want to start the war of second ethnic group, the price was too big, even if Human Race won finally, should still have the innumerable stream of people completely blood. 不到万不得已,叶维真不想掀起第二次族群之战,代价太大了,即便人族最终赢了,也会有无数人流尽鲜血。 Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Extends the northern monster god clear and resonant voice to laugh wildly, more definite own suspicion, six Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of Human Race alliance really not in Holy Conservatory, present Holy Conservatory is an empty city. 延北妖神朗声狂笑,更加确定了自己的猜想,人族联盟的六位六重天大圆满强者果然都不在圣院,如今的圣院就是一个空城。 Your Human Race no one? When was one's turn your junior to speak? You are anything!” Extends northern monster god calmly to look at Ye Wei, the tone ice-cold, in the foreheads revealed the unruly haughtiness. “你们人族没人了吗?什么时候轮到你这小辈说话了?你算什么东西!”延北妖神冷冷看着叶维,语气冰冷,眉宇间流露出了桀骜不驯的狂傲。 He, may represent Human Race!” hears sound, black Hou, the long razor clam, dark green and fall Chen, south the day and sword dustlessness to tread simultaneously one step, stands in Ye Wei behind, the sinking sound shouted. “他,可代表了人族!”闻声,乌候、长青子、苍界、降辰、南天、剑无尘同时踏出一步,站在叶维身后,沉声喝道。 It seems like, your Human Race really no one, made a junior act unexpectedly, was really laughable!” Extended the northern monster god to sweep a black to wait six people unemotionally, then the cold and gloomy vision fell on Ye Wei. “看来,你们人族真的没人了,竟然让一个小辈出面,真是可笑!”延北妖神面无表情地扫了一眼乌候六人,然后森冷的目光落在了叶维身上。 Ok, I was also disinclined rubbish with you!” Extends the northern monster god look suddenly one coldly, looked to narrow a long and narrow slit to the Ye Wei vision. “好了,我也懒得与你们废话!”延北妖神眼神陡然一寒,望向叶维的目光眯成了一道狭长的缝隙。 Boy, I told you, why Saint boundary expert, is not willing to start the war of second ethnic group!” Extends the northern monster god to look at Ye Wei, unemotional. “小子,我告诉你,为什么圣境强者在时,不愿意掀起第二次族群之战!”延北妖神看着叶维,面无表情。 Saint boundary expert has the endless life, eternal immortal, but antiquity that war, actually fell from the sky previous ten Saint boundary expert, now east the Human Race control the territory, my Demon Race control monster god territory, the beast clan controls the serious famine territory, three big extinct god beast clan stand aloof from the world, your Human Race Saint boundary expert, is our Demon Race, Saint boundary expert of beast clan, or is three big extinct god beast clan, is satisfied with the current aspect.” “圣境强者拥有无尽寿元,万古不朽,可上古那一战,却陨落了上十位圣境强者,如今人族掌控东正域,我妖族掌控妖神域,蛮兽一族掌控大荒域,三大神兽遗族与世无争,无论是你们人族的圣境强者,还是我们妖族、蛮兽一族的圣境强者,或者是三大神兽遗族,对目前的局面都算满意。” Once makes war, even/including Shengjing expert may fall from the sky, Saint boundary expert that does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish naturally cannot easily start the war of second ethnic group!” “一旦开战,连圣境强者都有可能陨落,不死不灭的圣境强者自然不会轻易掀起第二次族群之战!” Moreover, they have stood on cultivation road most peak, has the Supreme right and infinite life, even can say that not wanted not to strive for!” “而且,他们已经站在了修行路上的最巅峰,拥有无上的权利、无穷的生命,甚至可以说无欲无求了!” They naturally have no reason to take risk to start the war of second ethnic group!” Extends the northern monster Shenju corner/horn to hold the evil intent smiling face, is looking at Ye Wei, sneers was saying. “他们自然没有理由冒险掀起第二次族群之战!”延北妖神嘴角噙着邪意笑容,望着叶维,冷笑着说道。 But we are different, we do not have the infinite life, we have not come to the end of cultivation road, what is more important, our Demon Race strength powerful ten times continued compared with your Human Race!” “但我们不同,我们没有无穷的生命,我们没有走到修行路的尽头,更重要的是,我们妖族的实力比你们人族强大了十倍不止!” I, Demon Race, another nine Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of beast clan try, uses the entire Holy Primal Continent strength, can make us step into the Saint boundary!” “无论是我,还是妖族、蛮兽一族的另外九位六重天大圆满强者都试试,倾尽整个圣元大陆的力量,能否让我们踏入圣境!” If Mystic Mount, present Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert, by the talent and perception, becomes has not refused stubbornly to extinguish, eternal immortal Saint boundary expert sufficiently!” “若是神山还在,现在的六重天大圆满强者,论天赋、悟性,都足以成为不死不灭、万古不朽的圣境强者!” Supreme boundary expert, only then millennium lives, even if our these stood in Supreme boundary most peak existence, only had the millennium lives as before!” 帝尊强者只有千年寿元,即便是我们这些站在了帝尊境最巅峰的存在,依旧只有千年寿元!” „North I extend am unwilling!” “我延北不甘心!” Therefore, our Demon Race, the beast clan wants to try, without Mystic Mount, whether at the entire Holy Primal Continent strength, to resist the divine punishment, steps into the Saint boundary!” “所以,我们妖族、蛮兽一族想试试,在没有神山的情况下,能否以整个圣元大陆的力量,抗住神罚,踏入圣境!” Extends the northern monster god to look up endless void, in the eye pupil surges the burning hot such as greedy of fire to hold to read. 延北妖神抬头望着无尽虚空,眼眸中涌动着炙热如火的贪婪执念。 Anti- lives in the divine punishment, stepping into Saint boundary- this is Demon Race, beast clan ten Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert must raise the reason of war of second ethnic group! 抗住神罚,踏入圣境-这就是妖族、蛮兽一族十位六重天大圆满强者要掀起第二次族群之战的理由! Who told you, can resist the divine punishment with the aid of the entire Holy Primal Continent strength?” hears sound, Ye Wei frown, shakes the head to ask slightly. “谁告诉你们,借助整个圣元大陆的力量就能抗住神罚了?”闻声,叶维微微皱了皱眉,摇头问道。 Demon Race, Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of beast clan also underestimated the divine punishment the strength! 妖族、蛮兽一族的六重天大圆满强者也太小看神罚的力量了! Steps into the Saint boundary then not to refuse stubbornly to extinguish, this goes against heaven's will the conduct, was equal to that is contending with entire Heavenly Law law, without can shelter greatly, fundamental is impossible to succeed! 踏入圣境便不死不灭,这是逆天行事,等于在与整个天道法则抗衡,若是没有大能庇护,根本不可能成功! The ancient shape god is one can disregard existence of Heavenly Law law an old ancestor of clan likely, has him to shelter, in vast endless area, Heavenly Law law, although will also lower the divine punishment, but the prestige can actually small and weak hundred times. 像古象神将一族的老祖就是一位可以无视天道法则的存在,有他庇护,浩瀚无尽疆域内,天道法则虽然也会降下神罚,但威能却弱小了百倍。 Holy Primal Continent may not have to shelter greatly, even if Ye Wei inherited the idol town/subdues prison merit, he does not dare easily to attack the Saint boundary! 圣元大陆可没有大能庇护,即便叶维继承了神象镇狱功,他也不敢轻易冲击圣境! expert under sevenfold day Great Perfection expert, attacks the Saint boundary, must die, sevenfold day Great Perfection expert, is common legendary Supreme boundary expert, 1/10000 possible successes. 七重天大圆满强者之下的强者,冲击圣境,必死,七重天大圆满强者,也就是普通的传奇帝尊强者,有万分之一的可能成功。 Entire Holy Primal Continent, several tens of thousands years historically, birth legendary Supreme boundary expert, altogether also few, no one succeeds very normally. 整个圣元大陆,数万年历史上,诞生的传奇帝尊强者,一共也才寥寥几位,没人成功很正常。 Eight heavy day of Great Perfection expert, attack the Saint boundary, resists the divine punishment possibly is 1%! 八重天大圆满强者,冲击圣境,抗住神罚的可能是百分之一! Heaven Great Perfection expert, the true Supreme boundary limit, they attack the Saint boundary, ten tenths assurances anti- live in the divine punishment. 九重天大圆满强者,真正的帝尊境极限,他们冲击圣境,才有十成的把握抗住神罚。 The Heaven legend Supreme boundary is comparing the sevenfold day legend Supreme boundary, at least hundred times, in the Holy Primal Continent history had presented legendary Supreme boundary, is most common sevenfold day Great Perfection. 九重天传奇帝尊境比着七重天传奇帝尊境,强了至少百倍,圣元大陆历史上出现过的传奇帝尊境,都是最普通的七重天大圆满 The Heaven legend Supreme boundary, that is the battle efficiency endures compared with existence of Middle position Saint boundary expert, a finger extinguishes entire Holy Primal Continent 13 Saint boundary expert sufficiently completely kills. 九重天传奇帝尊境,那是战斗力堪比中位圣境强者的存在,一根手指都足以把整个圣元大陆的十三位圣境强者全部灭杀。 The must know, Holy Primal Continent Human Race and Demon Race, beast clan 13 Saint boundary expert are completely the low-rank Saint boundaries, without that extinguishes the world divine sword, even they are unable to break through the ninth significant thunder. 须知,圣元大陆人族妖族、蛮兽一族十三位圣境强者全部都是下位圣境,若是没有那柄灭世神剑,即便是他们也无法突破第九重大的雷霆。 In other words, Heaven Great Perfection, compared with Saint boundary expert stronger existence! 也就是说,九重天大圆满,是比圣境强者更强的存在! Before cultivating to step into the Heaven Great Perfection Supreme boundary, Ye Wei does not dare to attack the Saint boundary, Demon Race, trivial Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert of beast clan attempts unexpectedly with the entire Holy Primal Continent strength impact Saint boundary, has a dream simply! 在修为踏入九重天大圆满帝尊境之前,叶维都不敢冲击圣境,妖族、蛮兽一族的区区六重天大圆满强者竟然妄图与整个圣元大陆的力量冲击圣境,简直是做梦! Snort, rubbish, do not tell me, your Human Race and three big extinct god beast clan Six Layers of Heaven Great Perfection expert have not planned by the entire Holy Primal Continent strength impact Saint boundary.” “哼,别废话了,别告诉我,你们人族、三大神兽遗族六重天大圆满强者没有打算以整个圣元大陆的力量冲击圣境。” The winners become kings while the losers become bandits, if your Human Race won, you then may attack the Saint boundary, naturally, you are impossible to win!” Extended northern monster god cold sound one, in the eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly kills intent together cold and gloomy. “成王败寇,若是你们人族赢了,你们便有可能冲击圣境,当然,你们不可能赢!”延北妖神冷声一声,眼眸中掠过一道森冷杀意。 Holy Conservatory defense seal is the Combat Sage senior stays behind, in Mystic Rune on, entire Holy Primal Continent truly no one was together stronger than the Combat Sage senior, a Mystic Rune seal nature that he leaves behind is unusual, but......” extends the northern monster god to sweep under has been blooming uprightly light golden light Holy Conservatory. ( to be continued ) 圣院的防御印阵是武圣前辈留下的,在神纹一道上,整个圣元大陆确实没有人比武圣前辈更强了,他留下的神纹印阵自然非同一般,不过……”延北妖神扫过下方正绽放着淡淡金光的圣院。(未完待续)
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