CFISNEBM :: Volume #15

#1482: Why does it appear?

1478: Why does it appear? 1478:它因何出现? Hears to advocate cold snort/hum one dry, suddenly the full moon back black sky, emerged out of thin air the vast radiant starry sky. 就听见乾主冷哼一声,突然圆月背后的黑色天空,凭空出现了一望无际的璀璨星空。 Really so! In Ling Lan heart understands clearly, the Yin-Yang fish of both eyes revolving, rotated crazily, quickly turns into the black vortex. 果然如此!凌蘭心中了然,双目原本旋转的阴阳鱼,更为疯狂地转动,很快变成黑色的漩涡。 Does the main foreign title is the livelihood star, the domain strength of awakening, inevitably is the livelihood star. But the livelihood star, starting from the ancient times, was the source of strength, ultimate was. Without a doubt, does the strength that the lord awakens, is the highest level most mystical strength. 乾主对外的封号为日月星,觉醒的领域力量,也必然就是日月星。而日月星,从远古开始,便是力量的源头,终极的所在。毫无疑问,乾主觉醒的力量,是最顶级最神秘的力量。 open/unseal!” In Ling Lan heart meditates. The bright and clean forehead, appeared suddenly the snowflake mark, the black short hair instantaneously long, in an instant turned into the silver long hair. “开封!”凌蘭心中默念。原本光洁的额头,突然浮现出雪花印记,黑色短发瞬间长长,转眼就变成了银色长发。 Does the lord to see that the double pupil shrinks fiercely. 乾主见状,双瞳猛地一缩。 Others do not know, this is anything, his has entered the person in god territory, was very clear this on behalf of anything. 别人不知道,这是什么,他这个已经进入神域的人,却很清楚这代表了什么。 It is not able to control in the heart the intense envious hatred, the point stars in radiant starry sky explode the radiation line suddenly, integrates to attack in the Ling blue these rays rapidly. 无法控制心中强烈的嫉恨,璀璨星空中的点点星辰突然爆射光线,迅速融入攻击凌蘭的那些光线之中。 This almost assembled the ray of starry sky strength, forcefully Ling Lan Zhentui one step. 这几乎齐集了星空力量的光线,硬生生地将凌蘭震退了一步。 Dual open/unseal!” “双重开封!” When Ling blue irreversible, she opens the emperor ultimate skill that oneself comprehended decisively. 就在凌蘭不可挡的时候,她果断开启了自己领悟的帝王终极技能。 The snowflake mark transfers black, covered entirely Ling's blue forehead instantaneously, at the same time, on Ling orchid suddenly presented ice armor, and a pair of glittering and translucent carving huge ice wing. 雪花印记转黑,瞬间布满了凌蘭的额头,于此同时,凌蘭身上突然出现了一道冰甲,以及一对晶莹剔透的庞大的冰翼。 Ices the wing ruthlessly to doing principal direction suddenly one leaf, the aggressive ray, like limited suddenly general, was stayed before the Ling blue body, difficult. 冰翼狠狠地向乾主方向猛然一扇,原本咄咄逼人的光线,突然像被限制一般,被停留在凌蘭的身前,寸步难行。 You actually obtained it!” Does main both eyes to stare at Ling's blue forehead ruthlessly, in the eye does not have the least bit to hesitate again. “你竟然得到了它!”乾主双目狠狠地盯着凌蘭的额头,眼中再无半点犹豫。 This person must die! 此人必须死! Does main has comprehended thoroughly, if this world really has a day of electing child, that inevitably is this young people at present. He obtains too presenting of heaven, many to letting him is unable to control own heart, beyond control that envying, the envy, hates, heart that and that must kill. 乾主已经彻底领悟,这个世界若真有天选之子,那必然就是眼前这个年轻人。他得到太多上天的馈赠,多到让他无法控制自己的心,无法控制的那种羡慕,嫉妒,恨,以及那必杀的心。 The deep meaning of say/way! Practices a way, ultimately to obtain it, he tracks down thing for a lifetime, at present this young people, easily obtain. What is more hateful, the opposite party looks does not understand this, how does this make him not hate? 道之奥义!修炼一途,最终就是为了得到它,他追寻一辈子的东西,眼前这个年轻人,却轻易得到了。更可恨的是,对方看起来并不明白这点,这如何让他不恨? It?” Ling Lan Leng gawked, she had felt that did the change of main aura, now, is the dangerous opening. “它?”凌蘭愣了愣,她已经感觉到乾主气息的改变,现在,才是危险的开头。 Felt that does the main line of sight, Ling Lan Taiqi left hand, touches own forehead, refers to this mark? 感觉到乾主的视线,凌蘭抬起左手,摸了摸自己的额头,指的是这个印记? Why although Ling orchid does killing intent that main this soars to the heavens because of it, but since does main attaches great importance, this mark looked like is not so simple. 虽然凌蘭不懂乾主这冲天的杀意为何因它而起,但既然乾主如此重视,这印记看来并非那么简单了。 Ling orchid is a smart person, thinks is only some exterior presents, immaterial, but from doing the main attitude that the skill brings transforms, she comprehends rapidly. 凌蘭是个聪明人,原本以为只是技能带来的一些外部呈现,无关紧要,但从乾主态度转变之中中,她迅速领悟过来。 Why does it appear?” Ling asked. “它因何出现?”凌蘭问道。 Does the main anger instead to smile extremely: You think that I will tell you?” 乾主怒极反笑:“你以为我会告诉你?” Why no?” Ling Lan Danran said that righteousness that asked that returned also natural. “为何不?”凌蘭淡然道,问的理直气壮,回的也理所当然。 Hehe hehe hehe hehe......, if before you die, but can also keep such half tone, perhaps I will say that listens to you!” Doing the lord is unable to control sneers one string. “呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵……若你死之前,还能留那么半口气,或许我会说给你听!”乾主无法控制地冷笑一串。 Does main aimed at Ling blue one finger/refers distantly, suddenly five fingers simultaneous/uniform open/stretch, just like withstands great pressure, the pressed is maliciously blue to Ling. 乾主原本遥遥指向凌蘭的一指,突然五指齐张,犹如泰山压顶,狠狠地压向凌蘭。 This is assembles to do the attack of main star moon/month strength. 这是齐集乾主星月力量的攻击。 Ling blue both eyes concentrate, similarly the finger changes to hold, pushes to the dry lord ruthlessly, at the same time, the giant ice wing also to doing the principal direction wielded ruthlessly. 凌蘭双目一凝,同样手指改掌,狠狠推向乾主,与此同时,身后巨大的冰翼也向乾主方向狠狠地挥动了一下。 Bang!” The invisible strength collides fiercely. “嘭!”无形的力量剧烈碰撞起来。 Ling Lan Menheng, her figure is beyond control, was shaken drew back a stride, ice armor and giant ice wing starts to present the fissure behind, the fissure is getting bigger and bigger, finally cracks completely, changes into the ice element, dissipates in the air. The corners of the mouth, a wisp of blood flows slowly. 凌蘭闷哼一声,她身形无法控制,被震退了一大步,身上的冰甲以及身后巨大的冰翼开始出现裂痕,裂痕越来越大,最终全部崩裂,化为冰元素,消散在空气之中。嘴角,一缕鲜血缓缓流淌下来。 This strikes, although Ling Lan ice is the domain full adds the strength of both eyes Yin-Yang fish again, actually cannot shoulder, received the enormous internal injury. 这一击,尽管凌蘭冰系领域全开再加双目阴阳鱼的力量,却还是没能扛下来,受了极大的内伤。
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