CLS :: Volume #29

#2824: Battle

Yi Tianyun follows the people to go to that side the treasure house together, when arrived here, is lining up to receive the thing. Quick was one's turn him to receive the thing, the acquired thing was but actually good, has a number of Recovery Medicinal Pill, was quite filthy rich. 易天云跟随着众人一块前往宝库那边,到达这边时,一个个都排着队领取东西。很快就轮到他领取东西了,获得的东西倒还算不错,有着一批恢复丹药,算是比较财大气粗了。 However cultivation base is lower than the Nine Star Supreme Rank words, has no way to receive Medicinal Pill, this fight, basically so long as cultivation base achieves above Nine Star Supreme Rank. 不过修为低于九星至尊级别的话,是没法领取丹药的,这一场战斗,基本就只要修为达到九星至尊级别以上的。 This can understand that goes on an expedition with the enemy, if cultivation base is too low, that is basic anything to affect. Therefore lowest cultivation base limits in the Nine Star Supreme level, achieves above Nine Star Supreme Rank, must participate in this war! 这个还是能理解的,跟敌人征战,要是修为太低的话,那根本起不到什么作用。为此最低修为就限制在九星至尊层次,达到九星至尊级别以上,都要参与这一场大战! Removes outside some special foreign country Cultivator(s), majority must participate in this war, words that otherwise checks to behind, that will receive severely punishes. 除掉一些特殊的外域修炼者外,大部分都是要参与这一场大战,否则到后面查出来的话,那就会受到严厉的惩罚了。 After receiving Medicinal Pill, Yi Tianyun follows the team to act together, looks has no difference from ordinary foreign country Cultivator(s). Without thinking just came up, must participate in the war. 在领取丹药之后,易天云跟着队伍一块行动,看起来就跟平常的外域修炼者没有什么区别。没想到刚刚上来,就要参与大战了。 Follows one group of people enormously and powerful to the border region, here has the border region view, after all divides the domain, definitely has the view of border. Passes front Teleportation Array, divides the raid place transmission toward another region. 跟着一群人浩浩荡荡地前往边境区域,在这里是有边境区域说法的,毕竟都划分地盘,肯定是有边境的说法。一个个通过前面的传送阵,分批次地传送往另外一个区域之中。 After arrival, Yi Tianyun again by the present scene shocking. Is having many foreign country Cultivator(s) at present, this quantity reaches hundreds of thousands of much, the minimum level has Nine Star Supreme Rank, Star Emperor sweeps, has over a thousand! 在抵达之后,易天云再次被眼前的场景给震撼到了。在眼前有着很多外域修炼者,这个数量多达数十万之多,最低层次都有着九星至尊级别,其中星帝一眼扫过去,都有着上千之多! This quantity horror, if wells up toward the upper boundary that side, that upper boundary must be finished. So many Star Emperor Rank, reach over a thousand. 这数量恐怖程度,要是往界上界那边涌过去的话,那界上界肯定是要完蛋了。那么多星帝级别,多达上千。 And Top Star Emperor Rank little, takes a broad view to look to have over a hundred actually, this quantity quite made one shock similarly. 其中极星帝级别倒是少很多,放眼望去都有着上百之多,这数量同样相当令人震撼了。 Naturally these Top Star Emperor abilities are irregular, upper boundary Top Star Emperor can hit over 2-3 absolutely, after all among Top Star Emperor, the disparity is also quite disparate. 当然这些极星帝能力参差不齐,界上界的极星帝一个绝对能打2-3个以上,毕竟极星帝之间,差距同样比较悬殊的。 Said unrestrained/no trace of politeness, upper boundary Star Emperor Late Stage, can hit to explode here some Top Star Emperor. Some Top Star Emperor sincerity very water, even can describe with the shame...... 毫不客气的说,界上界的星帝后期,都能够打爆这里的一些极星帝。有些极星帝真心很水,甚至可以用耻辱来形容…… Therefore gets down to guard these main cities, it is estimated that is truly competent Top Star Emperor, rather than likely here quite empty Top Star Emperor. 为此下去驻守那些主城的,估计都是真正有实力的极星帝,而不是像这里比较虚的极星帝 Naturally again how empty, that is also Top Star Emperor Rank Expert, rather than Star Emperor. Especially this quantity, really made one shock. 当然再怎么虚,那也是极星帝级别强者,而不是星帝。尤其是这数量,实在是太令人震撼了。 However so many Expert, below so many Celestial Emperor, is impossible to make them get down casually. Usually does not block, but if piles, that is uncertain. 不过那么多强者,下面那么多天帝,也不可能随随便便让他们下去的。平时是不怎么拦,但要是一堆堆下去,那就不一定了。 In as for battle, has the peaks and Temple of Heaven two Great Influence eyes covetously, do they dare to act unreasonably? 至于开战,有内峰和天坛两大势力虎视眈眈,他们敢乱来? Why this is they do not dare at will with the reason that the upper boundary battles against, if above nothing contradiction, is their influence, the upper boundary feared that had been finished. This does not crack a joke, he dares to say so many Expert, absolutely is not day of honest influence complete Expert, it is estimated that is only part. 这就是为何他们不敢随意跟界上界开战的原因,要是上面没有任何矛盾,都是他们的势力,界上界怕是早就完蛋了。这可不是开玩笑,他敢说这么多强者,绝对不是天诚势力的全部强者,估计只是一部分而已。 Means if Expert gathers completely, the achieved quantity absolutely is an astonishing value, wells up, but below words, Imperial City could not resist absolutely day after day. 意味着要是全部强者聚集在一起的话,达到的数量绝对是个惊人的数值,一涌而下的话,绝对是连天帝都抵挡不住了。 Really was makes one shock, did not come not to know that here so exaggerated......” “真是太令人震撼了,不来都不知道这边如此夸张……” Yi Tianyun examines all around situation, here situation recording, takes to examine to them when the time comes well. 易天云边查看四周的情况,边把这边的情况给记录下来,到时候好拿下去给他们查看。 It is estimated that Blue Dragon Celestial Emperor they, do not know that here true Expert has many. However can estimate that the Celestial Emperor quantity, has actually been OK. Celestial Emperor is main, if no Celestial Emperor, so many Expert clash, is one group of cannon fodders. 估计苍龙天帝他们,都不知道这边的真正强者有多少。不过能够估计出来个天帝数量,其实已经可以了。天帝才是最主要的,要是没有什么天帝,这么多强者冲下去,也不过是一堆炮灰而已。 Over time, more and more foreign country Cultivator(s) gather at this region, prepares fight. Some are are very unwilling, they do not want to fight. 随着时间推移,越来越多外域修炼者聚集在这片区域,一个个都做好战斗的准备。有些则是十分不甘心,他们都不想战斗。 Here is not millions of people are all of one mind, big that similarly many wishful thinking, are not willing to enter the war. May not have the means that words that above spoke, they can only choose to obey, otherwise is the dead end. 在这里可不是万众一心,同样是有不少小心思的,十分不愿参战的大把。可没办法,上面这么说的话,他们只能选择服从,否则就是死路一条。 under the hand/subordinate that does not obey, foreign country Celestial Emperor will not want, said that extinguishes extinguishes, is relentless that type. 不服从的手下,外域这边的天帝可不会要,说灭就灭,毫不留情那一种。 Here waits for after some time, finally front presents together the form, is Celestial Emperor Expert. 在这里等待一段时间之后,终于前面出现一道身影,正是一位天帝强者 Now gathers here to come, waits to meet us to kill. Here no plan, after is overruns, saw that in the enemy of peak kills, do not have any being forgiving. Until we stop, you can stop. If on the way who retreats to escape arbitrarily, that result did not need me to say much.” The above that Celestial Emperor tone is indifferent, in the spoken language has not revealed any killing intent, but after the people listened, feels afraid. “现在都聚集到这边来了,等会我们就杀过去。在这里没有什么计划,就是冲过去之后,看到内峰的敌人就杀,不要有任何留情。直到我们喊停,你们才能停。途中要是谁擅自撤退逃跑的话,那结果就不用我多说了。”上边的那位天帝语气淡然,言语中没有表露出什么杀意,但众人听了之后,都感到不寒而栗。 Good, the idle talk were not many said, now kills, opposite killing wiped out to the last man!” “那好,废话不多说,现在就杀过去,把对面给杀个片甲不留!” This Celestial Emperor that side is any situation, many powerful enemies, without saying, was makes them kill to finish up completely. 天帝连那边是什么情况,有多少强敌,都没有说出来,完全就是让他们杀过去就完事了。 Yi Tianyun hears speechless below, is so optional, whatever they do act unreasonably? 易天云在下面听得一阵无语,就这么随意,任由他们乱来? Some opposite actually how many powerful enemies, needed what countermeasure not saying that was too trusts them, regarded the life worthlessly such as? 对面究竟有多少强敌,需要什么对策都不说,是对他们太信任,还是视命如草芥? The speech sound just fell, the front person is to/clashes, others also governing fly spatially, starts to conduct a war. 话声刚落,前面的人便是一把冲出去,其他人也纷纷御空飞行出去,开始进行一场大战。 When Yi Tianyun follows is flying from this region together, rapidly enters an extremely cold region. Then just flew from a distance, front looks like turns into another world completely, the extremely cold cold wind, blows from the front front surface. 易天云跟随着一块飞离这片区域时,迅速进入一个极为寒冷的区域。这才刚刚飞离一段距离而已,前面就像是完全变成另外一个世界般,极寒的冷风,从前面迎面刮来。 Raised the head to proceed to look, the front scene also is really gives to shock him. In front is completely the mountain peak, one by one greatly, but in the mountain peak of rare and beautiful flowers, but also has a mountain peak! 抬头往前一看,前面的场景还真是把他给震撼一把。在前面全部是山峰,一座比一座大,但更为奇葩的还是山峰里面,还有着一座山峰! The words that looks at normally, cannot look, only then after he opens that perspective god eyes, can look to have a mountain peak. 正常看的话,是看不出来的,只有他开启那透视神眼之后,才看得出来里面还有一座山峰。 Generally speaking, outside is not occupied by the person, is lives in the peak. This was equal to that fortress, outside as the firm city wall, inside is the true entre region. 一般来说,外面是不住人的,都是住在内峰里面。这就等于堡垒似的,外面作为坚固的城墙,里面才是真正的内部区域。 Here the thick snow folds extremely high, is good flies because of them, otherwise steps on, sank to the bottommost absolutely. The rough estimate, the thickness of this snow feared that has dozens li (0.5 km) thick! 在这里厚厚的积雪叠得极高,好在他们都是飞行,否则一脚踩下去,绝对是沉到最下面去了。粗略估算,这积雪的厚度怕是有着几十里之厚! Naturally this is not the key, but is opposite Expert, is the true key. 当然这不是关键,而是对面的强者,才是真正的关键。 Day honest influence, you have invaded our domains, now hurries to leave, otherwise do not blame us not being impolite!” In the peak broadcasts together the severe sound. “天诚势力,你们已经侵入我们的地盘了,现在赶紧离开,否则就别怪我们不客气了!”在内峰里面传来一道严厉的声音。 The people turn a deaf ear , is also braces oneself to kill. Their Celestial Emperor did not speak, did the opposite speak to be useful? 众人充耳不闻,也是硬着头皮杀上去。他们的天帝不发话,对面发话有什么用? Kills!” “杀!” Stands shouted sternly in their behind Celestial Emperor, does not have the unnecessary words. It seems like this war, must hit surely! 站在他们身后的天帝厉声喊出一句,没有多余的话。看来这一战,必定要打了!
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