CLS :: Volume #28

#2724: One group of rebels

Actually transmitted Token to lose, this did not have with Yi Tianyun relations, that was others' matter, but was not his matter. 其实传送令牌丢了,这点跟易天云一点关系都没有,那是别人的事情,而不是他的事情。 However saw map that marks, that other said. Is distance here is not mainly far, in this case, has around the possibility to have anything to hide influence very much! 不过看到那所标记的地图,那就另外讲了。主要是距离这里并不远,在这种情况下,很有可能四周有什么隐藏势力 Normally, transmits Token unable to donate other people, can only use. If transmits , after will be known does not tally, will be controlled. 正常情况下,传送令牌是不能赠予他人的,只能自己使用。要是传送上去,也会被知道不符合之后,会被控制起来。 Verifies clearly is donated, will put. Must treat really above also good, that also looks is any cultivation base, the cultivation base quite high words, that must on the honest battlefield, this be increases itself dead without doubt the probability, but does not increase Luck. 查明清楚是被赠予的,就会重新放下来。真的要待在上面也行,那也看是什么修为,修为比较高的话,那就得老老实实上战场了,这无疑是增加自己死亡几率,而不是增加幸运度 Therefore transmits Token is not any good thing, but also nobody dares to discard randomly, lost the words, the long-time time do not go back, will issue a warrant for arrest by the charge of rebel. 为此传送令牌并不算什么好东西,但也没有谁敢乱丢弃,丢了的话,长久时间不回去,就会以叛逃的罪名通缉了。 Therefore who dares to tumble? Only to die. 因此谁敢乱丢?除非想死。 In this case, Yi Tianyun judges immediately, definitely has any matter. If were not killed, transmits Token not to lose surely. 在这种情况下,易天云立即判断出来,肯定是有什么事情。如果不是被杀,传送令牌必定不会丢失。 Definitely is who intercepted, robs the resources......” “肯定是有谁截杀,抢夺资源了……” Yi Tianyun can judge a general idea to come on the whole, above dares to intercept the person who gets down, either is the foe, either robs the resources! The foes did not say that this is very normal. 易天云大体上能判断出个大概来,敢截杀上面下来的人,要么是仇敌,要么就是抢夺资源!仇敌就不说了,这个很正常。 If robs the resources, this was dangerous. Because did not say certainly, later will project in the idea them! Therefore Yi Tianyun needs to ravel, actually what's the matter. 要是抢夺资源,这个就危险了。因为说不准,以后会把主意打到他们身上来!为此易天云才需要弄明白,究竟是怎么回事。 Transmits Token from this small one, can see that the lots came. 从这小小的一块传送令牌,就能看出很多东西来了。 At once he is supreme toward that Taishi on flying immediately, the region that says, must before coming up, here matter handling. 旋即他立即就飞身往那太史至尊,所说的区域,必须要在上去之前,把这里的事情给处理完。 Really is the troublesome matter are many, but also is, along with the time lapse, the news of more and more upper boundary hands down from generation to generation, many people know that the crisis forces, some people to frown while impossible...... Yi Tianyun randomly by no means, Cultivator(s) that many, some selfishness are very heavy, or does not care about the foreign country, was Expert that the optional interception upper boundary got down. “真是烦琐事不少,不过也是,随着时间推移,越来越多界上界的消息传下来,很多人都知道危机逼迫过来,有些人趁乱并非不可能……”易天云皱着眉头,修炼者那么多,有些私心很重的,又或者根本不在意外域的,便是随意截杀界上界下来的强者了。 Quick, Yi Tianyun arrives in this region. After arriving in this region, nearby does not have what peculiar circumstance actually. 很快,易天云就来到这片区域之中。抵达这个区域之后,附近倒是没有什么特殊情况。 This is actually very normal, after all battlefield not necessarily in this, but in other places. After being possible to intercept opponent opponent, when departure, loses directly conveniently. 这倒是很正常,毕竟战场不一定在这,而是在其他地方。有可能截杀对手对手之后,在离去时,直接随手一丢。 Generally transmits Token to place the within the body space surely, or is in star ring, where will be absentminded, will discard really? One possibility, that intentionally was lost by the murderer. 一般传送令牌必定会放在体内空间,或者是星戒之中,哪里还会丢三落四,真的会丢掉?只有一个可能,那就是被凶手故意丢出来的。 This on behalf of the murderer definitely is being knows that the upper boundary further information, knows what effect this thing can have! 这代表着凶手肯定是知道界上界的详细情况,知道这玩意会有什么样的效果! Although here not necessarily assassinates the place, but should in the nearby......” “虽然这里不一定是刺杀地,但应该是在附近了……” He has investigated this Token, inside has the information of user, for this reason can grasp the drop region with ease, name! 他调查过这一块令牌,里面是有着使用者的信息,为此轻松就能掌握下降的区域,还有名字! Was not right, said that did not permit this person not dead!” Yi Tianyun at present one bright, has thought that many, if Token was lost intentionally by the user? “不对,说不准这个人还没死!”易天云眼前一亮,想了那么多,要是令牌被使用者故意丢出去的呢? That significance is different, is very likely to release any news, quite makes the person rescue itself. 那意义就不一样了,很有可能是释放出什么消息,好让人来救自己。 „If there is not died, that is more relaxed......” Yi Tianyun immediately to have used Investigating Eye, starts to lock the name of this person, quick directly locks on the goal! “要是没死的话,那就轻松多了……”易天云立即使用探查之眼,开始锁定此人的名字,很快就直接锁定目标! Really has not died!” Yi Tianyun at present one bright, „, although has not died, but also with dying similarly, but was enough.” “果然没死!”易天云眼前一亮,“虽然没死,但也跟死差不多了,不过已经足够了。” The Yi Tianyun form flashes, rapid toward the front extreme velocity sprint in the past, speed achieved the pinnacle! 易天云身影一闪,迅速就往前面极速冲刺过去,速度达到极致! Does not need to spend too much time, Yi Tianyun to kill the region that the goal is. Here is a very normal planet, inside has many Cultivator(s) to come and go, is not a monopoly planet. 并不需要花太多时间,易天云就已经杀到目标所在的区域。这里就是一个很正常的行星,里面有着不少修炼者来来往往,并非一个独占行星。 Generally speaking, only by doing so, can hide oneself in inside perfectly, will not be discovered easily. Person more places, are safer! 一般来说,只有这样,才能把自己完美隐藏在里面,不会轻易被发现。人越多的地方,就越安全! Meanwhile, in an underground area. 与此同时,在一个地下区域之中。 Boss, this fellow what agrees did not say, what to do?” A little brother is grasping a red blade, above covers entirely the bloodstain. 老大,这家伙什么都不肯说,怎么办?”一位小弟手持着一把红刃,上边布满血迹。 Has Cultivator(s) in front of them, was hung on the wall, the body bleeds unceasingly, some inserts full Jianren, but also is releasing the fluctuation of energy unceasingly, is stimulating their soul, tears their souls. 在他们前面有着一名名修炼者,被挂在墙壁上,身上不断流着血,有的身上则是插满剑刃,还不断释放着能量波动,刺激着他们的灵魂,更是撕裂他们的灵魂。 But these people are existences of Nine Star Supreme Rank, now is to actually become the captive! 而这些人都是九星至尊级别的存在,如今却是成为阶下囚! „Didn't agrees say? That continues to increase the might, tears their souls, till saying!” This person sneers, when the time comes looked that they hadn't said? Words that did not speak, that dies!” “不肯说?那就继续加大威力,撕裂他们的灵魂,直到说为止!”此人冷笑一声,“到时候看他们还不说?不说的话,那就死!” Yes, Boss!” On the little brother face fills excitedly , to continue to turn around toward front to puncture these Cultivator(s). “是,老大!”小弟脸上充满激动,继续转身往前面去刺那些修炼者 Must kill kills, gives a happiness directly! Your this flock of domestic animals, lost heart, I impossible to teach Cultivation Technique(s) for your!” “要杀就杀,直接给个痛快!你们这群畜生,就死了这条心吧,我不可能把功法都传授给你的!” Right, we die, no way Martial Art(s) passes to you! Wants these Martial Art(s), your oneself go to the upper boundary to receive in exchange, but does not suffer us to receive in exchange! Has the skill, cuts to kill foreign country Cultivator(s), your this group of cowards!” “没错,我们就算死,都不会把武学传给你们的!想要这些武学,你们就自己去界上界去换取,而不是折磨我们来换取!有本事,就去斩杀外域修炼者,你们这一群懦夫!” Your this flock of domestic animals, only dare to start to the person on one's own side! If foreign country Cultivator(s) killed, anyone of you could not escape!” “你们这群畜生,就只敢对自己人下手!要是外域修炼者杀下来了,你们谁都逃不掉!” They wished one could to eat the flesh of these people, they fought bravely in the frontline, has not thought that was actually sneak attacked, now is to become the captive, let their anger to the pinnacle. 他们恨不得吃了这些人的血肉,他们在前线奋战,没想到下来却是遭受到偷袭,如今更是成为阶下囚,让他们愤怒到极致。 Ha, so long as does not break through to Nine Star Supreme Intermediate Stage above cultivation base, does not use. Here lords it over, hasn't compared above is merry? Waits if foreign country Cultivator(s) kills, I go to them, should be able to live?” Is that Boss of head laughs, took one cup of good wine big mouths to drink, held your these people, was one by one fat, the resources were really many. Also is, you accumulate to suffice many resources, thinks supports oneself influence, can not be fat?” “哈哈哈,只要不突破到九星至尊中期以上修为,就不用上去。在这里称王称霸,还不比在上面快活?等要是外域修炼者杀过来,我就投奔他们,应该能活下来吧?”为首的那位老大大笑不已,一把取过一杯美酒大口喝了起来,“抓住你们这些人,一个比一个肥,资源真是不少。也是,你们攒够不少资源,本来想下来支援自己势力的,能不肥吗?” Is of head calls model/pattern Yuan nine, cultivation base to only have Nine Star Supreme Initial Stage cultivation base, not high is not high, but the method is quite sinister. Selects these fat sheep to come to capture specially, was similar to he said that majority of brought many treasure to get down, was good to help oneself influence. 为首的这位叫范元九尊,修为只有九星至尊前期修为,不高是不高,但手段极为阴险。专门挑这些肥羊来抓取,如同他所说,一个个下来的,大部分都是带着不少宝物下来,好帮助自己势力 Has not thought, was actually given to win by this model/pattern Yuan nine them. 没想到下来,却被这范元九尊他们给夺走了。 Listens to the model/pattern Yuan nine words, in the eye to be full of the anger, this fellow is a rebel! If foreign country Cultivator(s) killed, definitely first became a rebel. 一个个听着范元九尊的话,眼中充满怒火,这家伙就是一个叛徒!要是外域修炼者杀过来了,肯定第一个成为叛徒。 They only think that Xiaoyao is merry, when there is a danger, goes to the hostile camp surely! This person, to be honest is really many. 他们只想自己逍遥快活,等有危险时,必定投奔敌营!这种人,说实话真是不少。 You die like a dog, one group of rebels, one crowd of trash!” They can only curse angrily model/pattern Yuan nine them, but cannot begin. “你们不得好死,一群叛徒,一群垃圾!”他们只能怒骂范元九尊他们了,而不能动手。 Dies like a dog? Relax, I must die, late dies compared with you...... Ha.” model/pattern Yuan nine did not fear, he only wants to enjoy now. “不得好死?放心,我要死,也是比你们晚死……哈哈哈。”范元九尊根本不怕,他现在就只想享受。 One has grasped young Young Lady, hugs laughs in the bosom, this is the life. 一把抓过一位妙龄少女,搂在怀中大笑不已,这才是人生。 Yes, late dies compared with them, I may not necessarily.” The form goes out from the nearby together slowly, is Yi Tianyun! “是么,比他们晚死,我可不见得。”一道身影从边上缓缓走出,正是易天云
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