CPID :: Volume #30

#2904: Lake bottom temple

Well? What is that?” “咦?那是什么?” The Fang Bai spiritual conciousness divergence, found that the lake bottom has a giant incomparable temple. 方白神识幅散,发现湖底有一个巨大无比的神殿。 The temple is broad, among shows sharp chaos aura, in the Pangu axe with Fang Bai hand somewhat is unexpectedly similar. 神殿恢宏无比,其内透出一股锋利至极的混沌气息,竟与方白手中的盘古斧有些类似。 Unexpectedly, the Pangu axe as if induced anything, trembled, some palm unexpectedly grasping of Fang Bai continuously. 蓦地,盘古斧似乎感应到了什么,震颤起来,方白的手掌竟有些握之不住。 In the Fang Bai heart moves, loosens the hand, the Pangu axe breaks open the lake water, howls is flying to that temple. 方白心中一动,将手松开,盘古斧破开湖水,呼啸着飞往那座神殿之内。 The Fang Bai spiritual conciousness divergence, wants to investigate the whereabouts of Pangu axe, actually discovered spiritual conciousness to temple , seemed hampered by some invisible strength, is unable to march forward. 方白神识幅散,想要探查盘古斧的去向,却发现神识到了神殿前时,似乎受到了某种无形力量的阻碍,无法继续向前。 In Fang Bai heart dark wonderful, knows in the temple, must have strange thing, then enhances vigilance, approaches toward the temple slowly. 方白心中暗奇,知道神殿之内,必有奇物,便提高警惕,缓缓向着神殿靠近。 The sound of water sound, two Golden Dragon as well as four God Emperor, pursued. 身后水声响动,两条黄金龙以及四名神帝,先后追至。 Fang Bai turned head to look at one, knows, regardless of two Golden Dragon were four God Emperor, wants to snatch the yellow goldfish, but oneself not their opponents, therefore accelerated to approach toward the temple, hopes that their attention can shift to the temple in lake bottom. 方白扭头看了一眼,知道无论两条黄金龙还是四名神帝,都想抢回黄金鱼,而自己又非他们对手,于是加速向着神殿靠近,希望他们的注意力能转移到湖底的神殿上。 When he also has about the hundred zhang (333 m) from the temple major stop, then thought that the body like fettered, difficult. 他距离神殿大站还有百丈左右时,便觉得身体如同被束缚住,寸步难行。 But that two Golden Dragon, as if quite dreaded to the lake bottom temple, does not dare to depend too nearly, in beyond thousand zhang (3.33 m) stops from the temple, makes threatening gestures, sends out dragon cry toward Fang Bai unceasingly. 而那两条黄金龙,似乎对湖底神殿颇为忌惮,不敢靠得太近,在距离神殿千丈外停住,张牙舞爪,不断向着方白发出龙吟。 Only pitifully, dragon Yinsheng when arriving at temple number hundred zhang (333 m), then the golden ray that was released by the temple reduces and solves, has not had any influence on Fang Bai. 只可惜,龙吟声在到达神殿外数百丈时,便被神殿释放出的黄金光芒化解掉,对方白没有产生任何影响。 Four God Emperor are also attempting like Fang Bai, approaches to the temple, but after they enter in a temple thousand zhang (3.33 m) range, gushes out an unsurpassed supernatural power that from the temple, shakes to fly them, the five internal organs are turbulent, the vitality surges, is nearly damaged. 四名神帝也尝试着像方白一样,向神殿靠近,但他们进入神殿千丈范围内后,自神殿内涌出的一股无上神力,将他们震飞出去,五脏汹涌,气血翻腾,险些受创。 They then understand why that two being insufferably arrogant Golden Dragon does not dare to approach the temple in thousand zhang (3.33 m), originally also fears to be attacked by supernatural power in temple. 他们这才明白,为何那两条不可一世的黄金龙不敢靠近神殿千丈之内,原来也怕遭到神殿内的神力攻击。 The attack from temple, was equal to giving them a warning, they can only look at Fang Bai to worry, actually does not dare to try to approach again. 来自神殿的攻击,等于给了他们一个警告,他们只能看着方白干着急,却不敢再试图靠近。 Therefore, two Golden Dragon, four God Emperor boundary powerhouses, are away from the number hundred zhang (333 m) with Fang Bai the distance, confronts like this. 于是,两条黄金龙、四名神帝境强者,和方白隔着数百丈的距离,就这样对峙起来。 Fang Bai sees two Golden Dragon and four God Emperor is unable to attack itself, relaxes, in the heart secretly rejoices. 方白见两条黄金龙和四名神帝无法攻击自己,不由松了口气,心中暗喜。 The temple has not attacked itself, and by oneself close to the number hundred zhang (333 m), is calculated from this point, was provided the asylum to oneself. 身后的神殿并没攻击自己,并让自己靠近到数百丈内,从这一点来算,算是给自己提供了庇护。 But, after why own Pangu axe enters to the temple, didn't have a news? 可是,为什么自己的盘古斧进入到神殿内后,却没了一点讯息? Fang Bai thinks of here, had the idea of temple. 方白想到这里,又打起了神殿的主意。 He revolves the god law, transfers the chaos supernatural power in sea of qi, forms a guard/shield in the body week, then approaches to the temple again. 他运转神法,调动起气海内的混沌神力,在身周形成一层护罩,然后再次向神殿靠近。 His these to leading the way the hundred zhang (333 m), is then blocked time again. 他这一次又向前行出百丈,然后再次受阻。 He offers a sacrifice to Blood-Drinking Mad Blade, by the Blood-Drinking Mad Blade intense malignant influences, attacks the unsurpassed supernatural power that prevents itself to lead the way from the temple. 他祭出血饮狂刀,以血饮狂刀的强烈煞气,去冲击来自神殿内阻止自己前行的无上神力。 When the figure is blocked again, Fang Bai offers a sacrifice to Hou Yi's Bow, is drawing support from Hou Yi's Bow the air/Qi of sharp murdering , to continue to prompt forward. 等到身形再次受阻,方白又祭出后羿弓,借助着后羿弓的锐利杀伐之气,继续向前推进。 Later, five groups of mothers are mad the cauldron to appear in the Fang Bai top of the head...... 之后,五行母气鼎又出现在方白头顶…… Holds in in addition of three unsurpassed divine tools, Fang Bai breaks through the hindrance finally, advances to only has dozens zhang (3.33 m) place from the temple. 在三件无上神器的加持下,方白终于冲破阻碍,推进到距离神殿只有数十丈的地方。 However, at this time, he released spiritual conciousness again, is still unable to spy on the scenery of temple. 然而,这个时候,他再释放神识,依然无法窥探到神殿的景物。 But two Golden Dragon and four God Emperor thousand zhang (3.33 m) away, see Fang Bai with the aid of three divine tools, approaches the temple unexpectedly step by step, and temple has not counter-attacked, is dumbfounded, finds it hard to believe. 而千丈之外的两条黄金龙和四名神帝,看到方白借助三件神器,竟一步步靠近神殿,且神殿没有反击,已经目瞪口呆,觉得不可思议。 Moreover, they can also induce, three divine tools that Fang Bai offered a sacrifice , is the peerless divine tool, if Fang Bai controls that three divine tools to fight with them, although still has the odds of success greatly, but wants to win, actually cannot achieve in a short time. 而且,他们也能感应出,方白先后祭出的三件神器,无一不是绝世神器,如果方白操控那三件神器与他们大战,虽然依然大有胜算,但想要胜出,却绝非短时间内能够做到。 At this moment, they true holds in high esteem to Fang Bai, did not have the previous haughtiness. 此时此刻,他们才真正的对方白刮目相看起来,也没了先前的狂傲。 Half God Emperor? 半步神帝怎么了? Can control three unsurpassed divine tools depending on him simultaneously, such strength is their any is then difficult. 就凭他能够同时操控三件无上神器,这样的实力便是他们其中任何一个都难及的。 They suspect in this temple, should have the big chance, however saw with own eyes that Fang Bai even more approaches the temple front door, worries not to have the means. 他们猜想这神殿之内,应该有大机缘,然而眼见方白愈发靠近神殿大门,却干着急没有办法。 They are not clear, why this temple like not rejecting them rejects Fang Bai, instead has to admit the meaning that Fang Bai enters. 他们不明白,这神殿为何不像拒绝他们一样拒绝方白,反而有接纳方白进入的意思。 They do not know, Fang Bai at this time, to the situation of end of hills and rivers, wants to forge ahead again one step, is impossible. 他们并不知道,方白这个时候,也到山穷水尽的地步,再想向前迈进一步,都不可能。 It seems like, was the strength is too weak! If can achieve the God Emperor boundary, can perhaps enter at present in the temple, found out!” “看来,还是实力太弱了啊!如果能达到神帝境,也许就能进入眼前神殿中,一探究竟了!” Fang Bai sighed, resigned-looking color. 方白叹了口气,一脸无奈之色。 However, he has not retreated, but at three big divine tool encirclement body weeks, then sits cross-legged to sit down same place, the unsurpassed supernatural power that in the use temple gushes out unceasingly, cultivates. 不过,他没有退却,而是以三大神器环绕身周,然后原地盘膝坐下,利用神殿内不断涌出的无上神力,修炼起来。 Two Golden Dragon circles on two lake bottom giant stones thousand zhang (3.33 m) away, eying covetously is staring at Fang Bai. 两条黄金龙盘旋在千丈外的两根湖底巨石上,虎视眈眈的盯着方白 Four God Emperor also sought a position respectively, maintains the condition of jointly jointly attacking, guards against the attack that two Golden Dragon is possibly launching, is monitoring Fang Bai. 四名神帝也各自寻了一处位置,保持着联手合击的状态,既防备着两条黄金龙可能发起的攻击,也监控着方白 Two Golden Dragon is four God Emperor, has not given up by the yellow goldfish that Fang Bai takes away. 无论是两条黄金龙还是四名神帝,都没有放弃被方白收走的黄金鱼。 These yellow goldfish, are this golden lake water breeding live, continuous is absorbing the chaos supernatural power, will wait day they to grow up in the future, intelligence opening, will perhaps have some golden fish dive to cross Dragon Gate that in the lake surface will appear, the incarnation will be the dragon, will become their one. 那些黄金鱼,是这黄金湖水孕育而生,源源不断的吸纳着混沌神力,等将来有一天它们长大,灵性开启,说不定就会有某一条黄金鱼跃过湖面上显现的龙门,化身为龙,成为他们的一员。 Therefore the yellow goldfish in this lake, obtained two Huang Jinlong's protections, anyone, wants to snatch the yellow goldfish, definitely will encounter their all-out attacks. 所以这条湖中的黄金鱼,得到了两条黄金龙的守护,无论是谁,想抢黄金鱼,必然会遭到它们的全力攻击。 But four God Emperor, the drooling yellow goldfish for a long time, hopes can snatch some, brings back to the edible, auxiliary cultivation, attacks a higher boundary. 而四名神帝,垂涎黄金鱼已久,希望能抢到一些,带回食用,辅助修炼,借此冲击更高境界。 Fang Bai knows certainly, regardless of two Golden Dragon is four God Emperor, will not let off itself, therefore he decides, oneself have the temple to shelter in any case, has stayed simply here, whom looks at to consume anyone. 方白当然知道无论两条黄金龙还是四名神帝,都不会放过自己,所以他打定主意,反正自己有神殿庇护,干脆就在这里一直呆下去,看谁耗得过谁。 If oneself can in this lake bottom success promote step God Emperor boundary, then again also fearless two Golden Dragon and four God Emperor, want to leave Huangjin Lake safely, easy as pie. 如果自己能在这湖底成功晋阶神帝境,那么就再也无惧两条黄金龙和四名神帝,想平安离开黄金湖,易如反掌。 Holds this idea, Fang Bai is not worrying, the closing eyes peaceful mind, cultivates. 抱着这种想法,方白也不着急,闭目静心,修炼起来。 It seems like that boy in a short time, was not about to leave the lake bottom!” “看来那小子短时间内,不准备离开湖底了啊!” Four God Emperor see that the rope sexology Fang Bai, is also entering the cultivation condition in this lake bottom. 四名神帝见状,索性学着方白,也在这湖底进入修炼状态。 This golden lake water implication rich supernatural power, they cultivation in this in any case, beneficial harmless. 反正这黄金湖水蕴含浓郁神力,他们在此修炼,有益无害。 But two Golden Dragon was born in Huangjin Lake, they stay in this lake bottom, does not have a burden. 而两条黄金龙本就生于黄金湖中,它们呆在这湖底之内,更是没有一点负担。 Huangjin Lake bottom, therefore is peaceful. 黄金湖底,因此安静下来。 Also has not known during how long, was practicing Fang Bai, only thinks warm feeling. 也不知过了多久,正在修炼当中的方白,只觉身上一阵暖意。 Although he has not opened eyes, but the body cuts on Monday all learns about. 他虽然没有睁眼,但身周一切皆都知悉。 He discovered when does not know, from the present temple, joins in together the golden yellow ray, oneself will cover. lt ; /divgt ; 他发现不知何时,自眼前的神殿之内,投身出一道金黄光芒,将自己笼罩。lt;/divgt;
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