CPID :: Volume #29

#2858: A hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far

Most hapless should be the free demon emperor. 最倒霉的应该是逍遥魔帝了。 He was controlled by Heaven-Swallowing Great Emperor before, the intelligence has not fully restored, responded that was slower than other three top Immortal Emperor, pounds air/Qi the cauldron to his five groups of mothers, after ruining his emperor, hit on his body, making him experience personally the heavy losses. 他之前受吞天大帝操控,神智尚未完全恢复,反应比其他三名顶级仙帝慢了一些,砸向他的五行母气鼎,在毁掉他的帝器之后,又撞在了他的身上,令他身受重创。 Is seriously battered the Emperor realm powerhouse, enters to the bad risk incomparable endless space, cannot withstand the intense astral wind the tearing strength. 一名遭受重创的帝境强者,进入到凶险无比的无尽空间,根本承受不住强烈罡风的撕扯力量。 Therefore the fate of free demon emperor, it can be imagined. 所以逍遥魔帝的下场,可想而知。 As for Red Lotus Immortal Emperor and other big top Immortal Emperor, emperor was ruined, although the body suffers is not the heavy losses, when the endless space flees, will not feel better. 至于红莲仙帝等三大顶级仙帝,帝器均被毁掉,虽然身体遭受的并不算重创,无尽空间遁逃时,也绝不会好受。 Their emperor were destroyed, wants to build again, is not easy. 况且他们的帝器被毁,再想重新打造一把,并不容易。 Therefore, their strengths want to restore to the peak, feared that wanted a long time. 因此,他们的实力想要恢复至巅峰,怕是要很长一段时间了。 When their strength restores, Fang Bai will also certainly today we are no longer as we have been, keeping them from hoping to attain. 而等到他们实力恢复之时,方白也必将今非昔比,让他们更加无法企及。 Therefore, from now on the middle of this Immortal World, even is takes a broad view at three, Fang Bai again is unpaired. 所以,今后这仙界当中,甚至是放眼三界,方白都再无对手。 To Fang Bai, only potential threat, still Heaven-Swallowing Great Emperor. 方白来说,唯一潜在的威胁,依然还是吞天大帝 Red Lotus Immortal Emperor several Emperor realm powerhouses escape, immediately triggered the chain-reaction, controlling dragon Immortal Emperor, thunder Immortal Emperor and glacier empress these three big top Immortal Emperor, tearing flees in abundance void. 红莲仙帝这边的几名帝境强者一逃,顿时引发了连锁反应,驭龙仙帝、雷霆仙帝、冰河女帝这三大顶级仙帝,也纷纷撕裂虚空遁逃。 When they flee, in Emperor Palace several Immortal Emperor 只是他们遁逃之时,在帝宫几位仙帝 Under the attack, more or less received some wounds. 攻击下,或多或少都受了些创伤。 Hence, bringing under hundreds of thousands to threaten to kill to rush to Emperor Palace to come, oath to six big top Immortal Emperor that the Emperor Palace thorough shovel extinguishes, all flees. 至此,带着数十万麾下气势汹汹杀奔帝宫而来、誓要将帝宫彻底铲灭的六大顶级仙帝,全部遁逃。 Emerges out of thin air and meddles the two demon clan Emperor realm powerhouses of this war, escaped did not have the trace. 就连凭空出现、插手此战的两名魔族帝境强者,也都逃得没了踪影。 On the speed of getting up fleeing, hundreds of thousands of six big top sect gate disciples, were naturally well below one sovereign, therefore they paid the heavy price. 论起遁逃的速度,数十万六大顶级宗门的弟子们,自然远远不如自家宗主,所以他们付出了惨重代价。 When soon, six big top Immortal Emperor return to respective sect gate, when takes inventory subordinate disciple, the sorrowful discovery, they take away the Emperor Palace disciple, only came back 1/3. 不久之后,当六大顶级仙帝逃回各自宗门,清点麾下弟子时,悲哀的发现,他们带去帝宫的弟子,只回来了三分之一都不到。 To completely eradicate Emperor Palace, six big top Immortal Emperor take to Emperor Palace is the head-family sharpest disciples. 要知道,为了彻底铲除帝宫,六大顶级仙帝带往帝宫的都是本宗最精锐弟子。 Now these sharpest disciple, actually loses 2/3 also many, to their sect gates, may not withstand the heaviness. 如今这些最精锐弟子,却损失了三分之二还多,对他们的宗门来说,是不可承受之重。 This thinks that sect gate elite completely leaves, can cut to kill Battle Emperor, to destroy completely Emperor Palace, trades one for a long time calm and steady, actually goes for wool and comes back shorn...... six big top Immortal Emperor to cry but have no tears unexpectedly. 本以为宗门精锐尽出,能斩杀战帝、灭掉帝宫,换一个长久安稳,却不料偷鸡不成蚀把米……六大顶级仙帝欲哭无泪。 Six big top Immortal Emperor know, after the result that this fights spreads over Immortal World, in Immortal World maintained the neutral sect gate influence or the powder cultivates, will have many stations a Emperor Palace side. 六大顶级仙帝知道,这一战的结果传遍仙界后,仙界中原本保持中立的宗门势力或散修,会有许多站到帝宫一方。 Even some attached in their sect gate influence or the powder cultivate/repair, will go to Emperor Palace, then hits a person when he is down to six big top influences. 甚至一些原本依附于自己一方的宗门势力或散修,也会投向帝宫,转而对六大顶级势力落井下石。 What is conceivable, six big top influences of being deserted by friends and allies, will not be wonderful in the Immortal World situation from now on. 可以想象的是,众叛亲离的六大顶级势力,今后在仙界的处境会非常不妙。 Naturally, six big top Immortal Emperor most were worried that is Emperor Palace headed by Battle Emperor, possibly carries the prestige of win, seizes the chance to launch the attack to their sect gates. 当然,六大顶级仙帝最担心的,还是以战帝为首的帝宫,可能会携着大胜之威,趁机向他们的宗门发起攻击。 Since the millenniums, eight big top sect gate control Immortal World, have shared Immortal World most cultivation resources. 千年以来,八大顶级宗门统御仙界,分享仙界的大多数修炼资源。 After that Golden Crow Palace and Feihong peak these two big top sect gate, because of sovereign cultivation Heaven-Swallowing Secret Art to fall into the Demonic Path, therefore, disintegrates, does not exist, only six big top sect gate. 此后金乌宫、飞鸿峰这两大顶级宗门,因宗主修炼吞天诀堕入魔道之故,分崩离析,不复存在,只余六大顶级宗门。 If six big top sect gate also step Golden Crow Palace and Feihong peak footsteps, then Emperor Palace will substitute eight big top sect gate control Immortal World, and only becomes Immortal World to exists high. 若六大顶级宗门也步了金乌宫和飞鸿峰的后尘,那么帝宫将会替代八大顶级宗门统御仙界,并且成为仙界唯一的至高存在。 Now six big top influence losses are serious, the strength reduces greatly, no longer the extravagant demands can destroy completely Emperor Palace radically, only hopes that can meet as an equal to Emperor Palace, preserves sect gate not to lose in the Immortal World benefit. 如今六大顶级势力损失惨重,实力大减,根本不再奢求能够灭掉帝宫,只希望能与帝宫分庭抗礼,保住宗门在仙界的利益不失。 But six big top Immortal Emperor also understand, depending on their any strength, is not only able to contend with Emperor Palace, does not do well can also by defeat in detail. 但六大顶级仙帝也明白,只凭他们任何一宗之力,都无法与帝宫抗衡,弄不好还会被各个击破。 Therefore six big top sect gate after the brief break, consulted after six big top Immortal Emperor, decided to merge one temporarily, the strength of collection six big top sect gates, contended with Emperor Palace. 所以六大顶级宗门在短暂休整后,经过六大顶级仙帝协商,决定暂时合并一处,集六大顶级宗门之力,与帝宫抗衡。 Six big top sect gate after merge said that six alliances, the alliance headquarters are located in the glacier palace of glacier empress. 合并后的六大顶级宗门自称“六宗联盟”,联盟总部设在冰河女帝的冰河宫。 When six large amount in moving to glacier palace, oneself sect gate all mastery one and carries off. 六大宗门在迁到冰河宫之时,将自家宗门的所有底蕴一并带走。 Therefore the glacier palace gathered six big top Immortal Emperor and hundreds of thousands of immortals, invited in Immortal World some relational close Emperor realm powerhouses to lead a cheer, seeming like was still the extremely powerful colossus. 于是冰河宫聚集了六大顶级仙帝及数十万仙人,又邀请了仙界中一些关系密切的帝境强者助阵,看起来依然是极其强大的庞然大物。 However six big top Immortal Emperor do not dare to initiate an attack again, but withdraws in six alliance headquarters, first is the large sum of money invites a Emperor realm master to build around the glacier palace defends the strategy layer on layer/heavily, then starts to close up cultivates with concentration, asks really to restore itself as soon as possible. 不过六大顶级仙帝不敢再主动出击,而是龟缩在六宗联盟总部,先是重金请来帝境阵法师在冰河宫四周布设重重防御阵法,然后开始闭关潜心修炼,求尽快恢复自身实。 As for a Emperor Palace side, of six big top Immortal Emperor estimates, in one vigorous effort, do not follow up a victory with hot pursuit, exterminates six big top sect gate, to capture them in the Immortal World benefit. 至于帝宫一方,并不似六大顶级仙帝预想的那样,一鼓作气,乘胜追击,剿灭六大顶级宗门、夺取他们在仙界的利益。 With six big top influence wars, loss of Emperor Palace, although is minimal, but does not have the sufficient strength to chase down six big top influences. 在与六大顶级势力一战中,帝宫的损失虽然微乎其微,但却没有足够的力量去追杀六大顶级势力。 Moreover Fang Bai also understands a hard-pressed enemy should not be pursued too far the truth, although leans the strength of Emperor Palace to destroy completely six big top sect gate, but opposite party under dead end, once holds the determination of fight in which both sides perish to conduct the fierce resistance, then Emperor Palace is hard to avoid will be lost very much. 而且方白也明白穷寇莫追的道理,尽管倾帝宫之力有可能灭掉六大顶级宗门,但对方在穷途末路之下,一旦抱着鱼死网破的决心进行激烈反抗,那么帝宫难以避免的会遭受很大损失。 This is Fang Bai is undesired. 这是方白不希望看到的。 After the war ended, Fang Bai knew that after six big top influences gather the glacier palace, formed six alliances, then also makes in the war consume the Emperor Palace immortal of many immortal strength to conduct the recuperation. As for Fang Bai, after short closing up, then restores to peak condition. 所以在大战结束后,方白得知六大顶级势力聚集到了冰河宫、组成了六宗联盟后,便也让大战中耗费了过多仙力的帝宫仙人进行休整。至于方白自己,在经过短暂闭关后,便恢复至巅峰状态。 During the Emperor Palace numerous immortal recuperation, some lots of immortals come to turn one after another, many sect gate influence also requested that attaches in Emperor Palace, from now on Emperor Palace will only follow the lead. 帝宫众仙休整期间,陆陆续续有大量仙人前来投靠,不少宗门势力也请求依附于帝宫,今后唯帝宫马首是瞻。 Regarding this, Fang Bai screened personally, expels these to have the stained poor line of sect gate influences or the conduct not immortals. 对此,方白亲自进行筛选,赶走了那些有斑斑劣行的宗门势力或品行不正的仙人。 Finally, the Emperor Palace new and old disciple puts together to achieve 100,000 numerous, finally restored the quantity of previous generation peak. 最终,帝宫新老弟子加在一起达到十万之众,终于恢复到了前世巅峰时期的数量。 What is only defective, the overall strengths of these ten ten thousand Emperor Palace disciples, compared with Emperor Palace of previous generation peak, big disparity. 唯一欠缺的是,这十万帝宫弟子的整体实力,与前世巅峰时期的帝宫相比,还有不小差距。 However this is not all that serious to Fang Bai, he believes for ten years Emperor Palace to reappear the previous generation to be magnificent. 不过这对方白来说没什么大不了,他相信十年之内帝宫就能再现前世辉煌。 Fang Bai from ten ten thousand Emperor Palace disciples, chooses powerful or the aptitude spanker, reconstituted 108 combat generals. 方白从十万帝宫弟子当中,选择出实力强大或资质出众者,重新组成了一百零八战将。 In these 108 combat generals, by 36 the war that has the Immortal Sovereign boundary high rank and peak, 72 will have the Immortal Sovereign boundary to be preliminary and small war of middle rank will compose. 这一百零八战将中,由三十六名拥有仙皇境高阶及巅峰的大战将、七十二名拥有仙皇境初阶及中阶的小战将组成。 In ten ten thousand Emperor Palace disciples, selecting 72 Immortal Sovereign boundaries is preliminary and middle rank disciple has more than enough to spare, but first sovereign boundary high rank and number of peak disciple, actually also missed. 十万帝宫弟子中,选出七十二名仙皇境初阶及中阶弟子绰绰有余,但先皇境高阶及巅峰弟子的数量,却还差了一些。 Therefore in following some time, the Fang Bai main energy then placed directed the Emperor Palace disciple to cultivate on, hoping Emperor Palace can emerge more Immortal Sovereign boundaries high rank and peak boundary powerhouse. 所以在接下来一段时间内,方白的主要精力便放在了指点帝宫弟子修炼上,希望帝宫能涌现出更多仙皇境高阶以及巅峰境界的强者。 But Hundred Flowers Empress and other Emperor realm powerhouses, they cultivation besides themselves, occasionally can also be some Emperor Palace disciples shows the right direction. 百花女帝等几位帝境强者,他们除了自己修炼之外,偶尔也会为一些帝宫弟子指点迷津。 As for six alliances as well as Heaven-Swallowing Great Emperor, Fang Bai also looks at their trends in the close attention. 至于六宗联盟以及吞天大帝,方白亦在密切关注看他们的动向。 :.: :。:
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