CPID :: Volume #29

#2849: Ecstatical raising Yuan pill master

Raises the Yuan pill master to hear Tyrant Dingdan master saying, hehe smiles, a face disdains. 养元丹师听到霸鼎丹师这话,呵呵而笑,一脸不屑。 He believes that so long as Fang Bai is intelligent enough, then knows how should choose. 他相信只要方白够聪明,便知道该怎么选择。 Is an elder, even if the power and influence is big, how can also compared with the gate lord of keeping promises? 做一名长老,哪怕权势再大,又怎能和说一不二的门主相比? Fang Bai thinks, then in raising the Yuan pill master and in the vision gaze of Tyrant Dingdan says: I come from Immortal World, in our Immortal World, having words is called rather is the foxnut, is not phoenix tail. Therefore, since there is a lord to do, why can I choose the elder?” 方白想了想,然后在养元丹师和霸鼎丹师的目光注视中开口说道:“我来自仙界,在我们仙界之中,有句话叫做宁为鸡头,不为凤尾。所以,既然有门主可做,我为什么要选择长老呢?” Raises Yuan pill master hears the words, is overjoyed, excited say/way: Therefore your choice is......” 养元丹师闻言,大喜过望,激动的道:“所以你的选择是……” I choose to join to raise the Yuan gate.” “我选择加入养元门。” Fang Bai is saying with a smile. 方白微笑着道。 Good!” “太好了!” Raises the Yuan pill master excitedly, cannot bear laughs loudly. 养元丹师兴奋之下,忍不住放声大笑。 Tyrant Dingdan the master is the complexion is ugly, his vision fixes the eyes on Fang Bai, the sinking sound asks: „Did you determine?” 霸鼎丹师却是脸色难看,他目光紧盯方白,沉声问道:“你确定了?” Fang Bai nods. 方白点点头。 Tyrant Dingdan master deep inspires, is gloomy the face saying: Do not regret!” 霸鼎丹师深吸了口气,阴沉着脸道:“你可不要后悔啊!” Say/Way that Fang Bai smiles: I will certainly not regret.” 方白笑眯眯的道:“我当然不会后悔。” In Tyrant Dingdan master heart greatly is not quick, light snort/hum one, deeply looked at Fang Bai one, then turns around to go. 霸鼎丹师心中大为不快,轻哼一声,深深看了方白一眼,然后转身而去。 The department of day Qilin galaxy main first to raising the Yuan pill master expressed congratulation, then also leaves. 天麟星系的系主先是向养元丹师表示了恭贺,然后便也离开。 When the department of Tyrant Dingdan the master and day Qilin galaxy main double walks away, raises the Yuan pill master then to send greetings to Fang Bai said: Some words, want to remind you a moment ago, but you have not indicated the attitude, therefore I had not then said. Now can remind your one actually......” 等到霸鼎丹师和天麟星系的系主双走远,养元丹师这才传音给方白道:“刚才有些话,本想提醒你,但你还未表明态度,所以我便没说。现在倒是可以提醒你一下了……” He referred to place of Tyrant Dingdan the master disappearance, sincere austere sound said to Fang Bai: You must pay attention Tyrant Dingdan the master from now on, I feared that he will be disadvantageous to you.” 他指了指霸鼎丹师消失之处,正色肃声的对方白道:“你今后要留心霸鼎丹师,我怕他会对你不利。” , Sighed lightly, said: „The that tyrant cauldron pill master knows you will tame, had had the thoughts to you. I was worried about him, if seeks the opportunity, will seize you, then pressed for an answer tames after it matter.” 顿了顿,轻叹了口气,又道:“那霸鼎丹师知道你会驯兽经后,已经对你动了心思。我担心他若寻到机会,会将你抓走,然后逼问驯兽经之事。” Fang Bai said: Therefore I will choose to join your disciple. I believe, you will surely not give that tyrant the cauldron pill master opportunity.” 方白道:“所以我才会选择加入您的门下。我相信,您一定不会给那霸鼎丹师机会。” Raises the Yuan pill master quite to feel about Fang Bai these words uses, twisting must say: You now are my disciple, how can I make the that tyrant cauldron pill master bribe in you? Relax, from now on you follow side me, in Qilin galaxy of this day, without the powerhouse can do to you!” 养元丹师对方白这句话颇感受用,捻须道:“你如今已是我的弟子,我又怎能让那霸鼎丹师染指于你?放心,今后你跟在我身边,在这天麟星系,没有强者能奈何你!” Although Fang Bai pledged orally can join to raise the Yuan gate, but must follow raises the Yuan pill master to return raises the Yuan gate, is working as numerous same side, conducts the official apprentice ceremony. 方白虽然口头上承诺会加入养元门,但还要跟随养元丹师返回养元门,当着众多同门,进行正式的拜师仪式。 Fang Bai will certainly not forget itself to join to raise a Yuan gate important purpose, immediately, he and raised the Yuan pill master to say the matter of great power God King. 方白当然不会忘了自己加入养元门的一个重要目的,当下,他将大威神王之事和养元丹师说了。 After raising the Yuan pill master to listen, said with a smile: Can see by this matter, you have the benevolent to have the righteousness, being full of gratitude, this point is deep my heart. Relax, this matter wrapped on me.” 养元丹师听后,笑着说道:“由此事可以看出,你有仁有义,知恩必报,这一点深得我心。放心,此事就包在我身上了。” The Fang Bai spiritual conciousness divergence, found that great power God King and appearance/allow appearance/allow are visiting to here beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), therefore then summons them to come in the law of passes message. 方白神识幅散,发现大威神王和容容正在数千里外向这边探望,于是便以传音之法召他们过来。 great power God King brings to allow to fly side Fang Bai, and raises the Yuan pill master to know each other under the introduction of Fang Bai. 大威神王带着容容飞到方白身边,在方白的介绍下和养元丹师相互认识。 Raises the Yuan pill master to size up great power God King, sincere say/way: Your vitality deterioration, the vitality passes, the life feared that was including for ten years not to have!” 养元丹师打量着大威神王,正色道:“你气血衰败,生机流逝,寿元怕是连十年都没有了啊!” great power God King sighed, color of the face plea, held the fist in the other hand to raising Yuan pill master say/way: Also asked the god to save me!” 大威神王叹了口气,一脸恳求之色,抱拳对养元丹师道:“还求上神救我!” Raises Yuan pill master say/way: Your present condition, to lengthen the life, can only place hopes in the boundary to cultivate the promotion of strength. Ordinary God King boundary good fortune pill can only lengthen your several years of life, plays less than the major role!” 养元丹师道:“你现在的状况,若想延长寿元,只能寄希望于境界修力的提升。只是,普通的神王境造化丹只能延长你几年寿元,起不到大的作用啊!” great power God King gives his blood sacrifice of that drop of chaos to leave Fang Bai, said: Integrates in this blood good fortune pill, can be able lengthen I dozens years of life? So long as can have dozens years of life available, I then have the hope to attack the God King boundary very much high rank. This can live several thousand years years. Also on please the god help.” 大威神王方白送给他的那滴混沌之血祭出,说道:“将这血液融入造化丹中,应能延长我数十年的寿元吧?只要能有数十年寿元可用,我便有很大希望冲击神王境高阶。这样又能多活几千载岁月。还请上神成全。” Where this drop of blood...... do you obtain?” “这滴血……你是从哪里得到的?” Raises Yuan pill master Zaixi to size up the blood of that drop of chaos, is feeling the turbulent Peng pays respects vitality and supernatural power, expressed admiration. 养元丹师仔细打量着那滴混沌之血,感受着其中汹涌彭拜的生机和神力,不由啧啧称奇。 He knows that the innate spirit root powerhouse blood of is very extraordinary, but float in front drop of blood, is more uncommon than the double attribute innate spirit root, therefore in the heart feels surprised. 他知道先天灵根强者身上的血液便很非凡,但悬浮在面前的这滴血液,却是比双属性先天灵根更加不凡,因此心中觉得惊奇。 This......” “这个……” great power God King looked at Fang Bai, did not determine whether told the origin of this drop of blood raises the Yuan pill master. 大威神王看了看方白,不确定是否将这滴血的来历告诉养元丹师。 Fang Bai is saying with a smile: This drop of blood is my within the body.” 方白笑着道:“这滴血是我体内的。” Raises the Yuan pill master frown to raise, stares the big eye, sizes up Fang Bai again, as if must completely understand the penetrating Fang Bai. 养元丹师双眉一扬,瞪大眼睛,再一次打量方白,仿佛要将方白看个透彻。 „Do you...... have the matter to hide the truth from me?” “你……有事情瞒着我?” Raised the Yuan pill master to size up Fang Bai long time, has not seen anything to come, but the intuition told him, Fang Bai physique possible to imagine was better. 养元丹师打量了方白半晌,也没看出什么来,只是直觉告诉他,方白的体质可能比自己想象中的更好。 Fang Bai said: Has truly concealed.” 方白道:“确实有所隐瞒。” Raises Yuan pill master Jingdao: Is it possible that are really you greatly Luo God body?” 养元丹师惊道:“莫非你真是大罗神体?” Big Luo Shenti is higher than the first-order physique the unusual sacred body, in the middle of God World, nearly for thousands of years has not appeared. 大罗神体是比超凡圣体更高一阶的体质,在神界当中,近千万年来都未曾出现过了。 But before raised the Yuan pill master to know, Fang Bai has two types of innate spirit roots unusual sacred bodies, now he says that has concealed, in other words, he was God World has vanished thousands of year big Luo Shenti. 而之前养元丹师知道,方白是拥有两种先天灵根的超凡圣体,如今他却说有所隐瞒,那就是说,他是神界已经绝迹千万年的大罗神体。 Thinks Fang Bai may be greatly Luo Shenti, raising the Yuan pill master is excited the whole body to tremble. 一想到方白有可能是大罗神体,养元丹师激动得浑身都在颤栗。 After all, big Luo body physique, so long as cultivates with all one's heart, perhaps the future achievement will be unquantifiable, to become God Emperor even higher existence. 毕竟,大罗身体这种体质,只要尽心栽培,将来的成就难以估量,说不定就能成为神帝甚至更高的存在。 Even if the Fang Bai final achievement is only God Sovereign, will also sweep away all opponents in Qilin star of this day, at the appointed time will raise the Yuan to become aloof existence. 哪怕方白最后的成就只是神皇,在这天麟星也将横扫一切对手,届时养元将会成为一个超然的存在。 But if Fang Bai can the promote step God Sovereign boundary cultivate/repair is, then his refine the pill of immortality level, will also promote, at the appointed time is in the middle of God World strength top God Emperor, must to the polite three points. 方白若能晋阶神皇境修为,那么他的炼丹水平,也会随之提升,届时便是神界当中实力顶级的神帝,都要对之客气三分。 Thinks oneself picked so in a big way treasure, raises the Yuan pill master then unable to bear grin to laugh, pays silent tribute for the tyrant cauldron pill master. 一想到自己捡了个如此大的“宝贝”,养元丹师便忍不住咧嘴大笑,同时也替霸鼎丹师默哀。 I feel...... should.” “我觉得……应该是吧。” Under raising Yuan pill teacher's earnest vision gaze, Fang Bai nods, simultaneously released the third type of aura. 在养元丹师热切的目光注视下,方白点了点头,同时释放出了第三种气息。 The aura of his foreign release is the wood and hot, this is the refine the pill of immortality master necessary physique , this third type of aura is actually the water attribute, lets raise the Yuan pill master to be wild with joy. 他原本对外释放的气息是木和火,这是炼丹师必备的体质,这第三种气息却是水属性,更让养元丹师欣喜若狂。 God World refine the pill of immortality master in the refinement god pill master, not only the wooden attribute that needs to distinguish the wonder drug and can refine the hot attribute of wonder drug, needs certain water to moisten the wonder drug, thus makes the wonder drug achieve the effect best. 要知道,神界的炼丹师在炼制神丹师,不仅只需要能识别神药的木属性和能够炼化神药的火属性,也需要一定的水来滋润神药,从而让神药达到效果最佳。 But the third physique attribute that Fang Bai has, exactly water attribute , before no wonder him, in god pill who at pill normal university match refines, product Jie will include other pill masters. 方白具备的第三种体质属性,恰恰正是水属性,也难怪他之前在丹师大赛上炼制的神丹,品阶会包括其他丹师。 Raising the Yuan pill master is ecstatic, does not have to think own this guild has this big harvest. 养元丹师心花怒放,没想到自己此行会有这种大收获。 He will gather Fang Bai for disciple matter, regards as raises a Yuan gate big chance. 他将收取方白为弟子这件事情,视为养元门的一个大机缘。 At this time, if who snatched Fang Bai, raised the Yuan pill master to be able with the opposite party to go all out. 这个时候,谁若来抢方白,养元丹师一定会和对方拼命。 Walks, we then return now raise the Yuan gate!” “走,咱们现在便回养元门!” Raises the Yuan pill master to want sea Fang Bai to bring back impatiently raises the Yuan gate, line of official acknowledging as teacher basic ceremonies, so as to avoid a long delay usually means many problems. 养元丹师迫不及待的想要海方白带回养元门,行正式的拜师入门仪式,免得夜长梦多。
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