BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#905: Rolf's Animagus

The Ivan intention moves, suddenly remembered a moment ago arrested that two Wizard, the speaking inquiry said. You think that who can be attacking Thunderbird?” 伊凡心念一动,突然想起刚才被逮捕的那两名巫师,不由的出言询问道。“你认为会是什么人在攻击雷鸟?” Does not know, perhaps is poaching member of one crowd of morally degenerates, the corpse that after all grows up Thunderbird can sell several thousand galleons on Black Market, is difficult to guarantee others not to move!” Rolf spooky sighing, whose similar matter with father travelling world, he has been seeing many times, some rare and precious magical creature were exterminated to the lane by these bastards quickly. “不知道,或许是一群道德败坏的偷猎分子,毕竟一只成年雷鸟的尸体在黑市上能卖数千加隆,难保别人不动心!”罗尔夫幽幽的叹了口气,类似的事情在跟谁父亲游历世界,他见过很多次,以至于一些珍稀的神奇生物都快被这些混蛋给弄灭绝了。 However, Ivan actually too does not approve the Rolf's viewpoint, first has Thunderbird to be transported to France comes, then also has the Grindelwald lackey to appear and disappear in this, he very finds it hard to believe that this can be a coincidence. 然而,伊凡却是不太认同罗尔夫的观点,先是有雷鸟被运到法兰西来,然后又有格林德沃的爪牙在这附近出没,他很难相信这会是一个巧合。 But if related and somewhat could not convince with Grindelwald, what the opposite party was all right to look for Thunderbird to make? 但若是和格林德沃有关又有些说不通,对方没事找雷鸟做什么? Is always insufficient to be the same with oneself, collects the blood of Thunderbird to fuse bloodline? 总不至于是和自己一样,收集雷鸟的血液融合血脉吧? This thought just floated off from the heart by Ivan removing, wants to depend upon to fuse bloodline at the Grindelwald magic level to promote the strength not to need to wait till the present specially, the opposite party cannot depend upon the system solution many bloodline conflict problems like oneself. 这个念头刚刚从心头浮起就被伊凡给排除了,以格林德沃魔法水平想要依靠融合血脉来提升力量也不必专门等到现在,对方又不像自己一样能依靠系统解决多种血脉的冲突问题。 In brief this Quest possibly unusual danger, besides Thunderbird, we can also meet with these poachers, therefore rests while this half of the day time, you best consider again carefully, must know that this may fight truly, is not cracks a joke!” The Rolf very serious consolation said. “总之这次任务可能会非常的危险,除了雷鸟之外,我们说不定还会和那些偷猎者碰面,所以趁着这半天休息的时候,你最好再仔细考虑一下,要知道这可真正的战斗,不是开玩笑的!”罗尔夫十分严肃的劝慰道。 Although he had seen in Nouvelles D'europe Ivan has defeated the reports of three Auror, but wants to come should now to be the ingredient of show is in the majority. 虽然他在欧洲时报上看到过伊凡击败过三名傲罗的报道,但现在想来应该是作秀的成分居多。 After all front Ivan Hals seemed like is really young, even the magic level was very high, experience still certainly serious insufficiency in operational. 毕竟面前伊凡-哈尔斯看起来实在是太年轻了,就算魔法水平真的很高,在作战方面的经验也一定严重不足。 But in the official fight, is not the charms might that who releases is big who can win, after the opponent stupidly you will not prepare to finish , conducts the duel. 而在正式的战斗中,可不是谁释放的魔咒威力大谁就能赢的,对手更不会傻到等你准备完毕之后再进行决斗。 Does not need, Mr. Scamander, I to be capable of protecting itself good, has prepared fight.” The Ivan intonation is saying lightly, in the words has one not meaning that allows to reject. “不必了,斯卡曼德先生,我有能力保护好自己,也已经做好了战斗的准备。”伊凡语调平淡的说着,话语中却有着一股不容拒绝的意味。 Good, since you persist in thinking that......” Rolf nods, has not admonished again, but is thinking at heart when the time comes looks at Ivan some, so as to avoid the opposite party encounters what danger. “好吧,既然你坚持这么认为的话……”罗尔夫点了点头,也没再规劝,只是心里想着到时候多看着伊凡一些,免得对方遇到什么危险。 Decides initially after the plan that seizes Thunderbird, Ivan and Rolf then decided Room two to hotel operator that starts the preliminary preparatory work. 初步商定好了抓捕雷鸟的计划后,伊凡罗尔夫便到旅馆老板那定了两个,开始先期的准备工作。 Rolf is responsible for manufacturing to attract the Thunderbird special characteristics spice, but Ivan received boiled makes potions Quest. 罗尔夫负责制作吸引雷鸟的特质香料,而伊凡则是接过了熬制魔药任务 This they at least need out of office to treat as a stranger last most of the day time time, full head who does not want to be bitten is the words of package, best need some pursuit mosquito as well as potions of hiding figure. 这一次他们至少要在野外待上大半天的时间,不想被叮的满头是包的话,最好需要一些驱逐蚊虫以及隐蔽身形的魔药 Considering that Quest may have some situations, Ivan will also improve Bloodline Fusion Potion preparing one ahead of time, when the time comes only needed to collect the blood of some Thunderbird to conduct Bloodline Fusion Ceremony. 考虑到任务可能会出现一些突发情况,伊凡还提前将改良血脉融合魔药给准备了一份,到时候只需要收集一些雷鸟的血液就可以进行血脉融合仪式了。 Next morning, Ivan takes to boil potions that the system will complete, will open the door to go out of the hotel, but Rolf has pulled half big small goats to wait in the entrance. 第二天上午,伊凡拿上熬制完成的魔药,开门走出旅馆,而罗尔夫早就牵着一只半大的小山羊在门口等着了。 Probably is because confundus charm reason, that goat appears very clever, without tying up the rope, following that blindly follows suit behind Rolf's. 大概是因为中了混淆咒的缘故,那只山羊显得十分的乖巧,没有拴绳,就这么亦步亦趋的跟在罗尔夫的后头。 potions that you want!” Ivan put out two bottles of reagents to lose backhandedly. “你要的魔药!”伊凡反手拿出两瓶试剂丢了过去。 Rolf put out a hand to receive, along with, even if pulled out the reagent the bottle to smell, confirmed the drug efficacy received it. 罗尔夫伸手接过,随即便拔开试剂的瓶子闻了闻,确认了药效才将其收了起来。 Smelling of guinea pig size this will have the yawn to drill from the Rolf chest front pocket, probably induced the aura of valuables and money to be the same, blurry is looking around everywhere, after seeing Ivan immediately screamed, then hiss slid to sneak in the bag, only left behind the tail and half buttocks outside. 豚鼠大小的嗅嗅这会也打着哈欠从罗尔夫胸前的口袋里钻了出来,像是感应到了财宝的气息一样,迷糊的四处张望着,当看到伊凡之后顿时尖叫了一声,然后嘶溜一下重新钻进了袋子里,只留下尾巴和半个屁股在外头。 Ivan touches the nose, do oneself have terrifying that? 伊凡摸了摸鼻子,自己有那么恐怖吗? Rolf does not know whether to laugh or cry will smell the reveal to force in the pocket outside tail, immediately is drawing Ivan, opens the muggle automobile that is renting, drives toward small town west side that standing tall and erect mountain forest. 罗尔夫哭笑不得的将嗅嗅露在外面的尾巴塞进口袋,随即拉着伊凡,开着一辆租来的麻瓜汽车,向着小镇西边那座高耸的山林驶去。 I have never thought that will you drive unexpectedly?” Ivan very unexpected saying. “真没想到,你竟然会开车?”伊凡很是意外的说道。 Sometimes uses the transportation vehicle journey of muggle, can exempt many unnecessary trouble......” Rolf to shrug, opening the mouth answered. “有时候使用麻瓜的交通工具出行,能免去许多不必要的麻烦……”罗尔夫耸了耸肩,开口解释道。 Although Wizard Apparate is easy-to-use, but wants to guarantee that the destination accurate words, usually can only transmit to before went to the place, sometimes therefore these convenient transportation vehicles can the big use. 巫师幻影移形虽然好用,但想要保证目的地准确无误的话,通常只能传送到之前去过的地方,所以有时候这些便捷的交通工具就能够大用场。 Is chatting, Rolf drives into the halfway up the mountainside following the mountain road, looked for one also to calculate that the smooth open area stopped. 就这么一路闲聊着,罗尔夫顺着山道一路驶入半山腰,找了一处还算平坦的空地停了下来。 I exerted muggle-repelling charm at the foot of the hill, in this period of time will not have any unrelated person to disturb us......” Rolf to open the door to get out, is explaining, while the goat from the trunk to drawing, and put out to prepare the good special spice to smudge in the fur/superficial knowledge of goat. “我在山脚下施加了麻瓜驱逐咒,在这段时间里不会有任何不相干的人来打扰我们……”罗尔夫开门下车,一边解释着,一边将山羊从后备箱给拉了出来,并拿出准备好的特殊香料涂抹在山羊的皮毛上。 Ivan is trying smelling, has not actually smelled any flavor, probably only then Thunderbird can distinguish. 伊凡试着闻了闻,却没有嗅到任何的味道,大概只有雷鸟才能够识别出来。 Can help?” Ivan pulls up the sleeve to speak the inquiry to say. “要帮忙吗?”伊凡拉起袖子出言询问道。 Naturally, the two person does to save a lot of time!” Rolf has not rejected the help of Ivan, making him help the holding down goat, so as to avoid this thing moves heedlessly. “当然,两个人干能省不少的时间!”罗尔夫没有拒绝伊凡的帮助,让他帮忙按住山羊,免得这东西乱动。 Spent for about five minutes, Rolf to handle all, confundus charm that finally before wielding wand relieved, exerted. 花了大约五分钟,罗尔夫就搞定了一切,最后挥动魔杖解除了之前施加的混淆咒 This pitiful goat just woke up saw two Wizard devils is staring at itself, frightens starts running away at once, entered in the jungle hurriedly, quick vanished in two people front. 这只可怜的山羊刚刚醒来就看到两位巫师凶神恶煞的盯着自己,吓得拔腿就跑,匆忙的窜进了密林里,很快就消失在了两人的面前。 Then we must do is follows it, cannot by too nearly unable with losing, continuously patiently, when Thunderbird appears on the line!” Rolf put out the beforehand two bottles of potions gū lū lū rinsing mouth figure to bend down to twist transform lowly. “接下来我们要做的就是跟着它,不能靠太近也不能跟丢,一直耐心的等到雷鸟出现就行!”罗尔夫拿出之前的两瓶魔药咕噜噜的灌进嘴里紧接着身形低伏扭曲变形了起来。 The yellow down rapid emits from whole body, the nail of both hands becomes tall and slender sharp, before long a vigorous and healthy spotted panther then appeared in the halfway up the mountainside. 黄色的绒毛迅速从全身上下冒出,双手的指甲变得细长锋利,不一会儿一只健壮的花豹便出现在了半山腰上。 Originally when smelling in pocket also fell, but this little fellow quickly on familiar and easy crawled the top of the head of spotted panther following the fur/superficial knowledge, stubbornly entrained several hair not to put. 原本待在口袋里的嗅嗅也掉了出来,不过这个小家伙很快就轻车熟路的顺着皮毛爬到了花豹的头顶,死死的拽着几根毛发不放。 Right, your sneaking ability how, Hals?” Rolf adapted to body after a transform, then has turned the head, opens the mouth to ask. “对了,你的潜行能力怎么样,哈尔斯?”罗尔夫适应了一下变形后的身体,接着转过头,开口问道。 However looks to behind, the Rolf unexpected discovery Ivan form has actually disappeared without the trace, while he was feeling strange the time sound then passed from the midair together. 然而望向身后,罗尔夫却意外的发现伊凡的身影已经消失无踪了,正当他奇怪着的时候一道声音便从半空中传了过来。 I think good!” “我认为挺不错吧!” Rolf looked up the eye fiercely, Owl leisure flew from the space, hovering in his front. 罗尔夫猛地抬头看了眼,一只猫头鹰慢悠悠的从天上飞了下来,悬停在了他的面前。 ( PS: Thank the book friend book friend Something went wrong dozens of enjoying 50000 beginning coins, thanked everyone votes certainly, tomorrow two)! (PS:感谢书友书友[Not Found]打赏的50000起点币,也感谢大家的投票支持,明天一定两更)!
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