BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#904: Rolf Scamander

The feeling turns over to the feeling, Ivan not to idle the egg to hurt to tell these muggle situations the truth. 感慨归感慨,伊凡也没有闲得蛋疼到将真相告诉这几个麻瓜地步。 Sometimes knows too many can only the disciple increase the worry...... 有时候知道的太多只能徒增烦恼…… Experienced an unrest, following meeting compared with the Ivan imagination in wants smoothly many, a point just passed, the person who he must wait for appeared in the inn entrance on time. 经历了一场骚乱,接下来的见面比伊凡想象中的要顺利不少,一点刚过,他要等的人就准时出现在了旅店门口。 Rolf passing through the gate observed the situation, in seeing Ivan lays aside after the paper napkin of table corner, then walked toward here. 罗尔夫进门环视了一圈,在看到伊凡放置在桌角的餐巾纸后,便向着这边走了过来。 Hello, Mr. Scamander...... I am Ivan Hals.” Ivan stands up to extend the right hand, initiative greeting said that simultaneously vision curious is sizing up on this 19-year-old wizard, opposite party the appearance or the makings, are different from he had seen in the past any Wizard. “你好,斯卡曼德先生……我是伊凡-哈尔斯。”伊凡站起身伸出右手,主动的招呼道,同时目光好奇的在这位19岁的男巫身上打量着,对方无论是打扮还是气质,都不同于他以往见过的任何巫师 Probably is because mingles among year to year in the reason in mountain forest and wilderness, the Rolf's physique looks very vigorous and healthy, a brown hair handles deficient seems chaotic, the skin was exposed to the sun the sepia, on the bottom of pants leg and clothes is also contaminating some clay, does not know also thinks junkman who where comes...... 大概是因为常年混迹在山林和荒野中的缘故,罗尔夫的体格看起来很是健壮,一头棕色的头发缺乏打理显得乱糟糟的,皮肤则是被晒成了棕黑色,裤脚和衣服上还沾染着些许黏土,不知道的还以为哪里来的拾荒者…… Sees you very much happily, Mr. Hals......” Rolf put out a hand to grasp grasping with Ivan, free sat in opposite position. I have seen your deeds in Nouvelles D'europe, that above said that you are England most talented Wizard, but also defeated several Auror in the test......” “很高兴见到你,哈尔斯先生……”罗尔夫伸出手和伊凡握了握,自如的在对面的位置上坐了下来。“我在欧洲时报上看到过你的事迹,那上面说你是英伦最有天赋的巫师,还在考试的时候打败了几名傲罗……” Erroneous approved, some most talents said no on, I played the noisy time to use other students in the learn/study at best.” Ivan very low-key saying. “谬赞了,最有天赋说不上,我充其量只是把其他学生们玩闹的时间都用在了学习上。”伊凡十分低调的说道。 Rolf has a complaining desire inexplicably, but bore finally, then clears throat, speaks the inquiry to say. Also allows me take the liberty to ask one, why you think suddenly, when my assistant?” 罗尔夫莫名有种吐槽的欲望,但最后还是忍住了,转而清了清嗓子,出言询问道。“还容我冒昧的问一句,你为什么会突然想到过来当我的助手?” Very puzzled regarding this Rolf, like Ivan so talented Wizard, after graduating, should register for Auror or look for a clerical job to seek the promotion in Ministry of Magic to be right, how can indulge in fantasy goes to France to come specially, when his apprentice. 对于这点罗尔夫很是不解,像伊凡这般有天赋的巫师,毕业后应该报考傲罗或是在魔法部找一份文职工作寻求晋升才对,怎么会异想天开的专门跑到法兰西来当他的学徒。 The most important thing is, he simply not supports to England or the International Confederation of Wizards application, the Pius actually hard stopper a person came suddenly, underage Wizard that just graduated, this makes Rolf many somewhat discontented. 最为重要的是,他根本没有向英伦或是国际巫师联合会申请支援,皮尔斯却突然硬塞了一个人过来,还是一个刚毕业的未成年巫师,这让罗尔夫多少有些不满。 This time goal Thunderbird is specially keen magical creature, in tracking and seizing the action of opposite party must discretely be very good, takes an unprofessional person instead to be able the misdemeanor. 这次的目标雷鸟可是一种特别敏锐的神奇生物,在跟踪、抓捕对方的行动中必须要十分谨慎才行,带上一个外行的人反而有可能会坏事。 Ivan naturally saw the Rolf worry, immediately speaking answered. Mr. Scamander, I have been interested in various magical creature very much, had understood many related knowledge, this time heard had Thunderbird to appear in France applied to join this arrest on own initiative, cannot solicit your agreement also to excuse me ahead of time......” 伊凡自然是看出了罗尔夫顾虑,当即出言解释道。“斯卡曼德先生,我对各种神奇生物一直很感兴趣,也了解过许多相关的知识,这次听说有一只雷鸟出现在了法兰西就主动申请加入了这次抓捕行动,没能提前征求你的同意还请见谅……” Is saying, Ivan, the left hand put in the right sleeve suddenly fiercely, stressed one to grow the duck mouth from inside, probably the thing of black guinea pig. 正说着,伊凡突然顿了顿,左手猛地伸进右边的袖子里,从里面抓出了一只长着鸭嘴,像是黑色豚鼠的东西。 After this whole body plump magical creature Ivan seizes, is not shy, instead is blinking the pitch-black big eye, very visits him innocently. 这只浑身圆滚滚神奇生物伊凡逮住后,一点也不怕生,反而是眨巴着乌黑的大眼睛,十分无辜的看着他。 „Is this you plans to give my test? Mr. Scamander?” Ivan is clutching black guinea pig the tail, the inquiry of teasing said. “这是你打算给我的考验吗?斯卡曼德先生?”伊凡揪着“黑色豚鼠”的尾巴,打趣的询问道。 Rolf is looking at Sniffer in Ivan, the complexion immediately becomes very awkward, his embarrasedly receives Sniffer, annoyed shot on the opposite party head with the index finger, then looks to Ivan quite afraid saying. 罗尔夫望着伊凡手里的嗅嗅,面色顿时变得很是尴尬,他讪讪的将嗅嗅接了过来,恼火的用食指在对方脑袋上弹了一下,而后望向伊凡颇为心虚的说道。 „...... Right, I want to test your vigilance, having a look at you to suit is engaged in this industry, Hals......” “啊……对,我是想考验一下你的警惕性,看看你适不适合从事这个行业,哈尔斯……” It seems like I should pass.” Ivan has not revealed the Rolf's meaning, but was referred to that only growing the large size black guinea pig of duck mouth taking advantage of this by, spoke to say. “这么看来我应该是通过了。”伊凡没有揭穿罗尔夫的意思,而是借着这个由头指了指那只“长着鸭嘴的大号黑色豚鼠”,出言说道。 Sniffer, systematic name Niffler, is one type will dig likes collecting the valuables and money magical creature, the Ministry of Magic classification rank is the 3 X level, usually dwells in Great Britain, is temperate, can be away from detect very much the aura of gold coin or treasure, the chest is growing a space bag, the black fur/superficial knowledge is the manufacture extends the excellent material of backpack......” 嗅嗅,学名泥伏雷,是一种会掘地喜欢收集财宝的神奇生物,魔法部分类级别为3X级,通常栖息在大不列颠境内,性格温和,能隔着很远察觉到金币或是宝物的气息,胸口长着一个空间袋,黑色皮毛是制作延伸背包的绝佳材料……” Ivan incessant gave to say the Sniffer habit, habitat and ability, even including fur/superficial knowledge and blood value, when mentioned these magic materials, Ivan also looked at that only Sniffer one specially. 伊凡滔滔不绝的将嗅嗅的习性、栖息地、能力都给说了一遍,甚至包括皮毛和血液的价值,在说起这些魔法材料的时候,伊凡还特意看了那只嗅嗅一眼。 In Ivan good intentions under the vision gaze, attempted to depend to sell to sprout/moe to take off/escape Sniffer of crime to hit to tremble immediately, four claw dug up is drawing stubbornly grasp the Rolf's thumb. 伊凡“善意”的目光注视下,企图靠卖萌脱罪的嗅嗅顿时打了个寒颤,四只爪子扒拉着死死的抱住罗尔夫的大拇指。 Rolf very speechless forced in Sniffer the chest front pocket, now knows to fear, did early...... 罗尔夫十分无语的将嗅嗅塞进了胸前的口袋里,现在知道怕,早干嘛去了…… However Ivan can so detailed said Sniffer various characteristics, making Rolf have a new look to him slightly, this showed at least the opposite party was not the pure layman, at least has been the amateur of related schoolwork......, if can obey the direction, many assistants but were actually not good...... 不过伊凡能够如此详细的说出嗅嗅的各种特征,让罗尔夫对他稍稍改观了一些,这起码证明对方并非是单纯的门外汉,至少是做过相关功课的业余爱好者……如果能够听从指挥的话,多个助手倒也不是不行…… A little, Rolf somewhat does not do clearly, how that own pet will rush to Ivan there suddenly, although Sniffer has the custom of collecting the valuables and money, but after these years trainings, it has been able to suppress own instinct, the similar matter nearly two years have never happened. 只是有一点,罗尔夫有些搞不明白,那就自己的宠物怎么会突然跑到伊凡那里去,虽说嗅嗅有收集财宝的习惯,但经过这些年的训练,它已经能够抑制住自己的天性,类似的事情近两年从未发生过。 The body of opposite party does have the treasure that is inconceivable? Will make Sniffer disregard own order? 还是说,对方的身上有着难以想象的宝物?才会让嗅嗅无视自己的命令? Some thoughts flash through in the Rolf's mind, although very curious, meaning that but he has not asked that but is earnest mentioned this Quest detail to Ivan. 些许念头在罗尔夫的脑海中闪过,尽管十分的好奇,但他也没有多问的意思,而是认真的给伊凡说起了这次任务的细节。 He is three days ago arrives in this town, had grasped the approximate range of Thunderbird activity after these days investigation initially, and formulated a bait to plan by this. 他是三天前到达这个镇子里的,经过这几天的探查已经初步掌握了雷鸟活动的大致范围,并以此制定了一个诱饵计划。 I bought a live lamb in nearby village, early tomorrow morning I will smudge special characteristics on its fur the spice, then puts nearby mountain to come up. This type of spice can attract the Thunderbird attention, we must do is other Thunderbird hunted, found the position of lair with it......” Rolf simple and brief saying. “我在附近的村子里买了一只活的羊羔,明天一早我就会在它的毛皮上涂抹一种特质的香料,然后放到附近的山上去。这种香料能够吸引雷鸟的注意力,我们要做的就是等雷鸟捕猎完毕,跟着它找到巢穴的位置……”罗尔夫简洁明了的说道。 Why that does not come to select anaesthesia potions of strong effect simply again, directly its medicine but actually? Should this be able to save many things?” Ivan is inquiring puzzled. “那为什么不干脆再来点强效的麻醉魔药,直接将它药倒?这样应该能省不少事情吗?”伊凡不解的询问着。 Where is so easy, must be joyful prey Thunderbird may be swindled......” Rolf to shake the head, then turns the head to look to the out of the window pitch-dark dark cloud, look dignified saying. Moreover I suspected that this only Thunderbird likely is at the injured condition, the mood fluctuation is intense, only then since this can explain this week the strange weather.” “哪有那么容易,必须是活蹦乱跳的猎物雷鸟才有可能上当……”罗尔夫摇了摇头,接着又转头看向窗外黑漆漆的乌云,神色凝重的说道。“而且我怀疑这只雷鸟很可能处于受伤状态,情绪波动激烈,只有这样才能解释这一周以来怪异的天气。” Ivan nods, before coming, he has this doubts, normal Thunderbird not such hot tempered, the severe weather of appearing and disappearing region will usually maintain the 1~2 day to vanish, this entire one week has not stopped, what will really be very strange...... 伊凡点了点头,来之前他就有这个疑惑,正常来说雷鸟不会这么的暴躁,出没地带的恶劣天气通常维持一两天就会消失,这一次整整一周都没有消停,的确是非常的奇怪…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Kiss, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer stand synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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