BDM :: Volume #8

#716: Win

After that only wears the elite black people of goat's horn helmet appear, with the lair black people of class successively appears. 在那只戴山羊角头盔的精锐黑民出现之后,同个阶层的巢穴黑民陆续出现。 In that Tian Yang saw has met early, on head steadily like the black wolf of royal crown chip, but it before ‚the wound of day in the attack is injured, the body many skins fester, reveal the white bones, these wounds emit the yellow wealth from inside, looks feels sore. 那里面,天阳就看到了早前遇到过的,脑袋上长着如同王冠般晶片的黑狼,但它在之前‘天之伤’的打击中受了伤,身上多处皮肤溃烂,露出白骨,那些伤口从里面冒出黄色的脓水,看着就觉得疼。 Dark killing, it hovers outside the battlefield circuitously, like a spirit. Often projects one not to have arrow quiet, but that had both the arrow arrow of speed and destructive power, in these illusory city walls under weakens layer on layer/heavily, regardless of the speed or the might, weakens significantly, making the attack troops in battlefield be able to respond calmly. 还有一名幽暗狙杀者,它在战场外侧迂回游动,如同一只幽灵。不时射出一枚‘幽无之箭’,只是那兼具了速度和破坏力的箭矢,在那些虚幻城墙的重重削弱下,无论速度或者威力,都大幅度减弱,让战场上的突击部队能够从容反应。 Besides these two black people, black people who resembles is the prowler, its form twists, is heavy, like place meat mountain. Its face and body, do not know that is inborn so, is wounded in the beforehand attack, corrupts bumpy. 除了这两种黑民外,还有一只似是徘徊者的黑民,它身影扭曲,体态臃肿,像座肉山。它的脸庞、身体,不知道是天生如此,还是在之前的打击里受创,均腐烂得坑坑洼洼。 But on the foreheads, chest, two arms, was covered with one only to exude the yellow light eye. 但在额头上、胸口上、两条手臂上,长满了一只只泛着黄光的眼睛。 This meat mountain is moving difficultly, it becomes the soldiers to be obvious target, the intelligent weapon and asterium rifle launch the fierce attack. But this fatty has the derivative force field, caused the light beam and bullet had the displacement before the hit. 这座肉山艰难地移动着,它成为了士兵们再明显不过的靶子,智能兵器和星素步枪对其发动猛烈的攻击。但这‘胖子’拥有偏导力场,使得光束和子弹都在命中前发生了偏移。 Another elite black people, like just fished simply from the acid liquid, the body surface is flowing a yellowish green wealth continuously, these liquids volatilize, release olivine mist that has the irritating the nose flavor. 另有一只精锐黑民,简直就像刚从酸液里捞起来般,身体表面源源不断地流淌着一层黄绿色的脓水,那些液体自行挥发,释放出一片带有刺鼻味道的黄绿雾气。 The black people in mist often lift both hands, its palm is abnormal, the finger is sturdy, waves both hands, then has the intense corrosive liquid to sprinkle these toward all around. 雾气里的这只黑民不时抬起双手,它的手掌畸形巨大,指头粗壮,挥舞双手,便将那些具有强烈腐蚀性的液体泼往四周。 Last elite black people, the contour looks like that type to make the child voice the tree monster, but under its branch and end is bearing Ying face the fruit, but dangles dark brown vines. The tentacle of its tree root octopus, the tree root tumblings of these tentacle wriggle likely, enabling this class higher tree monster to enter the battlefield fast. 最后一只精锐黑民,外形酷似那种能够发出小孩声音的树妖,但它枝丫下并末结着婴脸的果实,而是垂下一条条深棕色的藤蔓。它的树根像章鱼的触手,这些触手似的树根翻滚蠕动,使得这只阶层更高的树妖能够快速进入战场。 These elite black people, in addition the frightened feudal lord, is this lair remaining final strengths. 这些精锐黑民,再加上恐惧领主,便是这座巢穴剩下的最后力量。 That appears at first, holds the halberd black people like the giant, crashes in the battlefield, is well-targeted, 78 meters copper halberd punctured toward Xun ruthlessly. 那最初出现,如同巨人般的持戟黑民,冲进战场,目标明确,七八米长的铜戟狠狠地朝薰刺了过去。 Xun is maintaining the comforting mind ability, without movement. 薰维持着安抚心神的能力,没有移动。 Nearby Tian Yang does not see the movement, he knows, Ding Ran will certainly block this black people. What Tian Yang guards is that is only dark killing, even if quiet of this thing does not have the arrow to weaken by way of the order barrier, the speed might reduces greatly. 旁边的天阳也不见动作,他知道,丁染一定会拦下这只黑民。天阳更防备的是那只幽暗狙杀者,哪怕这东西的幽无之箭经由秩序壁垒削弱,速度威力大减。 But if hits Xun, by the brilliance delicate physique, that can want the life of fumigating absolutely. 可如果击中薰,以光辉柔弱的体质,那绝对可以要了薰的性命。 So long as there is Tian Yang in the side, this is the matter that is almost impossible to have. 但只要有天阳在身边,这就是几乎不可能发生的事。 Another side. 另一边。 Ding Ran sees the copper armor giant to clash, on face calm, he lifts the hand, the wrist/skill shakes. 丁染见铜甲巨人冲来,脸上波澜不惊,他抬起手,手腕一抖。 Wipes the class/flow electro-optic to shoot, hit copper armor giant that the halberd point of long halberd. When a sound, then struck off by the flowing light the halberd of copper halberd sharp, the huge impact is the belt/bring results in the copper armor giant long halberd one, cannot help but shifts, to toward another side. 一抹流光电射而出,击中了铜甲巨人那把长戟的戟尖。当一声响,那把铜戟的戟尖生生被流光击断,巨大的撞击力更是带得铜甲巨人长戟一偏,不由自主地转向,冲往另一侧。 Tian Yang shot a look at the eye, discovered the long feather that an origin silvery brilliance condenses sews on the ground, originally it is that wipes the flowing light true body. 天阳瞥了眼,发现一根由银辉凝聚的长羽钉在地上,原来它就是那抹流光的‘真身’。 At this time the copper armor giant stopped, has turned around, in the slit of surface armor, two in the eye that is burning the red light projected the angry look, the spin voices a anger to howl from surface armor. 这时铜甲巨人停了下来,转过身,面甲的缝隙里,两只燃烧着红光的眼睛中射出怒色,旋既从面甲里发出一阵怒啸。 It raises the hand, lifted up high the blade sharp copper halberd, made an effort fiercely, makes the movement of javelin. 它举起手,高举断了刃尖的铜戟,猛地用力,做出投枪的动作。 Copper halberd to Ding Ran. 将铜戟扎向丁染。 The storm colonel with the plan of giant test of strength, a slippery step has not lightened copper halberd point of descent, both hands has shaken the wrist continuously, silver flowing light hit the giant like the bullet. 风暴上校没有和巨人角力的打算,一个滑步就已经闪出了铜戟的落点处,双手连续抖腕,一道道银色流光如同子弹般击中巨人。 Each flowing light, is a silvery brilliance long feather, they attack fiercely in copper armor of giant. That seemingly thick copper armor, actually cannot block these delicate feathers, by to bind holes, inside was gushed out the black liquid continuously. 每一道流光,便是一根银辉长羽,它们痛击在巨人的铜甲上。那看似厚实的铜甲,却挡不住这些柔弱的羽毛,被扎出一个个窟窿来,里面源源不绝地涌出黑色的液体。 The giants are whooshing in surface armor, dashes about wildly with stride, already thoroughly by it that Ding Ran angers, my humble home Xun. Got hold of the fist, incomparably pounds arbitrarily to Ding Ran. 巨人在面甲里嘶吼着,大步狂奔,已经彻底被丁染惹怒的它,舍下了薰。握紧了拳头,蛮横无比地砸向丁染。 Ding Ran form draws back floating, has not made the entanglement with the giant, he lifts the arm, the thumb lifts, the index finger stretches out straight in front of oneself. 丁染身影飘退,没有跟巨人多做纠缠,他抬起手臂,拇指抬起,食指平伸。 The fingertip place, counted the light congruence to gather at 1 : 00, the lasing leaves together silver white. 指尖处,数道光线汇聚于一点,激射出一道银白。 Submerged in the slit of giant surface armor accurately, breaks out from the helmet, goes far away does not know many kilometers. 准确地没入了巨人面甲的缝隙里,从头盔后方破出,远去不知多少公里。 Under the above of lair, remains together the off and on silver white path. 只是,在巢穴的上方,残留下一道断断续续的银白轨迹。 . 咔嚓咔嚓。 The helmet place of giant, from the slit of surface armor, a silver white trace spreads to proliferate fast. 巨人的头盔处,从面甲的缝隙四周,一片银白纹路飞快蔓延扩散。 Instantaneous, has proliferated the whole body of giant, then was still running the giant to start to disintegrate. 瞬间而已,就已经遍布巨人的全身,接着仍在奔跑中的巨人就开始解体。 Copper armor as well as inside flesh of bulk tumble the ground, rushes again 45 steps, the giant stopped, the body thorough disintegration, the flesh starts to decompose, changes into the black sludge. 大块大块的铜甲以及里面的血肉滚落地面,再奔出四五步,巨人就停了下来,身体彻底崩碎,血肉开始分解,化为黑色污泥。 Tian Yang took back the line of sight, guessed correctly probably, this colonel should be a chaser. 天阳收回了视线,大概猜到,这位上校应该是狩猎者。 At this moment, he caught a low and deep sound to howl, catches the dim ray to puncture layer upon layer the illusory city wall together, toward fumigating the head broken shot. 就在这时,他捕捉到了一丝低沉的音啸,捕捉到一道黯淡的光芒刺破了层层虚幻的城墙,朝着薰的头破射来。 Tian Yang must make a move, in the field of vision, the silver light has delimited together, hits that not to have the arrow quiet, its scrap to become chose/point dim glimmer. 天阳就要出手,视野中,一道银光划过,撞击那根幽无之箭,将它炸碎成点点黯淡微光。 Is Ding Ran! 是丁染! After he solves this did not have the arrow quiet, moves sideways to present the fumigating, lifts the hand toward distant place one finger/refers, the fingertip then has silver white being in full bloom, driving back that was only dark killing. 他解决了这根幽无之箭后,闪身出现在薰的附近,抬手朝远处一指,指尖便有银白怒放,逼退了那只幽暗狙杀者。 Looks the stance that he faces the enemy with composure, Tian Yang understands why the flying plum will assign this colonel to protect Xun. 看他从容对敌的姿态,天阳明白,为什么飞梅会指定这位上校来保护薰了。 Ding Ran ability may be possible to be near. 丁染的能力可远可近。 Facing the copper armor giant such close combat opponent, spreads out, defend with the silver light feathers ; But to the opponent on dark killing this ultra-long-range, to refer to generation of spears/guns, enrages the silver white light beam. 面对铜甲巨人那样的近战对手,就拉开距离,用银光飞羽御敌;而对上幽暗狙杀者这种超远程的对手,则以指代枪,激怒银白光束。 As the matter stands, regardless of facing what opponent. Basically, he does not need to leave fumigates too far, can protect this important goal. 这样一来,无论面对什么样的对手。基本上,他根本不用离开薰太远,就可以保护这个重要的目标。 Holds the hand on moonlight sword hilt to put down, Tian Yang even can emit half of attention, pays attention change in battlefield. 扶在月光剑柄上的手又放下,天阳甚至能放出一半的注意力,去留意战场上的变化。 In fields, after that copper armor giant, the black people of that shape fake prowler also follow to drop down, under firepower network that in the intelligent weapon and soldier jointly build, its derivative force field continues to be consumed. 场间,继那只铜甲巨人之后,那只形假徘徊者的黑民也跟着倒下,在智能兵器和士兵共同构筑的火力网下,它的偏导力场持续被消耗着。 It is not able to maintain after the force field, the intense firepower falls to its body. Immediately, it rumbled bruised and lacerated by various types of light beams and bullets, buries the will prisoner's cage in chest finally is defeated, falls on the battlefield. 在力场无法维持之后,猛烈的火力就落到它的身上。当即,它被各种光束和子弹轰得皮开肉绽,最终埋在胸口里的意志囚笼被击破,倒在了战场上。 Afterward, that is only black the wolf to be collaborated by several fortresses, stellar profundity barrier reverse utilization, connecting sleeve on this black wolf. 随后,那只黑狼被几名堡垒联手,将‘星蕴屏障’反向运用,连接套在了这只黑狼上。 After being caught, vermilion Huang lived in the stellar profundity barrier the fire, roasted the hard coke the black wolf directly. 被捕捉到之后,朱凰在星蕴屏障里生了把火,直接把黑狼烤成了焦炭。 The remaining rotten black people and tree monsters, in sublimator by storm army were compelled the dead end gradually. 剩下的腐烂黑民和树妖,渐渐被风暴军里的升华者逼上了绝路。 After Ding Ran and dark killing conducted the correlations of several rounds, that killing does not only beat the storm colonel, was hit by the consecutively two silver white light beams by Ding Ran, pours in the battlefield edge. 当丁染和幽暗狙杀者进行了几个回合的对射之后,那只狙杀者始终不敌风暴上校,被丁染以连续两道银白光束击中,倒在了战场边缘。 After killing this killing, Ding Ran has not continued to act, his relaxing the hands stands fumigating side, is observing the change in battlefield indifferently. 干掉这名狙杀者后,丁染没有继续出手,他垂手站在薰的旁边,冷眼观察着战场上的变化。 That only corrupting black people by the hearts of official rank 4 element, were used on the wane seal in the ice layer, after can not move, since was overshot the column of flame thoroughly to eliminate from the place. 那只腐烂黑民被职级四的元素之心,使用‘凋零’封在了冰层里,不得动弹之后,被从地上冲起的火柱彻底消灭。 Finally is only left over that only to set up the monster, its body proliferates the arrow arrow, the tree root and branch, was cut unceasingly by two war-god class. 最后只剩下那只树妖,它身上遍布箭矢,树根和枝丫,则被两名战神职阶不断砍下。 After insisting period of time, set up the monster to be cut several, hid the will prisoner's cage in tree trunk, was shot through by a chaser, completed decisive killing. 在坚持了一阵子之后,树妖被斩成了几段,藏在树身里的意志囚笼,也被一名狩猎者射穿,完成了决定性的狙杀。 Hence, all elite black people have dropped down, was only left over the frightened feudal lord. 至此,所有的精锐黑民都已经倒下,只剩下恐惧领主而已了。 Wishes one could these stone walls that climb up the blue dragon to raise when Tian Yang, attractive outcome, suddenly had had a premonition, then the ground rocks violently. 就在天阳恨不得攀上蓝龙所升起的那些石墙,好看个究竟时,忽然有所预感,接着地面就猛烈晃动。 The distant place, heard the depressed impact noise, by flame, even can see, the distant place outside stone wall raised a smoke dragon. 远处,传来了沉闷的撞击声,借由火光,甚至可以看到,石墙外的远处扬起了一条烟龙。 Outside the stone wall, Hong looks like the colonel iron fist to strike, pounded exaggerating pits, smashed the ground to sway. Although has not hit the frightened feudal lord, but, makes this lair leader figure not steady, loses the balance. 石墙外,洪象上校铁拳擂地,砸出了一个夸张的坑洼,砸得地面摇摇晃晃。尽管没有击中恐惧领主,不过,也让这位巢穴首领身形不稳,失去平衡。 Seizes this opportunity, is to fight the blue dragon beyond circle, on both hands lifts fiercely. 捉住这个机会,身在战圈外的蓝龙,猛地双手上抬。 Under the foot of frightened feudal lord, stone spear/gun held suddenly, held it to fly the midair, the deep green flame splash, fell the armor fragment. 恐惧领主的脚底下,一根石枪霍然捅了起来,捅得它飞上了半空,碧绿火焰飞溅,掉落块块盔甲碎片。 Painting colonel clear shout, jumped onto this to reach the sky slantingly the stone spear/gun, above racing line/traverse in Shiqiang, caught up with the frightened feudal lord, the long sword pulled off together the fine glow, swept away to go. 丹青上校一声清咤,跃上了这根斜伸向天空的石枪,奔行于石枪之上,追上了恐惧领主,长剑拖出一道精芒,横扫而去。 Airborne presents a silver light immediately, this ray spans in in the air, suddenly high and low scattered, a space as if torn picture scroll, proliferates the close indistinct trace. 空中立时出现一条银光,这条光芒横亘在空中,突然上下错落,空间仿佛一张被撕裂的画卷,遍布细密隐约的纹路。 The frightened feudal lord cannot help but throws to fall, green flame, armor piece, blood and everywhere splash. 恐惧领主不由自主地抛跌出去,绿焰、甲片、血液、漫天飞溅。 Suddenly, it projects the black rune/symbol writing long sword that the long sword is twining the green fire, pursues the female colonel to go. 突然,它将那把黑色符文长剑投出,长剑缠绕着绿火,追着女上校而去。 Illusory city walls appear in the painting front, rune/symbol writing long sword across this city wall time, the might reduces unceasingly. When arrives at the painting front, on a female colonel sword selects, then selects the sword this toward the distant place, oneself fall on the stone spear/gun. 一面面虚幻的城墙出现在丹青的前方,符文长剑穿过这面面城墙的时候,威力不断削减。来到丹青面前时,女上校一剑上挑,便将这把剑挑往远处,自己则落回石枪上。 Another head. 另一头。 The frightened feudal lord drops the ground, has not waited for it to fall, a war statue had thrown, both hands open, supports the feudal lord tightly. 恐惧领主跌落地面,没等它落下,一尊战争石像已经扑了过去,双手张开,紧拥领主。 The statue splits fast, jumps becomes the innumerable crushed stones broken, the crushed stone sticks to the body of feudal lord, a overlay, gradually combines a boulder. 石像飞快分裂,迸碎成无数碎石,碎石紧贴在领主的身上,块块叠加,逐渐组合成一颗圆石。 Remaining statue only rush, the decomposition, is wrapping the boulder with their fragments, is expanding its volume, forms a firm jail. 剩下的石像一只只地奔去,分解,用它们的碎片包裹着圆石,壮大着它的体积,形成一座坚固的监牢。 Finally after that statue contributes own body, circular rock of one group of hill then fell in the land. At this time Hong looked like rushes, the middle-aged colonel bellowed, lifted the right fist. 最后那只石像贡献出自己的身躯之后,一团小山似的圆形岩石便落到了大地上。这时洪象奔去,中年上校大吼中,抬起了右拳。 The fist front place presents a spiral-shaped ripple, and pulls makes a debut like electrical fire silver white. 拳锋处出现一个螺旋状的波纹,并扯出道道如同电火般的银白。 Blue dragon both hands inflate, Hong looks like the front ground to lift and extend upwardly slantingly, forms over -bridge to nodule center. 蓝龙双手虚抬,洪象前方的地面向上抬起、斜伸,形成一道通往岩球中心的天桥。 Hong looks like to/clashes Joutenbashi, printed the iron fist layer on layer/heavily in a that nodule central point. 洪象冲上天桥,将铁拳重重地印在了那颗岩球的中心一点上。 The nodule revolves fiercely, the instantaneous disintegration, the fragment was thrown by a huge centrifugal force flies to the battlefield in all directions. But in the frightened feudal lord situated in nodule, the body twist deformation, the armor smashing, that twines the green flame of whole body, extinguishes finally ........ 岩球猛地旋转起来,瞬间崩碎,碎片被一股巨大的离心力抛飞向战场四处。而位于岩球内部的恐惧领主,身体扭曲变形,盔甲粉碎,那缠绕全身的绿色火焰,终是熄灭........
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