BDM :: Volume #8

#715: Natural enemy( four asked monthly ticket)

After Major vermilion Huang brings one team of troops are coming the convergence, Tian Yang and Xun, sneaked in special purpose vehicle of storm army. 在朱凰少校带着一队人马过来汇合之后,天阳和薰,就钻进了一辆风暴军的专用车辆里。 Colonel Ding Ran sits in the copilot station, the stance is optional, the vision is profound, they have not talked with Tian Yang, and end mentioned the item that then needs to pay attention. 上校丁染坐在副驾驶位置上,姿态随意,目光深远,未曾和天阳两人交谈,也并末提及接下来需要注意的事项。 As if, he does not care about the following fight, he has the powerful confidence to his strength. 仿佛,他并不在意接下来的战斗,又或者说,他对自身的实力抱有强大信心。 Sits in fumigating side, Tian Yang noticed, the hand five fingers of young girl draw , seems somewhat anxious. 坐在薰旁边,天阳留意到,少女的手五指收拢,似乎有些紧张。 Tian Yang grips her hand gently, only thought that girl's hand is somewhat icy cold, he said: Do not be anxious, will not have the matter.” 天阳轻轻握住她的手,只觉得女孩的手有些冰凉,他道:“别紧张,不会有事的。” Fumigates first nods, the spin shakes the head, finally the corners of the mouth seep the helpless happy expression: Good, I acknowledged that is a little afraid. Although I the first time am not on battlefield, but like the present, needs to face the enemy, needs to solve the problem, was sent by the great expectations first time.” 薰先是点头,旋又摇头,最后嘴角沁出无奈的笑意:“好吧,我承认是有点害怕。虽然我不是第一次上战场,但像现在这样,需要面对敌人,需要解决问题,被寄以厚望还是第一次。” I worried, if my ability is unable to smooth frightened, scatters the darkness, how I explain to the general.” “我担心,如果我的能力无法抚平恐惧、驱散黑暗,我怎么向将军交待。” Tian Yang smiled the sound gently: „Do you want to listen to my suggestion?” 天阳轻轻笑了声:“那你想不想听听我的建议?” Xun selected under: Naturally thinks that you said quickly.” 薰点了下头:“当然想啦,你快说。” Sat as if also heard the Tian Yang words in front Ding Ran, he had no movement, but the line of sight actually drifted backward. 坐在前面的丁染似乎也听到了天阳的话,他没有任何动作,但视线却向后飘移。 A Tian Yang face sincere said/tunnel: Performs the maximum effort, as for other things, when finished then considered.” 天阳一脸正色地道:“尽自己最大的努力,至于其它的事情,等结束了再考虑。” This...” “这样吗...” The fumigated expression has the subtle change: Good, I tried, try to defer to you to say did.” 薰的表情发生微妙的变化:“好吧,那我试试,试试按照你说的去做。” Girl's aura became calm many, the look restored in the past Ning Ding, she has not withdrawn, no matter what like this own hand, were being shaken by Tian Yang lightly. 女孩的气息变得沉稳了不少,眼神恢复往常的宁定,她没有抽回手,就这样任自己的手,被天阳轻握着。 A moment later, the vehicles stopped, Ding Ran straightened up the lower back finally: Arrived.” 片刻之后,车辆停了下来,丁染终于挺直了腰背:“到了。” The people get out. 众人下车。 Tian Yang gets out, smelled in the air to flutter the burnt flavor, the ground some heats was still volatilizing rises. 天阳一下车,就闻到空气里飘荡着焦糊的味道,地面仍有热量挥发上升。 Taking advantage of the ground residual flame, Tian Yang looks all around everywhere, has not actually recognized the lair original appearance. 借着地面到处残留的火焰,天阳环顾四周,却已经认不出巢穴原来的样子了。 Here mountain massif had changed, is disposed the trough by the rock that the scrap collapses, formed fluctuating like the hill landform. 这里山体已经发生了改变,被炸碎坍塌的山石填埋了低谷,形成了一片起伏如同丘陵般的地貌。 This is ‚the wound of day the might, can change the wide scope the landform, can live in such attack, that lair feudal lord is not simple. 这就是‘天之伤’的威力,能够改变大范围的地貌,能够在这样的攻击中活下来,那名巢穴领主也非常不简单。 Front. 前方。 By the blue dragon three colonels is the attack troops of head, has started to enter the lair range. Tian Yang has to notice, around the lair arranged the security, preventing the feudal lord to escape. 由蓝龙三名上校为首的突击部队,已经开始进入巢穴范围。天阳有注意到,巢穴四周都布置了警戒,防止领主逃脱。 However, that feudal lord should receive the wound in the beforehand attack, is hard to be separated. Otherwise light/only depends on this manpower, could not prevent it from leaving. 不过,那名领主应该是在之前的打击里受到创伤,难以脱离。否则光靠这点人手,根本阻止不了它离开。 You with tightening me, vermilion Huang you pay attention to the rear area.” “你们跟紧我,朱凰你留意后方。” Ding Ransui makes the arrangement, he takes the lead, Tian Yang and Xun follow in him behind, after vermilion Huang brings her squad pad . 丁染随既做出布置,他只身走在前面,天阳和薰跟在他身后,朱凰则带着她的小队垫后。 Steps the ground that the lair is, Tian Yang only thinks that foot plate boiling hot, as if under has the magma in boiling hot, the thermal energy is passing to send from the crushed stones of under foot. 踏上巢穴所在的地面,天阳只觉脚板一阵滚烫,仿佛地底下有岩浆在滚烫,热力正从脚下的碎石间透发出来。 Some Tian Yang worries look to Xun, but discovered that the girl look is usual, it seems like hot intent of under foot in range that also in she can endure. 天阳有些担心地看向薰,但发现女孩神色如常,看来脚下的热意还在她能够忍受的范围之内。 Quick Tian Yang saw some corpses, these corpses wear the uniform/subdue of storm army, the surface exits toward the lair, evidently they are when escapes from the lair to be killed. 很快天阳就看到了一些尸体,这些尸体都穿着风暴军的制服,都面朝着巢穴出口,看样子他们是在逃出巢穴的时候被杀的。 These corpse some common grounds, their expressions are fierce, on the face, eye is also framing the fear. 这些尸体还有一些共同点,他们的表情都非常狰狞,脸上、眼睛里还定格着恐惧。 They were killed in the extremely scared condition. 他们是在极度恐慌的状态下被杀死的。 The cause of death has the difference respectively, some were torn into shreds the body by the sharp thing, some are the chest back has to putting on the wounds, on some corpses is also inserting the black irregular corner thorn. 死因则是各有区别,有的是被锐利的东西撕碎了身体,有的则是胸背有对穿的伤口,有的尸体上还插着黑色不规则的棱刺。 Sees these corpses, fumigates the complexion slightly flood white, the look has the terrified, more actually pities. 看到这些尸体,薰脸色微微泛白,眼神有惶恐,更多的却是怜悯。 The expression too big change, girl's look is still not firm, the physique of leading the way cannot see hesitant. 只是表情没有太大的变化,女孩的眼神依旧坚定,前行的身姿看不到犹豫。 Is walking, Tian Yang sees suddenly, in the darkness of lair distant place, shines a tattooing yellow flame suddenly. 走着走着,天阳突然看到,巢穴远处的黑暗里,突然亮起一点青黄色的火光。 That flame, the color fast becomes rich, the keep changing, frames finally on strong deep green. 那点火光,颜色飞快变得浓郁,不停变化,最终定格在浓烈的碧绿上。 The green and glossy flame starts to expand, as it is close, as if there is ice-cold gloomy wind to blow from the distant place, making Tian Yang shrink the neck. 绿油油的火光开始壮大,随着它接近,仿佛有冰冷阴森的风从远处吹来,让天阳不由缩了缩脖子。 He discovered has the response, not only, sublimator is good, the ordinary soldier even body vibrates gently, and becomes shrinks, will also draw back in the future. 他发现生出反应的不只自己,升华者还好,普通士兵甚至身体轻轻抖动起来,并且变得畏缩,还往后退。 Be careful!” “小心!” Frightened feudal lord came!” Blue dragon yelled. “恐惧领主来了!”蓝龙大叫。 Frightened feudal lord, this is the expeditionary force regarding the name of that feudal lord. Succinct, but is appropriate. 恐惧领主,这是远征军对于那只领主的命名。简洁,但贴切。 In an instant, that rolls bluish green fire to arrive at not far away, in this distance, Tian Yang has been able to see, in that group green and glossy flame, presents a person's shadow indistinctly. 转眼之间,那团碧火已经来到不远处,在这个距离,天阳已经可以看到,那团绿油油的火焰里,隐约出现一条人影。 That person's shadow big and strong attire, in the flame often presents the details of some armor. Although is only the partial picture, is not difficult to discover that armor is quite heavy/thick, edges and corners to be distinct. 那道人影高大且强装,火光里不时出现一些盔甲的细节。虽然只是局部的画面,可不难发现,那身盔甲极为厚重、棱角分明。 The deep green flame, gushes out from the slit of this armor, and spreads all around. 碧绿的火焰,就是从这身盔甲的缝隙里涌出,且扩散到四周。 Cannot see clearly five of frightened feudal lord high, can only see, has a long hair to fly upwards in the flame, and on the face, presents a scarlet vertical pupil! 看不清恐惧领主的五高,只能看到,在火焰里有一头长发飞扬,并且在脸上,出现一颗猩红的竖瞳! What monster that is... 那到底是什么样的怪物... . 呼。 On the frightened feudal lord green flame rises suddenly, shines upon all around dull green, in that shining green light, the Tian Yang breath starts becomes heavy, the heartbeat does not have the reason to speed up, multiplies the inexplicable fear at heart. 恐惧领主身上的绿焰暴涨,映照得四周一片惨绿,在那明晃晃的绿光里,天阳呼吸开始变得沉重,心跳无来由地加快,心里滋生出莫名的恐惧。 The corner of the eye place, he saw suddenly, in own hand has the black mottling spread to grow, putrefied like him suddenly generally. 眼角处,他突然看到,自己的手上有黑色的斑块蔓延生长,就像他突然发霉了一般。 He noticed that the surrounding person as if turned into the statue, is motionless, whatever the black mottling grows on their bodies, hands, face fast. 他看到周围的人仿佛都变成了石像,全都一动不动,任由黑色的斑块在他们的身上、手上、脸上飞快生长。 The Tian Yang back sends coldly, some sounds were screaming at heart, wants him to hurry to flee this place. 天阳背脊发寒,心里有个声音在尖叫,要他赶紧逃离此地。 He both ears humming sound the straight sound, on the forehead proliferates the close beads of sweat, he had been closely wrapped up by the fear. 他双耳嗡嗡直响,额头上遍布细密汗珠,他已经被恐惧紧紧包拢。 At this moment. 就在这时。 He saw that the silver glimmer falls faded and fallen, these rays pass to disperse the holy aura, it is comforting the mind, is scattering the fear, is returning to normal the mood. 他看到有银色的微光飘零落下,这些光芒透散出圣洁的气息,它安抚着心灵,驱散着恐惧,平复着情绪。 The Tian Yang heartbeat returns to gradually normal, starts to feel that own body temperature, in the body is full the strength again. 天阳的心跳渐渐恢复正常,开始感觉到自己的体温,身体中又再次充盈着力量。 Afterward he discovered, oneself hand and end catches the black spot, all around portrait wakes up from the nightmare, the honorable mouth place is gasping for breath, but in look is flurried is abating. 随后他就发现,自己的手并末染上黑斑,四周的人像是从噩梦里醒来般,正大口地喘着气,但眼神里的慌乱正在消退。 He also saw, Xun is spreading out both hands slightly, has the marvelous fluctuation from her body Zhou Shifang, proliferation, just like tidal rushes to all around, has inundated that frightened controlled person. 他还看到,身边的薰正微微摊开着双手,有奇妙的波动自她身周释放、扩散,宛若潮水般涌向四周,漫过那一个被恐惧支配的人。 The girl whole body is sending out the silver glow, her beautiful hair flutters calmly, her eye Shenning decides quietly. 女孩全身正散发着银色的辉光,她的秀发无风飘扬,她的眼神宁定静谧。 She gazes at the front silently, the line of sight is falling on the frightened feudal lord in distant place. 她默默注视着前方,视线落在远处的恐惧领主身上。 The feudal lords as if detect, oneself natural enemy appeared. In the green fire of whole body flaming ascension, a color was jet black, proliferates various distortion symbols the sword to extend. 领主仿佛察觉到,自己的天敌出现了。周身熊熊升腾的绿火里,一把颜色漆黑,遍布各种扭曲符号的剑伸了出来。 Aimed at Xun. 指向了薰。 Has not made any sound, but everyone, can hear sharp whistling by the mind. 没有发出任何声音,可每个人,都能够在脑海里听到一声尖利的啸叫。 The land vibrates suddenly. 大地突然震动起来。 A ground haunches up suddenly, the crushed stone explodes, dislodges together a about four meters high form from inside. 一处地面突然拱起,碎石爆裂,从里面撞出一道将近四米高的身影。 Its whole body is dressing up the dark blue armor, on armor piece is carving the strange pattern, it wears the decoration to have the helmet of goat's horn, wears fierce surface armor that the fang appears externally. 它全身披挂着暗绿色的盔甲,甲片上雕刻着奇异的花纹,它戴着装饰有山羊角的头盔,戴着獠牙外露的狰狞面甲。 From the fine drawn of surface armor, can see eye that a pair is burning the red light. It took 78 meters rough copper halberd, the halberd is aiming at Xun sharp, the goal started the charge explicitly. 从面甲的细缝里,可以看到一双燃烧着红光的眼睛。它拿着七八米长的粗糙铜戟,戟尖对准了薰,目标明确地发动冲锋。 We cope with the feudal lord, others protect the brilliance!” “我们对付领主,其它人保护光辉!” The blue dragon called out calmly, now has been able to confirm, the fumigated official rank ability truly can scatter the fear. As the matter stands, has the asylum of brilliance, they have the capital in the lair fighting. 蓝龙沉着地叫道,现在已经可以确认,薰的职级能力确实能够驱散恐惧。这样一来,有光辉的庇护,他们这些人就拥有在巢穴中战斗的资本。 Speech at the same time, the blue dragon has transformed stellar profundity as the element energy, he lifts two arms, makes movement that lifts upwardly. 说话的同时,蓝龙已经将星蕴转化为元素能量,他抬起两条手臂,做出向上托举的动作。 In him behind, rock constructions wall raises upwardly, they are some crushed stones, but under the function of element energy, they condenses in the same place, becomes exceptionally hard. 在他身后,一面面岩石构建的‘墙壁’向上升起,它们本来是些碎石,但在元素能量的作用下,它们凝聚在一起,变得异常坚硬。 These walls separate Lan and Long and following team, similarly, separated the frightened feudal lord. 这些墙壁把蓝龙三人和后面的队伍分隔开来,同样,也分隔开了恐惧领主。 The blue dragon acts from the beginning, other two colonels have not been idling. 蓝龙一开始行动,其它两名上校也没有闲着。 Although is a female, but is actually the war-god class painting, the body wells up the ray, stellar profundity transforms to mump, cuns (2.5 cm) cover her body, and still had the ample force to extend to the long sword, strengthens this weapon. 虽然是女性,但却是战神职阶的丹青,身体涌光芒,星蕴转化成斗气,寸寸覆盖她的身体,并且尚有余力向长剑延伸,强化这件武器。 She conducts is mumping the strengthening, while charges into the frightened feudal lord. 她一边进行着斗气强化,一边冲向恐惧领主。 Hong as fortress looks like first puts out a hand empty to grasp in the painting direction, put on ‚the stellar profundity barrier to this war-god class companion. 身为堡垒的洪象先是朝丹青的方向伸手虚握,给这位战神职阶的同伴套上了‘星蕴屏障’。 By official rank 6 fortress divine protections ‚the stellar profundity barrier, the thickness is considerable, like perseveres force field that’ can move simply. 由职级六堡垒加护的‘星蕴屏障’,厚度可观,简直就像一个能够移动的‘坚守力场’。 Hong looks like drinks again greatly, all around raised the illusory city wall, similarly is order barrier, his range actually almost covers this battlefield, making the side personnel place during the protection of fortress. 洪象再次大喝,四周升起了虚幻的城墙,同样是‘秩序壁垒’,他的范围却几乎笼罩住这座战场,让已方人员都身处堡垒的保护之中。 Finally, the colonel of this two temple efflorescences, empty presses toward own chest. The yellow light flows, he had not extinguished armor for oneself divine protection. Afterward puts on a pair of color deep glove, rushes toward the frightened feudal lord on the stride. 最后,这位两鬓霜白的上校,才往自己胸口虚按。黄光流淌,他已经为自己加护了‘不灭铠’。随后戴上一双颜色深沉的手套,就大步朝恐惧领主奔去。 That head, the female colonel already and frightened feudal lord fights, in her hand that the seemingly slender long sword, every delimits one time, actually can bring to sweep away to fight the air/Qi the bone-chilling cold sword light. 那一头,女上校已经和恐惧领主交手,她手上那把看似纤细的长剑,每一次划出,却总能带起横扫战气的凛冽剑光。 The blue dragon has not directly participated in the fight, he squatted, both hands according to ground. 蓝龙没有直接参与战斗,他蹲了下去,双手按在地面上。 The earth shock, the innumerable crushed stone acquisition approvals, combine two giants under the function of element energy. This is the ability of land apostle war statue, the statue strength is greatly infinite, and has one to the abilities of two land apostles, can be considered as clone of blue dragon. 地面震动,无数碎石拨地而起,在元素能量的作用下组合出两尊巨人。这是大地使徒的能力‘战争石像’,石像力大无穷,并且拥有一到两个大地使徒的能力,可视为蓝龙的分身。 The blue dragon never fights the weaponry that has not grasped, after he made six statues continually, puts out one bottle of stellar profundity supplement fluids to fill. Afterward jumps to a shoulder of statue, refers to the frightened feudal lord, six war statues start to walk the serious step, approaches to the frightened feudal lord. 蓝龙从来不打没把握的仗,他持续制造了六尊石像之后,才拿出一瓶星蕴补充液灌下。随后跳到其中一尊石像的肩上,向恐惧领主指去,六尊战争石像就迈开沉重的步伐,向恐惧领主逼近。 Fights between three colonel and feudal lord, have sounded the bugle. 三名上校和领主之间的战斗,已经吹响了号角。 In stone wall, lair. In elite black people also successively appear, and faithfully is carrying out feudal lord's order, they make a move, the natural enemy that to Xun tries to kill the frightened feudal lord. 石墙之内,巢穴.里的精锐黑民也陆续出现,并忠实执行着领主的命令,它们纷纷向薰出手,试图袭杀恐惧领主的这位天敌。
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