BDM :: Volume #15

#1491: Flesh king city

Although is only the short two diaries, but Tian Yang actually as if can smell the thick blood smell between the lines. 虽然只是短短的两篇日记,但天阳却仿佛能够在字里行间嗅出了浓浓的血腥气味。 From the content of diary, had lots of personnel to spill into the underground refuge shelter at that time, not difficult to imagine, the disaster arrives suddenly, the original order has collapsed. 从日记的内容来看,当时有大量的人员涌进了地下避难所,不难想像,灾难突然降临,原有的秩序已经崩坏。 Even before the refuge shelter, has the quantity of stipulating the entrant, but, some people will not observe the order in that case, complies with the stipulation. 哪怕避难所之前有规定进入者的数量,可在那种情况下,根本不会有人去遵守秩序,遵守规定。 For going on living, this is very normal approach. 为了活下去,这是很正常的做法。 . 只是。 Then, exploding the conflict was normal. 如此一来,暴发冲突就再正常不过了。 After looking at these three diaries, Tian Yang put down the electronic board, aspirates gently. 看完了这三篇日记后,天阳放下了电子板,轻轻吐了口气。 tall Hanghu the look said deeply: They to go on living, exhausted every minute the strength.” 高行虎眼神深沉地说道:“他们为了活下去,用尽了每一分力气。” Pitifully, the reality is very brutal, they have not lived finally, only then these goods retained, becomes they had lived proof.” “可惜,现实很残酷,他们最终还是没有活下来,只有这些物品保留了下来,成为他们曾经活过的证明。” Tian Yang looked that said to that scholar: If the complete diary translates, can give me a text.” 天阳看向了那位学者道:“如果全部日记翻译出来,能否给我一份文本。” Jason smiles saying: Naturally does not have the issue.” 杰森微笑道:“当然没问题。” Tian Yang jaw first thanks. 天阳颌首感谢。 Also in a day. 又过了一天。 On this day, Tian Yang looks at the electronic board, on that is the front patrol transmits, now outside base car(riage) real-time scene. 这天,天阳看着电子板,那上面是前方侦察队发送回来的,现在基地车外面的实时场景。 Saw by screen Tian Yang of electronic board, the patrol scanned nearby region, from the graph of scanning, the topography gradually will then rise, the kings in seemingly dark empire construct on a stretch of high ground. 透过电子板的屏幕天阳看到,侦察队扫描了附近区域,从扫描的图表来看,接下来地势会逐渐升高,看起来黑暗帝国的王都建造在一片高地上。 And, on the electronic board showed, outside temperature has been close to the zero degree. 并且,电子板上显示,外面的气温已经接近零度。 By the computation of wisdom brain, the topography more rises upward, the temperature will jump over falls downward. 根据智脑的计算,地势越往上升,气温就会越往下降。 Again shortly afterward, outdoor temperature will break through the zero degree. 再过不久,室外的气温就会突破零度。 Naturally. 当然。 The base car(riage), the exposure suit of combat tanks or the soldiers has the constant temperature. 无论是基地车,战车还是士兵们的防护服都有恒温系统。 The soldiers are insufficient to freeze to death in the outside. 士兵们不至于在室外冻死。 May also probably pay attention, the constant temperature function is indoor, lies in the exposure suit. 可也要注意,恒温系统作用在于室内,在于防护服内。 If the temperature drops too fiercely, then the armor, the external instrumentation and the exposure suit outer layer vehicles can crack as a result of freezing or the rime. 如果温度下降得太厉害,那么车辆的装甲、外部设备、防护服外层都会冻裂或结霜。 Such environment, is unfriendly to the expeditionary force. 这样的环境,对远征军可一点也不友好。 When the time comes perhaps only has sublimator to move as usual, only then official rank above sublimator. 到时候恐怕只有升华者能够如常活动,并且只有中职级以上的升华者 The low official rank sublimator physical quality, and stellar profundity reserves is not enough to support them to move in the low temperature. 低职级的升华者身体素质,以及星蕴储量都不足以支持他们在低温环境里活动。 In this regard, low official rank sublimator and strong average person, distinguishing are not very big. 在这方面,低职级的升华者和强壮一些的普通人,区别并不是很大。 Also besides the low temperature, hinders the expeditionary force has the jungle. 除了低温外,阻碍远征军的还有密林。 Since the topography starts to rise, as forest appearance. 自从地势开始走高后,森林就随着出现。 The forest is primarily the coniferous forest, the color of leaf is the deep black, these plants do not know after counter forms is long, or originally world remains. 森林以针叶林为主,树叶的颜色是深沉的黑色,这些植物不知道是在逆界形成后才长出来,亦或是原本世界的残留。 In brief, these plants have frozen and steel in the low temperature equally are hard. 总之,这些植物在低温环境下都已经冻得跟钢铁一样坚硬。 Even if using the light beam cutting equipment, wants to clean up one to be possible for the channel that the expeditionary force passes through, must quite spend a hands and feet. 就算使用光束切割器材,想清理出一条可供远征军经过的通道,也要颇费一番手脚。 At this time, the broadcast of base car(riage) made a sound, forest Jianping invited the representative in city lord and church in various fortresses, went to the conference room set. 这时,基地车的广播响了起来,林剑屏邀请各座堡垒的城主、教会的代表,前往会议室集合。 Tian Yang put down the electronic board, changes the clothes, goes to the conference room. 天阳放下了电子板,换上衣服,前往会议室。 forest Jianping meets to everyone. 林剑屏给大家开了个会。 The general meaning is, considering the expeditionary force present physical resource and manpower, he thinks in the cleaning up coniferous forest, makes a channel at the same time. 大概的意思是,考虑到远征军现在的物力和人力,他认为在清理针叶林,打出一个通道的同时。 Also needs to send one elite to go to the high ground investigation. 也需要派一支精锐前往高地探查。 The outside bad environment, the ordinary patrol has been hard to deal with obviously. 外部恶劣的环境,显然普通的侦察队已经难以应付。 Therefore, forest Jianping hopes that various fortresses have the powerhouse to receive this duty voluntarily, verifies the situation for the expeditionary force to the high ground on. 因此,林剑屏希望各座堡垒有强者自愿接下这个任务,替远征军到高地上查明情况。 If the high ground environment is not suitable to march massively , forest Jianping decides to select the method of elite squad, transfers including him the powerhouse expert, composes certain team thorough kings. 如果高地环境不适合大规模行军,那么,林剑屏决定采用精英小队的方式,调动包括他在内的强者高手,组成若干队伍深入王都。 After all. 毕竟。 If the high ground is not suitable marches, arrives reluctantly, the soldiers are also hard to play the role. 若是高地不宜行军,勉强抵达,士兵们也难以发挥作用。 If runs upon the black people army again, that is only the disciple increases the casualties. 如果再撞上黑民大军,那便只是徒增伤亡而已。 This proposition, almost unanimously passes. 这个提议,几乎全票通过。 In the following offering to volunteer link, Tian Yang remains silent. 接下来的自荐环节里,天阳保持沉默。 Non- is he does not have the courage, does not want to receive the investigation duty. 非是他没有勇气,不想接下探查任务。 But is he does not want to show off. 而是他不想太出风头。 A while ago, had that city of temple in the discovery. 前段时间,在发现有神庙的那座城市。 Tian Yang brings the fierce Yang Bao squad, investigates the route, while cleans up the black people. 天阳带着烈阳堡小队,一边探查路线,一边清理黑民。 Has made enough contribution. 已经做过足够的贡献。 Considering oneself fierce Yang Bao is only a small-scale fortress, Tian Yang does not want to person fights for performance the impression. 考虑到自己烈阳堡只是一座小型堡垒,天阳不想给人‘争抢表现’的印象。 Quick, the assignment of reconnaissance, had by a fortress. 很快,侦察的任务,被一个堡垒接了下来。 The one who receives the duty is the hoar frost fort, this fortress looks at the name, knows it situated where. 接下任务的是白霜堡,这座堡垒看名字,就知道它位于何地。 The hoar frost fort is located in the western land north edge, there all the year round cold weather, therefore the people in hoar frost fort are inborn quite cold resistant. 白霜堡位于西陆北面的边缘,那里长年天寒地冻,因此白霜堡的人都天生比较抗寒。 Compared with other fortresses, their victory and defeat duty, forest Jianping then had not truly opposed. 比起其它堡垒来,他们确实更胜负这个任务,林剑屏便没有反对。 Quick. 很快。 The team of hoar frost fort. 白霜堡的队伍出发了。 That is from a general of day step, six official ranks 5 arrives at the squad that the official rank 6 military officers compose in addition. 那是由一名天阶的将军,加上六名职级五到职级六不等的军官所组成的小队。 Even if such a team ran upon the black people army, can break through a tight encirclement. 这样一支队伍哪怕撞上了黑民大军,也能杀出重围。 Therefore, forest Jianping was not worried. 因此,林剑屏也不担心。 The after reconnaissance squad of hoar frost fort embarks, Tian Yang and the others still stayed in the conference room, by the projection illuminant shield of room, real-time watches the picture that the hoar frost fort films. 白霜堡的侦察小队出发之后,天阳等人仍然留在会议室,透过房间的投影光屏,实时地观看白霜堡所拍摄到的画面。 Considering the trees is prosperous, cleans up time-consumingly strenuous, hoar frost fort team has not used the magnetic energy car(riage). 考虑到树木繁盛,清理起来费时费力,白霜堡这支队伍没有使用磁能车。 They go forward on foot. 他们徒步前进。 Naturally, is high official rank sublimator, even if not the chaser, the strength of legs is less inferior than the chariot many. 当然,都是中高职级的升华者,哪怕不是狩猎者,脚力也不比战车逊色多少。 The suspension photography that the vault of heaven fort provides can be strong flexibly, pours can also keep up with the speed of team, is insufficient to pull off. 苍穹堡提供的悬浮式拍摄机动能强劲,倒也跟得上队伍的速度,不至于被抛离。 Therefore, Tian Yang and the others in the conference room, can see the high ground with ease the situation. 因此,天阳等人在会议室中,就可以轻松看到高地的情况。 After woods numerous coniferous forests, the front of hoar frost fort team, is gentle slope valley land of little relief. 穿过树林众多的针叶林后,白霜堡队伍的前方,是一片平缓起伏的缓坡谷地。 Sees that the frown of forest Jianping previous deep lock, gradually comes loose. 见状,林剑屏之前深锁的双眉,逐渐地松驰开来。 This type of terrain, the expeditionary force can pass, if the fluctuating uncertain rolling topography, he must the plan that considered to mention a moment ago. 这种地形,远征军还是可以通过,如果是起伏不定的丘陵地形,那他就得考虑刚才自己提到的方案了。 The hoar frost fort team related and reported after the conference room simply, they rested the moment , to continue to go forward. 白霜堡队伍跟会议室简单联系和报告之后,他们休息了片刻,就继续前进。 In the conference room, Tian Yang swept the eye toward screen nearby one group of numbers. 会议室里,天阳朝屏幕旁边一组数字扫了眼。 Now, the temperature on that valley land is 48 degrees below zero. 现在,那谷地上的气温是零下48度。 Very cold, but, in range that but also in can accept. 很冷,不过,还在能够接受的范围里。 Evidently, the expeditionary force can leave, being to be clear a channel is quite strenuous in the woods.” “看样子,远征军还是可以开赴上去的,就是要在树林里清出一个通道比较费力。” Tian Yang is deliberately considering, whether can first make elite and powerhouse enters the kings, later makes the expeditionary force main force catch up? 天阳寻思着,是否可以先让精锐和强者进入王都,随后才让远征军主力赶上? At this time, in the screen resounded one to shout lightly. 这时,屏幕中响起一声轻呼。 Then the atmosphere of conference room becomes somewhat is also dignified. 然后会议室的气氛也变得有些凝重起来。 Tian Yang looks up, in the front projection illuminant shield, the hoar frost fort team had stopped. 天阳抬头看去,前面的投影光屏里,白霜堡队伍已经停了下来。 They after being similar to the channel valley land advanced hundred several kilometers, discovered that front has the giant crack horizontal day way, this crack does not know Daoist priest many meters, as for width, is much bigger. 他们沿着如同通道般的谷地推进了百数公里后,发现前面有条巨大的裂缝横旦去路,这裂缝不知道长多少米,至于宽度,也大得令人绝望。 In the illuminant shield, cannot see the crack opposite. 在光屏里,根本看不到裂缝的对面。 Only can get the flare of midair with the aid of the hoar frost fort, saw indistinctly the extremely remote place has the mountain peak outline. 只能借助白霜堡打上半空的照明弹,隐约看到极为遥远的地方有山峰的轮廓。 At this time, before the lens started pushed, should be the hoar frost fort team member controls that float photography machine to observe the big crack following situation. 这时,镜头开始前推,应该是白霜堡队员控制那悬浮拍摄机去观察大裂缝下面的情况。 When the lens arrive at the crack sky, unexpectedly when downward photography, Tian Yang sees, below dike not vertical steep. 当镜头来到裂缝的上空,竟然往下拍摄时,天阳看到,下方的岩壁并非垂直陡峭。 The mountain road curved circles to lead to the bottom abyss. 有一条山道弯弯绕绕地通往地底深渊。 But under of place deep pool, visibles faintly a red light shadow, under that as if has a magma river. 而在地渊的下方,隐约可见一片红色的光影,那下面似乎有一条岩浆河。 The float photography machine is moving unceasingly. 悬浮拍摄机在不断移动着。 Suddenly, Tian Yang sets out suddenly: Stops!” 突然,天阳霍然起身:“停止!” The lens no longer move immediately. 镜头立刻不再移动。 forest Jianping and the others in abundance look like toward Tian Yang. 林剑屏等人纷纷朝天阳看来。 Tian Yang is gazing at the screen: Under that has a city probably.” 天阳注视着屏幕到:“那下面,像是有一座城市。” „Is city, where at?” In the screen has the team member in hoar frost fort to ask. “城市,在哪?”屏幕中有白霜堡的队员问道。 In the left bottom of screen, there has stretches out the void ground platform together, you looked that on that has a city.” “在屏幕的左下角,那里有一块伸出虚空的地面平台,你们看那上面是不是有座城市。” Under the reminder of Tian Yang, everyone has seen that really has in crack under is similar to the ground platform of nail size together, that above indistinct construction some outlines. 天阳的提醒下,大家都看到,果然在裂缝的下方有一块如同指甲大小的地面平台,那上面隐约有些建筑的轮廓。 What a pity is extremely fuzzy, is hard-to-identify. 可惜太过模糊,难以辨认。 At this time, tall Hanghu told nearby scholar the sentence anything words, the scholar nods, puts out an electronic board operation. 这时,高行虎跟旁边一个学者说了句什么话,那学者点点头,拿出个电子板一阵操作。 The image on that screen was intercepted, by way of processing, after becoming relatively clear, making that scholar put on the screen, also transmitted one to the hoar frost fort. 那屏幕上的图像被截取了下来,经由处理,变得相对清晰后,让那个学者投放到了屏幕上,同时给白霜堡也发送了一份。 After becoming is clear, finally can see clearly, that is really a city. 变得清楚之后,终于可以看清,那果然是一座城市。 Can see there to have the innumerable turrets, the innumerable palaces, there are numerous grand city walls. 能够看到那里有无数塔楼,无数宫殿,有重重雄伟的城墙。 Turret, palace or city wall, an impression of distortion. 只是,无论是塔楼、宫殿还是城墙,都给人一种扭曲的观感。 As if these things, construct with the flesh and skeleton. 仿佛那些东西,是用血肉和骨骼构筑出来的。 You look, should this king, not be flesh king city?” A city lord said everyone's innermost thoughts. “你们看,这座王都,该不会是一座血肉王城吧?”一位城主说出了大家的心里话。 tall Hanghu said: Also may be receives the illumination of deep place that red light, to us such a feeling, but in particular, but must arrive can determine on the spot.” 高行虎道:“也有可能是受到地渊深处那红光的照射,才会给我们这样一种感觉,但是具体的,还得亲临实地才能确定。” In the screen, the general in that hoar frost fort said with a smile heroically: Simple, this matter wraps on us.” 屏幕中,那白霜堡的将军豪迈一笑道:“简单,这事包在我们身上。” forest Jianping had not opposed, but urged them to handle affairs carefully. 林剑屏没有反对,只是叮嘱他们要小心行事。 Once there is a danger, withdraws immediately, needs further consideration again. 一旦有危险,就马上撤回,再从长计议。 A moment later, the hoar frost fort team found a descending the mountain narrow winding path, they start to descend the mountain. 片刻之后,白霜堡队伍找到了一条下山的羊肠小道,他们开始下山。 Looks from the screen, right the team of hoar frost fort is the deep black dike, the left is void. 从屏幕里看,白霜堡的队伍右边是深黑色的岩壁,左边则是虚空。 They mountain road, widest is also less than one meter, but the narrow place, can only ask the person to carry sometimes to paste the mountain wall, horizontally passing. 他们所走的山路,最宽的也不到一米,而狭窄处,有时只能够叫人背贴山壁,横着通过。 forest Jianping looks shakes the head: Necessity that it seems like, the expeditionary force joint army contigent has not climbed mountains.” 林剑屏看得直摇头:“这么看来,远征军联合军团已经没有上山的必要了。” This is the truth. 这是实话。 Even that crack below city, truly is the kings in dark empire, without flight tool, the soldiers of expeditionary force must go to the kings, can only walk. 就算那裂缝下方的城市,确实是黑暗帝国的王都,在没有飞行工具的情况下,远征军的战士们要前往王都,只能步行。 Walks in such mountain road, once were attacked, will cause the mass casualties. 行走在那样的山道,一旦被袭击,将会造成大量伤亡。 That might as well defers to the forest sword screen beforehand tentative plan, assembles the powerhouses in various fortresses elite, forms certain teams to enter the kings to come appropriately. 那还不如按照林剑屏之前的设想,调集各座堡垒的强者精锐,组成若干队伍进入王都来得妥当。 At this moment, in the screen hoar frost fort that general called suddenly: All sympathizes the wall, looks for eastern Xigu anchorage!” 就在这时,屏幕里白霜堡那个将军突然叫了起来:“全体贴墙,找东西固定住自己!” In the conference room, the people do not know that what matter has. 会议室里,众人不知道发生何事。 Suddenly then sees the lens to vibrate violently, then dusky gas howl the rise, occupied the entire screen! 突然便见镜头猛烈抖动起来,接着一片灰蒙蒙的气体呼啸上升,占据了整个屏幕!
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