BDM :: Volume #15

#1489: The demon plants

Arrives at the channel end, Tian Yang no matter also in has anything, raised the hand refers, in the underground space the thunderclap rings out immediately. 来到通道尽头,天阳也不管里面有什么东西,抬手指去,地下空间里立刻雷声大作。 End sees the thunder and lightning, but inside plant actually rapid flood red, then carbonizes, finally blasts out successively. 末见雷电,但里面的植物却迅速泛红,进而碳化,最后节节炸开。 Thunderstorm clears with several rounds, Tian Yang walked. 用几发‘雷暴’清场,天阳才走了进来。 Now his dark granule reserves is astonishing, black thunderclap most preliminary ability thunderstorm, even if the one breath uses dozens rounds of issues is not big. 现在他的黑暗粒子储量惊人,黑霆最低级的能力‘雷暴’就算一口气用个几十发问题也不大。 Let alone Tian Yang grasps energy conversion secret skill, the body also brings stored energy ball, can supplement the dark granule momentarily. 何况天阳掌握有‘能量转换’的秘技,身上又带着‘储能球’,随时都可以补充黑暗粒子。 After sweeping this underground space, Tian Yang turned on the illumination tool, saw taking advantage of the light, here is depositing interjection uttered to coordinate movements when working in a group bottles of cans, also does not know that is putting anything. 扫荡了这片地下空间后,天阳打开了照明工具,借着灯光看到,这里存放着许许瓶瓶罐罐,也不知道里面放着什么。 However the end place, there is a two leaves of stone door. 不过尽头处,有两扇石门。 stone door is ten meters high, does not know thick, above carves in the temple that head big torso to be small, the back launches the idol of pair of wings. 石门高有十米,不知道多厚,上面雕刻着神庙里那种脑袋大躯干小,背后展开双翼的神像。 Tian Yang walked, seeing stone door actually to open a slit, in that slit also had the black plant branch to shrink toward inside. 天阳走了过去,看见石门其实已经打开了一条缝隙,那缝隙上还有黑色植物枝条正往里面缩。 He tried to pile Xiashimen, felt incomparably heavily, but he according to glittered in the palm of stone door, stone door actually made the sound that creaked to open toward the inside slip. 他试着堆了下石门,感觉无比沉重,但他按在石门的手掌闪烁了下,石门却发出嘎吱嘎吱的声音往内滑开。 The ray photo goes, Tian Yang sees, after the gate, is the place spacious profound place hall, the area has half stage square size probably. 光线照进去,天阳看见,门后是座宽大深远的地厅,面积大概有半座高台广场大小。 The two sides of hall lay aside the sarcophagus that are standing erect, sarcophagus some are complete, some coffin lids fall off. 大厅的两边放置着一口口竖立起来的石棺,石棺有的完好,有的棺盖脱落。 These black plants the sarcophagus that from falling off the coffin covered are long, but breeds them, is inside mummies. 那些黑色植物正是从脱落了棺盖的石棺里长出来,而孕育它们的,则是里面一个个木乃伊。 These mummies are all entangling the gray-black cloth strip, above wrote all over the dark-red symbol, black branches, from these mummies, drill from these cloth strip slits. 那些木乃伊全都缠着灰黑色的布条,上面写满了暗红色的符号,一根根黑色枝条,就是从这些木乃伊,从那些布条缝隙间钻出来。 In the middle of hall deep place, is placing a giant paint black iron coffin, this coffin also places vertical, exceeded five meters highly, the width exceeded two meters. 在大厅深处的中间,则摆放着一口巨大的漆黑铁棺,这棺材同样竖直摆放,高度超过了五米,宽度超过了两米。 Comes compared with other sarcophagi greatly. 远比其它的石棺来得巨大。 At this time, Tian Yang heard the heartbeat in the iron coffin indistinctly. 这个时候,天阳在铁棺里隐约听到了心跳声。 Plop plop- 扑通扑通- That sound is getting more and more loud, as if in the iron coffin the dead of deep sleep was alarmed, has returned from the ghostdom, in in Tieguan recovers again. 那声音越来越大,仿佛铁棺里沉睡的亡者受到惊扰,已经从冥界归来,再次于铁棺中复苏。 Suddenly. The Tian Yang form glittered under. 忽然。天阳身影闪烁了下。 The coffin of that iron coffin covered to fly to pound without the omen, pounded in the position that Tian Yang was at a moment ago, pounded the irregular gap the ground and stone door, made fissures. 那铁棺的棺盖毫无先兆地飞砸了过来,砸在了刚才天阳所在的位置,将地面和石门砸出参差不齐的缺口,制造一条条裂痕。 Outlined Tian Yang of figure near a sarcophagus, looked that had not looked, the sarcophagus that fell off has referred to conveniently toward this cover, making the invisible thunderstorm wreak havoc in inside. 在一具石棺附近勾勒出身形的天阳,看也没看,随手往这口盖子已经脱落的石棺指去,让无形的雷暴在里面肆虐。 That sarcophagus blasts open loudly, inside mummy and plant that has from the cloth strip slit department head all carbonize, later spallation. 那口石棺轰然炸裂,里面的木乃伊和从布条缝隙处长出的植物全都碳化,随后散裂。 They are unable to attack Tian Yang according to the original tentative plan. 它们无法按照原来的设想攻击天阳 Tian Yang is gazing at distant place that iron coffin, in the iron coffin is to first flow one piece viscous, jet black, is sending out the strong decayed liquid. 天阳注视着远处那口铁棺,铁棺里先是流淌出一片粘稠的,漆黑的,散发着浓烈腐臭的液体。 Then big piece black fog from fills sending out, spreads continuously, in the black fog with space fuses a body. 接着大片的黑雾从其中弥漫散发,源源不断地扩散开去,和空间里的黑雾融合一体。 In that jet black mist, there is a hand to extend, according to iron coffin edge, supported inside thing fiercely. 在那漆黑的雾气里,有只手伸了出来,按在铁棺的边缘处,猛地将里面的事物撑了出来。 Goes out of together the form from the iron coffin slowly, the high about four meters, the body is tiny, the four limbs are emaciated. 从铁棺里缓缓走出一道身影,高近四米,身体细小,四肢瘦弱。 But the head is much bigger, the body surface was covered with the grayish white moss, above proliferates the careful white hair. 但脑袋却大得出奇,体表长满了灰白的苔藓,上面遍布细细的白毛。 The back two broken wings let fall weak on the ground, these did not have the gloss feather often to fall, fall in ground that beach jet black mucilage. 背后两支残破的羽翼无力地垂落在地上,那些没有光泽的羽毛不时掉落,落在了地上那滩漆黑的粘液里。 This thing behind, the black plant branch is connected, these branches bury in the iron coffin, where does not know. 这东西的身后,还有黑色的植物枝条相连,那些枝条埋在铁棺之中,不知道通往何方。 Tian Yang not only the feeling is surprised, and feels the development to be reasonable. 天阳既感惊讶,又觉得事情的发展在情理之中。 At this moment. 此刻。 Walks from the iron coffin, obviously is the gods who the resident in this city consecrates. 从铁棺里行走出来的,显然是这座城市的居民所供奉的神明。 Because idol in this form and above temple is nearly consistent. 因为这身影和上面神庙里的神像近乎一致。 Naturally. 当然。 Now this gods body has no moisture, even, does not have the flesh. 现在这‘神明’身体已经没有任何水份,甚至,已经没有血肉。 A dry corpse of walk. 只是一具行走的干尸。 But in within the body, in its cavity numb bronze bell big eye, has richly malicious silent flows. 但在它的体内,它那空洞麻木的铜铃大眼里,却有浓郁的恶意无声流淌。 No omen, this dry corpse from its mouth, eye, ear, chest and four limbs, emits black branches from body each spot suddenly. 没有任何先兆的,这干尸从它的嘴里、眼睛里、耳朵里、胸口、四肢,从身体各个部位突然冒出一根根黑色的枝条。 These branches wriggle crazily, are weaving, thus made the skinny corpse turn into the sturdy giant. 这些枝条疯狂蠕动着、编织着,从而让原本干瘦的尸体变成了壮实的巨人。 The giant body surface azure black dragon knot, and shines through continuously the light azure light from the slits of these branches indistinctly, its chest place emitted an resembles seed thing. 巨人体表青黑虬结,并从那些枝条的缝隙中隐约透射出缕缕淡淡的青光,其胸口处冒出了一颗像种子般的事物。 It in the seed compared with normal significance is more giant, the innumerable black buds extend to radiate by it to various body places. 它比正常意义上的种子更加巨大,无数的黑芽由它延伸辐射向身体各处。 When the giant completes the change, on its body as if put on one set of rare azure black wooden armor, a branch of creeping motion weaves a three-meter great lance in its palm. 当巨人完成变化时,它的身体上仿佛穿着一套罕见的青黑木甲,蠕动的根根枝条在它的手掌中织出了一根长达三米的巨矛。 On this great lance is glittering the azure black light mark, in black ink azure brilliance that ascends, often appears fuzzy faces. 这巨矛上闪烁着青黑色的光纹,升腾起的墨青光焰里,不时浮现出一张张模糊的脸孔。 Brush! 刷! The giant locked Tian Yang, the arm held up high, punctured the great lance fiercely. 那巨人锁定了天阳,手臂高高举起,猛地刺出巨矛。 On lance azure black trace suddenly ray writings. 矛身上青黑纹路霍然光芒大作。 In the hall suddenly resounds sad and shrill whistling by, screamed like the ghost from hell simultaneously loudly. 大厅里突然响起一片凄厉的啸叫,如同来自地狱的鬼魂同时放声尖叫。 In an instant. 刹那之间。 Hundreds of azure black lance shadow from the great lance lance sharp place lasing departs, the lance shadow flutters about, like a azure black river of the netherworld to the Tian Yang washout, but. 数以百计的青黑矛影从巨矛矛尖处激射飞出,矛影纷飞,如同一条青黑冥河般向天阳冲刷而至。 When Tian Yang when the opponent lifts the lance then already form twinkle, seems like, he still in same place, in fact has been far away. 天阳早在对手举矛时便已经身影闪烁,看上去,他仍在原地,实际上早已远离。 The azure black river of the netherworld the remnant shades that leaves behind from Tian Yang washes out. 青黑冥河从天阳留下的残影间冲刷而过。 It rumbles to another head of hall, what is strange, this and end causes any destruction. 它轰向大厅的另一头,奇怪的是,这并末造成任何破坏。 Outlined Tian Yang of form after a hall stone column, does not think that was the attack of blustering. 于大厅一根石柱后勾勒出身影的天阳,不认为那是虚张声势的攻击。 Has not created the attack of destruction to the scene, his golden universe may also accomplish. 没有对场景造成破坏的攻击,他的‘金色宇宙’亦可办到。 In other words. 也就是说。 These dark green spear/gun shades should cause the destruction to other levels. 那些青绿枪影应该对其它层面造成破坏。 For example spirit? 例如精神? For example soul? 例如灵魂? Naturally, Tian Yang has no interest in using itself to experience. 当然,天阳没兴趣用自己去体验。 Cannot hit. 一击不中。 The giants have turned around, opened the mouth, the corrupted vocal cord has not made any sound. 巨人转过身,张开了嘴巴,已经腐烂的声带没有发出任何声音。 But back that broken wing leaps suddenly the azure black electric light, then that feather is separated float, under the winding of azure black electric light, looks like the bullet suddenly, the pain shoots at Tian Yang one after another. 但背后那残破的羽翼突然跃动青黑色的电光,接着那一根根羽毛脱离悬浮,在青黑电光的缠绕下,突然像子弹般,一根又一根地痛射向天阳 Tian Yang of foreign body under based in condition flashed through a feather with ease, looks that it sews to shoot in the ground, fiercely electric light writings, radical explosion. ‘异体常驻’状态下的天阳轻松闪过了一根羽毛,看着它钉射在地面,猛地电光大作,剧烈爆炸。 Exploded a hole of wheel size the ground. 把地面炸出了一个车轮大小的窟窿。 This attack, is obviously different from the beforehand spear/gun shadow. 这一次的攻击,又明显跟之前的枪影不一样。 The Tian Yang form glitters in the hall unceasingly, making the hall suddenly indistinctly. 天阳身影不断在大厅中闪烁,使得大厅一时间变得影影绰绰。 The azure shadow grazes, electric light writings. 青影飞掠,电光大作。 The ground, sarcophagus, pillar and bottle pot, the thing in hall explodes in abundance, at this moment, the region of almost no security. 地面、石棺、柱石、瓶罐,大厅里的事物纷纷爆炸,此刻,几乎没有一处安全的区域。 Even so, the giant still had not hit Tian Yang. 即便如此,巨人仍然没有击中天阳 All attacks, were hidden by Tian Yang. 所有攻击,都被天阳躲了过去。 Seeing that. 见状。 The giant changed the countermeasure. 那巨人改变了对策。 It reverses the great lance, punctures fiercely toward the ground. 它倒转巨矛,猛地朝地面刺下。 , The azure black monstrous waves raise suddenly together fiercely. 霍然间,一道青黑色的巨浪猛地升起。 This monstrous waves are unreal, but is not real, in the spray appears the face that unceasingly expressions vary. 这巨浪虚幻而不真实,浪花里不断浮现一张张表情各异的脸孔。 It plunges Tian Yang with raw hate, which direction but has not swept across fixedly, but spreads all-around. 它凶狠地扑向天阳,但又没有固定席卷哪个方向,而是全方位地扩散开去。 As the matter stands, hall each corner, will be under the impact of this azure black monstrous waves. 这样一来,大厅每个角落,都将受到这青黑巨浪的冲击。 Tian Yang flashes immediately moves, hits a sound to refer, opens ‚the gate of crevice. 天阳立刻闪移,打了个响指,开启‘夹缝之门’。 He flashes passes through the gate, switches off the front door. 他闪进了门中,关掉大门。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Insufficiently real water spray sound resounds in the hall, that azure black death tide swept away all around. 不够真实的水浪声在大厅里响起,那青黑色的死亡浪潮横扫四周。 However, Tian Yang is not located in this space. 然而,天阳早已不位于这个空间中。 This tide has no achievements finally. 这浪潮最终没有任何建树。 After the tide vanishes, the silver light outlined, a mysterious illusory front door appeared in the air again. 等浪潮消失后,银光勾勒,一座神秘的虚幻大门再次于空气中浮现。 The arched entrance creaks to sway opening, Tian Yang is lightening from the gate, makes the sound to refer, closes the front door. 拱门嘎吱摇晃着开启,天阳从门里闪出,打出响指,关闭大门。 If the giant having mystical powers wisdom, had perhaps resulted in the burst in the bore by Tian Yang this operation to the air/Qi. 如果那巨人有灵智的话,恐怕已经被天阳这操作给气得炸膛。 Fortunately. 还好。 It essentially is only a dry corpse. 它本质上只是一具干尸。 Does not understand the anger. 不懂得愤怒。 Therefore, it is also mechanical holds up the great lance, once again punctures, once again makes myriad azure black lance shades reappear. 因此,它又机械般举起巨矛,又一次刺出,又一次让万千青黑矛影重现。 Only by doing so?” “只有这样吗?” Tian Yang dodges at the same time, said indifferently: That finished.” 天阳躲闪的同时,淡然说道:“那就结束吧。” Outside sound dream situated in little building and the others, feel a broad vast air/Qi field to raise from the under foot suddenly, then all around scene like wiped off 11 to vanish by the rubber. 位于小楼外的音梦等人,忽感一股恢宏浩大的气场从脚下升起,接着四周的场景如同被橡皮擦掉般一一消失。 They like placing oneself in infinite broad deep space, they saw heavenly bodies outlined in the top of the head, saw that myriad heavenly bodies let fall. 他们如同置身于无限宽广的深空中,他们看到了一颗颗天体于头顶勾勒,看到万千天体垂落。 They forgot the breath in this great picture, their spirits and senses are under the indescribable impact. 他们在这宏大的画面中忘记了呼吸,他们的精神和感官受到无法形容的冲击。 Until this great shape disappears at present, including the sound dream, everyone cannot, without the response. 直到这伟象消失于眼前,包括音梦在内,人人仍不能自己,没有反应。 Passed the moment. 过了片刻。 The sound dream spits to exhale: „Is this meteorology of Sir?” 音梦才吐出了一口气:“这是大人的气象吗?” This is really inconceivable powerful...” “这真是难以想像的强大...” In underground hall. 地下大厅里。 The giant has started to melt the black sludge, in the black mud of that contamination, a thing of resembles seed was left behind. 那巨人已经开始融解成黑色的污泥,在那片污秽的黑泥里,一颗像种子似的事物被遗留了下来。 Its surface proliferates the azure black trace, and is sending out the misty azure light. 它表面遍布青黑的纹路,且散发着濛濛青光。 After Tian Yang and other black mud solidified, walks, fished the seed thing of that fist size. 天阳等黑泥固化之后,才走过去,将那拳头大小的种子事物捞了起来。 He obtained the information of this thing. 他得到了这东西的信息。 Demon plants the wreckage: Quadrat person instinct from higher civilization is good, they are always willing other low civilized share knowledge and technologies with the universes. This Quadrat person also so, it brought the knowledge and technology of higher civilization for this world, it hopes that this world can become happier. ‘魔种残骸:来自高等文明的卡德拉人天性善良,它们总是愿意跟宇宙间其它低等文明分享知识和技术。这个卡德拉人同样如此,它为这个世界带来了高等文明的知识和技术,它希望这个世界能够变得更加美好。 But without it left, the long night arrives, the sudden change of climate and environment, claimed the life of this Quadrat person. 但没等它离开,永夜就降临,气候和环境的突变,夺走了这个卡德拉人的生命。 People preserve its corpse, to do to commemorate. But in the endless dark years, its corpse had the mutation, was born a demon to plant. 人们把它的尸体保存下来,以作纪念。但在无尽黑暗的岁月里,它的尸体发生了异变,诞生了一颗魔种。 The demon plants to take root in within the body of all lives, unearths their evil and nourishes itself dark, and controls the body of host. 魔种能够植根于一切生命的体内,挖掘它们的邪恶和黑暗滋养自己,并操控宿主的身体。 This wreckage leaves behind some abilities that the demon planted, can use in view of the spiritual level ‚the spear/gun of soul and soul turbulent current. ’ 这残骸遗留了魔种的部分能力,能够使用针对精神层面的‘灵魂之枪’与‘灵魂激流’。’ Looks at these information, Tian Yang the black mud that hardens has looked toward that. 看完这些信息,天阳不由往那已经硬化的黑泥看去。 Demon plants to unearth the life evil and dark .... “魔种能够挖掘生灵的邪恶和黑暗....” Said, after that what Quadrat person died, spirit and end dissipation?” “这么说,那什么卡德拉人死亡之后,精神并末消散?” This is also not implausible, after all this is the life of higher civilization, perhaps he also has the technology of resurrecting.” “这也并非没有可能,毕竟这是高等文明的生命,说不定他还有复活的技术。” Pitifully, the world slid into the darkness, his body received to affect to have the mutation.” “可惜,世界滑入了黑暗,他的身体受到影响发生了异变。” „The spirit of that surviving instead becomes the nutrient that the demon planted...” “那残存的精神反而成了魔种的养份...”
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