BDM :: Volume #15

#1488: Thorough

Really, in the temple has the thing! 果然,神庙里有东西! Tian Yang is actually not anxious, what after all leads is the sound dream. 天阳倒是不紧张,毕竟带队的是音梦。 That is a silver crown knight. 那是一位银冠骑士。 In the screen, Tian Yang saw, has not waited for that black people approaches, before the lens, has together the radiant sword light eruption. 屏幕里,天阳看到,没等那黑民接近,镜头前已经有一道璀璨的剑光爆发。 Suddenly, the entire screen explodes the dazzling ray, cannot see anything. 一时间,整个屏幕爆起炫目的光芒,根本看不到什么。 Waits for that ray to vanish, in the screen can see that monster pitiful yell covers the eye, under the palm the dripping with blood, it seems like it was delimited blindly by a sound dream sword. 等那光芒消失,屏幕之中可以看到,那只怪物惨叫捂眼,手掌下鲜血淋漓,看来被音梦一剑划瞎。 The pitiful yell sound resounds from the temple simultaneously. 惨叫声同时从神庙内响起。 Resounds along with this pitiful yell, Tian Yang has a feeling, looks suddenly toward stage below ruined abandoned house. 伴随着这惨叫响起,天阳微有所感,霍然往高台下方一座破败的废屋看去。 That abandoned house drills together the form suddenly. 那废屋突然钻出一道身影。 Impressively is in the temple that ape body snake tail black people! 赫然是神庙里那种猿身蛇尾的黑民! Like the black people, crawls one after another from the stage under ruined house. 像这样的黑民,陆陆续续从高台下方四周的破败房屋里爬出来。 They ambush evidently in these rooms, resembles is sleeping soundly. 看样子它们潜伏在那些屋子里,似在安眠。 Now hears the similar pitiful yell to awaken, and starts to near the stage, crawls one after another upward. 现在听到同类的惨叫才惊醒过来,并且开始接近高台,一只接一只地往上爬。 Tian Yang launches own sensation, perceived that these black people climb up from the stage, they seem good at climbing up , the speed of advancement is quick. 天阳展开自己的感知,觉察到那些黑民从高台四周攀上,它们似乎十分擅长攀爬,推进的速度很快。 Standing by.” Tian Yang waves calm. “准备战斗。”天阳沉稳地挥了挥手。 Several silver crown knights various belt/bring ten soldiers, disperse in stage square each direction immediately, occupies a commanding position, is attacking fiercely these monsters. 几名银冠骑士立刻各带十来名士兵,散往高台广场各个方向,居高临下,痛击着那些怪物。 The sound of gunfire angrily roars resounds in all around immediately. 枪声怒吼立刻在四周响起。 Tian Yang takes up the electronic board to look. 天阳拿起电子板看去。 In the temple, that only covered the monster of eye to back up again and again, runs upon these to inscribe the fight design the wall, hit above exposes many dust. 神庙里,那只捂着眼睛的怪物连连倒退,撞上了那些刻有战斗图案的墙壁,撞得上面抖落许多灰尘。 The sound dream sprint goes. 音梦冲刺而去。 That eye blind the monster, opens the mouth toward the sound dream fiercely, in the mouth spouts one group of rich blood-color light balls suddenly. 那眼睛瞎了的怪物,猛地朝音梦张开嘴巴,嘴中霍然喷出一团浓郁的血色光球。 It howls to go, pounds to the sound dream. 它呼啸而去,砸向音梦。 Sound dream flexibly leaning under body, making that light ball touch itself and go, actually falls toward the soldier place. 音梦灵活地偏了下身体,让那光球擦过自己,却落往士兵处。 The soldiers scatter in all directions hastily, still the soldier walked to evade, was hit by the light ball. 士兵们连忙四散,仍有一个士兵走避不及,被光球命中。 That light ball has not exploded, actually like sticking liquid dispersing, stains the whole body of soldier. 那光球没有爆炸,却像粘答答的液体般散开,沾满士兵的全身。 In the screen, the soldier calls out pitifully immediately, his exposure suit melts fast, when these viscous blood light fall to the body on, the flesh of soldier also melts fast. 屏幕里,士兵立刻惨叫起来,他身上的防护服飞快融化,当那些粘稠的血光落到身体上时,士兵的血肉也快速消融起来。 In an instant, that soldier has dropped down, the body and exposure suit melted beach sticky juice. 转眼之间,那个士兵已经倒下,身体和防护服融化成了一滩粘乎乎的汁液。 The sound dream also saw this. 音梦也看到了这一幕。 She snort/hum the sound, little building night rain shot, rouses everywhere luminous spot, fell like night rain on that black people. 她哼了声,‘小楼夜雨’弹了起来,抖擞出漫天光点,如同一场夜雨般落在了那黑民身上。 That black people went all out to protect the head with the hand, but on the body actually sprang a lot of blood arrow. 那黑民拼命用手护住了脑袋,但身体上却弹出千百血箭。 little building night rain exudes one to howl sharply, suddenly goes into the black people chest, when pulls out again, the chest of black people are many hole of fist size. ‘小楼夜雨’发出一声锐啸,忽的扎进黑民胸口,再抽出来时,黑民的胸口已经多了个拳头大小的窟窿。 That inside will prisoner's cage was destroyed, it sway put down both hands, the body decomposed the black sludge rapidly, left behind two fang that is sending out the blood light. 那里面的意志囚笼被破坏,它摇摇晃晃地放下了双手,身体迅速分解成了黑色的污泥,留下了两根散发着血光的獠牙。 The fight conclusion in temple, the fight outside temple actually just started. 神庙里的战斗结束,神庙外的战斗却刚刚开始。 Lots of black people welled up from the stage, these monsters climbs up, while puts out to be able toward human the blood red light ball of disappearing bone eclipse meat. 大量的黑民从高台四周涌了上来,那些怪物一边攀爬,一边朝人类吐出能够消骨蚀肉的血红光球。 Quick has several soldiers to be hit, melts pile of bloody water in the companion at present. 很快就有几个士兵被击中,在同伴眼前融化成了一堆血水。 Tian Yang has therefore not entered the war. 天阳没有因此而参战。 Casualties that the words that although he acts, can reduce the soldier, but each elite army, exercises in the blood and fire. 虽然他出手的话,可以减轻士兵的伤亡,但每一支精锐部队,都是在血与火中锻炼出来的。 Has not experienced the life and death, is not possible to grow, cannot become the elite. 没有经历生死,是不可能成长,不能成为精英。 Furthermore, if each fight, wants his city lord to do it yourself. 再者,若是每场战斗,都要他这个城主亲力亲为。 He wants the army to make anything. 那他要军队做什么。 Moreover, the silver crown knight is not a vegetarian. 另外,银冠骑士也不是吃素的。 Has them, how in fact does not need Tian Yang to act. 有他们在,事实上也不需要天阳怎么出手。 After experiencing fierce of these monsters, the silver crown knight acts, they under the cover of soldier, execute these to crawl the quickest monster. 在见识了那些怪物的厉害后,银冠骑士纷纷出手,他们在士兵的掩护下,格杀着那些爬得最快的怪物。 In these knights, many are war-god class. 这些骑士里,多数是‘战神’职阶 Official rank 6 war-god forms the battle qi armor on the body, to/clashes toward the enemy ranks, so long as were not surrounded, basically, battlefield, no matter what they round trip. 职级六的‘战神’在身上形成斗气护甲,往敌阵一冲,只要不被包围,基本上,战场任他们来去。 But like star chaser, or in knight ‚the heart of element, then spread out, with the intense and huge firepower, making the black people be hard to overstep the defense line radically. 而像星洛那样的‘狩猎者’,或是骑士里一名‘元素之心’,则拉开了距离,用密集且巨大的火力,让黑民根本难以逾越防线。 The stage is shivering in the fight unceasingly slightly, although Tian Yang has not entered the war, but the sensation is covering the entire stage, is knowing all parties' condition clearly. 高台在战斗中不断微微颤抖着,天阳虽然没有参战,但感知笼罩着整座高台,清楚掌握着各方的状况。 When has the opponent who the cash crown knight could not deal with, Tian Yang will meddle. 如果出现银冠骑士也收拾不了的对手时,天阳才会插手。 Sees the tactical situation in the acceptable range, but at this time, the sound dream reported, they found a closed security zone in the temple. 见战况在可以接受的范围里,而这时,音梦报告,他们在神庙内找到了一个秘密区域。 Tian Yang then enters the temple. 天阳便进入神庙。 Quick chord dream convergence. 很快和音梦汇合。 They arrive at a temple closed security zone, after it situated in a leaf of thick stone door, if not know that the method of opening, can only look like the sound dream violence to destroy like that. 他们来到神庙一个秘密区域,它位于一扇厚实的石门之后,如果不知道开启的方法,就只能像音梦那般暴力破坏。 This closed security zone accidental/surprised spacious, when the ray of flare shines, Tian Yang saw stone buildings, saw the spacious diversion canal, sees already the trees of withered onyx, without the lawn of green grass, dry reservoir and other facilities. 这秘密区域意外的宽敞,当照明弹的光芒亮起,天阳看到了一间间石屋,看到了宽大的引水渠,看到已经枯萎石华的树木,没有青草的草坪,已经干涸的蓄水池等设施。 Here should be the residential district of clergy.” The sound dream looks at all around, before pointing at these stone buildings , the small-scale idol that stands erect said. “这里应该是神职人员的居住区域。”音梦看着四周,指着那些石屋前矗立的小型神像道。 Tian Yang selected, then looked to the most deep place of this region, had little building there. 天阳点了下头,然后看向了这片区域的最深处,在那里有一座小楼。 It seems like other houses is lordlier, should be the priest that kind of personnel residences in temple. 它看起来比其它房屋更气派,应该是神庙的祭司那一类的人员住所。 We go to that to have a look.” Tian Yang referred to toward that little building. “我们去那看看。”天阳朝那小楼指了指。 Proceeded again, Tian Yang stopped suddenly. 再往前一段,天阳突然停了下来。 He saw one clump of close black plants, they are long from the crack of ground, crowds around in the same place, looks at likely the shrubbery, but is softer, only has the branch, without leaf. 他看到了一丛细密的黑色植物,它们从地面的裂缝里长出来,拥簇在一块,看着像灌木丛,但更柔软,并且只有枝条,没有叶子。 Setting on fire fever.” Tian Yang does not have any anticipation regarding the plant that counter in grows, these things are seemingly harmless, but can show in the counter in growth, they do not look that simple like the surface. “放火烧一下。”天阳对于逆界里生长的植物不抱任何期待,这些东西看起来无害,但能够在逆界里生长已经证明,它们不像表面看上去那么简单。 A soldier releases a fire dragon with the flamethrower, the flame class/flow has delimited that group of plants, immediately burns it to incite to make noise. 一名士兵用火焰喷射器释放出一条火龙,焰流划过那团植物,当即烧得它滋滋作响。 Braves the thick smoke at the same time, that thing grows suddenly crazily, originally the branch ejection of curl to all directions, seizes to absorb anything carelessly. 冒起浓烟的同时,那东西突然疯狂生长,本来卷曲的枝条弹射向四面八方,胡乱捉摄着什么。 After catching is fruitless, the branch received, as the flame spreads rapidly, finally this thing scorches in the fire, no longer moves. 捕捉无果之后,枝条才收了回去,随着火焰迅速蔓延,最终这东西在火中烧焦,不再动弹。 Has the instinct of preying on.” Tian Yang said in a soft voice, „, if not close carefully, possibly by these branch attacks.” “有捕食的本能。”天阳轻声道,“如果不小心接近,可能会被那些枝条攻击。” The sound dream nod approves of Tian Yang this judgment. 音梦点头赞同天阳这个判断。 Then, they are eliminating nearby black plant, while continues to that little building approaches. 接下来,他们一边清除着附近的黑色植物,一边继续向那座小楼靠近。 More is close to little building, the black plant are more, when arrives at that little building, discovers in little building space almost to be occupied by that black plant. 越接近小楼,黑色植物越多,等来到那小楼附近时,发现小楼内的空间几乎都被那种黑色植物占据。 And, the plant branch in building is sturdy, each branch has the baby arm to be thick or thin, these branches are wriggling unceasingly, their surface is sticking dark-red sticking. Membrane. 并且,楼里的植物枝条粗壮无比,每一根枝条都有婴儿手臂粗细,那些枝条不断地蠕动着,它们表面粘附着一层暗红色的黏.膜。 These stick. On the membrane highlights the trace, forms naturally like the baby face. 那些黏.膜上凸显纹路,天然地形成一张张如同婴儿似的脸孔。 These plant branches push in the same place densely and numerously, from the front door, pushed from the window, occasionally the volume to all around, tries to hold nearby thing. 这些植物枝条密密麻麻挤在一块,从大门,从窗户挤了出来,偶尔卷向四周,试图抓住附近的事物。 Does not need Tian Yang to order, the sound dream gestures, several soldiers go forward, use the ejector to output the flame. 不用天阳下令,音梦就打了个手势,几名士兵上前,使用喷射器输出火焰。 Orange flame classes worm one's way into from the front door and window, burn inside branch, the quick little building flame soars to the heavens, has the hot surge to have the windows and doors unceasingly. 一条条橘黄色的焰流从大门和窗口钻了进去,燃烧里面的枝条,很快小楼里火光冲天,不断有火浪涌出门窗。 These plants are swaying from side to side in the flame crazily, and sent out sharp shouting. 那些植物在火焰中疯狂扭动着,并且发出了尖利的嘶吼。 Suddenly. 突然。 little building internal heat light one dark. 小楼内火光一暗。 Originally these branches start to spray the jet black mist crazily, these mist rapid pressed trig the fire intensity, and produced the rich black moisture. 原来那些枝条开始疯狂地喷射出漆黑的水雾,那些水雾迅速地压制住火势,并且产生了浓郁的黑色水气。 These moisture have not evaporated completely, but condenses, formed over four meters black illusory image, composes this shadow the moisture to boil unceasingly, making it as if wear one set of extremely fat armor. 那些水气没有完全蒸发,而是凝聚起来,形成了一个超过四米的黑色幻影,组成这影子的水气在不断沸腾着,让它仿佛穿着一套臃肿的盔甲。 The head has two groups of blood red flame to burn, seems the eyes of this black illusory image, it ran out of little building all of a sudden, grasps a soldier all of a sudden. 头部有两团血红色的火焰在燃烧着,仿佛是这黑色幻影的双眼,它一下子冲出了小楼,一下子抱住一个士兵。 It the soldier forces in own body, forces in that black mist. 它将士兵塞进自己的‘身体’中,塞进那黑色水雾里。 In the mist, the soldier sent out the pitiful yell, later an arm, several bone and an adhesion the nerve the tongue of eyeball and break...... human bodies components were losing one after another, fell in the ground. 水雾之中,士兵发出了惨叫,随后一条手臂、几根骨头、一颗粘连着神经的眼珠、断裂的舌头......一个个人体‘零件’陆续丢了出来,落到了地面上。 Even so, these things are unable to piece together a person, therefore, the soldier most flesh of vanished in the mist. 即使如此,这些东西仍无法拼凑出一个人,因此,那士兵大部分的血肉都消失在了水雾里。 Choke! 呛! In other soldiers a terrifying foot belly shiver for this at present, they heard a blade cry. 就在其它士兵为这眼前恐怖的一幕脚肚子颤抖时,他们听到了一声刀鸣。 Almost at the same time. 几乎在同时。 The rusting red blade light flash shoots to go together, across the mist, enters in that building the front door. 一道锈红刀光闪射而去,穿过水雾,直入那楼中大门。 The blade light glittered fiercely under. 刀光猛地闪烁了下。 That just killed by mistreatment a black illusory image of soldier, and flame and plant in front door, first present the double image, is torn to pieces! 那刚虐杀了一名士兵的黑色幻影,以及大门内的火焰和植物,先是出现重影,接着支离破碎! The moisture dissipates, the fragment scatters, the flame vanishes. 水气消散,碎片四溅,火焰消失。 All suddenly become peaceful. 一切突然变得安静起来。 When the people hear the sound that the plane sheathes, the soldiers look toward Tian Yang. 等众人听到推刀入鞘的声音,士兵们才纷纷朝天阳看去。 Saw that year the light city Lord received the rust red sword, said the sentence lightly: You are waiting in this.” 看到那年轻的城主堪堪收起了锈红战刀,淡淡道了句:“你们在这等着。” Afterward the form disappears. 随后身影消失。 When appears again, already in little building. 再出现时,已经在小楼之中。 When the plant in building was lit, Tian Yang has felt, in that little building has other thing. 当楼内的植物被点燃时,天阳就已经感觉到,那小楼中有另外的东西。 That thing even makes he somewhat dangerous feeling, Tian Yang not make the soldier brave hardships and dangers, the disciple increases the casualties. 那东西甚至让他都有些危险的感觉,天阳也就不让士兵涉险,徒增伤亡。 He must train, rather than pushes the soldier to bring death. 他是要练兵,而不是推士兵去送死。 This is two matters. 这是两码事。 In little building, these by the plant fragment that the fire scorched still in the twinkle red light, leapt the light smoke. 小楼内,那些被火烧焦的植物碎片仍在闪烁红光,腾起青烟。 But these had not been scorched by the fire, but was managed broken by Tian Yang, was still wriggling in the ground, as if still end died, wants to recover. 而那些没被火烧焦,而是被天阳办碎的,仍在地面蠕动着,仿佛仍末死去,想要复原。 Tian Yang has not gone to pay attention to these things. 天阳没有去理会这些东西。 His attention, was captured to lead to the underground channel by one. 他的目光,被一条通向地下的通道所吸引。 Perhaps this channel before then, was covered by the innumerable plants. 这通道在此之前,恐怕被无数植物所掩盖。 But now the plant cleaning up, naturally also demonstrated. 但现在植物给清理了,自然也就显示了出来。 Can see from the channel, has the branch of plant to shrink toward below, obviously that exuberant, and occupied two little building plants, braves from below. 从通道里可以看到,有植物的枝条正往下面缩,显然那旺盛且占据了两层小楼的植物,是从下面冒出来的。 Danger that Tian Yang feels, similarly under place. 天阳感觉到的危险,同样在地底下。 His corners of the mouth raise slightly: „To make me get down? Ok, having a look at you to fling what trick.” 他的嘴角微微扬起:“想引我下去?行,看看你甩什么花招。” He gathers the black fog, uses dark breath, starts foreign body to be based, this moves sideways to enter the channel. 他聚拢黑雾,使用‘黑暗呼吸’,启动‘异体常驻’,这才闪身进入通道。
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