AOP :: Volume #3

#227: Idol

The strong winds howl, heavy downpour. 狂风呼啸,大雨滂沱。 The lightning has delimited from the curtain of night, illuminates on the mountain road the muddy slippery alley. 闪电从夜幕中划过,照亮山道上泥泞湿滑的小路。 One team of people are riding a horse, speeds away in the violent storm, 一队人骑着马,在狂风暴雨中疾驰, Suddenly. 忽然。 Has the people sound said: Sect Master, front has a temple!” 有人大声道:“掌门,前面有座庙!” Takes shelter from the rain.” “去避避雨。” Yes!” “是!” The team picked up the speed, in one vigorous effort good before the temple. 队伍加快了速度,一鼓作气行至庙前。 Elder said with a smile: I remember here, the surrounding area 500 li (0.5 km) only then this temple —— wait/etc. proceeded again, crossed two mountains, crosses Siqing River, then close to capital.” 一名长老笑道:“我记得这里,方圆五百里只有这座庙——等再往前去,翻过两座山,越过泗清河,便靠近京城了。” Tonight does to rest in this slightly.” Sect Master said. “今夜在此稍作歇息。”掌门道。 People great happiness. 众人大喜。 Climbs mountains and crosses rivers laboriously one all day, met the rainstorm, wishes one could to find a dry and clear comfortable place to eat meal to sleep immediately. 辛苦跋涉一整天,又遇上了暴雨,恨不得立即找个干爽舒适的地方吃饭睡觉。 The horses are, the people hit the flare to enter the temple. 马匹系好,众人打着火把进了庙。 Sees only in this temple, although slightly leaves uncultivated obviously, fell thick ash, but isolates the wind and rain outside after all, has peaceful static air/Qi. 只见这庙里虽然略显荒废,落了厚厚一层灰,但毕竟将风雨隔绝在外面,颇有一股安宁的静气。 In the temple various types of apparatus are broken, only has the idol that the main hall center consecrates to be perfect. 庙内各种用具早已残破,唯有大殿中央供奉的神像还完好无损。 That is an all over the body scarlet red Spiritual God statue, it closes one's eyes, both hands grip a wooden stick, wooden stick above the ring around flame. 那是一尊通体深红色的神灵雕像,它闭着眼睛,双手握住一木杖,木杖上环绕着火光。 Liu Ping looked at a look resembles, asked with a smile: Master, what god is this?” 柳平看了一眼神像,笑着问道:“师父,这是什么神?” Fire god Zhurong.” Sect Master spoke thoughtlessly. “火神祝融。”掌门随口回了一句。 „, The idol makes the law is really lifelike.” The Liu Ping to praise sighed. “哦,神像造法真是栩栩如生。”柳平赞叹道。 In him at present, two lines of burning small characters appear fast: 在他眼前,两行燃烧的小字飞快浮现: Evil thing: Silent Devourer.” “邪物:无声啃噬者。” Real evil thing, the strength is not the parasitic body may compare, but the mimicry for any object, to hunt to make the camouflage momentarily, was not detected extremely easily.” “真实邪物,实力绝非寄生体可比,更可拟态为任何物体,随时为捕猎做出伪装,极其不易被察觉。” Liu Ping falls into the thinking. 柳平陷入思索。 —— must think of a way, making this monster give oneself away. ——得想个法子,让这怪物露出马脚。 But cannot expose is oneself sees through. 但不能暴露出是自己识破的。 Knowledge Like Name is so easy-to-use, if were known by monster, later is hiding oneself, how does that also complete fire destruction assignment? 见闻如名”这么好用,万一被怪物们知晓了,以后都躲着自己,那还怎么完成火的毁灭任务 Changes a view. 换一种说法。 If the surrounding person knows that oneself can distinguish monster, then the oneself only fate is —— 如果周围的人都知道自己能鉴别怪物,那么自己唯一的下场就是—— When tool person. 当工具人。 Liu Ping silently is pondering over. 柳平默默的琢磨着。 After the disciples enter the temple, is busy packing the baggage, lights a fire to cook. 众弟子进庙后,纷纷忙着收拾行李,生火造饭。 Two Protector Elder distinctions had several people, walked around the temple, is inspecting the all around situation. 两位护法长老分别带了几人,绕着庙宇走了一圈,检查着四周的情况。 Sect Master gets to the temple entrance alone, is looking at outside wind and rain, suddenly calls said: Liu Ping.” 掌门独自走到庙门口,望着外面的风雨,忽然唤道:“柳平。” Disciple.” Liu Ping goes forward to say. “弟子在。”柳平上前道。 You are I pass on disciple —— this to go to capital, no matter you do want, is representing our sect face, worried for master one, must say listens ahead of time with you.” Sect Master said. “你是我亲传弟子——此去京城,不管你愿不愿意,都代表着我们宗门的脸面,为师有一个担忧,必须要提前说与你听。”掌门道。 Master, you said.” Liu Ping said. 师父,你说吧。”柳平道。 „The person of our practicing martial art, meeting must compare notes 12, this is all sect default matters.” “我们习武之人,见面必切磋一二,这是所有门派都默认的事。” Sect Master visits him saying: „After capital, the outstanding disciples of other factions will certainly compete to spar with you, for the master hopes that should not be disheartened.” 掌门看着他道:“到京城之后,其他各门各派的优秀弟子一定会跟你比拼斗法,为师希望你不要灰心丧气。” Liu Ping strange say/way: Master, this even/including surface has not seen, how you know that I can't win others?” 柳平奇道:“师父,这连面都还没见,你怎么知道我打不赢别人?” Sect Master said: Your crossing the threshold time is too short, lacks the experience that the person fights.” 掌门道:“你入门时间太短,缺乏与人搏斗的经验。” Liu Ping is startled. 柳平怔住。 Sect Master sighed: „The evil cult people of previous besieged city are the ignorant countryman refugee, originally do not understand skill and strength, because just obtained the monster strength to slaughter the civilians, you can defeat them is not accidental/surprised, but —— 掌门叹息道:“上次围城的邪教徒多是愚昧的村夫流民,原本就不懂得技巧和力量,只不过因为获得了怪物的力量才能杀戮平民,你能战胜他们并不意外,但是—— „The disciples of various factions, so long as can be dispatched capital, is the generation of one in a hundred cream of the crop, has the rich fight experience, but your crossing the threshold time was still short, only then in less than half a month.” “各门各派的弟子,只要能被派往京城,无一不是百里挑一之辈,有着丰富的战斗经验,而你入门时间尚短,只有不到半月。” Your various fight skill have not passed through the time disciplined...... really cannot win even.” “你的各种战斗技巧还没有经过时间的磨练……实在打不赢就算了。” Liu Ping cups the fist and says: Yes, respectfully follows the Master instruction.” 柳平抱拳道:“是,谨遵师父教诲。” At this time outside the temple gate heard hoofbeat. 这时庙门外又传来一阵马蹄声。 Has Elder to lead the person to move forward to meet somebody early to shout: Future who!” 早有长老带着人迎上去喝道:“来者何人!” a voice floats from the wind and rain: 一道声音从风雨中飘来: Demon Mountain Sect, Zhao Zixiao comes!” 魔山宗,赵子萧来也!” The Sect Master facial expression moves, operates the sound said: „ Originally is Demon Mountain Sect Sect Master Zhao, please come to take shelter from the rain quickly. 掌门神情一动,开声道:“原来是魔山宗赵宗主,快请进来避雨。 Before long. ”不一会儿。 Another group of people entered in the Zhurong temple. 又一群人进入了祝融庙中。 Is a skinny old man laughs to walk, cups the fist and says: Hundred Spirits Temple Sect Master Li, we had for a long time have not seen.” 为首一名干瘦的老者大笑着走过来,抱拳道:“百灵观李掌门,我们有很久没见过了。” Sect Master cups the fist and says: Since Chengzhou was extinguished by the evil cult slaughter, after the path cuts off, really has too for a long time has not met.” 掌门抱拳道:“自从成州邪教屠灭,道路断绝之后,委实有太久不曾见面。” Sect Master Zhao a youth said from drawing behind: Hasn't seen Hundred Spirits Temple Sect Master?” 赵宗主从身后拉过来一名青年道:“还不见过百灵观掌门?” Youth cups the fist and says: Demon Mountain Sect chief eldest disciple, Zhang Pinghe has seen Sect Master Li.” 那青年抱拳道:“魔山宗首席大弟子,张平河见过李掌门。” Sect Master looked at one toward Liu Ping. 掌门柳平看了一眼。 Liu Ping then also went forward to see the ritual, reported title. 柳平便也上前见了礼,报了名号 Sect Master Zhao visits him, said with a smile: spirit summoning blade technique abstruse like sea, did dozens years are difficult some people to comprehend half a loaf of Kung-fu, this finally find the successor?” 赵宗主看着他,笑道:“唤灵刀法艰深如海,数十年都难有人领悟一招半式,这回终于找到传人啦?” Difficult to practice? 难练? Liu Ping puzzled looking to Sect Master, saw only his facial skin to pull out pulling out, light say/way: Old man has been disinclined to accept the disciple, recently moved the thought —— idle talk not to mention, leaves for dozens years, does not know that your cultivation technique does have the progress, have we come two?” 柳平不解的望向掌门,只见他脸皮抽了抽,淡淡的道:“老夫一直懒得收徒,最近才动了念头——闲话休提,一别数十年,不知你功法有没有长进,我们来过两手?” hahaha, good!” Sect Master Zhao consents to say joyfully. 哈哈哈,好!”赵宗主欣然应允道。 Slow!” “慢!” Sees only two schools of several Elder to have the sound said simultaneously. 只见两派的几位长老同时出声道。 Demon Mountain Sect Elder said submissively: Wind sudden downpour is big, if two Sect Master fight in this, the temple must be opened, everyone does not have the place to take shelter from the rain.” 一名魔山宗长老拱手道:“风急雨大,两位掌门若是在此交手,庙都要被拆了,大家都没地方避雨。” Hundred Spirits Temple Elder cups the fist and says: In remote, fears lies in wait from all sides with the monster evilly, if two fight, why not to wait till capital to say again?” 一名百灵观长老抱拳道:“地处偏僻,恐遇妖邪环伺,两位若要交手,何不等到了京城再说?” Two Sect Master look one, somewhat is helpless. 两位掌门对望一眼,都有些无奈。 This is the truth. 这是实情。 Was inferior how your I do pass on the disciple first to contest?” Sect Master Zhao suggested. “不如你我的亲传弟子先过过招如何?”赵宗主建议道。 Sect Master looked at Liu Ping one, in the vision is somewhat anxious. 掌门望了柳平一眼,目光中有些忧虑。 Liu Ping cups the fist and says: Master, shortly after my scholarship blade technique, at present also some control not good style —— 柳平抱拳道:“师父,我才学刀法不久,眼下还有些控制不好招式—— Sect Master nods, will reject for him, actually listens to him to continue saying: Happen to taking this opportunity, disciplines the disciplining style.” 掌门点点头,正要替他拒绝,却听他继续道:“正好借此机会,磨练磨练招式。” Opposite Demon Mountain Sect eldest disciple Zhang Pinghe said with a smile: Why not? I am crazily long you to be 7 or 8-year-old, and made you first make a move good.” 对面魔山宗大弟子张平河笑道:“有何不可?我痴长你七八岁,且让你先出招好了。” Many thanks looks after!” Liu Ping cups the fist and says. “多谢照拂!”柳平抱拳道 The main hall midpoint makes way rapidly a stretch of open area. 大殿正中央迅速让开一片空地。 Numerous Elder and disciple put down the matter in hand, encircles to watch. 长老、弟子放下手中的事,都围过来观看。 Compares notes this matter, like the sitting theory of writer, verifies the practice of martial arts. 切磋这种事,就像文人的坐论一样,是印证武学的实践。 The fight can prompt the person to grow to progress, can raise the prestige of sect, is oneself establishes a reputation, is always various sect regularly exchange ways. 战斗能促人成长进步,更能扬宗门之威,为自己立名,向来都是各门派惯常的交流方式。 Liu Ping takes the lead to be out, cups the fist and says: Senior Brother Zhang, please.” 柳平率先下场,抱拳道:“张师兄,请。” Zhang Pinghe said: Please.” 张平河道:“请。” In the field thoroughly is for a while peaceful. 场中一时彻底安静下来。 Liu Ping steps forward-swept, fist direct impact Zhang Pinghe's face. 柳平踏步前掠,一拳直冲张平河面门 The Zhang Pinghe figure flashes, had arrived at Liu Ping behind, both hands such as the claw hook grasps toward his back of the body. 张平河身形一闪,已到了柳平身后,双手如爪似钩朝他后心抓去。 Liu Ping does not return, waves the arms about to strike flame draws to cut, with Zhang Pinghe pair of claws hits in the same place. 柳平头也不回,甩手一击火焰砍,与张平河的双爪撞在一起。 Flame blasting open. 火光炸裂。 Two people draw back respectively one step, goes forward respectively, traded 30 moves continuously. 两人各退一步,又各自上前,连续换了三十招。 Liu Ping knocks out the fist from time to time, from time to time trades to make hand blade, the violent storm attacks, hardly allows the slightest leeway. 柳平时而出拳,时而换做手刀,狂风暴雨般直攻上去,几乎不留分毫余地。 "Pā!" “啪!” Together resounding. 一道脆响。 Liu Ping was striked to fly by Zhang Pinghe. 柳平张平河打飞出去。 Junior Brother Liu good Fist Arts, but is truly an expert to incur somewhat receives does not stop.” Zhang Pinghe stands in same place, comments. 柳师弟好拳法,但确实在行招之间有些收不住手啊。”张平河站在原地,评价道。 Sect Master Zhao knits the brows to ask: Sect Master Li, your apprentice why constantly storm?” 赵宗主皱眉问道:“李掌门,你这徒弟为何一味强攻?” Crosses the threshold for 15 days.” Sect Master Li light say/way. “入门十五天。”李掌门淡淡的道。 Sect Master Zhao "Oh", the brow loosened. 赵宗主“哦”了一声,眉头松开。 Shortly after —— crossed the threshold, therefore received the fight does not stop, this is actually fair. ——原来才入门不久,所以在战斗上收不住手,这倒是合情合理。 It seems like this time compared notes helps your disciple progress.” Sect Master Zhao said. “看来这次切磋是帮你的弟子进步了。”赵宗主道。 Hope.” Sect Master Li said. “希望吧。”李掌门道。 This saying nature was heard all around clearly by the people. 这话自然被周遭众人听得清清楚楚。 Suddenly, the Demon Mountain Sect disciples somewhat are popular intent to be waning, thought that this observing and emulating must turn probably advises unilaterally. 一时间,魔山宗弟子都有些兴意阑珊,觉得这场观摩大概是要变成单方面的指教了。 In field. 场中。 Sees only Liu Ping to retrocede one step, extracts blade from the waist, said with a smile: Senior Brother Zhang, I must use the blade.” 只见柳平后退一步,从腰间抽出佩刀,笑道:“张师兄,我要用刀了。” Zhang Pinghe sees prudent that he said that then asked: Is spirit summoning blade technique?” 张平河见他说的慎重,便问道:“是唤灵刀法?” Is Liu Ping said. “是柳平道。 Zhang Pinghe is earnest, takes out long sword saying: Come.” 张平河认真起来,取出一柄长剑道:“来吧。” Good.” Liu Ping said. “好。”柳平道。 next instant —— 下一瞬—— Astonishing killing intent passes from Liu Ping body, stands in his opposite Zhang Pinghe heart fierce trembles. 一股惊人的杀意柳平身上透出来,以至于站在他对面的张平河心中猛的一颤。 The blade moved. 刀动了。 The blade moves. 刀随人动。 The Liu Ping speed was faster than the number to plan before, somehow melee, the front surface has divided the next blade toward Zhang Pinghe. 柳平的速度比之前快了数筹,不知怎的就已近身,迎面朝张平河劈下一刀。 This blade is light, but actually as if blocked all possibilities. 这一刀平平淡淡,但却似乎封死了一切可能性。 Heaven and Earth only has this blade. 天地唯有此刀。 Such blade technique, why will cut in a 15 or 16 years old youngster hand! 这样的刀法,为什么会在一个十五六岁的少年手中斩出来! Sees only boundless flame to appear from Void, the turbulent attachment on long blade, condenses Qilin divine beast that soars to the heavens. 只见无边的火焰虚空显现,汹汹涌涌的依附在长刀上,凝聚成冲天的麒麟神兽 A Zhang Pinghe mind blank. 张平河脑海一片空白。 —— cannot avoid. ——躲不开。 Was dying, oneself must die under this blade. 要死了,自己要死在这一刀下了。 Calls out the sound to get up together: 一道暴喝声响起: Draws back!” “退!” Sees only Sect Master Zhao to separate spatially grasps, immediately grasped from the blade edge Zhang Pinghe. 只见赵宗主隔空一抓,顿时将张平河从刀锋下抓了出去。 The people relax immediately. 众人顿时松了一口气。 This blade leaves is really fearsome, makes one not have to be possible simply to dodge. 这一刀出的实在是可怖,简直让人无可闪避。 Those who let the person palpitation is, fire element seemed to be insane was the same, manifestation became that several meters high Qilin full power, as if must kill off all those present. 更让人心悸的是,火元素仿佛疯了一样,全力具现成了那数米高的麒麟,仿佛要杀光所有在场的人。 Liu Ping receives the blade!” Sect Master Li shouted. 柳平收刀!”李掌门喝道。 The Liu Ping whole face is the beads of sweat, desperate yelled: Master, I cannot receive —— 柳平满脸都是汗珠,绝望的大叫道:“师父,我收不住—— A blade cuts. 一刀斩出。 spirit summoning blade technique, Qilin Slash! 唤灵刀法,麒麟斩 This blade gathered the Liu Ping full power, as well as initially burns Law of Fire full power. 这一刀汇聚了柳平的全力,以及“初燃”的火之法则的全力。 The Qilin that but sees that raging flames flies from the blade, plunges the temple central idol directly. 但见那烈焰腾腾的麒麟从刀上飞出去,径直扑向庙宇中央的神像。 The idol moved suddenly. 神像忽然动了一下。 Likes Artist of Purgatory asking everyone to collect:() Artist of Purgatory refresh rate is fastest. 喜欢炼狱艺术家请大家收藏:()炼狱艺术家更新速度最快。
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