AOP :: Volume #3

#217: Lighting a fire

Cold and gloomy weather. 凄风冷雨。 On cliff. 山崖上。 A fierce guy in rags holds the stick to walk, shouts: 一名衣衫褴褛的凶恶大汉持棍而走,喝道: Evil Dragon swings the tail, Fierce Tiger in the day and bear king sledgehammer!” “恶龙摆尾、猛虎在天、熊王大锤!” The iron rod waves continuously, the first even/including three moves, the rock on shivering mountain, makes the intermittent sound. 铁棍连续舞动,一连三招,敲碎山上的岩石,发出阵阵声响。 The guys threw the iron rod, exhibits the stance to say same place: ——!” 大汉丢了铁棍,原地摆开架势道:“哈——嘿!” His shape such as the insanity brandishes the fist generally, makes a long fist to incur continuously, panting received the move, the knees one knelt down softly. 他状如疯魔一般挥舞拳头,连续打出一长趟拳招,气喘吁吁的收了招,双膝一软跪倒在地。 Little elder brother, my meeting so many, but also please be bountiful my life.” “小哥儿,我会的就这么多了,还请饶我一命。” The guys kowtow to say again and again. 大汉连连磕头道。 Liu Ping stands on one side, the ponder moment said: „Is your stick law oneself wants to come out in the chaotic weaponry?” 柳平站在一边,沉思片刻道:“你那棍法是自己在乱仗中想出来的?” Yes.” The guys said. “是。”大汉道。 Fist Arts still not bad, can look at the style that is passes through one to evolve, but I observe your style not to end, the fist righteousness completely, you have not had to harbor.” Liu Ping said. “拳法还不错,看得出来是经过一番演化的招式,但我观你招式未完,拳义未尽,你是不是有私藏啊。”柳平道。 That the guys frighten trembles, said repeatedly: Little elder brother, this set of fist was I acknowledged as teacher past study, does not think that the fist learned half, Master is killed by the evil cult person, I fled to the wilderness, the remaining half set of fists have not completed study.” 大汉吓的一阵哆嗦,连声道:“小哥儿啊,这套拳是我昔日拜师学来的,不想拳学到一半,师父就被邪教的人杀了,我落荒而逃,剩下的半套拳就没学成。” Liu Ping said: How long did you work as robber?” 柳平道:“你当强盗多久了?” The guys sighed: I escape to a village, works to make a living by a strength, stabilized for 1-2 years, before who knows half a month, evil cult comes to the slaughter village.” 大汉叹了口气道:“我逃至一处村子里,靠一把力气给人干活谋生,原本安定了1-2,谁知半月前邪教又来屠村。” I am unable to do it alone, flees the village, runs upon this group of people halfway, tries the skill mutually, they said that I had this food, then drew me to join a group hardly, was sent vanguard, wants to seize your borders.” “我孤掌难鸣,一路奔逃出村,半路撞上这群人,互相试了试身手,他们说我吃得了这口饭,便硬拉我入伙,被派来打前锋,想要夺你们的寨子。” Liu Ping smiles, said: In fight, I detected that your martial arts is strongest, but has not actually killed my meaning, make a move always hesitates, therefore keeps your life.” 柳平笑了笑,说道:“刚才的交手中,我察觉你武艺最强,但却没有杀我之意,出招每多犹豫,所以才留你一命。” The guys did not speak, kowtowing that but kept. 大汉不说话,只是不停的磕头。 Liu Ping said: I have the matter, if thinks, you first buried these people, we said the matter of behavior again.” 柳平道:“我有事要想一想,你先把这些人埋了,我们再说行止之事。” The guys saw him to say like this, knew in the heart oneself lived, immediately was overjoyed. 大汉见他这样说,心知自己活了下来,顿时大喜过望。 Yes! Yes! My this buries them.” “是!是!我这就埋他们。” He stands from the ground, swept one toward skeleton everywhere, hit to tremble. 他从地上站起来,朝满地的尸骸扫了一眼,不禁又打了个寒颤。 —— more than ten people of robbers and bandits vanguards, the well-trained and equipped army, surround and capture a youngster, actually killed off by the youngster completely. ——十几人的盗匪先锋队,兵强马壮,围捕一名少年,却被少年全部杀光。 The situation picks up that blade to start from the youngster, becomes some is not right. 情形从少年拾起那柄刀开始,就变得有些不对劲了。 When fights, on his face has the novel happy expression, shuttles back and forth in the crowd back and forth, often also the styles of review several opposite party. 交手时,他脸上带着新奇的笑意,在人群中来回穿梭,不时还点评几句对方的招式。 But his blade chops to kill one person each time surely. 但他的刀每次劈出去都必定杀一人。 —— like Evil Ghost of harvesting head/number of people. ——就像收割人头的恶鬼 Under the guys restrain by force the fear in heart, digs earth with claws to dig a pit furiously, piled all corpses, then set up a grave package. 大汉强压下心中的恐惧,奋力刨土挖坑,将所有尸体堆了进去,然后立了一个坟包。 At this time the rainwater stopped, the wind of ravine like blade equally ice-cold piercing. 这时候雨水停了,山间的风如刀一样冰冷刺骨。 The youngster are looking at the mountain stream dull, does not know that is thinking anything. 少年呆呆的望着山涧,也不知在想些什么。 Guys hesitant several breaths, finally under restrains by force seizes the thought that the horse flees, kneels again side the youngster, opens the mouth saying: 大汉犹豫了数息,终于强压下夺马奔逃的念头,重新在少年身边跪下来,开口道: Little elder brother, buried.” “小哥儿,都埋了。” "Oh." “哦。” The youngster then looked at a grave package, the appreciation said: Deceased person exposes the corpse wilderness, is so near to our border, passing on the plague was not good, you were help me solve a major problem.” 少年回头看了一眼坟包,赞赏道:“死人曝尸荒野,又离我们寨子那么近,传了瘟疫就不好了,你算是帮我解决了一个大问题。” Asked little elder brother to forgive my life.” The guys kowtow to say. “求小哥儿饶我一命。”大汉磕头道。 Right, you did that half set of Fist Arts have the name a moment ago?” The youngster asked. “对了,你刚才那半套拳法有名字么?”少年问。 Master has said that called Blood Surge Fist.” 师父说过,叫血涌拳。” Why called this name?” “为什么叫这个名字?” Master said that he does not know, possibly is must see the meaning of blood.” 师父说他也不知道,可能是出必见血的意思。” Liu Ping smiles, said: „The effectiveness of this Fist Arts slightly some transporting vitalities, the primary intention must be is used strong and healthy body, therefore is called Blood Surge Fist.” 柳平笑起来,说道:“这门拳法稍有些搬运气血的效用,主旨应当是用来强身健体,所以叫做血涌拳。” The guy wood looks at the youngster, thought that oneself studied ten years of Fist Arts, hugs must see blood the thought and person preys, the youngster said that the primary intention of this Fist Arts strong and healthy body, for a while does not know should believe him. 大汉木木愣愣看着少年,心想自己学了十年的拳法,抱着“出必见血”的意念与人搏杀,少年却说这拳法的主旨是强身健体,一时不知道该不该信他。 The youngster go out several steps, said in a low voice: I think a moment ago, your set of Fist Arts mainly transports 36 small circulatory cycle vitalities, you style only enough 21 small circulatory cycle of meeting, if perfect, the remaining several moves should the so good merit.” 少年走出几步,低声道:“我刚才想了一下,你这套拳法主要搬运三十六小周天气血,你所会的招式只够二十一小周天,若要完满,剩下的几招应如此行功。” He exhibits fist stance, 35 breaths then made 12 types, receives the hand to collect the breath to stand firm. 他摆开拳架,三五息便打出了十二式,收手敛息站定。 „!” The guys lost one's voice to call. “啊!”大汉失声叫了出来。 What's wrong?” The youngster asked. “怎么?”少年问。 Guy double tears directing current, choked: My Master —— Master he hit in the past, what a pity I have not learned, now looks then to think.” 大汉双泪直流,哽咽道:“我师父——师父他老人家当年就是这么打的,可惜我没学会,现在一看便想起来了。” The youngster nod, goes out several steps, in the hand the movement constantly changes, Blood Surge Fist Technique in shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones from previous that wrap/sets, made one set of completely different Fist Arts gradually. 少年点点头,又走出几步,手上动作不断变化,渐渐从之前那套“血涌拳法”里脱胎换骨,打出了一套完全不同的拳法。 The guys stare the big eyes to look in the one side, only felt oneself cannot block the opposite party completely any one strikes, for a while looks all over the body lives coldly. 大汉在一旁瞪大双眼看着,只觉得自己完全挡不住对方的任何一击,一时看得遍体生寒。 What Fist Arts is this?” He asked. “这是什么拳法?”他不禁问道。 The youngster said: Blood Surge Fist Technique is used strong and healthy body also good, but my condition estimate is not too wonderful, therefore I used it to evolve law of one set of art of attack and defense, was used to kill the enemy.” 少年道:“血涌拳法用来强身健体还行,但我的境况估计不是太妙,所以我用它演化出了一套技击之法,用来杀敌。” He received the fist potential, turns around to look to the guy said: 他收了拳势,转身望向大汉道: You helped me bury the corpse, as the reward, I can teach you Fist Arts of this set of murder specially, the half set of also or your Master being lost Blood Surge Fist Technique passed to you —— you to elect.” “你帮我埋了尸首,作为报酬,我可以把这套专门杀人的拳法教给你,又或是把你师门失传的半套‘血涌拳法’传给你——你选吧。” The guys said without hesitation: Please pass to me my Master Fist Arts, I will make the cow to make the horse also to repay you next life.” 大汉毫不犹豫道:“请把我师父的拳法传给我,我来世做牛做马也会报答你。” Temper not bad —— your such skill, perhaps will but make Master inheritance cut off in the tumultuous times.” Liu Ping said. “性子不错——但你这样的身手,在乱世中恐怕还是会让师门传承断绝啊。”柳平道。 The guys when good luck comes the wits are sharpened, kowtow to say for a while: Please receive me to take care in the side, I surely do one's best.” 大汉一时福至心灵,磕头道:“请收我于身边服侍,我必当尽心尽力。” „Do you name?” “你叫什么名字?” Xu Sheng.” 徐胜。” Xu Sheng, I am Liu Ping, along with me returns to the stronghold.” 徐胜,我是柳平,随我回寨。” Yes.” “是。” Two people pulled the horses, received these robbers and bandits body blade soldier to be assorted, under towards the mountain hurried to together. 两人牵了马匹,收了那些盗匪身上的刀兵物什,一起朝山下赶去。 Roughly half double-hour. 约莫半个时辰。 Liu Ping and Xu Sheng are driving away the horses, returned to the border. 柳平徐胜驱赶着马匹,回到了寨子中。 Xu Sheng looked, seeing only the entire stronghold person is scarce, only then some old, weak, sick, and disabled. 徐胜望了一圈,只见整个寨子里人丁稀少,只有一些老弱病残。 Several old people gather round a big mug, with water ladle abundant water, is drinking. 几名老人围着一个大缸子,用水瓢盛了水,正在喝着。 Is the potable well-water!” “是无根水!” Xu Sheng two put the ecliptic. 徐胜两眼放光道。 A woman is lame the leg to walk to go forward, gives Liu Ping one scoop of water, Liu Ping met, then gives Xu Sheng, when he gurgle gurgle the one breath drinks up, asked: „Don't you have the potable well-water to drink?” 一名妇人瘸着腿走上前,将一瓢水递给柳平,柳平接了,转而递给徐胜,等他咕嘟咕嘟一口气喝干,才问道:“你们没有无根水喝?” Plague runs amuck, too long has not rained, after we can only drink mountain stream —— of open country previous time drinks up, eight lives die of illness.” Xu Sheng said. “瘟疫横行,又太久没下过雨,我们只能喝野外的溪水——上次喝完之后,八个人生病死了。”徐胜道。 Therefore you can storm an enemy stronghold?” Liu Ping asked. “所以你们才会来劫寨?”柳平问。 I worked as the robbers and bandits to know, this years did not go on living the robbers and bandits.” The Xu Sheng forced smile said. “我当了盗匪才知道,这年月连盗匪都活不下去了。”徐胜苦笑道。 The woman seems like the president in border, vigilant looks at Xu Sheng saying: 那妇人似乎是寨子的主持者,警惕的望着徐胜道: Liu Ping, this person is —— 柳平,这人是—— Liu Ping is recalling in the mind the pop up information, said with a smile: Aunt Wu does not need to worry, he was I initially outside the friend of scholarship understanding, helped me expel a moment ago together the robbers and bandits.” 柳平回忆着脑海里冒出来的信息,笑着说道:“吴婶不必担心,他是我当初在外学艺认识的朋友,刚才帮我一起打跑了盗匪。” The women and old people facial expression then relaxes. 妇人和老人们神情这才缓和下来。 Since is the partner of your scholarship, but also invited eats together.” Aunt Wu greeted. “既然是你学艺的伙伴,还请来一起用饭。”吴婶招呼道。 Xu Sheng looks all around all around, said in a low voice: On the mature men and women battlefield of your border?” 徐胜环顾四周,低声道:“你们寨子的壮年男女都上战场了?” Inevitably.” Liu Ping said. “必然。”柳平道。 According to remembering, human of this world was defeated continuously, until now already has to recruit on all mature men and women the battlefield. 按照记忆,这个世界的人类被连续击败,到如今已经不得不征召所有壮年男女上战场。 As for enemy —— 至于敌人—— Is evil human, they respect and believe in some type of sect, no longer poses as human, must destroy entire Human Race wholeheartedly. 是一种邪化的人类,他们崇信某种教派,不再以人类自居,一心一意要毁灭整个人族 Liu Ping and Xu Sheng look all around all around. 柳平徐胜环顾四周 The —— weather is dark, does not have a wee bit flames to ignite. ——天色已暗,却没有一丁点火光燃起。 Xu Sheng sighed: evil cult compels the person.” 徐胜叹了口气道:“邪教迫人太甚。” Liu Ping recalls a matter. 柳平又回忆起来一件事。 After evil cult appears, threatened that any dares and kills —— with the hot person by their brutal Torment 邪教出现之后,扬言任何敢用火的人都会被他们残酷折磨并杀死—— They are also such dry/does. 他们一直也是这样干的。 Gradually, these remote, not the mountain village countryside that was sheltered by the city, then no one dares to light a fire. 久而久之,这些偏远的、不被城市所庇护的山村乡下,便没有人敢燃火了。 The Liu Ping ponder said: Without the fire , there would be no prepared food boiling water, the person to fall ill easily, is easy not to have strength —— without the fire , there would be no smelting of iron hardware, this is also various native place human footmarks extinguishes and is unable resist the evil cult reason gradually.” 柳平沉思道:“没有火,就没有熟食滚水,人就容易生病,容易没有力气——没有火,就没有铁器的冶炼,这也是各处乡里人迹渐灭、无法抵御邪教的原因。” He looked at Xu Sheng one. 他看了徐胜一眼。 Xu Sheng lowers the sound saying: I have the torch actually, but the entire robbers and bandits team no one dares to use the fire.” 徐胜压低声音道:“我倒是有火折子,但整个盗匪队伍都没有人敢用火。” Torch brings.” “火折子拿来。” "Here." “给。” Liu Ping met the torch, will use, was actually blocked by nearby woman. 柳平接了火折子,正要用,却被一旁的妇人拦住。 Say/Way that Liu Ping —— Aunt Wu is worried about. 柳平——”吴婶担心的道。 Tomorrow the robber attacks the stronghold, tonight we eat the prepared food, will drink the boiling water.” Liu Ping said. “明天强盗攻寨,今晚我们吃熟食,喝滚水。”柳平道。 The robbers attack also dead, evil cult hits also dead, might as well first eat well, has the strength to wrestle at risk of life. 强盗攻进来也是死,邪教打来也是死,不如先吃顿好的,有力气拼死一搏。 Aunt Wu sighed, then no longer spoke. 吴婶叹了口气,便不再说话。 Xu Sheng said quietly: Your here distance fronts are very far, the person who evil cult can infiltrate are not many, temporarily does not need to be worried about them.” 徐胜悄声道:“你们这里距离前线很远,邪教能渗透过来的人不多,暂时不必担心他们。” He strains the big voice to speak intentionally, lets the clarity that the surrounding old, weak, sick, and disabled listen. 他故意扯着大嗓门说话,让周围的老弱病残们都听的清清楚楚。 Many person throats roll, in the eye shines. 不少人喉头滚动,眼睛里放光。 That eats well.” Liu Ping said with a smile. “那就吃顿好的。”柳平笑道。 He blows to burn the torch. 他将火折子吹燃。 next instant. 下一瞬 The float has opened eyes in Mizuki of midair, said in a soft voice: Fire is the life and death common border, is the purification, is the sublimation, was destroys and rebirth —— it comes!” 一直漂浮在半空的水树睁开眼,轻声道:“火是生与死的交界,是净化,是升华,是毁灭与重生——它来了!” The Liu Ping heart has a feeling, is looking toward the hand in torch. 柳平心有所感,朝着手中的火折子望去。 Sees only in flame a appear eye, decided looked at his one eyes. 只见火焰显现出一只眼目,定定的看了他一眼。 Liu Ping can feel the opposite party to transmit mood —— 柳平能感受到对方传递过来一种情绪—— Is some applause and anticipation. 是某种赞许与期待。 Mizuki chuckled, said: „ It seems like its strength was being annihilated, therefore your Human Race brings about any a wee bit hope that even if, can bring to its attention. 水树咯咯笑了起来,说道:“看来它的力量正在被歼灭,所以哪怕你们人族带来的任何一丁点希望,都能引起它的注意。 next instant. 下一瞬 That eye disappears. 那只眼目不见了。 The fire is still the fire, in Dark static is burning. 火依然是火,在黑暗中静静的燃着。 a line of burning small characters appears fast: 一行燃烧的小字飞快浮现: Law of Fire inspired you, your strength will be sheltered by the roaring flame.” 火之法则鼓舞了你,你的力量将受到烈焰的庇护。”
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