AS :: Volume #124

#12393: Creates the world god 【Big result】

Xia Tian uses the strength of life the old man most looked down upon, broke through ultimate Wang Jue. 夏天就是使用了老者最看不起的生灵之力,突破了终极界王决。 After ultimate Wang Jue breaks through, the day cold sword in his hand in this moment, the ray covers the world. 在终极界王决突破之后,他手中的天寒剑在这一刻,光芒掩盖天地。 Punctures instantaneously. 瞬间刺出。 You are impossible to break open my defense!!” An old man fist pounded to Xia Tian. “你不可能破开我的防御!!”老者一拳砸向了夏天 But day cold sword. 可天寒剑。 In this moment, actually pierced his fist directly, penetrated his body. 在这一刻,却直接刺穿了他的拳头,穿透了他的身体。 Is impossible, is impossible, I have the strength of Heavenly Connection to protect the body, not possible to be defeated!!!” On the face of old man is completely the inconceivable facial expression. “不可能,不可能的,我有通天之力护体,不可能被击破的!!!”老者的脸上尽是不可思议的神情。 Swallows the world!! 吞噬天地!! The endless strength starts to flow out from within the body of old man. 无尽的力量开始从老者的体内流出。 The old men want to protect oneself body. 老者想要护住自己的身体。 No matter but he how diligently, but all already without enough time. 可不管他怎么努力,可一切都已经来不及了。 Ultimate Wang Jue. 终极界王决。 Can swallow all, no matter what strength, can by the extinction. 可以吞噬一切,不管是什么力量,都会被吸光。 Hateful, a small human, unexpectedly can defeat my strength!!!” The empty shadow of Heavenly Connection appears in the Xia Tian front. “可恶,一个小小的人类,居然能够击破我的力量!!!”通天者的虚影出现在夏天的面前。 By the waste of seal, can run up to my front to bluff and bluster!!!” The Xia Tian response said. “一个被封印的废物,也能跑到我的面前耀武扬威!!!”夏天回应道。 Heavenly Connection. 通天者。 But one of the two big statues. 可是两大雕像之一。 Is even the sages must borrow existence of strength. 是连圣人都要借用力量的存在。 This existence. 这种存在。 Xia Tian same is unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 夏天一样是毫不客气。 Your unexpectedly dares such wild spoke to me, thinks seriously you did win me? Now you absorb, but is 1/10000 of my strength, that day when I unseal, I want your first dying!!!” Heavenly Connection scolded. “你居然敢这么猖狂的跟我说话,当真以为你赢了我吗?现在你吸收的,只不过是我力量的万分之一罢了,等我解封的那一天,我要你第一个死!!!”通天者呵斥道。 Your idle talk were too many!!” Xia Tian releases own Divine Soul. “你的废话太多了!!”夏天释放出自己的神魂 Black hole!! 黑洞!! Empty shadow of Heavenly Connection by black hole thorough swallowing. 通天者的虚影被黑洞彻底的吞噬。 Meanwhile. 同时。 The body of old man also by Xia Tian thorough swallowing. 老者的身体也被夏天彻底的吞噬。 Finished!!!” Xia Tian shouts loudly. “结束了!!!”夏天大声喊道。 Everyone all stopped the movement in oneself hand. 所有人全都停下了自己手中的动作。 The fight also ended. 战斗也结束了。 Stopped. 停止了。 All finished, significance that no matter what race, what fight, has not continued. 所有的一切全部结束,不管是什么种族,什么样的战斗,都没有继续的意义了。 But Xia Tian front. 夏天的面前。 Presented a light beam. 出现了一個光柱。 At the same time. 同一时间。 Xia Tian vanished in same place. 夏天消失在了原地。 Presents again time, he arrived in an empty space. 再次出现的时候,他来到了一个空洞的空间内。 In the space, three old men sit there, two male and one female, on the table are suspending the mahjong: Three lack one, missed you one!!!” 空间内,三个老者坐在那里,两男一女,桌上摆着麻将:“三缺一,就差伱一个了!!!” é! 额! A heavy line of Xia Tian face: Before summoned my is you?” 夏天一脸的黑线:“之前呼唤我的就是你们吗?” Right, is our three, three lacked one is too uncomfortable, therefore we have been waiting for your arrival!!!” And an old man said. “没错,就是我们三个,三缺一太难受了,所以我们一直在等你的到来!!!”其中一个老者说道。 Xia Tian thorough was speechless. 夏天彻底的无语了。 Hahahaha! 哈哈哈哈! Do not tease him!!!” Another old man sets out: Congratulates you, becomes Liu straight universe's fourth to create the world god!!!” “别逗他了!!!”另外一名老者起身:“恭喜你,成为刘直宇宙第四个创世神!!!” Creates the world god?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle. “创世神?”夏天眉头一皱。 „Haven't you discovered? Now you are this world omnipotent existence!!!” That old man looked again to the wall, at this time on the wall had gold list together, above had three names: Pangu, Nüwa, Asura. “难道你没发现吗?现在你已经是这个世界无所不能的存在了!!!”那个老者再次看向了墙壁,此时墙壁上有一道金榜,上面有三个名字:盘古,女娲,修罗。 But now. 而现在。 Above starts to present the fourth name: Xia Tian!! 上面开始出现第四个名字:夏天!! I have no interest in becoming create the world god, I want to go home!!!” Xia Tian said. “我没兴趣成为创世神,我只是想要回家罢了!!!”夏天说道。 From now henceforth, this world was your, all of this world, the rule, the principle wait/etc all, were formulated by you!!!” Asura appreciates looks at Xia Tian. “从今以后,这个世界是你的了,这个世界的一切,规则,法则等等一切,都由你来制定!!!”修罗赞赏的看着夏天 Because. 因为。 He is a main body of Asura clan, is the previous generation creates the world god. 他就是修罗一族的本体,也是上一代创世神。 Xia Tian is his clansman. valley Pin 夏天属于他的族人。谷拼 Since you have such big skill, why you do not prevent the destiny big abacus!!!” Xia Tian puzzled asking. “既然你们有这么大的本事,那你们为什么不阻止命运大算盘!!!”夏天不解的问道。 You are the person who formulates the rule, is not the person of executive rule, we in the past, formulates invincible existence own clansman, may follow passing of time, all will have oneself development and trend, for example your Asura clan, just started actually is also the invincible symbol, but the final output also exterminates the clan, although we create the world god, but if we control all forcefully, that following life will have own thought? Because the following life has own thought that therefore so many unknown!!!” Asura answered. “你是制定规则的人,并不是执行规则的人,我们当年,也都将自己的族人制定成无敌的存在,可伴随着时间的流逝,一切都会有自己的发展和走向,比如你修罗一族,刚开始其实也是无敌的象征,但最后结果也是灭族,我们虽然是创世神,但如果我们强行控制一切,那下面的生灵还会有自己的思想吗?正因为下面的生灵有自己的思想,所以才会有那么多的未知!!!”修罗解释道。 That god of thunder?” Xia Tian asked. “那雷神呢?”夏天问道。 God of thunder is to create the servant of the world god, starting today, the god of thunder of Xia Tian paradise, was your servant!!!” Asura looked at a front ray: Our three you waited to be very long, now you came, our three must walk!!” “雷神是创世神的奴仆,从今天起,夏天仙界的雷神,就是你的奴仆了!!!”修罗看了一眼前面的光芒:“我们三个等你等了很久,现在你来了,我们三个也要走了!!” Walks? Goes?” Xia Tian asked. “走?去哪?”夏天问道。 Seeks for the life that Sir Liu straight leaves behind!!” “去寻找刘直大人留下的人生!!” This. 就这样。 Xia Tian felt oneself seemed like by the pit. 夏天感觉自己好像是被坑了。 These people have summoned him, in fact to let him controls this world, but their three roamed through. 这些人一直呼唤他,实际上就是为了让他来掌控这个世界,而他们三个去遨游了。 However! 不过! Since has arrived this step, he also nothing more to be said: Finally can go home!!!” 既然已经走到了这一步,他也没什么好说的了:“终于可以回家了!!!” Present he, is omnipotent. 现在的他,已经是无所不能了。 Returned to brothers' side. 回到了兄弟们的身边。 His vision looked at heavenly. 他的目光看了一眼天上 The god position reappeared. 神位重新出现了。 But this time god position and past were different. 只不过这次的神位和以往不同。 Above has three positions. 上面有三个位置。 Is he leaves: Corrupt wolf, the insect emperor and galaxy god. 是他留给:贪狼,虫帝和星河之神的。 The new three sages appeared. 新的三圣出现了。 Below is five imperial thrones: Weiyang, 13, Brother Xiaoma, Yin Nie and nightmare. 下面是五个帝位:墨未央,十三,小马哥,尹聂和梦魇。 Later is the new eight Saints: Immortal Black Tortoise, the immortal vermilion bird, new immortal Azure Dragon, new immortal white tiger, by four small Saint beasts that Xia Tian just recalled. 之后是新的八圣:仙玄武,仙朱雀,新的仙青龙,新的仙白虎,以及,被夏天刚刚召回的四小圣兽。 The positions of seven military in a big way turned into three to create the world divine tool: Day cold sword, Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) and Golden Blade. 七武的位置则是变成了三大创世神器:天寒剑,红凤金刀 Hundred kings: Xia Tian all brothers, the friends, sat this position. 百王:夏天所有的兄弟们,朋友们,都坐上了这个位置。 Thousand: The remaining people sat in this position. 千尊:剩下的人则是坐在了这个位置上。 This is the new rule that he formulates. 这就是他制定的新规则。 The corrupt wolf looked at Xia Tian: It seems like, I have not exceeded your opportunity forever, but I will not consider as finished, my apprentice, will certainly exceed your apprentice, he can beat your apprentice, last is Xia Xiaotian!!!” 贪狼看了一眼夏天:“看来,我永远也没有超越你的机会了,但我不会就这么算了的,我的徒弟,一定会超越你的徒弟,他会一个一个击败你的徒弟,最后一个是夏小天!!!” I am waiting!!” The Xia Tian response said. “我等着!!”夏天回应道。 He with all brothers 11 farewells, saw wives finally. 他和所有的兄弟们一一告别,最后看了一眼身边的妻子们。 He cut the space, arrived at the hell. 他划破了空间,来到了地狱。 After Heavenly Dragon arrives at the hell, with not holding on to the position of king of hell, but this Xia Tian appears, made him have the invincible strength in the hell directly. 天龙来到地狱之后,并没与坐稳地狱之王的位置,但这次夏天出现,直接让他在地狱有了无敌的力量。 Afterward. 随后。 He arrived at the third space of Earth. 他来到了地球的第三空间。 Found Zeng Ruo. 找到了曾柔 An affection kiss, awakened Zeng Ruo. 深情一吻,唤醒了曾柔 Xia Tian saw a side only son: Your destiny I will not intervene, hopes that future you, have own life!!!” 夏天看了一眼自己身旁唯一的儿子:“你的命运我不会干预,希望将来的你,有属于自己的人生吧!!!” Finally. 最后。 He opened the time channel. 他打开了时间通道。 His time leads the wives, returned to Earth, is the pass time passage period channel goes back. 他这次带着妻子们,回到了地球,是通过时间通道回去的。 In the hospital bed of hospital. 医院的病床内。 A man lies down above, received very heavy wound. 一名男子躺在上面,受了很重的伤。 His hand placed on the forehead of men's: Starting today, your destiny will change.” 他的手放在了男子的额头上:“从今天起,你的命运将会发生改变。” After Xia Tian vanishes. 夏天消失之后。 The man opening eyes of slowly. 男子缓缓的睁开双眼。 He felt that oneself seems like having a dream to be the same, this is a fond dream, the front is standing a female nurse, by the white coat of female nurse, inside is the azure short sleeve and black inner clothes clothing/taking is clearly discernible, white joined bodies pantyhose. 他感觉自己就像是在做梦一样,这是一个美梦,面前站着一个女护士,透过女护士的白大褂,里面是青色的短袖、黑色的内部衣服清晰可见,白色的连体裤袜。 Regarding this boy this absolutely is a fond dream without doubt. 对于这个男孩来说这绝对是一个美梦无疑。 Well? You awoke.” The female nurses have inspected on the instrument the digit. “咦?你醒了。”女护士检查过仪器上数字。 ----------- ----------- ps: Is thinking single Zhangxie one terminates the words expressing feelings, but now is at heart void, does not know that should write anything, more than six years of time, this book accompanied me too many is too many, changed my life, accompanied everyone for a long time is very very long, although this middle had advantages and disadvantages, but I was very of grateful the support each brothers and sisters. ps:原本想着开一个单章写一下完结感言的,可现在心里非常空虚,不知道该写什么,六年多的时间,这本书陪伴了我太多太多,也改变了我的人生,也陪伴了大家很久很久,虽然这中间有好有坏,但我还是很感激每一位兄弟姐妹们的支持。 Thank you. 谢谢大家。 Then I want to rest for two months, for six years, have not let off a day of false to oneself, this time, wants rest well, has a look at this world, treasures the nearby person, treasures me this/should treasuring all. 接下来我想休息两个月,六年来,从没给自己放过一天假,这一次,想要好好的休息一下,看看这个世界,珍惜身边人,珍惜我所该珍惜的一切。 Thank you!!! 谢谢你们!!! 7017 k 7017k
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