AS :: Volume #124

#12391: Result

The big Luo's body changed into the clouds. 大罗的身体化为了云端。 What?” Big Luo although also knows that the attack of Xia Tian is not very simple, but he has not thought, oneself body unexpectedly changed into clouds. “什么?”大罗虽然也知道夏天的攻击很不简单,但他没想到,自己的身体居然化为了一朵朵云彩。 White, soft clouds. 白色的,软绵绵的云朵。 In this state. 在这种状态下。 His all strengths, a wee bit did not transfer. 他所有的力量,一丁点都调动不了。 Any strength vanished. 任何的力量都消失了。 Sees such opportunity. 看到这样的机会。 The corrupt wolf and insect emperor also want the direct seal. 贪狼和虫帝也是想要直接封印。 Xia Tian shows a faint smile: „Don't you want to taste the clouds the flavor?” 夏天则是微微一笑:“你不想尝尝云朵的味道吗?” é! 额! The corrupt wolf hears the Xia Tian words, stares, later grasped clouds to eat. 贪狼听到夏天的话,也是一愣,随后抓起一片云朵吃了起来。 At this time. 此时。 He only felt that oneself within the body instantaneous strength rises suddenly. 他只感觉到自己体内瞬间力量暴涨。 No!!!” Big Luo in this moment, presented the fear finally. “不!!!”大罗在这一刻,终于出现了恐惧。 „Don't you like swallowing others to promote itself very much? That today, you attempt, what oneself the swallowed feeling is, from now on, you will be coveted wolf little eating, all your strengths will change into the purest strength, finally was coveted the wolf to eat clean, but all that you plan, plan of you, will be nothing left, I will make the corrupt wolf they kill off your ancient times immortal clan all people, does not remain, will not give you again any opportunity of resurging!!!” The Xia Tian words make greatly Luo desperate. “你不是很喜欢吞噬别人来提升自己吗?那今天,你就尝试一下,自己被人吞噬的感觉是什么样吧,从现在开始,你会被贪狼一点点的吃掉,你的所有力量都会化为最纯净的力量,最后被贪狼吃光,而你所算计的一切,伱的计划,也都会荡然无存,我会让贪狼他们杀光你们远古仙族所有的人,一个不留,不会再给你们任何死灰复燃的机会!!!”夏天的话让大罗绝望。 I am unwilling!!!” Big Luo Fengkuang shouting. “我不甘心!!!”大罗疯狂的喊道。 I told you again a secret!!!” Xia Tian approached greatly Luo: Actually, your fate has been doomed, all that you make, your cultivation merit method, swallows others' ability also to have your complete plan, is not because you intelligent, your talent strong, moreover all during the plan of destiny big abacus, will lose to me including you finally, during his plan, he is not really must drawing to the Saint position above, but must use you, my step by step will deliver, because there are me, thunder punishment on will not appear!!!” “我再告诉你一个秘密!!!”夏天靠近了大罗:“其实,你的下场已经注定了,你所做的一切,你修炼的功法,吞噬别人的能力还有你的完整计划,并不是因为你有多聪明,你天赋有多强,而且一切都在命运大算盘的计划之中,包括你最后会输给我,也在他的计划之中,他并不是真的要将拉到圣位之上,而是要利用你,将我一步一步的送上去,因为有我在,雷罚就不会出现!!!” What?” The big Luo's complexion is ugly. “什么?”大罗的脸色非常难看。 „A Asura clan, creates the bloodlines of the world god, therefore a Asura clan creates the cell life of the world god, but thunder punishment, creates the immune system of the world god, will only punish and changes these want existence of mutation, therefore, when my strength expands to this automatically the world's strongest, will create the immune system of the world god not to appear, this will look like our human bodies, after the cells of our human body will be powerful enough, we will not fall ill again, even if will be is injured , the fast self-recovery, he on will be will want to use me, has deceived. God of thunder!!!” Xia Tian had known the plan of destiny big abacus. “修罗一族,是创世神的血脉,所以修罗一族就是创世神的细胞生命,而雷罚,就是创世神的免疫系统,只会惩罚和改变那些想要异变的存在,所以,当我的力量自动壮大到这个世界最强的时候,创世神的免疫系统就再也不会出现,这就像是我们的人体,当我们人体的细胞足够强大之后,我们就不会再生病,哪怕是受伤,也会快速自愈,他就是想要利用我,来骗过雷神!!!”夏天已经知道了命运大算盘的计划。 Destiny big abacus. 命运大算盘。 Is a sage. 是一個圣人。 Therefore, he creates the world god within the body biggest virus. 所以,他就是创世神体内最大的病毒。 So long as he acts. 只要他出手。 That god of thunder immune system first will appear. 那雷神这个免疫系统就会第一时间出现。 Therefore the destiny big abacus never dares to act. 所以命运大算盘从不敢出手。 But if Xia Tian this cell became very powerful. 但如果夏天这个细胞变得非常强大了。 He can make a move. 他就可以出手。 Once he acts. 一旦他出手。 He can destroy the entire paradise, uses the strength of entire paradise to reproduce his own all, has the unique strength, finally even the god of thunder discovered, still had no means with him. 他就可以毁灭整个仙界,利用整个仙界的力量来繁殖他自己的一切,拥有绝无仅有的力量,最后就算是雷神发现了,也拿他没有任何的办法了。 Also because of this point. 也正是因为这一点。 Therefore Xia Tian never fears thunder punishment. 所以夏天从不怕雷罚。 Because of the immune system, will not destroy own cell. 因为免疫系统,是不会破坏自身的细胞。 No, is impossible, possibly is not this!!!” Shaking the head that big Luo non-stop. “不,不可能,不可能是这样的!!!”大罗不停的摇头。 You will see quickly, the destiny big abacus acts personally, but he underestimated me!!!!” Xia Tian looked up to the sky. “你很快就会看到,命运大算盘亲自出手,只不过他太小看我了!!!!”夏天抬头看向了天空。 Really. 果然。 The destiny big abacus changed into the old man appearance, falling slowly from sky. 命运大算盘化为了老者模样,从天空之中缓缓的落下。 Congratulates you, luck, you won!!!” The old men are also thinking continues to trick Xia Tian. “恭喜你,幸运者,你赢了!!!”老者还想着继续忽悠夏天 Did not need rubbish with me, you were not want to train me, stimulated my potential, making me grow stronger step by step, finally has deceived the god of thunder? Now you succeeded!!!” Xia Tian looks at the old man to say. valley Ni “不用跟我废话了,你不就是想要培养我,激发我的潜能,让我一步一步变强,最后骗过雷神吗?现在你成功了!!!”夏天看着老者说道。谷臡 ? 哦? How do you know?” The old men asked. “你是怎么知道的?”老者问道。 Asura Clan that because was planned by you in the past, some people have seen through all these, the lord of advocating peace of witch clan monster beast, is not mutually wounded, because their strengths were aloof all, therefore was extinguished by the god of thunder kills, all these, are you design!!!” Xia Tian unemotional looks at front old man. “因为当年被你算计的修罗族,已经有人看穿这一切了,妖兽之主和巫族之主,并不是两败俱伤,而是因为他们的力量超脱了一切,所以被雷神灭杀,这一切,都是你设计好的!!!”夏天面无表情的看着面前的老者。 The complexion of old man is light, does not have any mighty waves: Since you had known, why can also do according to my plan?” 老者的面色平淡,没有任何的波澜:“既然你已经知道了,为什么还要按照我的计划来做?” Because my Asura clan to cope with you, 1 trillion years ago, planted a seed, this seed grows into the lofty tree time, will extinguish your biggest malignant tumor thoroughly!!!” The right hand of Xia Tian flings, the day cold sword appears in his hands. “因为我修罗一族为了对付你,早在万亿年前,就种下了一颗种子,这颗种子长成参天大树的时候,就会彻底灭了你这个最大的毒瘤!!!”夏天的右手一甩,天寒剑出现在他的手中。 You felt, you can be my opponent?” The old men existed for 1 trillion years. “你觉得,你会是我的对手吗?”老者存在了万亿年。 His strength. 他的实力。 Has not been the normal person conceivable category. 早就已经不是正常人可以想象的范畴了。 Insect emperor's first rushing. 虫帝第一个冲了上去。 But his body rushes to half of times cannot move, poured above the ground directly, pain extremely. 可他的身体冲到一半的时候就动弹不得,直接倒在了地面之上,痛苦万分。 But the old man, the gearing has not moved from beginning to end. 而老者,从始至终连动都没有动过。 Is a simple look. 就是一个简简单单的眼神。 The corrupt wolf just swallowed Luo, the strength increased greatly, he also charged into the old man similarly. 贪狼刚刚吞噬了大罗,实力大增,他也是同样冲向了老者。 But finally. 可最后。 His body also drops on the ground, his facial features disappear gradually, anything could not see, anything cannot hear, anything cannot induce, infinite pain!! 他的身体也跌落在地上,他的五官渐渐消失,什么都看不到,什么都听不到,什么都感应不到,只有无尽的痛苦!! Two once kings. 两个曾经的帝王。 Before sage, such being unable to withstand. 在圣人面前,如此的不堪。 Now, you also think that you were my opponent?” The old men asked. “现在,你还觉得你是我的对手了吗?”老者问道。 His self-confidence and past opponent were different. 他的自信和以往的对手不一样。 Because below sage all ants. 因为圣人以下皆蝼蚁。 Even if an emperor, similarly is Freshman point ants. 哪怕是一帝,也同样是大一点点的蝼蚁罢了。 In his front. 在他的面前。 It is not anything. 根本就不算什么。 As for the so-called ultra divine tool, the use that also has no. 至于所谓的超神器,也没有任何的用处。 Before the sage, the toy seems to be common. 在圣人面前,仿佛玩具一般。 You give a try, is useful to me?” Xia Tian looked that asked to the old man. “那你试试看,对我有没有用?”夏天看向老者问道。 The old men looked directly to Xia Tian. 老者直接看向了夏天 At this moment. 就在这时。 In the eyes of Xia Tian exploded the intense ray, the ray penetrated the body of old man directly. 夏天的双眼之中暴发出了强烈的光线,光线直接穿透了老者的身体。 saint artifact, Saint eye!!!” The old men yes what's the matter, looked later to Xia Tian behind cloak: That is saint artifact, Asura cloak!!!” 圣器,圣眼!!!”老者明白是怎么回事了,随后看向了夏天身后的披风:“那是圣器,修罗披风吧!!!” You said right!!” Xia Tian said. “你说的没错!!”夏天说道。 On you have two saint artifact, truly is a threat, only pitifully, on me he has three saint artifact, once advocating peace of witch clan monster beast Lord saint artifact, had been found by me!!!” The old men responded. “你身上有两件圣器,确实是一个威胁,只可惜,我身上他有三件圣器,曾经妖兽之主和巫族之主的圣器,都已经被我找到了!!!”老者回应道。 Three saint artifact in addition hold, you truly are very fierce, only pitifully, you forgot existence that creates the world divine tool!!!” Xia Tian unemotional looks at the old man. “三件圣器加持,你确实是很厉害,只可惜,你忘了创世神器的存在!!!”夏天面无表情的看着老者。 Creates the world divine tool?” “创世神器?” Hears here time, the old man changed countenance finally, what demeanor no matter he had before, in this moment, the demeanor vanished. 听到这里的时候,老者终于动容了,不管他之前有什么样的风度,在这一刻,风度都消失了。 He really somewhat was hurried. 他是真的有些慌了。 Xia Tian looked at day cold sword in a hand, later shouts loudly: All things, search for!!!!” 夏天看了一眼自己手中的天寒剑,随后大声喊道:“森罗万象,搜!!!!” 7017 k 7017k
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