AS :: Volume #124

#12385: Ultimate robs

I am very curious, since the destiny big abacus is a sage, he wants to make what, what can make, he wants to extinguish kills us, can relaxed extinguishing kill us, why can that also control the person emperor they to cope with us?” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) puzzled asking. “我很好奇,既然命运大算盘是圣人,那他岂不是想要做什么,就可以做什么,他想要灭杀我们,也可以轻松的灭杀我们,那为什么还要控制人帝他们来对付我们呢?”红凤不解的问道。 You still remember that I do cross the god of thunder that the tribulation time presents?” Xia Tian asked. “你还记得我渡劫时候出现的雷公吗?”夏天问道。 Remembers, awe-inspiring Ah!!” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) said. “记得,威风八面啊!!”红凤说道。 If I have not guessed wrong, even if the sage, will receive some fetters, cannot change the trend of paradise, cannot make casually slaughters greatly, otherwise, he must face the god of thunder the divine punishment!!!” The Xia Tian analysis said. “如果我没猜错的话,哪怕是圣人,也会受到一些束缚,不可以改变仙界的走向,不可以随便制造大杀戮,否则的话,他就要面对雷公的神罚!!!”夏天分析道。 Reasonable.” Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) responded: Then, what to do?” “有道理。”红凤回应道:“接下来,怎么办?” Fights in the normal way, we will certainly lose, now disparity of both sides was too big!!!” Xia Tian looking pensive. “以正常的方式战斗,我们是一定会输的,现在双方的差距是太大了!!!”夏天若有所思。 He can listen from just the words of opposite party. 他从刚刚对方的话里可以听出。 The eye of life, the eye of death and Asura cloak, should be the sacred object, a sacred object of Asura clan. 生命之眼,死亡之眼和自己身上的修罗披风,都应该是圣物,修罗一族的圣物。 Oneself this Asura clansman, can certainly use these sacred objects. 那自己这个修罗族人,就一定能够使用这些圣物。 If can display these sacred objects the true strength to come. 如果可以发挥出这些圣物的真正实力来。 Perhaps that can change the course of events. 那说不定就可以扭转乾坤了。 treasure storehouse of Asura Clan, if oneself can find treasure storehouse of Asura Clan, to scene these person of person of top treasures, that can also change the war. 还有修罗族的宝藏,如果自己可以找到修罗族的宝藏,给现场这些人一人一件顶级宝物的话,那也能改变战局。 However. 不过。 Now the eye of life in person emperor hand. 现在生命之眼在人帝手里。 This was the biggest problem. 这个就是最大的问题了。 Small insect, the corrupt wolf, do not have any movement, I am Xia Tian, now I wanted the eye and death eye of life, if you two certainly want the means that I not to discuss with you!!!” Xia Tian usually spoke with them, was very polite, but now, he speaks, actually very aggressive. “小虫子,贪狼,你们不要有任何的动作,我是夏天,现在我要生命之眼和死亡之眼,你们两个一定要想办法,我不是在和你们商量!!!”夏天平时和他们说话,都是很客气的,但现在,他说话的时候,却是非常的霸气。 To feeling that the person one type is unable to reject. 给人一种无法拒绝的感觉。 He said is very explicit. 他说的很明确。 He was not discussing. 他不是在商量。 But is ordering these two people. 而是在命令这两個人。 He orders the small insect to be very normal, but orders the corrupt wolf, some issues. 他命令小虫子很正常,但命令贪狼,就有些问题了。 However. 不过。 The present corrupt wolf will not say anything. 现在的贪狼也不会说什么。 He also understands. 他也明白。 This possibly was the only opportunity. 这可能是唯一的机会了。 „To swallow me, must look at you to have that skill!!!” The corrupt wolf shouts loudly. “想要吞噬我,也要看你们有没有那个本事了!!!”贪狼大声喊道。 Snort! 哼! The person emperor does not have in addition of god position to hold now, does not dare to go to one pair rashly two. 人帝现在没有神位的加持,也不敢贸然去一对二。 But big Luo actually flew. 但大罗却飞了下来。 He just became the new emperor, the overall strength is also certainly not as good, but two pairs of two words, are their two profit absolutely. 他刚刚成为新的一帝,整体实力肯定是还要差一些的,不过二对二的话,绝对是他们两个占便宜的。 So long as constrains you two, others, cannot shoulder my machine armor army.” Luo said. “只要拖住你们两个,其他的人,是扛不住我的机甲部队的。”大罗说道。 „The words that does not give a try, how know that is good!!!” The insect emperor goes forward to say. “不试试看的话,怎么知道行不行!!!”虫帝上前说道。 Their two are preparing the big move quietly. 他们两个都在悄悄准备大招。 Because they know. 因为他们知道。 Opportunity only then one time, moreover is flash's matter, if they cannot hold this flash, they are equal to losing the last chance. 机会只有一次,而且是一瞬间的事情,如果他们没能抓住这一瞬间,那他们就等于是失去最后的机会。 Xia Tian also looked to front people. 夏天也是同样看向了面前众人。 After he breaks through. 在他突破之后。 All ability refresh times had arrived, therefore this time, he must hit the secondary attack. 所有的能力刷新时间都已经到了,所以这一次,他是要打助攻的。 And. 而且。 This time. 这一次。 He cannot make the slight mistake absolutely. 他是绝对不能有丝毫的差错的。 That also waits for anything!!” The right hand of Xia Tian lifts. “那还等什么!!”夏天的右手一抬。 【The day power, repels!!!】 【天权,击退!!!】 Xia Tian goal person emperor. 夏天目标正是人帝。 Bang! 砰! The person emperor has not responded, already move. 人帝还没反应过来,就已经中招了。 The corrupt wolf takes the lead to act, the attack of left hand hit directly to the foothold of person of emperor. 贪狼率先出手,左手的攻击直接打向了人帝的落脚点。 The person emperor responded quickly, first shouldered the attack hardly, the corrupt wolf was also the second right hand hits to his second foothold, made ahead of time, person emperor, although felt the characteristics of this ability, but he controlled oneself body again forcefully. 人帝反应很快,第一时间硬扛攻击,贪狼也是第二次右手打向了他的第二个落脚点,都是提前打出的,人帝虽然感受到了这个能力的特点,但他还是再次强行控制住住了自己的身体。 But has not waited for him to fly upside down again. 可还没等他再次倒飞出去。 Xia Tian began once again. 夏天又一次动手了。 Limitless, attraction!!!】 【无极,吸引!!!】 Two strengths affect together. 两种力量作用在一起。 In addition controls own body twice forcefully. 再加上两次强行控制自己的身体。 Even if better than the person emperor, cannot shoulder, he also felt that oneself body must completely crush. 就算是强如人帝,也扛不住,他也感觉到了自己身体已经要彻底的粉碎了。 courting death!!!” The person emperor saw oneself are flies to Xia Tian. 找死!!!”人帝看到自己是飞向夏天的。 He also released the powerful attack instantaneously. 他也是瞬间释放出了自己强大的攻击。 Day power, rebound!!】 【天权,反弹!!】 Xia Tian rebounded the ultra masterstroke/divine skill of person emperor directly. 夏天直接将人帝的超神技反弹了回去。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The insect emperor prepares the good attack also to make early at the same time. 虫帝早早准备好的攻击也是在同一时间打出。 Captures the ringleader first!!!” The big Luo's attack hit to Xia Tian, he believes that so long as extinguished kills Xia Tian, that can handle all these. “擒贼先擒王!!!”大罗的攻击打向了夏天,他认为,只要灭杀夏天,那就可以搞定这一切。 Limitless, defends!!】 【无极,防御!!】 Xia Tian uses own ability again, blocked greatly Luo's attack. 夏天再次使用自己的能力,挡住了大罗的攻击。 But that side person emperor, then put out the eye of life, is used to resist the attack of insect emperor. 而人帝那边,则是拿出了生命之眼,用来抵挡虫帝的攻击。 Only pitifully. 只可惜。 The goal of insect emperor and corrupt wolf is his hand eye of life. 虫帝和贪狼的目标是他手中的生命之眼。 Two people chain blows. 两人连击。 Cut off the wrist/skill of person of emperor directly. 直接斩断了人帝的手腕。 Although this type injures regarding the person emperor is not anything, but they are only wish make the person of emperor hand eye of life let go. 虽然这种伤害对于人帝来说并不算什么,但他们只是想要让人帝手中的生命之眼脱手罢了。 All these happen was too quick. 这一切发生的太快了。 The person emperor and big Logan had not responded, they have not thought that Xia Tian, coordination between insect emperors and corrupt wolf these three people so perfect, this tacit understanding, compares an action of person more fearful simply. 人帝和大罗根本就没有反应过来,他们也没想到,夏天,虫帝和贪狼这三个人之间的配合会如此的完美,这种默契,简直比一个人的行动更加可怕。 Even if better than their still absolute reaction. 所以就算是强如他们两个人也绝对反应不过来。 The eye of life succeeds in obtaining. 生命之眼到手的时候。 Corrupt wolf fast flying approached Xia Tian. 贪狼快速的飞向了夏天 He will die the eye and life eye of first gave Xia Tian. 他将自己死亡之眼和生命之眼第一时间交给了夏天 Afterward. 随后。 He and small insect two people, kept off in the Xia Tian surroundings. 他和小虫子两人,挡在了夏天的周围。 Other Expert also all flew, the Xia Tian protection in the middle, want to give Xia Tian to win the time. 其他的高手也全都飞了过来,他们将夏天保护在中间,想要给夏天争取时间。 courting death!!!” Big Luo sees this time, is the complexion one cold. 找死!!!”大罗看到这一幕的时候,也是面色一冷。 Afterward. 随后。 The surrounding all mechanized units gather completely: You gather, is a living target, I will let all universe battleship and universe machine armor launch the attack to you together, when the time comes I thought how you can shoulder.” 周围所有的机械部队全部聚集过来:“你们聚集在一起,就是活靶子,我会让所有的宇宙战舰和宇宙机甲一起对你们发动攻击,到时候我看你们怎么扛得住。” In his opinion, Xia Tian and the others this are bringing about own destruction. 在他看来,夏天等人这就是在自寻死路。 Then. 接下来。 He will destroy the surrounding these people little, finally is only left over three people who he wants. 他就会一点点毁灭周围的那些人,最后只剩下他想要的三个人。 That is. 也就是。 Xia Tian, corrupt wolf and insect emperor. 夏天,贪狼和虫帝。 After three types of things succeed in obtaining . 三样东西到手之后。 He started to study diligently, he understands, the time was very limited. 他就开始钻研了起来,他明白,时间是非常有限的。 Although he just opened swallowed the technique greatly, may swallow the technique also to have the limit greatly, he himself also has the limit, after swallowing too many strengths, he himself cannot shoulder. 虽然他刚刚开启了大吞噬术,可大吞噬术也是有极限的,他自己也是有极限的,吞噬了太多的力量之后,他自己也扛不住。 Therefore. 所以。 He must race against the time. 他要与时间赛跑。 What the eye and death eye of outcome this life was, can the strength of my Asura cloak, actually how open?” In the Xia Tian innermost feelings is thinking. “这个生命之眼和死亡之眼究竟是什么,还有我身上的修罗披风的力量,究竟要如何开启?”夏天内心之中在思索着。 „Can these two eyes, probably with your binocular fusion? But the cloak had been turned on by your father, but the bloodlines are not you purest bloodlines, therefore is impossible to open to the maximum degree?” The Red Phoenix (Hong Feng) analysis said. “这两个眼睛,会不会是要与你的双眼融合?而披风虽然被你父亲开启过,但血脉并不是你最精纯的血脉,所以不可能开启到最大程度?”红凤分析道。 Gives a try!!!” “试试看!!!”
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